Deep Space Fleet

Vol 7 Chapter 450: Legend of this world

In a blink of an eye, it is already the sixtieth year of coming to this world ...

Zhang Yuan sat in a comfortable seat and enjoyed the wonderful sunshine. The hundreds of old people in front were the captain, chief officer, second officer, and some sailors in the final voyage.

The guests and friends were full, and the talks were full of joy. Time with old friends is always very happy.

At the wine table, people remembered and recalled the difficulties encountered in the final voyage. Many sailors got depression during such a long voyage; others even wanted to take control of the ship and go back halfway.

But all these difficulties were defeated by the sunny continent that I finally saw ...

Now when I missed it, Zhang Yuan still can recall the high-pitched scream when he found the New World.

Man is such a creature!

"Why didn't Dolph come?" Zhang Yuan asked one of the old men.

"That guy, because of intemperance in life, died on a woman's belly! Such an age is not enough to maintain."

"what a pity……"

"Where is Asov?"

"Old dead, after all, in his seventies."

Zhang Yuan shook his head, didn't care so much, raised his glass, "Well, guys, toast!"


Hundreds of people celebrated the final victory of the great voyage together. Such celebrations are held every five years, and the place of the banquet is, of course, in the Duke's Mansion of Zhang Yuan.

Looking up at the sky, the rising sun in the distance hangs in the sky and will never fall.

Yes, there is a rising sun in the sky, not a setting sun.

The sunny continent that countless people aspire to is here!


Here is Huffman Continent, a continent named after him!

Since this legendary fleet brought information about the new continent back to the old road more than thirty years ago, a gold rush has emerged in this sunny land. Countless civilians and wealthy nobles took huge risks, crossed half of the planet, and came to this vast land to open up wasteland.

Due to the imperfect system at the beginning, the area was completely chaotic, full of violence, blood, and crime.

The changes of the times are turbulent, and the course of history is advancing by leaps and bounds. Zhang Yuan has devoted almost all his energy to this new continent.

Thirty years have passed ...

The gold rush is still going on. The crime rate in Huffman's largest city, "New Kalundborg", has slowly decreased and turned into a very livable city.

Most of the old crew members have been mixed well in these years. After all, the New World is full of wastes, and there are many opportunities. Planting, breeding, steel, coal, chemical, electrical, and the newly discovered oil industry. Fallen, survival is definitely not a problem.

And Zhang Yuan, the famous "Duke," will also give these old acquaintances a certain degree of care.

Of course, there are also some people who have gained a lot of wealth and honor at once, lost in it, and unable to control their desires.

Virtue is not worthy, and he will suffer. Such a person is more knowledgeable, and Zhang Yuan will not take care of it too much.

A group of people talk about the past while drinking, and they like to remember the past when they are older. Including the death of a woman on the belly of a woman, the son of a certain person who took drugs, gambling, the loss of a family property, etc., a certain person is a successful businessman.

Time is rushing and life is fickle, and the old man who had died most of the time is really embarrassing! A person's destiny is to a certain extent destined, but a large part is in his own hands. A guy who can't control his own fate, what about others?

After the banquet, a young deacon whispered in the rear, "Master Duke, the Queen's fleet is about to reach the port."

"Let's go, let's go!" Zhang Yuan greeted.

A group of old people hurried into a car and exercised on the wide road. When the residents of all the cities saw this old car, they all paid their respectful eyes and cheered loudly.

Not far from the square, there is an obelisk-like building, striking "Dangdang Dang". Since the sun in this area always hangs in the sky, people's concept of time is easy to be confused. This Big Ben is the standard time in the city, which regulates people's work and rest time, and even the standard time of the entire continent. .

Workers 'work and students' schooling are all determined by Big Ben's standard time.

A huge ship of 10,000 tons stopped at the port. After three months of sailing, the passengers on the ship were already impatient, and even felt a little sick when they saw the sea.

This is also the time required for the route to be significantly improved. At the beginning of the wasteland era, there were no lighthouses on each island and the water depth in the surrounding waters had not been thoroughly investigated. It even took six or even seven months!

Most of the people who came ashore are young people who came from the old road. A boat ticket may be their savings for life, so they may not return to their hometown for decades.

There are more livelihood opportunities here. When they saw the New World, they swept away their homesickness and cheered.

"Finally, New World, New World!"

Even the babies of Yaya are cheering with adults. The children followed their parents, and there was no so-called homeland emotion.

The young queen standing at the forefront tried to step on the solid ground under her feet, and looked at the rising sun hanging in the sky, and suddenly gave birth to an unreal wonder.

"... I don't know, Lord Duke, what kind of surprise when you suddenly encountered this land in the vast sea!"

"What a long journey."

In Boulder, the sun will never be seen; here in New Kalimpong, it is an eternal day, without the need for a gas lamp or any lighting facilities. Farther away, there are green crops. The abundant sunlight here can support more people and livestock.

Zhang Yuan bent over, stroked his chest with his right hand, saluted the young queen, and kissed the queen's hand.

Faced with a living legend, the girl was a little hesitant.

The queen is dead, and someone can take over, but there is only one such legend in the world. After two failures, two bankruptcies, and the man who stood up again for the third more difficult exploration, a truly alive legend.

One thousand, ten thousand years later, no one remembers the queen's name, but someone will certainly remember the name of the legend.

If he dies, the world will mourn it.

The young queen walked around the new city, saw many novelties, and soon fell in love with the so-called "new continent".

She recalled that there were still some stubborn old people in Boulder City, despising the "upstarts" on the new continent, unwilling to drift across the sea, and unwilling to open new territories.

There are such stubborn people in every era. They are unwilling to change and do not like new things. But every smart person knows that the real opportunity in the future lies in this large new continent.

Looking at Zhang Yuan's old face, the girl smiled, and secretly asked, "Duke Huffman, how do you want to discover this continent? Your three expeditions are not just epics of the whole world, It ’s your own epic. Can I hear your story? ”

Zhang Yuan recalled the difficulties he had experienced in the past and said with a smile, "This is another, very, very long story ..."

"A good ending, it will always be liked by everyone, isn't it?"


In the second reincarnation, Zhang Yuan not only discovered the new continent, but also promoted the technological revolution in one hand.

This new city is more orderly than the previous city. The underground drainage system at the beginning, including the wider roads in the city, and various livelihood projects, consumed a lot of money, but in the next life, everyone clearly felt the convenience.

Zhang Yuan also tried to promote the development of the social system. The new city levied higher taxes on capitalists, but most of the taxes were used for urban infrastructure construction. These infrastructure projects have supported a large number of civilians.

In fact, for the people of this era, it is enough to be full, other things will not require too much.

The first priority of man is survival. Only by solving the problem of survival can we consider other things, including education and entertainment.

On the other hand, he also founded universities, middle schools, and primary schools, and tried to implement a five-year compulsory education system for primary schools in the city. Only more high-quality workers can advance the times better.

Humans in this era always have certain limitations. They would rather let their children do child labor than let them waste time going to school. But human nature is always profit-seeking. As long as they see that children only study in school for five years, their ability to make money is far more efficient than illiterate, then the compulsory education system can be implemented more smoothly Go on.

And through education, the change of class is gradually imprinted into people's hearts and becomes a universal value.

When he died, people from almost the entire city formed a long line and spontaneously went to see him off.

No one is immortal. Being able to live here for seventy or eighty years is already considered longevity.


In fact, Zhang Yuan ’s wishes have not been fully realized. This world is still a capitalist society with a huge gap between the rich and the poor, and the upper classes exploiting the lower classes.

Even he himself had to become a big capitalist for three expeditions.

Compared to a person's short life, there are too few to change.

However, he is still very satisfied with the results he has made, and thank the world for his kindness to himself and to mankind.

The total area that this new continent can live in is more than four times that of those small islands combined! And there is sunshine here, plants can be planted, and more people can be fed ... even near a certain bay, oil was discovered!

As a result, the world has become more variable.

Then, how will it evolve, will there be a "Marx" in the new era to describe the nature of capital, will there be "Washington" to overthrow the slave system, will the contradictions between the new continent and the old continent deepen, and will it erupt War can only be resolved by native humans.

He couldn't control so much.

There will always be more thinkers and revolutionaries in the world to promote the development of this world ...

However, no matter how many heroes appear, Zhang Yuan's historical position in this world will not change.


The second reincarnation, finished.


Zhang Yuan returned to that pale blue space again.

"It looks like you are very satisfied with this trip?"

He saw that white view again, artificial intelligence "Xita."

"Yes, I should be more satisfied than the last cherry blossom world ..." Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

This time there is not much regret.

"Humans always like to be rewarded after giving. Even if it is only a psychological reward. Without any reward, the motivation to give will undoubtedly weaken a lot."

"Why did you pay? Adventure in the ocean is very hard. You know, you are not immortal, you will suffer from illness, and you will die if you encounter a storm. Even if you do n’t really die, You also feel pain. "

Zhang Yuan said, "I just like to see progress, but I don't like to see regression ... It's also uncomfortable to step in place."

In this space, all memories become very clear.

Zhang Yuan wrote a memoir about the world, what he saw and heard, and analyzed the gains and losses, including whether he can do better in certain details, and what may happen in this world. Future deductions ...

In a world without light, the distance between the old road and the new continent is too far away. Judging from the bottom line, the new continent must be no better than the old road, which also caused the old nobles to distantly despise the newly born nobles, just like the original British despised Americans.

We are still able to cooperate because the cake has not been cleaned up yet, and the new continent needs the funding of the old road. But maybe in the future, no one likes to be exploited for a long time. The struggle around this new continent may last a long time ...

Zhang Yuan sighed, history is always winding and winding, and it cannot be smooth sailing.

Regarding history, there were four views on the earth: retrogression, progress, cycle, and spiral.

Some religions believe that history is retrogressive. For example, the first ancestors of humans, Adam and Eve, were driven out of paradise-like Garden of Eden by stealing wisdom fruit. The descendants of Adam and Eve were born with the original sins, born to suffer, and kept on committing new sins. Finally, God comes to earth again, doomsday judgment for sinners, and so on.

These religions believe that primitive times with saints are the best.

Ever since Darwin published The Origin of Species, he has come up with the theory of evolution. Spencer introduced the theory of evolution into the field of social history and put forward the "social evolution theory", which believes that society is constantly advancing. Since then, the theory of historical progress has gradually become mainstream.

The third view is the theory of cycles. History is a process of continuous division and integration, which never ceases. History has gone up and down along the time axis, but it will not keep improving and getting better and better, and it won't keep going backwards and worse, but it will be reincarnation.

There is also a fourth view, that history is spiraling. From a short-term perspective, it is sometimes good, sometimes bad, and even worse, returning to the troubled world from the Shengping Dynasty; but from a historical perspective, it is getting better and better. The ups and downs in a certain period of time are not constant, and the descents in a certain stage are not limited, which does not affect its overall rise.

Zhang Yuan sighed. There is no absolute thing. History is always complicated. Simply rising or falling is difficult to objectively summarize.

Immediately afterwards, he started his third reincarnation.


The third reincarnation, reborn into a technologically advanced world, just like the Earth ’s civilization, humans have occupied the entire solar system, but no longer have the motivation to explore externally ~ ~ into class consolidation.

All reincarnations had a very good birth, and Zhang Yuan was born again to an upper class.

In this reincarnation, he spent his whole life to build a spaceship to fly his body to a distant place where no alien could exist.

For the fourth reincarnation, the reincarnation was in a world where the red regime collapsed, and human civilization lost its way ...

This time it was even more difficult. Zhang Yuan felt deeply the maliciousness of Pangu brain artificial intelligence "Xita" ...

In the fifth reincarnation, the entrenched dictatorship ruled the entire world ...

There was no light at all, and it was easy to be trapped in a concentration camp ...

After five reincarnations, Zhang Yuan was judged by "Xita" to pass the assessment and kicked him out of the virtual world in advance.


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