Demon King Dad

Vol 4 Chapter 20: , 23 : 59

In the world of silver, there are two people standing.

One big, one iǎ.

The man in the cloak was holding the sword of destruction that symbolized absolute destruction, and looking at the child in front of him through the Yin shadow under the cloak.

And this child, also gritted his teeth, with a self-deprecating smile at the corner of his mouth, looked at the man in the cloak without fear.

The wind stopped...

The movement of the stars stopped at this moment.

At this moment, breathing, heartbeat, and blood flow all stopped.

The whole world……

It seems that it has also come to a standstill...

Do you regret it? "

Long time, long time.

The man in the cloak drew the sword of darkness in the desert and pointed the tip of the sword at the sandy ground in front of him. A cold voice without any emotion came from under the cloak.

iǎ Jin, took a deep breath.

He bent over, picked up the iǎ knife and half of the broken sword on the ground, held it upside down, and held it to his chest.

"There is no regret about eating. Now that it is done, it is useless to regret it."

The man in the cloak looked at the child and was silent.

After a while, Yin's cold voice came again: "So, what are your plans now in your heart."


iǎ Jin lowered his head and thought for a while. After that, the child raised his head, looked at the man in the cloak with those serious and serious eyes, and said in a very firm tone--

"Uncle kidnapper, I personally gave up my last chance. I also know that now, I have been sentenced to death."

"But, I don't regret it. Because in these three months, I have understood a lot of truth, and also figured out a lot of problems that I didn't have time to think about before."

"I...I'm a spoiled prince. I used to think that practicing swordsmanship and riding horseback in the martial arts field of the palace is the so-called exercise. I have never experienced life and death like these three months. I really It’s too immature, too naive."

"I used to...I didn't know how to think. When encountering things, on the one hand, I always thought of relying on my identity as a prince to oppress the other party automatically. If the other party refuses to stop because of my identity, I will find ways to escape. Or push it to others to solve."

"I...I really can't be regarded as a qualified heir to the throne."

"As a king, you need strength."

"But in addition to strength, there is also a kindness and a heart that can forgive others."

"Courage and wisdom are never contradictory things. Stick to your own opinions and don't let others' opinions easily manipulate them. If you know what you need and what you need to do, then stick to it."

"Accountability, responsibility, and obligation. The king is not based on the premise that you can drive your people freely. It is based on the foundation that all the people support you and love you."

"Forgive people who have hurt you for a while, but always love you. Forgive them for not being in the highest position and unable to fully consider things. Learn to think from each person's different standpoints, and try to understand the other person. The reason and reason for doing it, don’t just put the “idea” wrong and rigidly apply it to anything just because of the pure “idea”."

"Then...just humble."

"Learn to be humble to those around you, to be humble to the surrounding environment, and to be humble to the world."

"The world is not revolving around me, but I have to adapt to this world. If this world wants to destroy me, it is extremely simple. As long as I don't act according to the rules of this world, and think that the heavens and the earth are the only one in the world, Then I will not only bring destruction to me, but also bring destruction to the people and things I care about... everything."

iǎ Jin took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and recalled everything in the past three months in his mind. Finally, slowly said——

"The way to be a king is broad and deep. To be a good king, the things that I can experience in just three months have made me realize that I have more things before I can learn."

" don't take myself as a ‘Prince’ to my heart anymore."

"But I realized that I was a ‘Prince’ again."

"I hope to be the king of the Bucks in the future. Become a leader with enough courage, wisdom, and conviction to lead my country, my people, and continue on this sad continent!"

"I hope to bring them a happier life..."

"I hope I can do my best to make my country a place where you can always hear laughter and laughter while walking on the street!"

Gravel, silent.

The childish speech of a ten-year-old child spread out because of the wide world.

Here is the place of death.

Except for him and this cloaked man, no one can hear these words.

However, this is enough.

Because these words are not only for the man in the cloak, but also for himself, so that the future king, the young man, will lay the most solid foundation in the past three months.

call. "

The man in the cloak raised his head slightly.

The dark pupils came out through the cloak and landed on the child's face.

"Unfortunately, you have no chance. The time now is far past midnight. Your chance has disappeared."

"Hmph, kidnapper uncle, didn't you understand what I just said?"

iǎ Jin squeezed the two dilapidated weapons in his hands even more tightly, and concentrated on the authentic——

"I said, I want to be the future king of the Bucks... Therefore, I will never die here! No matter how strong you are, no matter how great the disparity in strength between me and you is. . Even if there is only one billionth of hope, I will not wait to die!"

The man in the cloak stared at the child and looked at his eyes that definitely didn't look like a desperate man. For a moment, there was silence.

Because now there is no need to say anything.

No amount of words have become cumbersome and useless at this moment.

The child's mind is very clear now. It is not a simple bravery, nor is it a dumb idiot.

This is the moment when a lion cub is learning to capture his opponent, and when the child's eyes finally completely lock the cloaked man...


In an instant, Jin's figure disappeared from the cloak man! When the man in the cloak raised his head slightly and was slightly surprised, the child had appeared behind the man in the cloak, and the broken sword that was pinched upside down was pulled along the rotation of his body, directly facing the back of the man in the cloak!

The cloak man didn't look back, he just took a step forward. At the same time, without even looking at the black sword in his hand, it pierced Jin's chest directly behind him. I Jin, who was in mid-air, immediately raised his hands and separated the black sword with the weapon in his hand. This body immediately took advantage of the force to fly up to the sky above the cloaked man, and his hands rotated again, cutting to the cloaked man like a top .

The ten-year-old prince stormed.

He played out all the things he could learn in the past three months, as quickly as possible, but launched an offensive without arrogance.

His moves are fierce and extremely fast. With the body honed in the suffering, the explosive speed of this child is simply amazing!

He suddenly appeared in front of the cloaked man, thrusting the knife in his hand into the opponent's thigh. But when the cloak man flashed past, he moved behind the cloak man in an instant! How ingenious is the use of false moves and real moves, it is impossible to see that this is an action that a ten-year-old child can make!

However, his attacks are sharp and his defenses are equally delicate. In the battle with the cloak man, he had to block almost six or seven of his ten moves. But the delicate nature of this child used his size and movement to block any sword strike that pierced his body in the gap of the attack. Cautious and bold, delicate and coarse, these two completely different styles are completely reflected in this child. Gradually, this style also replaced all the royal swords he learned before and became his unique fighting posture!


iǎ gold landed. However, it was landing on both feet and hands at the same time.

His eyes were no longer filled with human emotions such as joy, anger, fear, and worry. Instead, it is a focus.

The pupils of these eyes began to expand and began to try their best to absorb any ray of light to see each other's movements clearly.

He raised his ears and used all the cells to listen to every rustling sound coming from around. Dominate your body, make the most reasonable and most suitable actions for the current situation!



Perhaps many people think that the fighting style of the beasts represents wildness and rage. This martial art of the heart was rejected by too many people, especially members of the nobility.

In fact, the real wild is also full of wisdom, full of strength and agility, speed and skill.

There has never been a true king of the jungle in nature. The wisdom and survival skills that nature bestows on wild things far exceed what mankind can imagine.

The elegance of the leopard; the power of the lion; the cunning of the hyena; the intellect of the monkey to advance and retreat; the needle of the vulture;

Eclectic, this is the style of martial arts.

Maintaining strong observation, vigilance, and ensuring one's maximum survivability in battle is this wonderful weapon of heart martial arts.

There may not be many people who are well-known and famous in history. But each one can undeniably survive for a long time. While others are "heroic" giving up their lives, this kind of martial artist can always survive the best, and then defeat their own enemies.


The slashing of the iǎ knife caused the black sword to block, but with this gear, iǎ Jin turned over in midair. After landing, he kicked his feet directly and got under the cloak man's crotch. Without waiting to turn around, his hands turned directly back, grabbing those two weapons that can't be said to be weapons, and stab them behind him!

Stabbing, own enemy.

Stabbed! when----!

The remaining sound curled up, and the sound of the blade colliding with the blade began to spread in the air again.

Jin held the weapon upside down, turned around immediately after the attack, and resumed his fighting posture, staring at the eyes that almost filled the entire eye sockets, looking at the enemy in front of him.


The man in the cloak doesn't move.

He turned his back to Jin and did not turn around again.

Why doesn't he move?

Maybe it's because the damaged cloak has split...

Perhaps it was because of the left arm exposed under the cloak. On the arm, there was a scratch that couldn't be shallower, even bloodshot marks...



The wind blew away the damaged piece of cloth.

As the black cloth swept in the air along with the breeze, the sword in the cloak man's right hand also slowly contracted, and gradually disappeared in his right hand.

This behavior was very strange to Jin, but he did not dare to be careless. He believes that the person he faces is definitely a person who does what he says. Since I didn't challenge him before midnight, the scar that I brought to him now would definitely not be a reason to regain my freedom!

Therefore, he was vigilant, holding his sword and knife, vigilant...


The next moment, the man in the cloak suddenly appeared in front of Iǎ Jin from a distance, and hit him in the abdomen with a lightning punch! Jin froze for a moment, and instantly became weak, and the weapon he held in both hands was also copied by the cloak man and pinched in the opponent's hand.

"Goo...! Cough...cough cough cough...!"

"you can go now."

The man in the cloak squeezed the sword and knife in his hand and said slowly.

"Go...? Cough cough cough...! You... didn't you mean...?!"

Iǎ Jin sat down on the ground, and the dilation of his pupils began to slowly return to the original state. He coughed loudly, with doubts in his heart.

"Ah, I said. Before twelve o'clock in the night, you can bring me scars, then you will be free again. Now, you can do it."

I can’t believe it! Is this another trick? !

"This...impossible! Although...I don't have a watch...but I...still have...time concept! When I...killed that hyena... Point! How... possible?"

"Ah, is it? Then I don't know."

The chain on the cloak man's right hand began to squirm, and some dark chains began to coil around the knife and the broken sword in his hand. At the same time, saying--

"At least, I thought it was still 11:59. That's how the pocket watch over there told me."


Jin was taken aback, after coughing twice, he turned around and walked to the place where the merchant’s camels were just staying. really! There is a pocket watch in the sand here. This is... the pocket watch of the bearded businessman? And... this watch stopped! Stopped time...

Eleven o'clock... Fifty-nine minutes? A

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