13th floor – Lv. 775 Lava Hammer Assault Division (4)

Taking care of the spirits is not really a big deal in the beginning.

It was also because Sylphid was too young.

Even if there is an existence equal to each of the spirit kings, the level is high, but it does not change that they are infants.

Occasionally, they visit and caress, send magical energy to make them not forget, call their names, and communicate with each other.

Once your ego begins to form properly, you only need to pay attention to it after that.

But at the same time, the elemental must not think that the elemental possesses the elemental.

Spirits are nature itself that does not belong to the spirits.

In terms of borrowing power, it should be viewed as being the same as the Warlock’s Ark.

Neither the contract itself nor the one contracting element of one Spirit King can exist.

There must have been quite a number of elementals who approached Sylphid and tried to make a contract, including NPC exiles.

According to the dog’s ear, it seems that no spirits have ever reached the spirit king after that.

Maybe that kind of environment made Sylphid… … .

I wonder if it made him quite dependent on me.

The Wind Wind, which symbolizes nature itself, takes on a form to please the contractor.

He took the form of a human, but his movements were a bit clumsy, probably because he was not used to it.

He walks over and rubs his face against me.

A girl would never do this… … , no, he doesn’t.

However, it feels a little different for the Spirit King, who has spent many years doing this in his own way.

Most of the Elemental Kings I have experienced were as old as the gods.

Truly the quality of a king.

At the same time, there was also a corner where it was reliable.

Our Sylphid had a decent assortment, but seemed a bit lacking in experience.

no bureaucracy The power you feel is definitely strong, but somehow it’s just cute.

She strokes her hair as she would for a girl.

The silver-haired girl smiled softly and accepted her hand.

Nevertheless, it is strange that it maintains a calm and gentle impression unlike the original.

[You are from the past. I feel younger than any father I know.]

‘It would have been a few years since I was old.’

[Isn’t that a psychological part?]

Well, something good. better than a girl

Wouldn’t it be like this if I took out the childish chigi?

Except for the silver hair, she looks the same as the current girl out there, but she seems like a completely different person.

As the spirit king of a server, Sylphid was well aware of the line he had to cross.

The conversation in the name of sympathy continued for quite a long time in the spirit world, the spiritual world.

When he finally returned to reality, less than thirty minutes had passed.

* * *

Humans are creatures that can turn their eyes to other things only when they can afford it.

Of course, the girl always had a lot of interest in Uncle, but as she spent a luxurious holiday, the idea went even further.

For example, it was a plan that was difficult to materialize because I was busy.

What Uncle always puts forth as a shield is mainly the Korean nationality he has not given up yet and the restrictions on minors.

attitude that it is not.

Of course, this is just an excuse, but I don’t think that’s the only reason.

Suddenly, only her body is growing, but the girl knows that she is still young.

In particular, I realize from the reactions of those around me that it is definitely such a shape in the eyes of others.

I don’t know at all, but maybe the uncle feels uncomfortable with the outward appearance of hitting?

Once an image is created, it is fixed. The longer it goes on, the more likely it will be irreversible.

It is a big mistake to think that if you stay still, the other person will look at you again.

It was a teaching passed down by her older sister, a self-proclaimed dating expert.

She doesn’t even know if it’s true that her older sister is a dating expert. I think she was pretty, but I’ve never seen her sister’s boyfriend.

But the words themselves are plausible.

So practice it.

There is no one who will give you love advice anyway.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Just there the girl stopped.

there may be one

I just hadn’t thought of it.

The girl prayed to the goddess. in an unbelievably reverent manner.

The goddess was very suspicious and answered.

“Why do you pray so politely?”

‘Great chaos. Do you have a lot of dating experience?’

“Do you want any secret to captivating men?”

‘That’s right.’

From the Goddess, she proudly opened her chest and proclaimed.

“I was thirteen when I became my exile. In her own way, she was the daughter of a nobleman, but she was Geum Ok-yeop, who had nothing to do with arranged marriage.”

‘yes? Were you a nobleman?’

“then. Sure. Can’t you feel the noble dignity?”

‘uh… … . yes.’

The Goddess seemed to be hurt by the trembling response, but in order to avoid further suffering, she decided not to read the girl’s thoughts deeply.

“After I became an exile, I lived like a vicious person. love? A life that I unintentionally devoted to the window, something. Besides, I was a little bummed.”

An important and fleeting story is flowing somewhere. Meanwhile, the girl was curious.

‘What is a bang?’

“I don’t know if it’s a genetic problem or something, but I was a child too, but I hardly ever grew up. I didn’t get much stat correction, so it was hard. Why is my weapon a spear? With other weapons, the arms are too short to reach.”

‘Maybe the whole family… … ?’

“It seems that he lived by breathing low air. So, no one wanted me. Some guys like perverts were envoys from my side.”

The girl somehow understood. In terms of genetic potential, members of the Jeong family were taller. It was just that she was a little on the small side.

Maybe it was the original thing that grew up like this.

‘Uh, the words were grand, but anyway, it’s a mosol. There is a strange comradeship… … .’


‘It’s sad. And why are you so proud?’

“God is always proud. Well, if you still want it, um. Do not give an oracle to a goblin whose husband is fourteen.”

‘I don’t think so.’

“I think so.”

The girl let out a deep sigh. It felt like I was suddenly embracing only irrelevant information without knowing much.

Anyway, it’s not good if the status quo is maintained.

If you want to become a heroine of a hero, you must not sit still and open your mouth.

The date of execution is nominally the day I turn twenty.

No matter how the labyrinth’s time is twisted, her body honestly ages.

If you can’t, then you will win.

This is a labyrinth.

It is not Korea in the first place, and it is questionable even if it is necessary to apply the law.

A girl’s innocence is to win.

by force.

* * *

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Just when she got out of the spirit world and returned to reality, the girl’s face seemed to be full of strange determination.

Even if you read it up to that point, you can’t really know what the resolution was. [Mind Reading] and [Mind Scan] are very precious skills.

Instead, I felt a slightly different part of that face.

It may be because he has already seen the figure of a girl from the future, or it may be because of Sylphid, who showed a different calm in the form of a girl.

Was it because his mind had been sold elsewhere, or was it because he had too strong a preconceived notion?

The child grows up quickly.

I suddenly had a thought.

The girl strode over and grabbed me by the collar.

And banged it against the wall.

The girl is just staring at me as I’m just being harassed, wondering what the hell is going on.


“Isn’t this?”

and went away


When I looked to the side, the young man who was still watching the scene was also hesitant. and just laughed

You seem to be up to something these days.

There, somehow, I can feel an uneasy energy waiting for the right time.

Suddenly the god of nature laughed.

“You are really smart.”

What is this disturbing?

* * *

Communication came from the fleet.

The story of the case was simple. The Federation was mobilizing its fleet to contain the movement of enemy fortresses.

First of all, the Allied Forces, which were linked as the Allied Forces, were moving similarly.

Meanwhile, the Empire broke through one side. It was a forcible breakthrough with a planetary fortress ahead.

The allies, who didn’t think they would do such a thing, just broke through.

In any case, the Imperial Army was stationed on any habitable planet that was originally an Imperial Territory.

They are fighting back by making use of their long-term hand-to-hand combat.

The hostage is the planet itself.

The garrison was usually located on the most useful land, and the Allies could not afford to blow it up with their guns.

It is a clever stalemate created by the wisest greenskins, the ogre commanders.

Greenskins are a fairly populous race, and have increased even more after the Space Age.

Genius and diligent ogres worked hard to build an empire.

No matter how troublesome it may seem, they do not refer to the empire in form.

Those scholars seemed to plan to break through the path by supporting the land warfare, the strength of the empire now.

If you’re reckless, you’re reckless, but if you’re wise, it’s a wise decision.

No, it could be said that it was indeed a greenskin-down judgment.

The old man nodded vigorously and agreed.

“Am, this is an orc.”

“Is it an ogre?”

“Ah, it’s an orc anyway. The emperor isn’t an orc.”

At that time, the regimental commander, the owner of this garrison, arrived.

“Are you sure you want to attend the meeting?”

It’s a question, but it seems like he believes that something full of excitement will of course attend.

“Don’t do that.”

The party members moved. I’ll explain it anyway, but it’s also necessary to keep it together. Girls in particular need to know this as well.

And I remembered the Emperor Hani. The god of war and the emperor of the time must still be closely related.

it’s really quiet

It’s almost impossible to track the location of the exiles, so it’s possible, but it’s a bit odd.

Apparently, the Empire has not yet reached the final hand on the table.

Greenskin’s empire united with dragons.

Then there is the dragon behind it.

The dragon, the most powerful creature in the labyrinth, is one of the few beings that maintains its majesty regardless of age.

Races capable of flying in space tend to do so.

However, unlike angels and demons, who do not come out of their own world, dragons live side by side with other races.

That’s a bit of a big problem.

Power is also a big problem.

No matter how powerful a shachma may be a demi lich, it cannot go to war with a fleet other than one or two ships.

A dragon that has been around for a long time is a creature capable of doing so in a short stature.

There are six imperial dragons recorded in history alone.

Even with simple power, an ancient-class dragon equivalent to one fleet is half the size of three.

Considering that it is simply so, and that he is only a powerful individual, his mobility and decision-making speed are incomparable to that of a fleet.

It is no different from having an unreasonably high-performance mobile fleet in space warfare.

In the end, if you’re going to stop it properly, you’ll need a giant weapon that’s like a planetary fortress.

The existence of such a weapon must have been the main cause of solidifying the three-way war despite various powers.

“It’s the first time I’ve ever seen a space age with so many planetary fortress-level weapons.

Even if you say it this way, it seems like you know roughly. It was rare to have a three-way battle with such a sharp confrontation.

It is even rarer that the race and ideology were completely divided.

In the labyrinth of reality, not a game, it is more difficult to split it prettily as if someone distributed it.

Ideas and ideologies sometimes transcend races, and vice versa.

And, of course, if the enemy looks strong, you will have to work harder.

There is no development in peaceful times.

It is only when the conflict reaches its limit that living things gain the driving force for growth.

Sadly, most of the history of the labyrinth goes that way.

Most of the commanders had already gathered at the command and control center.

I respected the goblins as military experts whenever possible.

In the end, the role of an exile should be nothing more than a joker card, not a proper commander.

Colonel Spencer cheered at the outcome of the not-so-long meeting. He then covered his mouth with his hand at the eyes of the other generals and colonels.

Wasn’t the promotion path blocked?

It was decided to advance face to face.

With no one doubting victory, our party joins Lieutenant Colonel Spencer’s battalion.

They will charge into the middle of the enemy line.

Meanwhile, the day was not over yet. The presence of stars weakens vampires.

From my point of view, who is not yet a [Day Walker], the situation right now is not very good.

And the little days did not wait for the end of the day.

* * *

The Empire did not simply retreat.

Less than an hour later, there were signs of a battle going on.

There were reports that the enemy ships that had retreated for a while were moving again. It is expected to penetrate directly over the planet via a short-range warp.

And in the sky where the fleet has not yet returned from the front line, enemy ships begin to appear tearing apart the space.

A huge lump of iron filled the setting sky.

The remaining defense ships immediately pour fire at the expected point of the warp.

The lumpy and ruthless chunks of the Empire also started firing face to face right after they arrived.

Fireworks filled the sky. light fills the sky

It wasn’t dazzling, but it got to the point where I couldn’t take my eyes off it.

Lines that hit each other’s shields, or deviate and draw farther away.

If not for the destructive power it contains, it is a beautiful canvas. But there was no time to watch it.

Dropping capsules fall between the flashes of light.

The empire’s black coffins are pouring out. death from heaven

But between them were the blue stars of the Federation.

The corps commander came as if he had become a secretary and delivered the current situation.

“As of this time, combat on the ground will shift from a delayed annihilation battle to a descent battle. Two more corps will descend and it is estimated that the enemy will also have a similar descent force!”

Finally, the corps commander raised a salute.

“The Grand Master has all command of this planet. We absolutely obey.”

Belief in an unbelievable victory resides in the eyes of the goblin soldier with the mustache.

A burning desire is burning brightly in it.

What was the time it took for a corps commander to reach this rank?

At first, I was embarrassed, but I can’t ignore this.

I saluted face to face.

“Before the great chaos!”

The corps commander was very proud and received it.

“Glory be to you!”

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