Dear Comrade

Chapter 313

Dear Comrade Leader, Episode 313

At Jeonghwan’s refusal, which seemed to have been cut with a knife, Baek Seung-cheol raised his voice almost as if appealing that this was a serious problem.

“… … Ki, Ki-rae-do comrades. There is nothing cowardly or nothing for the supreme leader, who has command of the military, to temporarily evacuate to a safe place in such a real wartime situation! In particular, considering the respect that 36 million people of the Republic have for Comrade General, it is not an exaggeration to say that the survival of the Republic depends on the protection of the comrade. … … !!”

“Baek Cha-soo, don’t you think I’ve just talked about public sentiment like that? Did not South Korean President Syngman Rhee also broadcast a false broadcast saying that he was defending Seoul during wartime and fled alone, leaving a stigma in history for over 70 years?”

“… … .”

“In my absence, Prime Minister Kim Yong-geon and the current director will lead the Cabinet and the Party as the second and third positions in the succession ranks, and the military power should be exercised by hundreds of ranks to lead the war to victory. This story ends here.”

“… … I got it.”

Knowing that Jeong-hwan’s will was firm, Baek Seung-cheol and other executives had no choice but to withdraw their opinions.

Immediately after the outbreak of the war in Yanbian, officers led by military commanders including Baek Seung-cheol recommended that Jeong-hwan evacuate to the command post of an underground bunker located below Daeseongsan Mountain in the Samseok District of Pyongyang and take command there until the situation was over.

It was built on a large scale during the Kim Jong-il era, when there was a paranoid fear of the United States, and was temporarily halted after Jeong-hwan came to power. The bunker and the dedicated underground train to it were always on standby for 24 hours under Jeonghwan’s office.

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No matter how far the battlefield is from Pyongyang, it was actually a war in which North Korea participated and there was a precedent for Jang Song-thaek, so the general advice was to go there and take command because there was no way to know what could be harmful to the identity of the supreme leader, including missiles and civil war.

However, Junghwan adamantly refused such an invitation even then and just before.

– Comrades. What will the people think if the head of the country is the first to flee to a safe place after trying to deny the state of crisis? Besides, there are already signs of overseas capital’s escape, and every time I miss my appearance in front of the camera, all kinds of speculations are circulating, and the price of government bonds of the Republic is going up and down, so you want to hide your face from me?

– Even more so… … !!

-No, the most important thing I can do now is to stay in Pyongyang and reassure the foreign investors and people who have invested in the Republic. By staying here, we must show our will every day that the Republic and the Party have not abandoned their people, and above all, that our Republic will win this war and will surely regain the property and sovereignty of the Republic that China has illegally infringed upon. do you understand

-… … !!!!

“Take a break for a moment. The meeting will resume in five minutes, so go out and see if there is any change in the front lines.”

In order to calm the atmosphere of the meeting, which had been heated up for a while due to his refusal, when Jeonghwan declared a break for a while, the executives sighed and scattered out of the bunker.

Looking at the scene, Jeonghwan had been with him all the time, but without saying a word he turned his head to the person standing next to him.

That person was Hyerim Yoo.

“… … Any news from Hyein?”

“I told you to stay there for the time being, as it can be rather dangerous to move quickly. I don’t know yet what deputy chief Jang Seong-taek might have written before he died. If we win, Hye-in will be able to return to the Republic with peace of mind then. But at least one… … .”

“don’t worry.”

Jeonghwan was forced to hold the hand of Hyerim Yoo, her mother, who was obsessed with her daughter’s anxiety, and encouraged her.

It was a word to exhort her, but it was also a word to himself.

“Because we will win. certainly.”

“Comrade General Secretary! It’s an emergency message that just came from the front line!”

Despite Jeonghwan’s consolation, the news from the bunker communication room was enough to harden the faces of the generals and Jeonghwan, who were just about to breathe.

“Bah, it is said that the Chinese Air Force just conducted an air strike against our volunteers who were fighting in downtown Yanji. Thanks to the anti-aircraft missiles, they avoided annihilation, but the volunteers were greatly pushed from the front line… … .”

“… … Is that all? Any other damage?”

“Hey, that’s more serious… … Now, the 1st Squadron of the Chinese Air Force returned from bombing Yanji, but it was observed from the Samjiyon Radar Base that the other squadron was headed for Tumen. The most likely assumption is that the republic is trying to kill the volunteers by cutting off the supply chain from the republic to Yanji… … .”

The faces of all the executives in the bunker hardened at the report of the communication room technician who rushed to him.

The city of Tumen was the fastest way to deliver supplies to the volunteers who are still fighting in Yanji after the North Koreans captured it 12 hours before the start of the war after meticulous preparations for a long time.

If Tumen City was bombarded and delivery of supplies was interrupted or delayed, it was obvious that the defeat of the volunteers standing in Yanji and other areas in Yanbian would also increase.

But the bombing of Tumen had other serious meanings, and what it was… … .

“comrade… … Tumen City is clearly a republican territory established by the China-Chinese treaty. Bombing there means directly invading our airspace and territory, and soon… … .”

“A blank bomb that could bomb our territory. President Boislai is trying to scare the people of our republic. They say war is at the doorstep. Contact Samjiyeon Airfield immediately and tell them to sortie and build a squadron. You can shoot it down if necessary.”

“Okay, comrade. I’m sorry… … .”

‘… … Since this has happened, shouldn’t you really be in the bunker for even a moment?’ Jeonghwan shook his head again at Baek Seung-cheol’s question, which was omitted.

Instead, he gave a different, totally outlandish answer.

“No, I’m going to write a speech here.”

“… … Yeah? comrade? what did you just say… … .”

“End of the speech. By the way, what do you do without going out? Isn’t this the moment when the KA 16, the crystallization of the blood and sweat of the technical workers of the Republic, is finally put to use in battle?”

* * *

Shhh… … !!!!

– Control office, this is Chengdu-1. At an altitude of 4,000 m, two minutes later, it reached the airspace of the operational area. Please check the target location.

In May 2014, it was the fateful day when a fire broke out on the territory of the republic for the first time since the war of liberation in South Korea.

It was ironic that the main culprit of the call was the US imperialist bourgeois Seungnyang, who had been so popular for the past several decades, not even the ‘South Korean puppet army’ but the Chinese military who claimed to be a blood alliance, but when the two countries became hostile, they pulled out their guns. There was not even a single hesitation from each other.

Some criticize President Bo Shi Lai as hasty as he mobilized air force instead of carrying out a deadly operation as in response to the Hong Kong umbrella protests.

However, when even the first syllable of secession and independence comes out, it is known even within China due to the nature of the Chinese Communist Party, precisely because of the nature of the Chinese Communist Party. There was a clear reason to rectify the situation as quickly as possible.

Moreover, the Hong Kong umbrella protests that shake the southern part of the continent, and the disputes that took place on three sides of the continent, including Taiwan, where the protests were suppressed and quickly turned to anti-China, are the traditional nightmare of the Chinese leadership and policy makers, about the collapse of the domino system. That was enough to cause concern.

The argument that one domino block that fell in Afghanistan toppled a domino in Hong Kong must now be struck down before another domino in Yanbian can topple the entire domino of the Chinese Communist Party’s collective leadership is beginning to gain persuasive power within the Standing Committee of the Central Committee.

And this operation, the bombing of Tumen City and its neighboring Onseong in North Hamgyong Province, North Korea’s People’s Republic of Korea, also stemmed from Boshirai’s paradox within the Standing Committee.

– Today’s Joseon is not what it used to be. Live well, eat well, and eat meat soup with this rice that Kim Il-sung cried out like that. And that would be their, precisely, Kim Jung-hwan’s weakness.

– Comment comrade. What do you mean… … .

-haha… … !! Think about it. A man becomes weak when he has something to lose. Before Joseon, neither the country nor the people were in extreme poverty, so it could have been that bad. I was able to endure all the economic sanctions and the deterioration of diplomatic relations with trading partners. Because it was a beggar with no sanctions anyway. But isn’t it different now?

-… … .

– When the battle took place in Yanbian, the Korean people were able to support Kim Jeong-hwan because the battle was someone else’s business, a distant local business that appeared on TV. But he’ll change his mind once the money runs out of his wallet and the bombing falls on the gates of his house, on the territory of his country. In the end, we just have to sit and wait for the Korean people to oust Kim Jeong-hwan, who has led them to war.

And although they denied it almost to the end, even in the case of North Korea, which was China’s adversary in this war, there was an inevitable reason to end the war even if it was a limited war with a huge empire more than 30 times the land area.

In addition to the long-standing geopolitical reason of being distant, historians say that at the time when China had already attempted to overthrow the Kim Jong-hwan regime through an internal collaborator named Jang Seong-taek and failed, historians say that General Secretary Kim Jeong-hwan decided to risk his life and fight against China.

In addition to these internal circumstances, the unilateral confiscation of enormous North Korean capital worth 40 billion dollars and the siege of the consulate that devoured the ‘Vienna Convention’ guaranteeing the status of diplomatic missions, etc. It has helped to reduce the domestic and international burden on the

Of course, even so, as a result of Boshi Lai’s induction in this bombing, if they couldn’t overcome the dissension of the people in the republic against the leader who drove the phone into their territory, it would be a no-brainer.

-This is the control center, below is the Yanbian mobs, and the ungrateful Joseon stingrays who support the mobs. When the other side responds, permission to engage has been granted, so you can engage in battle without thinking behind the scenes. end of communication.

The J-10, which was assigned a bombing mission to Tumen City and formed a sortie squadron, was the latest aircraft of the People’s Liberation Army Air Force, which was commissioned in 2004.

With the development goal of ‘making China’s F16’, the J-10, which has been developed independently by the People’s Liberation Army’s traditional weapons development phase, phase 1 cloning, phase 2, improvement, and independent development, finally succeeded in developing it on its own. It could be said that it was a historical aircraft that realized China’s dream of becoming a hegemon both in the sky and in the sky.

Both the phased-array radar and engine were independently developed by China, and the pilot of this fighter, who was given a similar name with the intention of fighting the American F 16, has already performed countless air support missions in Afghanistan and has dropped countless bombs on the heads of the Taliban. He was an experienced pilot.

‘It’s ridiculous that this level of militia scumbags are cleared up.’

In fact, it was a mission to harpoon in front of North Korea’s door, precisely inside the threshold, but the J-10 pilot was neither nervous nor afraid at all.

Anyway, at best, the MIG 29 level, which is one generation behind in the J-10 that he is riding, will be the main focus.

Of course, recently, there have been reports that they are working hard to develop their own fighters by gathering their own technologies, but the people’s relationship with North Korea is getting worse and the scenario of armed conflict between the two countries is no longer a war game, but a realistic scenario. The Liberation Army Air Force was optimistic.

It’s not because all of the Air Force commanders of the Chinese Air Force are idiots, but because they themselves know best how difficult, tedious, and nearly impossible it is to develop a fighter on its own.

If you’re careful from the other side, it’s not a fighter, it’s anti-aircraft missiles and ground anti-aircraft guns, and you don’t have to worry about the rest.

‘What’s more, it’s an attack in the middle of the night, and how many anti-aircraft guns are there in a corner of the country like this? I’m not going to lie down and eat rice cakes.’

… … Just as the J-10 pilot was thinking about it, the aircraft radar began to sound a detection sound and issue a loud warning.

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