Deep Space Fleet

Vol 3 Chapter 294: Tinder Retention Plan

Era 5561!

In the 27th year after the virtual world plan was officially implemented, humans came to this star field in 101 years.

In just 27 years, Glize people above 97 have chosen to abandon their bodies and enter a better virtual world. The whole progress is simply unthinkable!

During the implementation of the plan, a certain degree of riots occurred, but this kind of turmoil is really more vulnerable than the general trend of the whole society. The vast majority of Glizzards can't wait to immediately abandon this unpleasant real world and enter a better illusionary world.

And the rest, either because of fear, or for some other reason, all went into hiding.

For this group of guys, humans are not interested in large-scale arrests. They just use public opinion and tactics. If they want to enter the virtual world, they will enter.

On the other hand, in these decades, educators have cultivated a whole new group of Glitzers from the ruins of Gore City. The ideology of these little children has not been polluted by the outside world, just like blank sheets of paper, which have completely new possibilities.

They will be the last fire of Glitz civilization on this planet ...

"... Regarding the stochastic model of Markov chains, I have already written one here. Do other students propose alternative solutions?"

A human teacher is educating these 20- and 30-year-old Glitzers in a college classroom.

"I thought of one!"

Glizer, who was born very sensitive to mathematics, was soon able to learn deep mathematical knowledge, and raised his hands one by one to speak.

In this way, in a lively discussion, the bell of Jingle Bell rang and class was over.

This is also the last lesson of this human teacher.

Her name was Ding Ling, and she quietly arranged her courseware and was going to leave the classroom.

"Teacher, are you leaving?" A small pangolin suddenly seemed to feel something.

The rest of the Glizzards heard this voice, and Zison looked at it.

"Yeah, it's leaving."

The kind-hearted girl said, "My teaching period is about to end. This is the last lesson. I am going back to our civilization."

All Glitzers exclaimed, showing a reluctant expression.

Ding Ling quickly waved her hand. "Our wandering plan is already being prepared, faster than expected. It only took a century, and I am also one of the volunteers ..."

"Teacher, don't you stay on satellite 1?"

"Yeah, I also want to take a look at other planets ... The universe is so big, it's good to experience more things."

Both boys and girls in the new civilization have a very unique artistic temperament ... This may be due to the influence of the environment, coupled with the increasingly rich life, people have sufficient conditions to pursue spiritual satisfaction.

Ding Ling stepped out of the gate of the underground city and looked up at the orange sky. The sun was fine and the weather was rare. Lazy insects, "Aruba plants" that shrink when stimulated, seem to have remained unchanged since ancient times.

Life is really a miracle in the universe.

There are always so many unknown species in the universe. They may have entered a low point of mediocrity, or they may face the threat of extinction. How to treat these various species is destruction, observation, conquest, or indoctrination, is a course that must be considered in interstellar civilization.

Suddenly, she didn't know how to describe the mood at the moment.

Is what humans do on this land good or evil? In other words, pure black and white is difficult to describe ...

The entire "tinder preservation plan" was launched more than thirty years ago before humans officially launched a cultural invasion. Educators tried to restore the ideology of these Glitz babies to before the arrival of the second batch of interstellar civilization status.

For human beings, this plan does not really have much benefit, it is purely to make what they do, and it seems more in line with the words "justice" and "kindness".

Humans are themselves hypocritical creatures. Originally possessing the nature of a wolf, covering himself with a layer of sheepskin, it seems that he can really become just and kind, and even feel at ease with this.

"Teacher, are you really leaving?"

"I'm really leaving this time. I've been warned many times! When I go back, I'll send you a small gift."

After hearing the teacher's remarks, these young Glize people all showed sad expressions and looked at her reluctantly.

Over the years, human teachers have changed many times, but for them, more than 20 years are still in their infancy, and many life skills are still immature.

The total number of Glützers in Gore City is only 220,000, and the oldest is only 50 years old. Fortunately, the people of Glitz have very low requirements for the living environment. They can survive by eating a little weeds on the roadside. Hunger is definitely hungry.

Moreover, under the education of human beings, these 220,000 Glitzers have also formed a basic political organization structure, united and full of vigor.

"... There is no need to sorrow too much. A civilization needs its own efforts to stand up in this starry sky. It can never grow up blindly relying on other civilizations."

The female teacher sat on the ground with a smile and looked at the sunset in the distance. "The past history should also be able to teach you a lot ..."

"The various legacy equipment in Gore City can also enable you to smoothly industrialize, no longer be troubled by the age of electricity, and then you have to rely on yourself."


Outside was the sound of the shuttle coming to the ground.

A human driver urged, "Okay, let's go, let's go! It's going to be windy again later, and we can delay for a few minutes."

All human teachers hurriedly boarded the shuttle, and then the shuttle restarted and flew to the distant horizon.

The leader of Glizer, about 50 years old, was excited and lonely in his heart as he watched the people leave.

The excitement is that the Glitz civilization is also a truly independent civilization! No one restrains them anymore ~ ​​ ~ discipline them, this is true freedom.

It is lonely that human beings leave, and life in the future may not be as simple and easy as now. All production activities must be completed on their own.

Will there be dictators in the future? How should the various systems be perfected? Will it follow the same old path as before.

There are many more problems, far from easy as imagined!

It lowered its head and muttered to himself, "To explore the laws of historical development, we must look for them from the productive forces, production relations, social consciousness, and political fields."

"Trust yourself, don't make the same mistakes you did in the past!"

In addition to these internal difficulties, there are some external difficulties.

In particular, the population of other cities has not been completely cleaned up, and there may be signs of resurgence. Although all the universal factories in these cities have been removed and the entire industrial system is almost in a state of paralysis, a large amount of social resources remain.

In order to seize resources, especially the remaining medicaments, factories, and various machinery and equipment, the remaining population spontaneously formed various black forces armed organizations. These city ruins are almost in a state of doomsday, full of violence and crime.

Goer City, after humans leave, will soon be followed by this group of thugs.

"So, if we want to protect ourselves, we have to worry about it."

Was it intentional for humans to create an external enemy for them? The leader didn't know, but he took a deep breath in his heart.

There is nothing to complain about, and a little external stimulus is good, which is beneficial to the unity of these 220,000 people.

"Come on!"

"We will definitely be strong again on this planet!"

"for sure!"


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