Dear Comrade

Chapter 315

Dear Comrade Leader, Episode 315

Jeonghwan’s voice, which was spreading all over the country through cameras and the Internet, was calming, but those who heard it felt like their hearts stopped for a moment.


“At 11 p.m. today, 12 battalions of chasers of unknown nationality approached Tumen, the border region between the two countries, and invaded the airspace of the Republic of Onsong County, North Hamgyong Province, beyond our air defense identification zone. Despite repeated warnings from the Air Force of the Korean People’s Army, they were not only invading the sacred airspace of the Republic, they attempted a blasphemous invasion to bomb the area inhabited by good citizens.”

“… … Huh… … !!!”

“Hey… … !!!”

“… … However, due to the fierce fighting of the Republic’s proud Air Force Squadron, which was immediately dispatched from Samjiyeon Airfield, they were immediately repelled and chased away like ten thousand tails. In addition, these pilots captured on the ground confessed that they belonged to the People’s Liberation Army of the People’s Republic of China. I have come to the conclusion that there are some hardliners on the side.”

Every time Jeong Hwan said every word, the people of the Republic who listened to it, felt as if they were riding a roller coaster, rising and falling with shock, fear, joy, emotion, and anger.

In the first part of the People’s Liberation Army’s hostile action, there was a sense of fear and despair.

When I learned that they were trying to bomb the civilian settlements of the Republic, I was furious.

Finally, in the part where the terrifying and powerful invaders were repelled by the Republican Army and fled without their tails, surprise, emotion, and joy filled the hearts of all the people, regardless of age or gender.

And, as if responding to this, Jeonghwan’s speech, which was calm at first, was starting to show some kind of enthusiasm.

“People, we have certainly won a proud victory today, but it cannot be denied that even greater trials await us in the future. Now, with the blood and sweat of our sons and daughters of the Korean People’s Army, the sons and daughters of the Korean People’s Army are defending the actions of some extreme leftists who have exploited their own people and betrayed their comrades on the socialist ideological front. I will throw all my fellow countrymen into the pits of inferno, and they are playing with petty tricks.”

“… … .”

“Then I would like to ask the proud people of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. People, what kind of path should our republic take in response to these imperialist movements? Should we simply acknowledge the weakness of power and hand over this proud land of Joseon to them and the sovereignty of freedom and freedom that we and our descendants will enjoy in the future?”

In this part, Junghwan paused for a moment as if asking a question to the viewer beyond the screen and stared directly at the camera.

Although it was a few seconds, the viewers swallowed their saliva through their throats as if the general secretary appeared in front of them and looked into their eyes.

And after a few more seconds, the answer to the question that will remain in this history came out of Jeonghwan’s mouth.

“no. It can’t be. Ever since the days of anti-Japanese struggle in the far northeast, the people of this Korean peninsula have always been able to overcome foreign military violence and oppression. And we will win this time too. Today’s victory will be the first step on the glorious journey of liberating all Korean compatriots from the hegemonic behavior of the imperialists, even to all the peoples of north and south Korea, and even compatriots from far away in Gando. . Before that, I, Kim Jeong-hwan, will make a promise to my compatriots here… … .”

“… … !!!”

“We will definitely win! Today’s victory is by no means a one-time, temporary victory! The vain ambitions of those hegemons who are not satisfied with what they have and who endlessly try to steal and trample other people’s and other nations’ things are nothing more than a dream! That Kim Jung-hwan and former members of the Workers’ Party of Korea will surely, surely, surely win against those Chinese imperialist gangs who fearlessly set foot in the mountains of their motherland on this land!”

“Woah Aaa!!!!”


“Long live the Workers’ Party of Korea! Long live the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea! Long live Comrade Kim Jeong-hwan!!!!”

At the moment when Jeonghwan’s declaration, which was delivered to various places via radio, terrestrial and 4G communication networks, came to an end, the entire People’s Republic of Korea, from Samjiyeon to Gaeseong, and from Nampo to Wonsan, 36 million people, regardless of gender or age, heard one voice. and cheered.

In the past, the tactical victory in the anti-Japanese partisan struggle was greatly exaggerated and used as a propaganda for the leader.

It was also a time when a significant number of the people of the republic knew and knew that 80% of the victory was exaggerated or false propaganda, even if they did not say it openly.

And once again, in the first few days after Jeong-hwan declared victory, some dissidents (who were deeply suspected of being instigated by China) said, ‘In fact, the Chinese air force has won and the Workers’ Party of Korea has made false propaganda to prevent agitation of the people. ‘ The rumor seemed to be convincing.

But this time it was different.

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Not long after, the victory declared by Jeong-hwan was cross-verified with photos of the crashed CCP Air Force J 10 aircraft at the scene, reports from YouTube and foreign media, and above all, vivid testimonies from local residents in North Hamgyong Province, revealing the unmistakable truth.

This victory was not a victory based on facts, a victory for deification based on false accusations, such as President Kim Il-sung’s Battle of Pocheonbo or the anti-Japanese partisan struggle, but a victory achieved by the true republic in a fierce modern warfare against a great power.

Of course, speech alone does not change people’s minds in an instant.

However, even if the speech has the same content, it is impossible to hear the speech after the victory and the speech after the defeat.

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No matter how omnipotent the general secretary was, there were those who were desperate about how our Joseon would fight against a great power like China.

The mother who sent her son to the army and sighed in fear that his son might be sent to the battlefield abroad.

Even the poor who sold their domestic assets and looked for overseas investment immigration, saying that if this republic was annexed by China, all of their assets would be taken away by the Communist Party, so they had to change ships quickly before that.

The declaration of victory delivered at the border and Jeong-hwan’s speech that followed succeeded in instilling hope and confidence in all those people that they could win this war.

“Let’s go! let’s fight! Let’s win! Let’s unite and unite all the Korean people to save our Yanbian compatriots!”

“Severe firestorms for those who infringe upon the property and diplomatic sovereignty of the republic and extend imperial ambitions to their territory!”

At least in North Korea, no one thought that their country would lose, or even if there was, an atmosphere was created in which it was impossible to speak out.

From that day on, artificial flags praying for victory flew over almost all streets and government offices in Pyongyang, as well as most private houses.

In the People’s Army Military Mobilization Department (Military Manpower Administration), applications for voluntary enlistment and re-enlistment from the Labor and Peasant Red Guards, who are reserve soldiers, as well as those who had already been discharged from the military service were lined up.

Even the Pyongyang stock index, which had been on a downtrend since the outbreak of the Yanbian Civil War, turned to recovery after Jeonghwan’s announcement.

Bo Ji-rai’s plan of ‘to directly touch the mainland of North Korea to induce anti-war public opinion in North Korea and the dissent against Kim Jung-hwan, thereby reducing the loss of the Chinese army and ending the war early’ was completely unsuccessful.

And the US administration and President Condoleezza Rice, who were observing all these battlefield situations, quietly but surely, the changes in public opinion in North Korea and abroad, could not help but shake their heads in admiration at this miraculous reversal.

“You look great, Kim Jeong-hwan, sir. Really.”

“That’s right. Of course, it could also be thanks to the E3 early warning system that we secretly supported… … Still, it was beyond the expectations of all experts to develop and mass-produce a fighter comparable to the F16 Fighting Falcon from Zero in just 25 years. And today, you have been rewarded for your long patience and investment.”

“Yes, but that’s not the only thing I really appreciate about General Secretary Kim Jeong-hwan.”

Condoleezza Rice, who received an article that read ‘North Korea, the uppercut of a counterattack that overturned expectations for China’, which featured pictures of the fuselage of the crashed fighter jet and the records of engagements released by the North Korean side to Western war correspondents, smiled as she said so. .

Although this situation is an excellent opportunity to reduce China’s influence, it was advised by staff that direct participation in the war is burdensome in many ways. , this was beyond expectations.

Even in the early days of the crisis, there was still the aftermath of the financial crisis, but the staff and the parliament, who were clamoring not to intervene in this situation, which North Korea provoked and scratched China for nothing, only diplomatically denounced it, and the parliament had something to say about this.

“The ability to win after making long-term investments for a day like today over the past 20 years is also a competency, but it also has the political capacity to maximize the primary victory and reverse the public sentiment. Perhaps there will be a reversal that is rare in history in this proxy battle between David and Goliath.”

“Anyway, after a while, General Secretary Kim Jeong-hwan has a hotline call scheduled. So now you have decided to increase your military support further?”

“Yes, but according to charter analysis by the Pentagon and the CIA, what North Korea and its controlled militia really need right now are not air power or surveillance and reconnaissance assets. But the problem is that it is not an asset of the nature that the United States of America can support.”

“I agree. dismissal. Any evidence of our involvement would undermine the support of the international community, which is one of the greatest supports we can give to our Pacific intelligence community allies. At least it was difficult to use the Sino-Russian relationship to hold Russia neutral, but it was obvious that President Bo Shirai would mislead this civil war into a struggle against the US and use it… … So what would you do?”

“I have an idea. But it bothers me that I don’t make the decision on my own… … .”

At that moment, the phone on the desk of the Oval Office rang, announcing that a leader on the other side of the continent was waiting across the hotline.

And Condoleezza Rice picked up the receiver without hesitation.

* * *

Three weeks after the DPRK-China air battle took place over Tumen, an unexpected aid arrived at the Korean People’s Volunteers who were fighting in Yanji, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture.

Three weeks ago, an unexpected airstrike inflicted numerous casualties, lost the occupied territory, and repeatedly retreated from downtown including Yanji Station and retreated to the periphery of the city. There was news that it had been partially lost.

It was hard to believe at first, but the miraculous victory of the North Korean squadron in an air battle in the airspace in the border area between Korea and China instilled new hope in the defeated volunteers and militia and made them prepare for a counterattack.

A few days later, the Chinese army, the target of the counterattack in question, withdrew from Yanji a few days after the news of the victory.

As the infantry force was severely lost due to an air raid while being vigilant, the volunteers had more time to focus on treating the wounded and rearranging the line.

And it was around that time that an ‘unexpected aid’ arrived from North Korea, the home country of Yanbian.

“Let me introduce myself again. Because it’s a creeper… … Are you from a private military enterprise?”

“Okay. As you know, the eyes of the world are not focused on Yanbian and the volunteers right now. I didn’t tell you to hire us like this and help our Yanbian compatriots who are suffering from these people, hahaha… … .”

“… … Hmm, I’m not questioning the skills of the workers there, but I’m a little doubtful that we’ll get along with our warriors these days… … Most of the workers there are old-time military officers who forcibly take off their uniforms and look for a way to make a living because of the reform of the military system, aren’t they?”

The current Korean People’s Volunteer Army squad leader, former member of the Special Operations Department of the General Bureau of External Reconnaissance, and Senior High Commander Park Tae-ryong, smiled brightly and gave a self-introduction to the ‘recruiters’, but they spoke with an unsure face.

The place they were talking to was at the Yanji Railway Station, the center of Yanji City, which had recently been restored.

To be precise, it means an old historical building, and in reality, temporary ambulances still evacuating the wounded, and technicians who weld bulletproof plates and light machine guns to general cargo trucks (trucks) are busy constructing barbed wire and barricades. It was in the middle of a street battle that smelled of gunpowder.

Despite the negative reaction of the other party, he was hired by the Korean People’s Army and dispatched here to Yanji, a responsible worker at a private military enterprise, ‘Lee Team Leader’ (He was not a team leader or responsible worker, but his title was team leader), and he still had a friendly smile. He read through Park Tae-ryong.

“Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, it seems that Officer Park hasn’t heard of our consulting performance and prestige yet. Since then, it has been ranked first in the People’s Army, and has a track record of participating in the Malacca Lantern Operation that rescued the Republic’s merchant ships in the Malacca Strait at a direct request from Comrade Baek Seung-cheol, who is the number one company in the Republic… … .”

“Okay! Alright, just go there. Anyway, now I’m in a position to borrow someone’s hand. By the way, is the comrade who sits next to you there, too, is a worker?”

“yes… … ? Ahh… … !! Goodbye! These comrades?”

As Team Leader Lee, who is particularly obsessed with the name of ‘No. 1 company’, stopped talking and chin Park Tae-ryong chin, several men in military uniforms standing behind Team Leader Lee walked out crawling.

As soon as he saw the scene, team leader Lee gave them a gleam in his eyes as if everything went well, put them shoulder-to-shoulder, and then began to urge them to do something.

“Don’t be like that! Cancer, my worker! Even though I recently joined the company, I can’t even tell the right side of the left side very well. There are live (young) comrades. what are you doing standing there Come on, let’s introduce our business to customers.”

“ha… … there… … this… … please… … Should I?”

“You have to do it! Isn’t it absolutely obedient to say that military officers, regardless of age or age, are superior to their superiors? No matter how formal it is, there are no exceptions as workers in our company.”

“under… … What the hell is this in the middle of the night… … Military life was really messed up… … .”

Taking a deep breath, they immediately began to pose strangely in the middle of the half-collapsed history of Yanji, following the command of Team Leader Lee, whose eyes twinkled.

Unlike Team Leader Lee, who seems to have done it several times, and who doesn’t agree, Park Tae-ryong and the foreign reconnaissance general fighters watched their movements with their mouths wide open, with their hands hanging down with their guns down. was watching

What the hell is he doing now?

“ruler! Try to be strong! The safety of your life and assets is our number one priority!”

“Kim Jung-hwan… … Oops!! Dear Comrade General Secretary, the People’s Army, the people of the Republic… … No, the people’s call is number 0 among them… … Shiba… … .”

“Trust and safety! 500 hours of training per year, 4,400 safety escorts for 10 years after opening, and over 30 direct contracts with the Ministry of People’s Armed Forces! If I were to tell you about our elite workers, who are evidenced by the solid track record of guarding high-ranking executives, regardless of whether they are domestic or foreign and party citizens, with more than 2,000 people~~~”

“… … To the No. 1 company in the self-accredited republic… … Winter Soldier Consulting… … I would like to greet the Gauguin of the Korean People’s Volunteer Army… … . uh… … .”

“… … .”

“… … .”

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