Deep Space Fleet

Vol 3 Chapter 233: Valuable first-hand information

According to human eyes, the starting point of Glize civilization is really terrible! Although in the primitive period, life pressure was very small, comfortable and comfortable, but it is extremely difficult to continue to develop.

Zhang Yuan shook his head. "The huge typhoon ubiquitous to the parent star has restricted the development of the surface industry, and its own physiological conditions have determined that it needs to sleep most of the time. According to human eyes, it can't be worse."

Captain Zhao sighed: "Oh, Zhang Yuan, how can you be confident to show compassion to other civilizations? According to the perspective of other advanced civilizations, is our starting point not bad? Like that Zero-XZ, we have one more innate than us Dimension, it is also able to crack computers and even bioelectricity. What a great advantage! "

"The civilization with a higher starting point than ours in the universe may be more than the amount of rice you have eaten in your lifetime? It is just these defects, if there is no comparison, we will not be aware of it or even take it for granted."

The atmosphere was silent for a short while.

I have to admit that the high probability mentioned by Captain Zhao is a fact.

Looking at the shuttle machine loaded with five astronauts, the blue plasma flame burst into a dazzling blue light, Zhang Yuanyou sighed sighfully, hoping that this diplomatic trip will be all smooth. Update fastest computer :: /

Bless those brave diplomats who can bring precious first-hand information to humanity.


A civilization in a stable state can last a long time if it does not kill itself or encounter natural disasters that are difficult to resist.

One hundred thousand years, millions or even millions of years is not uncommon!

Like the ancient ape period of mankind, the stagnation of millions of years is just a snap.

And the period of rapid rise of civilization is relatively short compared to the period of stagnation, or 10,000 years, or 1,000 years, or even only a few hundred years ...

The prosperity is declining, and the material is bound to reverse. This is an objective statistical law.

According to the calculation of the duration of the rising period and the stationary period, most of the low-level civilizations in the universe have entered the stationary period. Most of them are mediocre, and even their own galaxies cannot leave. Only a small part can become True interstellar civilization.

In other words, the sky is so vast that most civilizations are undergoing meaningless reincarnation.

One year ago and one year later, one million years ago and one million years later, one hundred million years ago and one hundred million years later, no matter which time node is used for observation, almost the same conclusion will be reached.

Because these civilizations will not change at all!

In the setting sun, a fiery cloud was reflected.

After the spacecraft rubbed against the air, a white jet-like mark was made.

This area is an eternal dusk. When the typhoon is not blowing, the entire sky looks more reddish than the dusk on the earth.

Looking at the scene outside the window, Wang Junpeng suddenly missed the days when he was the mother star. The dad who was a gambler held a wine bottle and drunk after a miserable loss, and finally asked his son to carry it back.

This delicate emotion made him feel inexplicably nostalgic.

In fact, it is not a miss, it is just a memory ...

The earth ... is really a rough world. ::


All of a sudden, all the passengers shook suddenly.

The shuttle released a huge parachute at this moment and began to slow down.

"Passengers, please note that in about two hours, we will be able to reach the predetermined location on the ground."

This shuttle machine has been commissioned for more than half a year, and has enough power to shuttle the planet and space.

There are a total of five diplomats in this line, a spaceship pilot, and an older, older professor. The remaining three are all young, that is, newly-trained diplomats.

"Don't be nervous, everyone who stands behind the entire civilization is behind us!" Said the old professor with a smile, and it was clear that he was in a good mood.

"No tension ... it's my first time to be a hero, a little excited!" Wang Junpeng responded quickly.

"Heroes aren't so good at it! When they're not careful, they're treated as bears." Everyone laughed when they laughed at them, and the tension disappeared a lot.

As the first batch of interstellar diplomats, as long as they don't make the whole thing too bad, they will definitely be recorded in history and remembered by history!

Two hours later, a bang sounded, and the spacecraft landed on a relatively flat area on the ground.

After the cabin door opened, Wang Junpeng, wearing a space suit, took the lead on the planet's surface.

Looking into the distance, here is a vast desert plain with yellow mushroom-like plants growing on the ground. Once touched, it will produce a stress response like mimosa and retract to the ground. This stress response is also in response to frequent typhoon weather.

Because anaerobic breathing does not release energy quickly, all the animals and insects here grow slowly. On the contrary, under eternal light, plants grow very fast, so as long as you are not picky eaters, you are not at risk of starvation.

Wang Junpeng raised his head and squinted at the orange-red sun. Because it was relatively close to the star, it was as huge as a grinding disk, and the light intensity was even dimmer than the earth's dusk.

The surface temperature is about 11 degrees Celsius. The gravity was a little bit heavy, as if carrying a sandbag.

If you live on this planet ... it seems to be good, which is exactly in line with the artist's imagination of a different planet.

"Everyone, please help to pack up the parachute, we are going to continue."


There is no time to be sentimental, and the calm period of the climate is only half a day's work, and it will be windy in a period of time. Everyone hurriedly packed up the huge parachute, and then returned to the shuttle and headed for the final destination.

With a series of ground vibrations, some deep tire marks were scratched on this weedy grass ...

For 200,000 years, the Glitzers built a large and complex underground city under the planet. The deepest place can even reach a depth of two kilometers.

Wang Junpeng even feels that this civilization is a bit cowardly. If you think from the other side, their choice is really weird ... But as a real human being, he wants the other party to be weaker, so that human beings can gain more in communication. the benefits of.

"First of all, let's remind that this time we are not here to scrape oil and water, but to comprehensively consider the strength of this civilization." The old professor said.

"According to scientists' speculation, they may have reached the end of civilization, so there will be no will to fight ..."

"But speculation is only speculation. It is more important to be humble and cautious. No one knows whether the other party has the ability to fight ... We don't have to fight against each other. We have delayed too much to build weapons. Time. Going on like this is bad for the entire civilization, even if it is defeated. "

The others nodded.

Half an hour later, the shuttle drove to a specific platform, where the rocket was launched. Immediately shaking the mountain, a lot of dust was raised. As if in disrepair for a long time, the entire mechanical device produced a huge booming noise.

Wang Junpeng and others did not panic, just waited quietly. After the platform descended to the underground city, they could clearly see the specific appearance of the entire city.

Barely clean ~ ~ can only be said to be barely.

Just like a complex underground maze, the passage generally has a height of only one meter and seven meters, and the highest one is two meters, barely allowing humans to walk inside.

Several Glitzers had been waiting quietly in this square.

"Friends from human civilization, welcome to our planet."

Because they have been in contact with these pangolins for a long time on the spacecraft, Wang Junpeng is no stranger, and has generously made a etiquette derived from the civilization of the other party: bending down, one hand on the back and the other Place your hands near your ears.

He said very formally: "Friends of Glize civilization, thank you for your welcome ... This is a small gift from our leader, I hope you like it."

It is a pamphlet on the art painting of human civilization, including some oil paintings in the West, and ink paintings in the East. According to Glitz etiquette, it is a very friendly gift.

"Come with us," the leader greeted politely after receiving the booklet.

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