[Alert, alert! Ultra-high power electromagnetic pulse wave detected! Suspected red giant number 099221 had a supernova explosion! 】

【……Spaceship was hit by a gamma ray explosion, the core damage was as high as 44.3%, and the main engine was paralyzed! ]

[...Starting backup energy equipment...]

[Starting successfully! 】

【It is self-repairing...severely damaged, repairing failed...backup energy unable to support spaceship to reach the next destination...The supernova is suspected to have a secondary outbreak, and it is necessary to escape as soon as possible. 】

【Detected that all crew members are in hibernation...The only awake intelligent creature is Kang Erta 01022290. 】

【Consulting Kang Erta 01022290. 】

"Ah, what?! What should I do, what can I do?! Spaceship is about to explode?!"

This plant from the Green Leaf Alliance I was in a state of chaos, "Why is it so unlucky? I finally went out to travel, and this kind of thing happened!"

"You ask me what to do? How do I know!"

"Do you think of a solution yourself!" Kang Erta yelled hysterically: "Level 5 civilized artificial intelligence, and the skin to ask me?! Where is your brilliant IQ?!"

[This creature has no decision-making ability, artificial intelligence will automatically select a suitable planet for emergency landing...]

[Three, two, one, the selection of a suitable planet for emergency landing is completed. 】


There will always be all kinds of small probability events in the universe. Even the spaceship of Level 5 civilization, occasionally there will be some malfunctions.

In addition, this hapless spaceship suffered a violent attack from an accidental supernova...

It was originally expected that the red giant numbered 099221 would continue Then for a million years, it didn't expect it to explode right now, and the powerful electromagnetic pulse radiation just shrouded the passing cosmic spaceship.

For the long life cycle of a star, one million years is really not a major event. Coupled with superhuman computing power, it is possible to predict the lifespan of most stars, but...who knew that such a small probability event would happen? Occasionally, the calculation will be inaccurate.

After making a basic judgment, Spaceship changed its route and tried to move towards a nearby life planet and flew away.

misfortunes never come alone, this spaceship was smashed by a meteorite during its voyage, which was an even worse disaster.

【The external perception system is severely damaged and self-repair fails.

[The target planet has arrived. 】

In the dense atmosphere, the spaceship draws a long arc, and its surface temperature rapidly rises to thousands of degrees Celsius due to violent friction.

[Alarm, due to the meteorite attack, the anti-gravity system failed to start, the recoil power system was destroyed, and the probability of a forced landing failure was as high as 92.2%! 】

【……Turn on the emergency safety mode. 】

"oh la la" there was a loud noise, a huge parachute was thrown out, and the speed of the spaceship's descent slowly decreased.

But this is far from enough.

[Calculated, after reaching the ground, the spaceship speed is as high as 123.4ms, and the probability of a safe hard landing is only 2.3%...]

[Start the second safety mode...]

[Survivors, good luck to you! 】

With a sound of "pa ta," all the hibernation chambers were ejected from the spaceship, and their parachutes were opened one after another.

The last thing that left was a howling plant, but after screaming for a few seconds, the mood of this Kangerta improved again.

"Yes, originally my mission was to find a different planet and spread the next generation... Isn't this planet right now?"

"Outside planet, I Here comes hahaha!"

The hibernation chambers are like tiny dandelions floating in the sky. The hibernation chamber is of lower quality and can be landed more safely to the ground under the action of a parachute.

After finishing all this, the artificial intelligence in the spaceship finally completed its mission, driving the spaceship to the far ground.


"Well, have you arrived at the next destination?"

Passenger Ding Fan woke up quietly from the hibernation cabin, with no eyes Watching the scene outside the glass barrier fascinatingly.

Just waking up from hibernation, his head is a little bit painful, and he is still in a state of confusion.

"Where is this place? It doesn't look like a starry sky port...it seems...a bit strange. Huh? How is it a forest?"

The hibernation is no better than before, it's not It is completely frozen, so the body's recovery speed is much faster. It only takes a few hours to restore basic mobility.

"Why the hibernation chamber hasn't been opened yet? Where's the robot nurse?" Ding Fan thought a little confused, but still didn't react, what happened.

Three hours later, the artificial intelligence inside the hibernation chamber injected him with a nano-enhancing vitality potion, and Ding Fan finally slowly gained control of the body.

"Xiao Ai, where am I? Why do I feel something wrong? There is a forest outside...I have never seen this kind of plant before." Ding Fan looked out the window like mushrooms. The strange monster insect was crawling, and when he saw the parachute spreading on the ground in the distance, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

Xiao Ai is the artificial intelligence in the hibernation warehouse. When it is not connected to the Internet, its intelligence is not high, and it can only handle some simple tasks.

After hearing Ding Fan’s inquiry, it quickly gave a series of densely packed information feedback.

Ding Fan was shocked, his face turned green.

"The spaceship wrecked?! Was attacked by a supernova""

"I...we crash-landed to a different planet? "

"My God! ? "

Take a few deep breaths, this time Ding Fan is really scared and paralyzed, and now even the spaceship doesn’t know where to go, how can ordinary persons like them live on a different planet? Go down?

"Xiao Ai, can you get in touch with other people? "

"Di——Your communication equipment is damaged..."

"What...Need manual repair? "

Since a long while, Ding Fan can only barely accept this very bad fact.

With his ability, it is too difficult to manually repair the communication system, and he has There are also not enough tools...no tools means nothing can be done.

Ding Fan’s face turned red, panting hard, trying to get his head running.


There are two best ways now. The first is to wait in place and wait for the rescue of your companions. The hibernation chamber is strong enough, and the ordinary wild beast is basically impossible to cause any damage to it, and there is air. Circulatory system, the probability of microbial infections is very low.

The only disadvantage is that there is no food here and he has to starve.

Ding Fan has just awakened from hibernation and his body is extremely severe. Lack of energy, he still has a certain amount of mobility.

If he waits for a few more days, he may be dim-sighted from old age and will have no energy to go out.

"I can't overestimate my ability to bear it. It is estimated that if I am hungry for a day, I will have no strength... As for the rescue of my companions, what happened to my companions is similar to mine, right? "

"Or they can only hibernate. "

But hibernating in a different planet means completely losing consciousness and giving everything to the outside environment. This is something he cannot bear.

Maybe his companions have found one. For a while, I gave up when I couldn't find him. This is all possible.

"Xiao Ai, how long can the energy of the hibernation chamber last? "

"Calculating...the standby energy equipment can last for 202 days effectively. "

202 days?

The second method is naturally to get out of the hibernation cabin and actively look for companions, or look for a spaceship that has landed on the ground.

Even though Under the fierce impact, the spaceship is probably already a pile of wreckage, but there are still a lot of resources inside, including food, communication tools and various parts!

Ding Fan took a deep breath:" As long as you find the wreckage of the spaceship, it shouldn’t be difficult to rely on the materials inside to reach the headquarters for the rescue..."

"Hey, but the distance in the starry sky is so far, the signal propagation is slow, what about the headquarters’ rescue? It takes months, even... years! "

Ding Fan feels numb scalp. For a young man in his twenties, having lived in a different planet for a few years is too terrifying!

"If it is true I have to live here for a few years. The energy in the hibernation warehouse is not enough. I will eventually have to face the outer planet environment. When the time comes, my physical fitness will be worse than now..."

" But where is the companion? Where is spaceship? Damn it, my communication system is broken! They should be able to communicate with each other, right? "

The power of a person is too small. At this moment, Ding Fan really feels this.

"You must find a companion. Only by finding a companion and a lost spaceship can you survive! "

"Fight! "

After making up his mind, Ding Fan could not help but exhale deeply. He felt that his whole body was trembling slightly. Facing this extremely bad environment, it took a while before he Let yourself be slightly confused and calm down.

Suddenly, he saw a silhouette appear outside the hibernation barn!

It was a plant looking right and left in the hibernation barn. The glass of the hibernation chamber is set up so that you can't see the inside from the outside, but you can see the outside from the inside.

"It's Kangerta, there is a Kangerta near me! "After Ding Fan saw this dumb silhouette clearly, he was overjoyed.

Kangerta is one of the three major plants in the Green Leaf Alliance. Basically every human spaceship will carry some Green Leaf Alliance plants. It is used to purify the environment and provide food by the way.

Didn't expect, this Kangerta fell near him.

"It seems that luck is not too much. Oops, the initial food problem is solved! "

Ding Fan took a deep breath again and decided to face the environment of a different planet personally.

"Xiao Ai, can humans breathe the air here?" "

"0.8 standard atmosphere pressure, oxygen concentration of 19%, no poison qi body has been detected, it is barely able to breathe. You need to guard against the risk of microbial infections. It is detected that there is a high magnetic field in the surrounding environment, which may affect the radio wave communication. "The ability of this artificial intelligence is limited, so it can only report such a bit of data.

Ding Fan nodded, commanded the artificial intelligence and gave himself a shot of a powerful broad-spectrum immune medicine.

The blood circulation all over the body is accelerated, and the muscles all over the body are a little sore.

Strong broad-spectrum immune agents can stimulate the immune system and enhance resistance, but it may not solve all problems.

Ding Fan lay in it for another six hours, all kinds of messy thoughts are like bubbles in his mind, but apart from telling himself to be strong, all the thoughts don't have much meaning.

After the medicine efficacy passed, he tried to open the hibernation chamber and breathed the air here.

"Hey, Conta! "

"So you are still alive! "Kang Erta said heartlessly: "It's been so long since I came out, I thought you were dead. We were so unlucky that we were attacked by a supernova and the spaceship was blown up! However, the environment of this planet is not bad, I will take root here soon! "

Speaking of this, Kangerta seems to be taking root. After taking root, it can absorb the moisture in the soil, but it will also lose the ability to move.

"It looks like it will soon It's dark, so go back to the hibernation warehouse. "

"Don't, don't take root first! "

Ding Fan was so cold and started. He got out of the hibernation bin and appeared naked on this piece of land. The surrounding temperature was about 16 degrees Celsius.

Hurry up again. I rummaged in the trunk of the hibernation warehouse. There are some emergency survival supplies inside.

A solar walkie talkie with flashlight, Compass and clock functions. The only drawback is that the talkback range is not too large. In this environment, I don’t know how far to communicate; a sharp folding knife; a laser pistol; a set of nano protective clothing; a set of medical supplies; three bottles of high-energy nutrient solution; and finally a lighter.

The size of the hibernation chamber is not big, it is impossible to install a power armor.

"Hey, if there is a power armor..."

Ding Fan After putting on the nano protective clothing, I stomped my feet hard and finally felt a little warm.

I also brought the air filter on the clothes. This thing can filter out most of the microorganisms. And some bodies with poison qi are adsorbed.

"The oxygen concentration is not very high, it is a little hypoxic...Fortunately, I can barely breathe, not the kind of absolutely harsh death environment. . "Ding Fan's chest and abdomen fluctuated. He took out another injection of the medicine from the medical bag and put it on his neck.

This medicine can promote the rapid growth of red blood cells and white blood cells, which is beneficial to the human body. Survive under the aliens.

After taking a few breaths, the body is a little hot. It should be because the immune system is adapting to the alien microbes.

"Kang Erta, you Do you know where spaceship has gone? Are you awake at that time? We have to find spaceship. "

"...It seems to be over there, but it's far away! "Conta thought about it for a long time, and said with a little uncertainty: "At that time, the spaceship was flying very fast. I estimate that the landing place of the spaceship may be hundreds of kilometers away. "

Hundreds of kilometers?

It seems impossible for a while.

Ding Fan licked his lips, a little admiring this heartless one. Plants.

He is panicking to death now, but with the company of a plant, it seems to be better. A plant colonizing a planet is indeed amazing.

Mixed in the body His various medicines are working, and he feels that he is starting to have a high fever.

The four elements of survival: water, fire, food, and habitat, but for a student, it is still too difficult.

Ding Fan is in a dilemma. If he wants to find a companion, he has to abandon his hibernation warehouse and abandon this absolutely safe place.

But staying here all the time, obviously there is nothing too big. Future.

"Conta, what do you think should be done? "

"Me? Of course I am here to bask in the sun! Do you want to eat? It's getting dark soon, you should eat something and stay in the hibernation warehouse. I have to wait for the sun to rise for anything."

"Okay, thank you..."

Although I feel hungry, I feel a little bit uncomfortable. Ding Fan took a few A fruit, sitting above the hibernation bin, thinking about the current situation.

He turned on the solar walkie-talkie and found that there was only a noise inside, and there was simply no companion nearby.

This kind of thing is normal.

, Here is dense woods, undulating mountains, and the planet may have a relatively high magnetic field, the signal ability of the walkie-talkie has been weakened a lot.

"Anyone? Anyone? Ding Fan yelled a few words in disbelief, and as expected, he waited for a long time without any response.

But this fact made him even more dead.

"Kanger, trouble You look at this walkie-talkie, if someone has found it, please give me an answer... I'll... take a break. "

I don’t know if it’s the psychological effect or the effect of extraterrestrial microorganisms. Ding Fan always feels dizzy and has to lie back in the hibernation cabin.

"You Eat something first! "

"Oh, yes, thank you. "

Human is iron, and rice is steel. You must have enough nutrients to be able to have a strong enough immunity. Ding Fan endured the desire to vomit and ate a milk fruit. The fruit grows because it tastes good. It is famous for its milk flavor and rich in nutrients. After Ding Fan finished eating, he felt that his hunger was eliminated a little, and fell asleep in a drowsy manner...

It's really a gloomy and bleak future, if you can How great it will be to go back!

He will cherish the past he has now more.

Ding Fan is lying in the hibernation barn thinking wildly, he is not an outstanding student, he has become a super human The probability is not very high.

His life up to now is just like his name, ordinary, ordinary grades from elementary school, no great ideals, the so-called "knowing oneself" task , I don’t know where to talk about it. Every day’s diary is to deal with things. Anyway, these things are private and no one will check.

Under the irradiation of a large number of senior rays of light, also There is no need to consider major events such as the development of civilization. These youngsters play around, talk about love, and then find a simple job. Their entire life is a true portrayal of an ordinary person.

He even has some expectations. He will live a superhuman life in the virtual world soon...

Even if he fails the test, it’s not bad to be happy for several lifetimes!

Freedom often means depravity. Few people can manage themselves well... In fact, Ding Fan admires Lin Yueyue's kind of strong and motivated person, but he is helpless himself as a salted fish!

Until today, a major turning point in life has occurred...

"Ding Fan, Ding Fan, you wake up! "Suddenly there was a voice in my ear, which seemed to be Conta's scream.

"What's wrong?" ! Ding Fan woke up suddenly, "Someone found me?" "

In the next moment he was shocked!

Through the glass window, you can see that the sky is already dark. Under the moonlight, you can vaguely see Conta. A few dark shadows appeared on the branches of the monkeys, which looked a bit like some kind of wild beast!

There were several tails behind the wild beast monkeys...they were frantically gnawing the fruits of Kangerta!

This plant is also a bit afraid to move, it is just a small sapling, facing these animals eating its fruit, usually will not resist.

While Ding Fan is afraid, A little anxious again, he patted the hibernation chamber violently and yelled: "Mine, that's mine! "

But in the dark environment, he didn't dare to charge ahead and grab things with these crazy animals. From the sharp claws and fangs of the animals, you can tell that these guys are not good. It's annoying.

Even if he has a laser gun in his hand, even if he kills a few monkeys, as long as he is scratched, it is an uneconomical business.

Ding Fan only I can keep knocking on the glass to intimidate these creatures, hoping that they can leave as soon as possible. However, these monkey-like species, not only do not panic, but they only approach the hibernation warehouse and look around.

It's just a pity that they can't see through what's inside the glass.

About half an hour later, all the animals are full before they leave contentedly.

"! ......" Ding Fan looked at the mess, almost crying without tears. He took a deep breath and hid in the hibernation cabin without saying a word.

"Sorry. "Kangerta said, it is not a very offensive species, in this case it really can't help much.

"Nothing. Ding Fan shook the head, "It's not your fault..."

In the early morning of 2nd day, Ding Fan woke up from his sleep when the sky was slightly bright.

He came from the hibernation warehouse. Climbing out, I suddenly saw a few remaining fruits that were bitten and thrown on the ground. I quickly walked over and picked them up. After cutting off the gnawed place with a knife, I put them in the hibernation warehouse. Among them.

Now at this time, any food must be cherished.

"It is today’s breakfast. "

After sleeping all night, the immune medicine seemed to have worked, and his body recovered a bit, and his whole body was no longer as hot as yesterday.

After eating these fruits, Ding Fan picked off all the food left on Kang Erta again.

"Save some food, it's enough for three to five days, plus these nutrient solutions, it can last for a week. "

He decided to find his companions as soon as possible.

"My situation is relatively good. There is a kangerta next to me with ready-made food. Others only have a few bottles of nutrient solution. After the nutrient solution is used up, they must look for local food, which greatly increases the risk. "

"If everyone stays near the hibernation warehouse, then it will always be just a pile of loose sand...Everyone will die. "

"Let me find everyone. "

Ding Fan made this determination. Because his conditions are the best, he must take this responsibility.

"Kang Erta, you stay here first, I go roam around. "

He holds a knife in one hand, a laser pistol in the other, and a walkie-talkie is tied to his waistband. He cautiously guards the environment all around.

Although his nano protective suit It is very strong and can resist most of the bites of Insect, but it is difficult to resist some wild beasts that rely on strength to directly attack. For example, creatures like pythons can directly exhaust him; creatures like elephants can directly attack him It’s not necessarily safe to trample to death.

Walking in the forest is quite difficult. There are often some extraterrestrial plants in front of you and need to be cut with a knife, which consumes a lot of energy. Especially. When diving into the bushes, some strange little creatures often jump out, making him in a state of vigilance for a long time.

Ding Fan uses a knife to open up wasteland while constantly making marks to save money. I’m lost.

It took 4 hours, and I didn’t know how long it took, and then returned home out of breath.

"There is no one there, maybe I was walking. The distance is not far enough... Change a direction first... I don't know how far this walkie-talkie can be contacted. There are 6 directions in total. "Ding Fan ate the fruit and drew a map on the ground.

"I hope I can find my companion soon, I hope..."

Time passes day by day...


After the end of the 3rd day, Ding Fan has explored the distance in six directions for 4 hours, but it is a pity that he did not find any companions.

The desperate Ding Fan once thought he was. Ushering in the end of the world, he overestimated his willpower, he couldn't search for his companions, and the food was gradually decreasing. Although he had saved food, he expected to have only four or five days' share. This is too difficult.

"Others may be worse, Ding Fan. "Conta said, "The fruit I provided contains a lot of water. You are not short of water. Others may already be short of water." "

"You are right. Ding Fan licked his dry lips, "So I want to go further tomorrow, and I may not be able to come back at night, or maybe I won't be able to come back in the future...I have to leave here. "

"Are you serious?" "

It is not easy to make this determination. After hesitating for a while, Ding Fan said: "I am not sick now, and I am full. It can be said to be in the best state!" If I missed this opportunity, I am afraid it will get worse and worse in the future. "

"Everyone will die. "

"Are you following along?" "

"I... forget it. "The plant said: "I will stay here, even if there is no one to accompany, I will not be alone. And the long-distance trek consumes too much for me. "

This result is within expectations, Ding Fan nodded: "Then... Good luck! "

"Good luck to you too. "

2nd day, Ding Fan made a simple carrying package with a parachute, took all the survival supplies, and re-entered the jungle.

He was determined to climb north. Take a look at the hillside.

In the high terrain, you may be able to see the parachutes of your companions, and the signal of the walkie-talkie will be better.

This feeling of loneliness , It’s hard to describe in words. Ding Fan once thought about "what should I do if I can’t find a companion". The answer is that he will die.

He doesn’t have enough abilities to survive in the wild. An accident or some unknown minor illness can take his life.

Even someone who hasn’t spoken for a long time is enough to drive him crazy.

Ding Fan clearly I know, I am essentially a salted fish for a day.

This time he walked a total of 7 hours, and there was no danger along the way. Perhaps it was a creature of a different planet, and he was a little afraid of this size. A bit big animal.

Something bit on the arm. Fortunately, the wild beast’s fangs did not penetrate the nano protective suit. It ran away quickly.

Ding Fan walked with a sore waist and back pain. Humans in this era have been genetically optimized to be far stronger and better resistant than humans in the past. He felt a little hungry, looked at the food in the backpack, swallowed Put it back in the backpack.

"Hunger is such a painful thing..."

"People are iron rice or steel, so I feel hungry if I don't eat a meal. "

"I want to eat something. Can I eat my own arm meat?? "

I always think about eating things in my head. There is nothing but eating. I can’t wait to eat everything. But Ding Fan knows that these survival supplies must be kept as much as possible. Now.

"zi zi ......" Suddenly, the intercom rang a few times.

Ding Fan looked stunned, "Hey, is there anyone? Anyone? ! "

"zi zi ……" may be because the signal is not very good, not quite clear.

Exhausted Ding Fan got up from the ground and continued to I walked for about half an hour before I could barely hear the voice inside. It was a girl, but I didn’t know what I was talking about.

"Wait a minute, I will come right away... …Hey, I saw your parachute! "

Ding Fan hastened his pace, looking down from the hillside, there is a parachute hanging on the branch, and a black smoke filled in midair, which is quite a striking mark.

"Li Qing! very good, finally found a teammate! "

"Ding Fan! "

Seeing a female classmate, Ding Fan's heart was full of lizard joy.

He sat on the ground, wheezing and gasping, this The challenge is a bit daunting for him.

Ding Fan said with a hint of joy: "I walked for eight hours and finally found a companion. However, we must find more companions and find spaceship. "

"Ding Fan...Do you have anything to eat?" "Li Qing is a bit sorry, but she is really hungry, and she doesn't dare to eat the food here.

"This is the fruit from Kangerta, you can eat it. "Taking advantage of this, Ding Fan took a break for a while, and then added some fire to the flames.

Even if he is starving to death, he still needs a gentleman to brace oneself.

Li Qing cautiously ate two fruits, and after a little replenishment of energy, she stopped eating. After all, this absolutely safe food is considered an important material.

" In fact, I have learned some knowledge about extreme survival. "

Li Qing suddenly broke the silence, "For example, to distinguish whether food is edible... I found some natural fruits in the vicinity, and some native animals are eating these fruits." "

These green fruits look a bit like green grapes, with some traces of being eaten, but I don’t know if they are suitable for human use.

Li Qing took a bite. Lips, said: "Apply a part of the fruit to the skin. After 15 minutes, if the skin does not react, it means it is safe to a certain extent. "

" Then, after boiling it, place a small amount of food on your lips and wait for a few minutes. If there is no itching or burning sensation, place it under your tongue for about 15 minutes If there is no itching or burning sensation, put it in your mouth for another 15 minutes. If there is still no allergic reaction, you can swallow it..."

"Of course, I'm actually alone I don’t dare to do this kind of experiment. In case of a coma, no one will take care of it..."

Ding Fan patiently listened to the other person to finish.

Li Qing said: "...So you come After that, I want to try it first. Don't worry about anything, this level will come sooner or later, because we are too short of food. "

"Food is always important. "

Ding Fan couldn't help but admire in his heart that girls are actually very brave. But then again, most people who have the courage to get out of the hibernation bin and face reality are more brave.

The two of them boiled a cup of water in a jar of nutrient solution, and boiled the fruits for a long time. Li

Qing had tried one cautiously, and his brows wrinkled slightly.

"What's wrong? "

"...It's a bit sour, like a lemon, but the overall feeling is okay...Let’s do it today, the sun is about to go down..."


This planet’s day is only 19 hours.

The atmosphere fell into silence for a while. There is only one absolutely safe hibernation chamber, but who sleeps in it?

After a long time, Li Qing opened the mouth and said: "You also come in, you can sleep in a squeeze, it's not safe outside. "


Ding Fan thought for a while, although a bit sorry, he did not refuse.

The two squeezed back to back in the hibernation cabin. Inside, it is the first time in his life that he has been so close to a girl, especially this girl is quite cute.

However, in the face of hunger, hormones do not play any role, and the desire to reproduce is not worth it. Mention it.

In addition to wanting to eat, Ding Fan still wants to eat... He just wants to eat, really just wants to eat!


In the early morning of 2nd day, Ding Fan woke up and found that Li Qing was boiling water. She placed some fresh leaves on the fire to create thick black smoke, which is a very good communication signal.

"How do you feel? "Ding Fan asked.

"It feels...okay, no stomach pain, no other reactions. This kind of fruit should be edible, there is nothing wrong with eating a small amount. "

Ding Fan also tried to eat a cooked green fruit, but all of a sudden, the whole face was twisted into a ball, "It's too sour, it's almost like a lemon, even if it can be eaten It's too hard to speak up! "

When Li Qing saw his expression, she couldn't help laughing: "It can be used to make tea or make seasonings... We may live here for a long, long time, and we need some concoctions. ..."

"Yes...We may have to stay here for a long time. "Although the prospects are not optimistic, in front of the girls, Ding Fan has to strengthen himself no matter what: "We can survive. "

"I brought some unfinished food and nutrient solution. Let's have breakfast first. We need to replenish energy and then look for more companions. I have already looked for the direction to the south, and now we are alone, and we will gather here in the afternoon. "

"No problem! "Li Qing said hurriedly, knowing that it is not the time to be hypocritical, even a girl must act.


There are so many people and strength, this day’s search, and I joined a small partner, Captain Lin Yueyue of the team.

Lin Yueyue didn’t know what terrifying thing she had experienced. She was covered in blood. She even killed one with a laser gun. Wild beast similar to cats!

"I just don’t know if this guy’s meat can be eaten! "

"Sister Yueyue, you are so sturdy...You can actually kill a wild beast! "

"Of course, I have been specially trained! I have experience of survival in the wild, and the bald brother is my idol! "Lin Yueyue joined in, coupled with a wild beast as the main food, so that the who

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