Wang Lili was ecstatic at the first glance of this paper.

The world is so small!

Isn't it the same name, the popular name "Zhang Yuan", the entire Xia Country can find 10,000!

"It should not be someone with the same name. A few days ago, I seemed to have heard that he was writing a kinematics paper..."

"haha, Bi Ma Wen, unexpectedly fell In the hands of this palace!"

Wang Lili wanted more and more energy. When she remembered that in the afternoon, her IQ was severely insulted, and she couldn't find a place back, she sighed in her heart.

"Little Bi Mawen, what good things can you write about the thesis?"

"My palace must kill it so that it won’t be left behind, and then criticize it. It's not worth it, let Boss scold you!"

Thinking of this, she quickly said to her boyfriend: "Sorry, I have something to leave."

"Ah What!" The poor boy licked for a long time before asking his beloved girl out, and then he was about to do something bad.

As a result, something like this happened again.

"The teacher sent me the task. I can’t do it, let’s read the paper first."

But he can’t complain...

"Then I’ll do it tomorrow Ask you..."

"Let’s see if I have time tomorrow."

That’s it, Wang Lili abandoned her boyfriend and threw herself into the "revolution of reading papers." "Great cause".


Two hours later, she sat blankly in front of the computer.

"The writing is really long-winded. I keep adding water to increase the length?"

"This view is a bit dry."

Huh? What is this?

Um...I think about it.

May have to read some papers.

Gradually, her face turned red.

The whole body has a strange feeling of dizziness. The densely packed text is like a Heavenly Book, so that I don’t know what I’m talking about at the back.

Look again!

Still not working...

Look again!

Wang Lili felt that her thoughts were so incomprehensible that she was almost suffocated.

So angry!

My palace can't understand it!


After Zhang Yuan and Han Ziyue had dinner, they took a walk along the pedestrian street near the campus. I didn't buy anything. For a woman, shopping and shopping are actually two different things...

Then, bypassing the sight of the dormitory aunt, she went to the bedroom to help her "fix the computer".

The computer is not broken, but because of the aging parts, the computer runs slowly.

This kind of world-level problem, Zhang Yuan, of course, is impossible to solve by any means. He just pretended to take apart the computer, clear the dust, and then delete a bunch of junk software.

At the same time, she was also watched by the girls. All kinds of prosperous scenes and messy problems made Zhang Yuan really used to it.

If I knew it, I wouldn't be here.

"It looks familiar, did I see it somewhere?"

"I just went live."

"He is your newest person Is his boyfriend?"

Han Ziyue replied: "No, no, he is my elder sister's ex-boyfriend. He is an astronaut and will go to heaven soon."

"Haha, this relationship seems strange."

"...Does every astronaut repair things. If the computer chip is really broken, how should it be repaired? It is said that the spaceship needs to be repaired. Fly for three thousand years."

Zhang Yuan patiently explained: "The main chips in spaceship are very traditional military silicon-based chips, low-frequency, micron-level. The simpler and crude the thing, the less likely it is to break. Of course, the performance is not very good, and there will be a lot of spare replacements, if it is broken, we will replace it directly."

"If it is an electronic device that we brought up, it will only be broken. It’s broken, it can’t be repaired."

"That’s so miserable, let’s pray that the phone doesn’t break!"

The girls are unimaginable the hard days of not having a mobile phone.

Looking at them chatting, Han Ziyue just smiled, with a little blush on her face.

Zhang Yuan knew what the girl was thinking.

Girl, there is always a little vanity. Zhang Yuan is also a little celebrity now. Taking it back to the bedroom and taking a round will definitely satisfy his "vanity".

This kind of thing is normal, as long as it is not too much.

In fact, he himself has a little vanity, who doesn’t like being praised?

In short, this day is really a very comfortable day, without using my brain or studying. I also enjoy a wave of flowers and auras that I have never seen before.

When he returned to the dormitory, Zhang Yuan couldn't help feeling a sense of guilt.

Too depraved!

"If Ye Kaifu is still here, I might be ridiculed by fiercely!"

He thought in his heart: "Anyway, Zhang Yuan should not be a spare tire or lick a dog. Going on spaceship in 5 days, can you still be afraid of your girls? Ask me tomorrow and I won’t go out, just study in the dormitory."

Yes, that’s it.

I read the book for a while, studied for a while, and then went to bed.

He has a good habit of resting before twelve o'clock every night, and then waking up on time at 7 o'clock during the 2nd day.

"I don't know my manuscript, has Professor Wang read it?"

Closed his eyes in a daze.

I was sleeping soundly, and suddenly, my phone rang.

dīng líng líng!

Zhang Yuan woke up suddenly, looked at the time, he asked very angrily: "Wang Lili Senior Sister, what are you doing? It's two o'clock in the morning, do you know... you also have a boyfriend? People, can you not bother me in the middle of the night?"

Wang Lili stuck out her tongue and asked sorryly: "...I have a question. What reference books are there on geometric group theory and topology? Recommend it. "

Can’t understand.

She really couldn't understand Zhang Yuan's paper.

She has studied group theory and topology, but when the two mathematics are combined and some of the profound knowledge is used, she can't understand it.

These two subjects are both wide-ranging and profound mathematics. Even if you study for a lifetime, you may not be able to master them thoroughly.

I asked a few good friends, but I couldn’t understand either.

I asked a few Academician Senior Brothers again, still in that confusion, between understanding and not understanding. But everyone said that this is a very innovative article that needs to be studied carefully.

Can't even read it, and edit Mao's paper!

I will even be criticized by the boss!

Wang Lili is very anxious when he thinks of Boss frowning, sighing, and looking at the fool.

So, she can only use this curve to save the country. What book you Zhang Yuan have read, I will read it again, so that I will be able to understand your paper.

"I'm such a genius! I came up with this kind of plan."

"Don't let this guy know that I am revising his paper, and I even read it. I don't understand. Otherwise, I will be mocked fiercely and trampled on the ground..."

But in the next second, Wang Lili's face was as gray as death.

I only heard Zhang Yuan say: "You want to learn group theory and topology. These are two different mathematics. In fact, there is no particularly complete textbook to introduce the connection."

"Then you quickly introduce it."

Wang Lili almost said her original intention.

"Oh... the topological structure on a group is called a topological group. A group has a topological structure on it, or a topological space has a group structure on it. The point is that the group operation should be continuous. Topological group There is an important sub-category called the Lie group, and there is another important sub-category called the canonical group (matrix group), such as GL(n), O(n), U( n), wait, all belong to this category..."

"If you want to study completely, I have five books here that I can recommend to you. You can also refer to the following documents..."

Five books, I have to learn the year of the monkey!

I have to make a business tomorrow!

Wang Lili almost fainted.

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