Deep Space Fleet

Vol 3 Chapter 231: The first exchange meeting

Zhang Yuan and Zhao Qingfeng looked at each other, carefully pondering the unique physiological phenomenon brought about by the different environment.

Oxygen is a necessity for human beings, and a large amount of energy brought by aerobic breathing nourishes every cell in the human body. Without oxygen, humans will suffocate to death in a short period of time.

But in the eyes of many biologists, oxygen is also a chronic poison!

A harmful substance called "oxygen free radicals" produced by human respiration can cause damage to the biofilm system and oxidative phosphorylation in cells. It is a direct participant in human diseases, aging and death, and is harmful to human health and longevity. Very big.

And the Glize people do not need oxygen in the circulatory system, and naturally become longer.

Then the group of biologists became enthusiastic and started a lot of unknown speeches. What is the conversion of atp, p, and adp in the "energy nucleus ..." Ichiro Yamamoto began to take the opportunity to call for artificial blood and artificial breath. System to replace the current aerobic breathing system, "the most intuitive benefit is that it can delay the rate of cellular aging and achieve a higher life span"!

Anyway, Zhang Yuan understood that because of the lack of energy brought by anaerobic breathing, this group of Glitzers must sleep for a long time.

Captain Zhao sitting around sighed: "So ah, not only typhoons, but also this dormant way of evolving from the original, making them more like a small but accessible environment. At least the physical strength is consumed ... and Safe and reliable, don't worry about the landslide burying yourself alive! "

Then there is no other way, these high-level human beings can only wait patiently to continue. Flash dance

After about 12 days, the group of Glitzers finally recovered their sobriety. The leader, Gan Yaduo, said: "Thanks for the generous human civilization, this sleep is very comfortable. Please forgive us for our daily life, I know there are Some civilizations are not dormant. I don't know what your routine is? "

Humans certainly don't care about this little thing ...

This long overdue diplomatic issue was quite grand. First, a group of Glizers led by several civilized diplomats visited some parts of the Earth Age, including industrial areas, agricultural areas, and parts of living areas.

Of course, it's only part of it.

This actually has some deterrent meanings. Let the other party know something and not let the other party know too much. This kind of fuzzy state of half-knowledge and half-solution is the most beneficial to human beings.

Next, the Glizer diplomats sat in the same conference room with high-level humans and began face-to-face negotiations.

The leader, Gan Yaduo, asked, "First of all, I want to know the specific history of your civilization."

"Why do you think that from the distant solar system, more than 20 light years away, came to our galaxy? From an economic point of view, there is nothing at all ... we don't have any special material resources here. Is it The population exploded, can't the entire galaxy live? "

This question is quite important and involves human ideology.

After some deliberation, Captain Zhao gave a reply: "Our home galaxy is not a population explosion, but is in a stable state where the population has stopped growing."

"The purpose of coming here is not to colonize and conquer, but to explore and discover."

"The great men of our civilization believe that a civilization will stagnate spontaneously after it has developed to a certain degree. In order to avoid the decline caused by this stagnation, it is necessary to isolate space and time and learn from the past development process in order to get out A new path ... "

Captain Zhao briefly introduced the development ideas of the entire civilization, including the course of human exploration abroad. In fact, humans have launched detectors in outer space very early, and the famous "Traveler 1", "Traveler" 2 "and so on. These are very clearly written.

Of course, there is no need to say too much about the core of the history of the new civilization.

Whether or not the other party believes these contents is also beyond human consideration. Such a thing as diplomacy is half true and half false. There is no need to tell the truth, but it is not necessary to tell the truth completely.

After listening to this, the other party was stunned for a long time. I don't know why. After listening to the entire interstellar journey, he seemed shocked, and even began to talk in a whisper in his hometown slang.

A few seconds later, the other party reacted and praised this thinking: "So it is no wonder that you have built such a huge spaceship and left your mother star ... It is an unimaginably huge project! You can ask, you spend How long did it take to build this huge spaceship? "

"About a hundred years or so."

If you take into account the preliminary preparations, it really took so much time. Of course, this is also the earth civilization three thousand years ago. People don't know what the current earth civilization is like, and whether it can still build such a spaceship.

This group of Glitzers was again speechless in surprise. For them, the short 100 years may still be in the stage of growth and development ...

At this moment, Zhang Yuan solemnly asked: "Dear Honourable Gan Yaduo, your civilization fired several nuclear bombs against us at the beginning. Although there were not many casualties, it should be considered an attack. I think you need to explain this attack. "

The leader said humblely: "Sir, I would like to remind you that this is our territory. We do not understand your ideology, nor do you come to this planetary system with good intentions or malicious intentions. . "

"... would it be you, would you just watch the other person stronger?"

Zhang Yuan was speechless for a while. If he stood on the other side's standpoint, this statement also made sense.

Immediately afterwards, he said, "So, we have already emitted a lot of electromagnetic waves into this galaxy in advance ... why didn't your civilization reply? We just regarded this as a land without land."

"Even if there is any reply, we cannot go to this planetary system. There are so many stars in the universe and there is enough choice."

The other person said nothing in silence, and whispered together for a while, and felt that this question was not well answered. It's been 3,000 years since the other party flew in, and it doesn't make much sense to justify here.

The Glitzer also said, "But rest assured that General Davian, who pressed the nuclear button without authorization, failed the rebellion plan and has committed suicide. The majority of our civilization, as a whole, still yearns for peace. ... if you haven't attacked and have the intention of mass colonization. "

"But we only allow you to pick a planet as a foothold and not to colonize more planets. This is our bottom line ~ ~ This time we changed to the human side for a little while. The other side Worry is not unreasonable. If hundreds of years later, humanity colonizes all the rest of the planet, the strength of both sides will change dramatically ...

But having said that, even if we now promise to colonize only one, and then we regret it later, what can the other party do?

Zhang Yuan didn't want to keep peeling in this regard, and changed a topic: "Honest Gan Yaduo, can you introduce your civilization? The 200,000-year history of civilization can really be said to have a long history. For our human civilization, we have never written The beginning of the recording is only 10,000 years. "

This ten thousand year even includes a trip to the sky for three thousand years.

Gan Yaduo pondered for a while, and said, "This is natural, exchanging history, and also the focus of this contact ... We are a civilization advocating art and mathematics ..."

"... We are even more shocked that you can reach the current level in 10,000 years. This is a pretty amazing achievement!"


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