Kingdom ? Lv. 116 Land of Warriors (2)

Angel has now entered the 55th year, but the actual time has not reached that level.

She mostly wanted to settle down.

I was only able to get ahead because my ability as a warrior was better than others in the process.

The little wizard was offended by that.

“It would be great if everyone had talent.”

“Are you good at anything too?”

“Aren’t you happy at all?”

The little wizard, who was playing a relatively naive and modest junior, took off his mask after the Temple of Time.

Hee-woo wasn’t too surprised. Daegang seemed to know.

It’s easy for women to understand each other.

The youngest and the youngest brother tilted their heads, but the attitude of the little wizard towards them did not fundamentally change.

It’s just a cumbersome acting, but rather a more comfortable feeling.

“That’s a talent. No one can control other people’s feelings and thoughts so easily.”

“If it weren’t for you, when would I have come to the kingdom? That’s not a happy statement at all.”

“That’s right. In the end, strength is everything in the labyrinth.”

“I felt it a lot.”

Even if you are good at dealing with people, it is meaningless if you do not have the power.

The little wizard’s all intelligence was fundamentally because he had no talents other than magic.

I just put a little lie on Kim.

“I never thought of myself as a bodybuilder from the outside…”

It takes strength to stand on top of someone.

The little wizard even asked Hee-woo for help. It seems that he was thinking of learning a simple dagger technique. Even deeper if possible.

Hearing the training that the Jeong family was digesting, it seems that he was contemplating.

“So why did you call me alone? That angel over there as well.”

The designated angel smiles innocently. Originally, he was a guy who felt a pang rather than a poison.

However, 8 years of living alone seems to have given me happiness, so it is hard to believe that I am an exile now.

The little wizard didn’t seem to like the angel even that part.

Well, he’s a really lucky guy. The angel cards are nonsense.

I kept it simple.

“From now on, the guild master of our guild is you.”

The little wizard’s eyes widened.

It’s an expression that I can’t understand. It was the same with angels.

“I mean, I’ll be constantly busy with other things. Then I’ll need a manager. It would have been nice if a hunter could take care of it.”

“It’s a chicken instead of a pheasant. Good.”

The little wizard smiled happily.

He seems to have judged that at the moment, but in reality it is a little different.

The hunter is competent, but there is a good part more than necessary. He was strangely tainted with fairy-like thinking, so it was quite uncertain whether he would be competent in the kingdom.

Little wizards are different.

I have no intention of putting my guild on the sun.

Rather, I think it is better to go with the feeling of being the ruler of the back alley.

This guy is the best fit for such a tendency.

“Let the angels use them as they please.”

“Yes? Yes? Me?”

angels cry

The little wizard looked at the angel as if he was really very happy, and he ate his mouth.

Seeing that insidious face, the angel shed tears.

* * *

A guild is a system of labyrinths that exist from the beginning of the kingdom.

The exile party concept also exists in the tutorial.

It can be seen as an extension of that.

In the game era, the guild was the one that played the role of a faction after reaching the kingdom.

At that time, the other exiles were 100% certain to be NPCs, and there was no such thing as a lively AI.

So it was just another form of faction that the player had to conquer.

Now it has to be a little different.

Exiles build a decent society and manage it.

All of them have their own strengths, purposes, and circumstances.

And, of course, the exiles were weaker and more rational than the inhabitants of the continent.

In any case, the vast majority came from a more developed world than a medieval fantasy world.

And I have accumulated various experiences over a long period of time.

They are more tired opponents than the inhabitants of the relatively innocent medieval fantasy world.

The young man fully sympathized with that fact.

“Exiles are certainly not ordinary bastards. I never imagined that a world like this existed.

“Anyway, that’s probably because we don’t have to go to the Federation city.”

The country of warriors has a comparatively neglectful attitude towards wizards, but nevertheless, it cannot be completely free from magic.

There is nothing special about convenience.

Sorcery engineering is something that is commonly developed on various servers, and there is no law preventing the exiles of the kingdom from using it.

And unlike the inhabitants of the labyrinth, modern exiles used it in an extremely modern scientific way.

So, from the point of view of modern Earthlings, Hardthrock, the land of warriors, had a fairly well-maintained downtown.

“However, even for me, this is the first time a kingdom of this size has been built. How old is it?”

“In my memory, it is a kingdom that has lasted more than a thousand years. I don’t know exactly.”

“The goddess said that she came here when the kingdom was pioneered. What year was it?”

“Is it the 70s or something? I spent 30 years here.”

The mansion of the angel, the alley where our guild house was located, had a fairly modern feel.

It’s like they’ve returned to Earth in many ways, including the fact that they’ve been painted with concrete.

A red brick house.

Rather, it was the youngest who could not empathize.

The outer city he remembers seems to have been much more devastated and outdated.

Young-nim was constantly admiring while just walking down the back alleys.

“I mean, things like Federation ships were a concept that I had no idea what it was. But just by looking at the houses here, you can tell that they are the technologically advanced future of where I live.”

It may have been more surprising that magic was rarely used.

The Exile Kingdom’s mage engineering only replaces electricity generation through fossil fuels, while other aspects maintain the appearance of the modern Earth.

As the exiles who remember this image constantly flow, you can feel the history that has gradually changed and developed closer to it.

I also took a sneak peek into the city.

Orcs were not very unusual in the kingdom.

Rather, I wonder if there are more orcs than humans.

The fact that all of them were exiles or descendants of them was very surprising to him.

“Should I see them as my people?”

“Isn’t that up to you, sir. Anyway, they will be the same in terms of being warriors.”

There are few races that do not deviate as much from the human frame as the orcs and are like warriors.

Rather than the dwarfs who are greatly affected by the development of technology, it is not that they are born warriors who always show their power.

“Is this what you call a streetlight?”

“It’s a thing installed to prevent crime at night. The concept of walking at night didn’t exist in your days, right?”

“I have to sleep when the sun goes down. I can’t see anything.

The existence of public transport seems to have been surprising as well.

Even though it was about a bus that flew around, he was amazed.

“If you look at the armored vehicles operated by the future empire, it must have been something like this.”

“We just didn’t see it.”

“It’s sad that something seems to have returned without knowing the future of my world.”

“We will have a chance to see you again.”

“Yeah, thank you so much. I didn’t expect you to do so well with my request. Actually, I was impulsive to leave.”

“Then let’s go back now. There may be some seniors who might recognize you.”

“It’s surprising that so many me existed.”

“As I’ve said before, it’s probably the wisest twinkle.”

The old man just laughed.

But it is true. There may not be many Tedunds who have followed the exiles to the realm.

I don’t know how my existence was triggered.

Actually, it might not have been anything.

Even though the tweets on all servers are different, they are all different people.

Labyrinth is no longer a game.

* * *

After a few days of hiding, he understood the state of the kingdom.

There was no apparent disturbance. Even the guild, the leader of this association, seemed to approach it quite cautiously.

In the meantime, I have heard many stories from angels. Anyway, I’ve been here for 8 years.

The gathering of information originally instructed by the angels is not a great secret or rumor.

He said that he just needed to know what the atmosphere was like at a normal level.

So, the angel talked about a variety of things, from the story of a store that a certain house’s vegetables were delicious, to the very trivial things that could be seen in newspapers.

I can’t say that it was good to be able to feel a happy everyday life.

It was too long, so I stopped listening to it.

“It’s a surprisingly stable kingdom. That’s why there’s no expedition to explore the abyss.”

The little wizard’s eyes, who were listening together, became a little dizzy.

“Occupations within the kingdom have already been differentiated in various ways. It’s like……”

“It really seems to be outside the labyrinth.”

However, there is still a maze of mystery.

This is because most of the conflicts between countries stem from class division.

If there is a country of warriors, there is also a country of wizards.

There was also a country of shooters and assassins that were disadvantageous to warriors and advantageous to wizards in relation to each other.

It was the clergy’s country that advocated and coordinated neutrality in the center of all those countries.

“I wish I could see the god of nature. There are few temples in the warrior country, so I’ll have to find them later.”

Now is the time to move.

It was a coincidence that an angel came to the kingdom of warriors, but it was a good choice to settle here.

If it was a land of wizards, a magical search would have come in constantly.

The physical search of the warriors can be easily avoided with a little magical camouflage.

Among the myriad of titles, a decent one was selected.

[Troll Slayer]

Hee-woo, who will go out with him, has a simple camouflage overlaid with magic so as not to reveal that he is an angel, and the title is [Orc Slayer].

Killing means tens of units, massacre means many-to-one battles of thousands.

This is a level of title that can be treated anywhere.

Indeed, when the title above was revealed, no one doubted us.

There were police officers walking around trying to find someone on their own, but they were never caught.

He was also caught in check a few times.

We were undocumented exiles, so it could be dangerous, but the level of wizards conducting checkpoints like a warrior’s country was horrendous.

Most of the magic classes allowed under the name of a national wizard do not fall short of professional wizards because they serve concurrently with warriors.

It is not difficult to deceive.

So, I wandered around town with Hee-woo all day.

I had never met anyone who looked like a ranker.

When it was time for dinner, we went into a restaurant that looked plausible.

Hee-woo looked a little tired mentally.

“There are so many people. No, even non-humans.”

“When you go to the kingdom, it’s not that difficult to get a race card. There are a lot of races that have more advantages than humans.”

“Maybe it’s because of the lifespan.”

With that in mind, a fairy couple came and sat down next to me.

Although he looks young, he behaves strangely like an old man.

Hee-woo seems to have noticed that too.

“Fairy cards must be expensive.”

“Those who are not exiles want fairy cards when their lifespan is over. They are long-lived species that are easy to find.”

Hee-woo laughed playfully and whispered.

“How long do angels live?”

“No life.”


“Can you live with such a pretty face forever?”

“How about you?”

I am well What will happen after clearing the labyrinth? can’t figure it out

“Eat some rice.”

“Pee, you’re talking again.”

“Don’t you miss pasta?”


I took a bite of the rosé pasta and burst into tears. He is a very sensitive child.

* * *

The search was last.

You can’t mobilize the police. I have to keep it safe.

So the army was mobilized.

Soldiers in plain clothes roamed around, repeating the characteristics selected by the gatekeeper’s remarks.

It was a large-scale search that was mobilized in addition to the units that were originally doing that kind of work.

It didn’t bother the citizens.

If you publicize it on a large scale as if you were a criminal, you may be offended.

It’s a valuable key, and it’s not good to go against the heart of a high ranker who doesn’t know how stagnant it will be.

The instructions from the three councils were to try to contact each other politely.

It was a fact that was not yet known to other high rankers.

Rather, information is being released only in areas under the control of the Three Councils.

Recruitment should be done if possible.

It’s a painful loss to miss an exile with a dragon slayer in the tutorial.

At the same time, he was confident that he could suppress him if necessary.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Just came out of the tutorial.

No matter how many years you spend there, if you can’t use the Kingdom’s [Lift], the limit is clear.

Even assuming that the opponent already has ranker-level stats, it is possible if dozens of rankers surround and subdue it.

It is right to die here if it will belong to someone else.

“But it’s really cheesy. No matter how you look at it, that blonde angel is from the 46th server we missed.”

The angel who seemed to have come to meet him was someone everyone already knew.

It’s very rare for a tutorial to come out using a high-ranking card, and Hard Throk almost overturned 8 years ago.

At that time, everyone was still watching [Kingdom’s Gate], and there was nothing to stop the rumors from spreading.

Such a race does not even need to see a title. No experience required. It’s a level that can do anything with just the racial wash, so even if it’s the first car, it’s a good thing to raise.

But even that angel was not caught by the tail.

There is only speculation that he must have washed his identity somewhere and disappeared.

“If it’s a high-ranking group that is connected to that angel, it becomes even more important.”

“We have to somehow secure the link.”

“But how?”

Time is passing by burning only the beginning of the year.

I’d rather go out and fight. As a warrior, I’m not used to doing this at all.

The same goes for giving orders.

There aren’t many high levels as high as myself, so I’d like to go down and search myself, but it’s meaningless because I don’t have the relevant skills.

Eventually, the other side will make contact, or if not, the high rankers of Hard Throk will come forward.

I wanted to avoid the latter.

The emergency that came at that point was very hopeful.

“I found it!”

“What? How?”

The discovery process was a bit disconcerting.

“Well, yes, couples that look like that aren’t common.”

We’ve been dating all day, so of course he stands out. It’s a warrior-oriented country with plenty of orcs and trolls already.

Among them, he hides his wings, but he is with a man who is as handsome as he looks with a radiant appearance, so there is no way that he will not be discovered.

“Hurry up, secure a position! Move the rankers! Be careful, it could be a trap!”

“But what if it’s a wizard?”

“The wizard must be killed!”

“You bastards, stay here, I’ll come and see you.”

They said that words are a trap, but they don’t know what kind of trap it is.

It’s hard to know what kind of mindset these high-rankers have.

Only those who have something beyond the age become strong enough to be called that.

So I had to prepare.

The summoned rankers moved.

He stood up, leaving behind a troll warrior who hated wizards and a dragon warrior who hated noti.

Tangent lines are what he is supposed to do.

Meyer, the only human warrior among the rankers of Hardthrock, moved with a sigh.

First of all, I didn’t have a weapon. The equipment was also changed to something that looked ordinary.

The title, which symbolizes him, [Conqueror of the Forest of Dreams] was removed and changed to a common one.

They say they’re having a meal, so let’s sneak a seat next to us and observe.

“It was found because he was handsome. How did you pick it up? Let’s see what he looks like.”

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