Debut After Eight Years

Chapter 609: The last music giant? The swan song of musical art?

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Elsa had to be surprised.

She was also born into a family of antique dealers, and the number of private collectors who have seen national treasure-level collections from childhood to adulthood is only the number of hands.

In fact, there are very few national treasures scattered abroad, and most of them are still in the national museums of various countries.

However, knowing that she foresaw Wang Qian and seemed to have the potential to become a collection of national treasures, it became more and more?

Just under Wang Qian's hands, there are three or four?

Such high-quality production is extremely rare in the entire history of the world, or very few.

No matter in the history of Europe or China, there are only a handful of writers or artists who can leave three or four national treasure-level collections by one person, and the total number does not exceed the number of hands.

Most of the great writers and artists who are famous in history can only leave one or two masterpieces that can be called national treasures. big grade.

However, Reid believes that the blackboard written by Wang Qian at this time has the potential to become a national treasure-level collection in the future. Then, coupled with the authentic work of the Xia Kexing, which is almost certain to become a national treasure-level collection, and the map of Wanglu Mountain Waterfall, there are already three national treasure-level collections. Collection?

Aisha frowned slightly, looking at every note that Wang Qian wrote on the blackboard. Every word was not as stunning as the Chinese calligraphy font on the Xia Ke Xing, but it was still wonderful in her eyes, and she couldn't help but whisper Said: "Such an opportunity may be difficult to meet in the future."

Reid thought for a moment and nodded in agreement: "Indeed, it may be difficult to meet in the future."

Today, it is an open class for Wang Qian to preach to the music masters in front of the world, so every handwriting has a special meaning.

In the future, no matter if Wang Qian has become a music master, the notes and handwritings he wrote will no longer have the special meaning they have today.

Elsa whispered: "Uncle Red, if you can buy it, can you give me a few pieces?"

Reid smiled bitterly: "I just want to try, it's unlikely. But if the acquisition is successful, I can give you a piece of music."

Elsa: "Okay, that's enough."

As a music art lover, Elsa clearly knows how precious such a masterpiece of music is.

The manuscript of the preaching work of Gan Fei, the first music master in European music history, was once offered for a sky-high price of 200 million US dollars, but the acquisition was unsuccessful. The owner of this collection is extremely mysterious, and only a few people in the world know about it. its identity. At that time, the price of a dozen years ago, according to the rapid compilation of the current dollar, the speed of inflation, the price of the manuscript has at least doubled, and it is more than 400 million US dollars.

And Wang Qian did not rely on a piece of work to preach the Tao to become a music master, but rely on a series of piano songs, so the note value of each piece is definitely not as high as Gan Feisi's Taoist manuscript, but if someone can gather Wang Qian's certificate All the notes of the entire series of works of Dao, then the value is no less than that of Gan Fei Si's manuscript of preaching, and it will become one of the most valuable in the field of music and art collections.


Aisha looked at the area where the representatives of Julia College gathered, and she looked regretful. She knew that Julia College could not give up Wang Qian's work notes.

This is the first college in North America to have notes of preaching works written by a music master. Even if the Julia College is about to close down due to a bowel movement, they will not be able to cherish and sell this collection.

Aisha looked at the Huaxia Yangyin representatives in front, and prayed in her heart that these Huaxia Yangyin leaders would be moved by their prices, then she and Reid would have a huge harvest today.

Under everyone's attention, Wang Qian quickly wrote on the blackboard the first piece he was going to play today!

In the whole Nocturne series, there are not many works left.

Wang Qian's plan today is to finish the publication of the Nocturne series and complete the public performance of the entire series, so as to truly prove the master of music.

The whole series of nocturnes published by the music master in the previous life was also created on the premise that there were already similar works.

In this world, Wang Qian is the founder of the Nocturne series and the master of it, so his status and value in the field of music and art will be higher.

After writing the score, Wang Qian didn't say a word, just turned around and sat in front of the piano, and under everyone's attention, he started to play!

All music artists from all over the world stared at the notes on the blackboard with wide eyes, and listened to every note played by Wang Qian, carefully feeling the artistic conception of the nocturne!

All the audience sitting in front of the TV all over the world also quieted down. They no longer watched TV while reading messages on their mobile phones, but put down their mobile phones and other things, and stared at the TV with all their attention, listening to what Wang Qian was going to play next. Works for piano.

Even every ordinary person who watches TV knows that every performance of Wang Qian today will be recorded in history, so they are very curious and attached, and don't want to miss any details.

As the music that belongs to the piano sounds, the artistic conception of Wang Qian's nocturne enters everyone's ears with the music of the piano and emerges in everyone's mind.

In an instant, a feeling of walking in the quiet forest at night appeared in the minds of everyone at the scene. A person, walking on the path of the woods at night, a kind of tranquility and loneliness slowly breed in their hearts, a kind of dandanness. But the deep-seated sadness appeared involuntarily, causing a trace of sadness in everyone's eyes.

This is the most intuitive feeling that many people have recently studied and listened to several of Wang Qian's nocturnes!

That is, to use the sadness of Dandan to interpret the deepest sadness.

Ma Long closed his eyes gently, and felt Wang Qian's performance with his heart. He was full of enjoyment. He said softly to a professor at the Paris Conservatory of Music beside him: "I really enjoy listening to his performance. The whole Nocturne series is in Composed within a specific range of tunes, each piece has its own sadness. He seems to have discovered the secret code of sadness in the notes.”

Ma Long's words made several professors and music artists of the Paris Conservatory of Music around him, as well as several music art masters from the Yinsman Conservatory of Music, all nodded in agreement.

"Yes, he is a genius who discovered his own piano code!"

"I've been researching the Nocturne series recently, and I've found some patterns. I'm going to try to imitate the patterns and create a piece to see if it has the same effect."

"The success of a music series depends on whether other people can imitate it. If we can imitate his Nocturne series and create successful works, then he will truly become a music master..."

"I came here after a day's flight. In fact, I mainly wanted to listen to his live performance. I really enjoyed it..."

"Such a level of piano performance has really only appeared in historical documents, and the most recent record is more than a hundred years ago."

A young student couldn't help but whispered, "Won't he talk about this song?"

This different question made dozens of people around look at the young student from Insman College. Students who can enter Insman College and are eligible to come here to attend classes are naturally the world's top musical geniuses.

However, when he asked this question, the teachers and students of several world-class music schools around him looked at the student with strange eyes, and at the same time, they looked at the teachers and students from Insman College, as well as the masters of music and art. , as if looking at the mentally retarded's strange eyes, making the student hurriedly bow his head, knowing that he was talking too much.

Other teachers and students from Insman College, as well as the masters of music arts, also lowered their heads, afraid to raise their heads in shame, let alone look at the teachers and students of other famous music schools around.

The teachers and students of other famous music schools in the surrounding also gradually retracted their gazes, shook their heads, looking contemptuous, and then continued to listen to Wang Qian's piano performance earnestly and attentively.



Many teachers, students and music artists from the world's top music schools scoffed at this.

Art, no explanation needed!

If you don't understand, then it means that you have no musical skills or talent for music and art. Change careers as soon as possible!

There was a student at Insman College who asked such a question. People from other colleges around him looked down on Insman, the top three top music schools in the world, and questioned the ranking of this list.

Because the driving force behind this ranking list are basically North American media and information organizations, and naturally they will be more inclined to several top music schools in North America.

This is also the reason why many famous music schools in Europe are dismissive of this list, and do not recognize that several academies such as Curtis, Julia, Insman, Manhattan are eligible to rank among the top three in the world all year round.

At least, in their view, several top European music schools such as the Paris Conservatoire, Birmingham Academy, etc. are no worse than Curtis, Insman, Julia, Manhattan and other academies.

And there is more direct evidence that the world-renowned music academy from the polar bear, the Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music, is only ranked in the top 20, not to mention many world-class musicians from polar bears, even many European The masters of music and art all complained about it.

Therefore, a small question from a young student at Insman College made the teachers and students of several famous music schools from Europe look down on the so-called top schools in North America.

This little episode made everyone pay more attention to Wang Qian, who is playing on the podium at the moment.

Wang Qian's performance has become more devoted.

This Nocturne series is not as popular as the previous works, but more classical and artistic. It has a deeper exposition on the entire Nocturne series, and can elevate its overall artistry to a higher level. For people, it is not as good as the previous two nocturnes, but for many music artists, it is more beautiful and beautiful, and its artistic conception is more profound and profound.

Therefore, many ordinary viewers in front of the TV, listening to Wang Qian's performance, did not feel that deep, nor did they feel that it was very good, but their curiosity about the Nocturne series of Taoist works and Wang Qian's reputation continued to attract Let them continue to listen.

If someone else played a piece like this, they might have turned the tables.

And all music artists, as well as senior music and art lovers, are very happy.

This is the art of classical music.

Most ordinary people are lethargic.

Many music artists and senior enthusiasts listened to it with great fascination, as if they had discovered a peerless treasure.

Ordinary people don't understand? Don't know where is the good?

Many music artists smiled arrogantly when they heard it: "You don't understand it, it's all right for you to understand, so it's still called art? You don't need to understand, just know that it's art and that's enough."

This may also be one of the main reasons why the art of music has gradually declined in the past hundred years. Ordinary people do not understand and do not like it!

The rise of pop music has attracted the ears of most people.

Such a development trend has been staged in China for more than 2,000 years.

As early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the early music art of Huaxia had already developed and matured. At that time, the music works were exclusively reserved for the elegant people, and ordinary people could not hear them, let alone understand them. A popular work that can be understood.

Huaxia's folk music works, in the past few hundred years or even thousands of years, are almost popular works, and they are all works that have been circulated among the people and can be understood even by farmers who have not read books. This is the development of music art. The way to go!


Many visionary masters of music and art are afraid of a fact!

That is, Wang Qian is not only the first music and art master in the past 100 years.

It may also be the last music master in the history of the entire world music art...

The pace of life in the world is getting faster and faster, and successful pop music is becoming more and more popular and even vulgar. There are few people who can sit down and enjoy music and art quietly. The living soil of music and art is so narrow that it is almost gone.

The appearance of Wang Qian is more like a reflection of music and art!

Such as Malone, Max, Dawson, Hoffman and others have thought of this possibility.

Therefore, watching Wang Qian's performance at this moment, they seem to be more solemn and, as if they are witnessing an extremely sacred event.

If there will be no more musical masters in the future, and the art of music will decline even more after the end of Wang Qian's era, then today will become extremely important in the history of music and art in the future.

Each of them is a witness to this important historical moment.

The entire auditorium has become sacred.

Wang Qian's performance is still extremely perfect, and he perfectly interprets this piece. The artistic conception in it almost overflows from the piano and surrounds everyone!

The whole scene seemed to have entered a quiet night.

When the last few notes sounded and Wang Qian took his hands off the keys, the silence in the audience lasted for a while, and most people came to their senses.

What followed was still thunderous applause.

Qin Xuehong, Qin Xuerong, Jiang Yu, Murongyue, and Juliet, who stood at the closest distance from the side door to enjoy Wang Qian's performance, quickly stepped forward, removed Wang Qian's blackboard full of notes, and replaced it with a brand new one. It was the blackboard of the notes wrapped up and taken out together.

Many people in the back watched this scene on the podium, and they were all about to move.

Aisha and Red really acted, and immediately took advantage of the moment when everyone stood up and applauded excitedly, left their seats, walked out, and hurriedly walked along the corridor towards the side door.

And Qin Xuehong, Qin Xuerong, Jiang Yu, Murongyue, and Juliet carefully packed the full blackboards into several specially prepared boxes.

He Chaohui came to check again uneasy.

Aisha and Red saw it and hurried over.

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