Irvin was silent for a while.

He suddenly whispered: "Did you know? When I first joined spaceship, I regretted it. I regretted abandoning everything about Earth, regretting abandoning hundreds of millions of family assets and a superior Earth life. These eight or ninety-nine For months, I have been in anguish, so the painting I painted is nothing more than a pile of rubbish!"

Zhang Yuan was taken aback, wondering why Irwin suddenly wanted to say These, "Mr. Irwin, you can choose to go back, in Europa and our industrial base, plus the spaceship for the return can return to Earth."

Elvin shook the head, the tone began to increase, "Those who can’t go back, once I go back, I will be spurned forever, and I can’t sell any more paintings!"

"This is impossible, I've already won but never returned ……"

"In their eyes, I am already a real dead person! Even if I go back brazenly, I will be assassinated, you know... Only works of dead people can Sell ​​at a real high price!"

"I shouldn’t continue like this! But I am afraid and regretful, I regret losing everything I have."

"I miss Earth on Life, but I’m impossible to go back!” Irwin became more and more excited, speaking faster and faster, because of the pain in his heart, his nose and tears came out at the same time.

Zhang Yuan is speechless.

Suddenly, Irvine seemed to think of something and yelled frantically.

"I will draw a real work of art to record my cowardice, timidity and ignorance at the moment. This is the real me. I have always had a great personality, go to hell!"


Saying goodbye to this great painter, Zhang Yuan returned to the living area, and by the way, he called the superior liaison officer in the community.

"Is it Ms. Lin Xuan?"

"Hello, can I help you?"

"That's it, I suggest you find A psychiatrist went to visit the painter in area M, Mr. Irwin. He seemed to be a little bit wrong..." Zhang Yuan recounted the entire process of development of the whole incident.

"Okay, I see. Thank you for your suggestion."

Hang up the phone, sighed in relief. This is the best way he can choose.

He felt that with Europa’s proximity, everyone became a bit neurotic, probably related to the special people he came into contact with, and probably related to the increasingly repressive atmosphere on the spaceship.

came back to his senses and continue to think about his own "turbulence problem".

This kind of long-term continuous thinking has become a habit, and it can even be done while thinking without affecting other simple activities.

He can think while eating, and he can also think secretly when talking with people, but he looks a little nerdy at this time.

It's even a bit similar to some scientists walking and hitting a telephone pole.

Sometimes, Zhang Yuan will also question whether he should do something that can produce results instead of chewing on this hard bone.

But in the end, it was rejected.

Anyway, I am still young, even if I fail, what is it?


The contact watch on his wrist rang suddenly, Zhang Yuan came back to his senses, shaking his slightly tired brain.

This communication device often releases large-scale group activities such as seminars, song and dance parties.

【...Tonight, the notes of youth are beating, and the flames of passion are burning. A mysterious song and dance party will be staged on the Z zone song stage. ]

[There are even extremely rare spicy and fried foods to eat! 】

A heart moved, is the new batch of peppers ripe? Thinking about it, it's a little drooling.

Anyway, idle is idle, so it’s good to enjoy dancing.

Z zone is the upper zone of the annular living area. Because it is closer to the central axis, the gravity here is only about half of Earth's.

In a low gravity environment, the human body will become lighter, and the original ballet and other difficult dances will become easier.

Zhang Yuan at a moderate pace, came to Zone Z and bought a ticket.

Not expensive, as long as 40 yuan.

Then, I just found a remote place to sit down and began to enjoy the buffet.

Although it is a buffet, the taste of meat dishes is generally not very good. Synthetic pork, synthetic lamb, and synthetic lamb are all meatballs.

However, there is a hint of the spicy taste of chili, and it seems to be better after being fried in oil. After all, I usually eat steamed vegetables, and I almost vomit.

Zhang Yuan misses the big chicken thighs, spicy hot pot, hot pot, hot pot, seafood noodles, Lanzhou ramen on Earth...

Just when he was eating brow beaded with sweat , An unexpected silhouette, sat directly opposite him.

It is his Senior Brother Zhao Qingfeng.

Zhao Qingfeng said: "You are too unsophisticated to eat. Didn't expect you to participate in this kind of party, won't you go to dance?"

Zhang Yuan wipes his mouth away Chili on the side, "No, I just find a place to quietly and eat something spicy by the way."

Prom? Don’t you think it’s weird to dance while eating chili.

"Quiet, quiet in this place?" Zhao Qingfeng said playfully: "I've come here, what kind of pretense? Would you like me to introduce you a very open Western girl, everyone? Let’s have Mala Tang together?"

"I also have a bottle of ancestral beef sauce, brought from Earth. Would you like to eat it?"

Didn't expect Senior Brother Zhao is still a foodie , Carry the share of precious substances, and use them to bring food.

Zhang Yuan teased: "You can taste beef sauce, but I can’t eat a western girl. You are a married man, why come here? As far as I know, this is a singles club, yes Another form of blind date."

"Senior Brother Zhao, if you want to immerse yourself in a pig cage if you cheat during marriage..."

Zhao Qingfeng pointed to the opposite side, "My wife doesn’t Is it there? Appreciating the beauty of art together is the joy of life. Both men and women like beautiful girls. People like you who have no aesthetic ability do not understand."

Zhang Yuan dry cough For a moment.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, are you also here to see me perform?"

A girl walked towards me, with long blond hair casually draped over her shoulders. A white ballet skirt, without too much decoration, feels unusually elegant and beautiful.

Zhang Yuan lifts the head, for a while, I will forget who this girl is. I just feel pretty good-looking and familiar, where I have seen it.

"You are..."

"After being together for so long, you forgot who I am?" The girl frowned, her voice a little dissatisfied.

"It turned out to be Anna, haha..." Zhang Yuan was quite embarrassed, and he could tell the identity of the other party from the girl's tone.

In fact, it was a colleague in the laboratory. As a result, he didn't know each other after replacing the thick spacesuit.

Zhang Yuan secretly said in one's heart, don’t blame me for that. Who told you to wear a spacesuit and talk through a layer of earphones.

But he praised again and again, "didn't expect you to be so beautiful and you can dance ballet?"

Anna said with a smile: "Yes, wait for me. I’m going to perform on stage... Gentleman, if you want to pursue me, you can consider giving you a chance."

"Then, I will ask you to eat spicy synthetic meatballs." Zhang Yuan As if thinking about a key point, I don't even know what my mouth is saying.


The girl was silent for a while, suddenly speechless.

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