Dear Mr. Lu

Chapter 42:

"Lu, Mr. Lu!" Luo Wenhao shouted incredulously, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen with shock, which looked very funny.

Lu Chong looked at him unmoved.

"You can't do this, Lu Chong! This is a society ruled by law!" Luo Wenhao finally realized that he was serious, and he shouted sadly, his nerves were so stimulated by this extremely sharp knife that he almost collapsed at last.

Lu Chong leaned slightly on the armrest, propped his face with one hand, tapped his forehead with his index finger, and looked casually at the struggling man who was being held by two people and kneeling on the ground.

The image is completely lost, and the temperament is completely gone.

That's how Luo Wencheng was suppressed back then.

"Do it yourself, or have your legs broken by my people, you choose." He calmly gave a cruel choice.

Zhou Yishan squatted in front of Luo Wenhao, and said with a smile, "Choose quickly, Young Master Luo, my husband has to wait patiently, my unicorn arm is ready to move."

While sweeping Luo Wenhao's two legs back and forth with an itchy expression.

Luo Wenhao's expression was pale, his whole body was trembling, his strength of struggle gradually weakened, and he stared at the knife in a daze.

Zhou Yishan waved his hand, and the two let go. Luo Wenhao lay on the ground gasping for breath, and stretched out his hand tremblingly.

He grabbed the knife and put it on his arm, but he couldn't do anything.

The expression on his face kept changing, his eyes were crazy, hated, painful, and almost crying.

In his mind, he thought of countless pictures of himself rushing up to stab Lu Chong to death with a knife in his hand, but the remaining rationality told him that he could not do it at all. Even if he was lucky enough to kill Lu Chong, it was absolutely impossible for him today or go out.

It's not worth exchanging your own life for Lu Chong's.

He took a deep breath, tried to calm down, and squeezed out a flattering smile: "Mr. Lu, I was actually joking with Ah Cheng. We have had a good relationship since we were young. If you don't believe me, you can ask..."

"What a pity." Lu Chong stood up expressionlessly, took one last look at Luo Wenhao, then withdrew his gaze, and walked past Luo Wenhao with a stride of his long legs.

"Mr. Lu! Mr. Lu!" Luo Wenhao wanted to hug his leg, but Zhou Yishan dragged him back. Zhou Yishan laughed ferociously: "Don't worry, sir is gone, and I'm still here."

A moment later, a tragic scream sounded in the room, and the lingering sound continued, and the wailing continued.

The night gradually dissipated, and a gray-white light appeared on the horizon.

Lu Chongchang stood in front of the house, narrowing his eyes slightly looking at that place.

Zhou Yishan came out wiping his hands, curling his mouth in disdain: "Hey, the prince of Haining, howling like a dead father, he actually wet his pants."

"Collect evidence of the Luo family's violations of the law. Within ten days, I want these two words to be nailed to the pillar of humiliation." Lu Chong said.

Zhou Yishan said with a smile: "Since the Luo family is sitting in today's position, there must be a lot of unclean things in their hands. Don't worry, sir. It doesn't take ten days, I will be able to **** him off in three days!"

Lu Chong stepped forward: "Go back to the hospital."

But they didn't expect that Luo Wenhao would stink so quickly.

After news spread that Luo Wenhao was beaten for the first time, Zheng and Du's family took action.

The next day, the Haining Daily reported the news that the skeleton was found in the closed construction site of the Luo family.

The two families have already investigated the identity of the deceased and the history of the case, so under the urging of Deputy Mayor Zheng, the police quickly came to the Luo family's door.

When Luo Wencheng turned on the TV on the hospital bed that afternoon, relevant news was everywhere.

Even the relatives of the deceased came out, crying about the relationship between the victim and Luo Wenhao.

He was silent for a while.

As soon as he slept, the world changed.

What was originally very difficult for him was facilitated so easily.

"Is it better?" Lu Chong walked in.

"Sir." Thinking of what happened last night, Luo Wencheng dared not meet his eyes. Of course, his reaction seemed a little embarrassing to others.

Lu Chong pointed to his right shoulder with the shoulder pad: "Does it still hurt?"

"It's faint, it's hard to move the arm with this arm, and I'm not used to it." Luo Wencheng said.

"Then get used to it, it will take a long time." Lu Chong took an apple and peeled it.

Luo Wencheng watched the news on TV: "Sir, is this true? Luo Wenhao was listed as a suspect by the police?"

Lu Chong followed suit, and smiled: "These people are moving very fast, and I'm not very clear about this matter. According to the current evidence, Luo Wenhao should have killed them, thirteen years ago. "

Lu Chong heard from Zhou Yishan that Zheng and Du's family had already made plans, so he didn't pay too much attention to it, as long as Luo Wenhao and the Luo family were punished as they should be.

"Thirteen years ago, how old was he?" Luo Wencheng sighed in a low voice, but his sigh came from the bottom of his heart, and he was very clear about the cause and effect of this incident.

The skeleton on the construction site belonged to a teenager thirteen years ago, the son of a real estate owner. The real estate owner squeezed out the others after a lot of hard work, and sent his son to Luo Wenhao as a playmate, just to develop friendship and thus Hug the Luo family's thigh even tighter.

However, Luo Wenhao, who was only fourteen years old at the time, had a violent temper. During a dispute, he killed the boy by mistake. He panicked and asked a bodyguard beside him to dispose of the body. He didn't know why he didn't ask more questions.

The real estate boss naturally chased after Luo Wenhao after his son's mysterious disappearance. Luo Wenhao was impatient and scared, so he found an excuse to let Luo Kaifang take action against the real estate boss.

That person was entangled in all kinds of things, and he went bankrupt not long after, and then he crashed to death in front of Luo's company.

The thing was pinned down perfectly.

But there is actually a follow-up to this matter, and it is far from over. I don't know if the people from the Du family and the Zheng family have found out.

What happened later was enough to crush Luo Wenhao and the Luo family.

"Do you want to eat?" A piece of apple was stuck in front of him with a toothpick. Luo Wencheng was taken aback, his face felt a little hot, "Thank you, sir."

He looked at Lu Chong's precise and neat way of cutting apples, and thought to himself, why worry about having this big boss by his side, if those people can't find out, can Lu Chong's people still can't find out?

"Then Luo Wenhao was arrested?" He took a bite of an apple and asked.

While involuntarily looking at Lu Chong's hand holding the fruit knife, his hand is slender, beautiful, and very powerful at first glance.

Yesterday, these hands held him out of the operating room...

"He, he broke his legs walking at night and is lying in the hospital." Lu Chong said lightly.

"Cough cough cough..." Luo Wencheng was almost choked to death by the apple.

Broken leg?

Judging by Lu Chong's attitude, why does he feel that his leg was broken?

"Eat slowly." Lu Chong patted him on the back lightly, "Be careful to shock the wound, why do you care about him so much?"

"How? He made me like this. The more unlucky he is, the happier I am." Luo Wencheng said hastily. He didn't know why, but he felt that if he said he cared about Luo Wenhao, someone might have a knife in his hand.

He always felt that Lu Chong was a little scary at the moment, making people panic.

Obviously, his expression and demeanor are no different from usual.

"That's good." Lu Chong threw away the fruit core, pushed the fruit plate in front of Luo Wencheng, and wiped his hands with a tissue, "So now, it's time for us to talk about you."

"What's up?"

"About your body."

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