Deep Space Fleet

Vol 3 Chapter 251: Ethnic flirtatious thoughts

For many industries, knowing this is completely different from actually producing it.

The atomic bomb theory high school students know, isn't it just a chain reaction? But if you really want to produce a nuclear bomb, you don't know how many orders of magnitude it is.

The core theory of silicon-based chips is the "band theory", an approximate theory that can be learned by an undergraduate. But how to use this theory to make real chips requires a lot of exploration and experimentation, and a lot of economic experiments.

From micrometers to millimeters to nanometers, it requires countless investments and talents, and it will experience countless failures, but these failures have also laid a solid foundation for future development.

It's good now, we have directly obtained the ready-made products, and they are the scientific and technological products of the second-level civilization of the universe!

The second-level civilization in the universe, even if Glize civilization develops independently for tens of thousands of years, it may not be able to exist beyond it!

Therefore, it is not easy to thoroughly understand these technologies. Naturally, it is impossible for someone to increase investment and challenge alien technology. Even the talent reserves in this area are very small.

Without enough exploration, it is difficult for the Glitz civilization to develop its own high-tech industrial system.

In addition, all industrial standards have been designed by extraterrestrial civilizations. For many standards, reverse engineering is too difficult. The Glitzers simply don't know why they want to design this way, but just copy it up.

Of course, from a practical perspective, this is no problem for alien technology. The technology in the database has no falsification, from the most basic steam revolution, to the internal combustion engine, to the electrification and information age.

Since Glitzer 581g does not have any oxygen, they cannot even completely imitate the technology products inside. Therefore, the main work of scientific researchers from day to night is to find products suitable for their civilization in the database. Naturally, there are very few innovations about their own civilization ...

This intangible suppression is the entire civilization. It is the suppression of itself, but how can you escape from the situation while enjoying the rapid progress of science and technology in the game?

Only through a retrospective analysis of the entire history of Changhe can we find this deficiency.

Naturally, over time, from the ideological level, Glitzers have an unreserved trust in alien technology.

Powerful nobles buy high-end goods directly produced by the universal factory, ordinary people buy goods in the database, and only beggars will buy the goods researched by their own nation.

Some scientists once proposed the concept of satellites, which turned out to be a laughing stock in the end!

Because there is no such technology in the universal factory, the result is considered to be a nightmare, even if it is ridiculed by peers, and no one invests ... The scientist was ashamed to almost hang himself.

"Under the influence of this ideology, it is even more difficult to create an industry that belongs to its own civilization."

And an oligarch composed of a group of warlords cannot have a transcendent vision and a broad mind to use the "universal factory" to promote the entire era. As long as they keep their own power and wealth, it is enough.

But what about it?

It is impossible for anyone to overthrow this kind of government through violence ...

The universal and advanced productivity of the universal factory has killed almost all possible changes!


With the passage of time, the output of the universal factory is still accumulating, and the times are constantly improving. When social resources accumulate to a certain degree, basically every citizen can get rid of the Stone Age life and enjoy the convenience in it, but more or less, poverty or wealth ...

An industrial system with a universal factory as its core is gradually born on this planet.

Unlike the technological tree of normal civilization, this industrial system is quite deformed. The high-end industry, the mid-range, and the low-end are clearly distinguished. The high-end is always the high-end, and the low-end is always the low-end. The national innovation industry only engages in low-end manufacturing, and only serves the production of universal factories.

Zhang Yuan heard this and sighed softly, he knew deeply that this ideology was not good for the development of the entire civilization.

Because the Xia Kingdom once had such a strange history, the people at that time blindly believed that the industry of their country was all rubbish, and the moon in the outside world seemed to be more rounded. Once this strange concept is formed, it is really difficult to change.

Glizer civilization is even worse. Their hidden competitors are a secondary universe civilization! Capital is profit-oriented, without any capital, willing to challenge the universal factory. Even the national level is no exception, because it is impossible to challenge success.

Even ... this kind of alien thinking still affects them so far that the Glitzer instinctively believes that alien civilizations are all very powerful, advanced, and moral.

"That's why this civilization can more easily reach a peace treaty with humanity, even if the current humanity is not powerful at all. The truth has taken the light of the second interstellar civilization!" Zhang Yuan faintly understood.

Getting the topic back ...

In the case that high-end industries are always controlled by universal factories, the vast majority of profits must be captured by oligarchs who own universal factories.

And the tendency of intelligent life to chase benefits is innate. Under power politics, the gap between the rich and the poor, and the erosion of money, the whole society began to lean towards the direction of money worship and bureaucracy in order to tie up those powers.

There have been calls from some people of insight to resist this trend of thought, but these appeals seem so weak to the whole age ...

When chatting here, Zhang Yuan was silent for a long while, and asked, "So ... what about Goer City?"

"The political structure of Gore City is indeed different from other cities, but if this is the case all over the world, it is naturally difficult to resist this trend of thought, it is just more or less a problem."

Zhang Yuan asked again: "That is to say, do you think that all evil is brought by the universal factory?"

"Do not."

Gan Yaduo shook his head: "Technology is not sinful ... sinfulness is the entire civilization itself. If there was no universal factory, we still live in the primitive Stone Age, how can there be such a good day now."

"The whole society is still developing, and the technological competition between cities is fierce. Even if there are such problems, but in the final analysis, it is not the evil of the universal factory."

No, that's not right.

Zhang Yuan always felt something wrong: "So, would the second interstellar civilization expect this?"

"Trading is a win-win way for both parties, and we are not forced to each other. Everything is our own choice ... even if the other party anticipates it, what about it? It is not surprising that the other party?"

Zhang Yuan frowned, not knowing how to respond.

how to say……

Technology has improved, UU reads www. The life of the people at has evolved from the Stone Age to the Electrification Age, transportation has become more convenient, and clothing, food, housing and transportation have undergone a whole new change.

It seems that the entire civilization has improved a lot.

On the other hand, its development potential has been unknowingly reduced. It's as if a child has pulled auxin after pulling auxin to grow and grow a lot, but it also adds osteoporosis, obesity and other difficult diseases. Until these problems are not solved, it is hard to say that it is a normal civilization.

The so-called gains and losses, if it is really difficult to describe from the perspective of human sensibility, whether the history of Glize civilization has become "good" or "bad".

Measuring the "good" and "bad" of a civilization is an important part of the history of the new civilization. Various messy and complicated functions try to quantify the public's ideology, life happiness, scientific and technological strength, social organization ability, potential for future development, degree of corruption, etc., to arrive at a specific value.

Zhang Yuan has no way to consider the Glize civilization for the time being, because these historical processes are still too vague, if only just described, it is completely inaccurate.

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