Deep Space Fleet

Vol 7 Chapter 659: Magnetic field sensing technology

In the captain's room of the mothership Departure, everyone was talking eloquently, and began to debate whether artificially creating a "chain of contempt" is good or bad.

A group of senior leaders are actually discussing this kind of thing, which is just the extent to which the unsuspecting people startled their teeth.

Others are demonstrating the feasibility of using virtual world technology to train the next generation. This is a very serious topic. Due to the highly addictive nature of virtual world technology, only adults now have certain travel and gaming rights, and there are often restrictions.

How should children use this technology to cultivate better values? Education is not a panacea, but the best way is still education.

Zhang Yuan listened to their discussions, and was still a little interested at first, but then he stunned and woke up many times.

This group of people is saying that they are too nourishment. Just to make a statement, what is there to argue? Just like water friends on the Internet, no one can persuade anyone just to move their mouths. Anyway, we must follow a certain social model to deduce future development, list a series of data, and then come here to argue!

The phone vibrated a bit, Lin Xuanxuan replied to the text message, and Zhang Yuan glanced at it with only two words on it: "No time!"

I couldn't help but vomit: "This woman is getting lazy! I don't want to cook!"

The matter that was being discussed in the conference room had nothing to do with him. He didn't talk about population policy or education policy, and he had no interest in gossiping.

There are more experts here, many of them are notable people who are not only responsible for education policies in the real world, but also in the virtual world, who have educated children of all kinds, have contacted all kinds of people, have Very rich practical experience.

There is nothing to worry about leaving the task to them.

The main reason to call him Zhang is because the "magnetic field sensing" technology has really matured!

As the highest intelligence technology, "Magnetic Field Sensing" is naturally the proud work of the Unreal Lab. It can significantly enhance human space imagination, enhance three-dimensional perception, and even improve the ability to study electromagnetics.

In a word, it can enhance human intelligence.

Therefore, if a new batch of infants can popularize this technology in large quantities, it is also a good choice.

If calculated according to a population of 1 billion, this epoch-making technology will be popularized by 850 million people in the future. It is indeed a very important event, and it must be discussed carefully.

"The children in this group are really happy. They won't know how stupid humans used to be. Even a dihedral angle is considered half a day."

Zhang Yuan slept soundly, and suddenly felt that someone was whispering in his ear, this sound was very nice.

"Professor Zhang, Professor Zhang?"

Zhang Yuan looked up sharply and found a beautiful female reporter looking at him with a smile.

Looking at the nameplate on her chest, Qin Kexin, a reporter for Deep Space Daily.

"Professor Zhang, take a photo together, not like the newspaper ... Why are you sleeping here again?"

Zhang Yuan hurriedly haha, "It's Xiao Qin. I must rest after being tired, anyway, it hasn't been my turn yet ... no problem."

The two interns who followed behind looked as if they were seeing a big star, their eyes brightened.

Zhang Yuan was not embarrassed. He sorted his hair, then smiled at the camera, and several people took a group photo.


The female reporter of Deep Space Daily seemed very happy, thinking in her heart that she could send this photo to the circle of friends.

The famous Professor Zhang was caught sleeping more on important occasions. But Niubi people have privileges. The people like to see it and take the initiative to justify it. What is "too tired of work and too much pressure" and so on.

"When you come here, is there any new technology to be applied to the future baby boomer?"

Zhang Yuan sold a key: "Haha, you'll know later. Don't worry, don't worry."

The quarrel of that group is not over yet, and it is estimated that there will be several hours of debate about various policies ...

"The speed at which humans speak, the amount of information is too small. Two bits per second is a waste of life." Zhang Yuan yawned, muttering in his heart.

However, this situation is difficult to change in a short while, because this is the natural perception of human beings.

"I'll wait for a while, Xiao Li, call me then ..." He turned back and said to Dr. Li next door.

This Dr. Li is also an expert in the Unreal Lab. He is mainly responsible for the "personal brain system". It is also a very good achievement and will be used in babies.

This scholar has a lot of work with Zhang Yuan.

"no problem."

He laughed bitterly, these big men are always so wayward. He felt that the “personal brain system” of his team ’s labor achievements was a very outstanding work, but from the perspective of difficulty, magnetic field perception was two different orders of magnitude.

After about two hours, it was Zhang Yuan's turn to finally express his opinions. Scholars who had previously debated were also dry-mouthed, sitting on chairs like chopped leaves, exhausting each other's energy.

After sleeping for so long, his condition is obviously much better, and he came to the stage with great energy and said, "... guys, a large-scale test of the new technology of magnetic field sensing has been performed in a virtual world and achieved good results. . "

"In the real world, there are also more than 12,000 successful cases, which are currently being considered for universal adoption."

"Wait a minute, you say there are also success stories in the real world, 12,000?"

This number is too big ~ ~ Many people don't even know!

Zhang Yuan smiled meaningfully: "I have practiced it on soldiers when fighting, and the effect is not bad."

It is natural that everyone can't say anything about the stories that happened during the special period.

Zhang Yuan cleared his throat, "Because everyone is still immature with this new technology, I will explain it in detail here ..."

Previously, the magnetic field sensing technology used by humans was owned before the age of one and automatically degraded after the age of one. It can change a little of the world's cognition, but there is too little memory before the age of one, and this innate cognition has little effect.

But with the application of this new technology in the future, magnetic field sensing will persist for a long time.

"As for the specific feeling, everyone here has had it before 1 year old, maybe it has been forgotten now ... we should invent some new words to describe that phenomenon. There is no way to describe it in old language. . "

"For the sake of convenience, let's take some transliteration in Gaia civilization: Alas, that is to describe an observation action in magnetic field perception ... similar to seeing, smelling, and listening."

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