Demon King Dad

Vol 6 Chapter 43: , That happy and perfect holy night sacrifice

Ah ah ah ah! ! ! "

Tony's heart-piercing screams gushed from his throat. Now, this person is truly alive, right?

Bread is uncertain, because the sudden break of his right hand has far exceeded her expectations!

Wasn't it possible? Haven't you fully grasped the various physical rejection reactions that can be caused by recording time? Then why is there such a phenomenon of body repulsion now?

The current situation is a bit critical, and the speed of the vortex in the surrounding time has started to slow down again and tends to stand still. The eyes of this material just stared blankly at the cut off half of the face, and bloodshots began to flow in his mouth.

That's all?

No... how could this be?

The bread will never give up, she has already agreed with Ba Ba, she must save Ba Ba, so she will never give up, absolutely!

The girl's hands were pressed together, and the magic circle under her feet emitted a more dazzling silver-white light.

At first sight, the time vortex that was about to become static also revolved around the "material" again. However, as time continues to operate, some things beyond the control of bread begin to emerge again.

The right hand of the material began to appear irregularly twisted, the bones inside seemed to be completely absent, the whole arm began to twist, and the muscles began to tear apart like each other!

Bread immediately separated a hand to adjust this arm, but once the repulsion of the lower arm was slightly appeased, the material time immediately began to slow down. In the midst of this conflicting busyness, there was only a click...,

Tony's entire right arm burst. The bones and flesh-and-blood bullets inside flew out, leaving only a pool of flesh that was constantly bubbling with blood and repelling and decomposing.

The situation gradually got out of control, bread simply stopped thinking about other things, her hands pressed the chest of this material again, and tried her best to achieve the most preliminary test plan!

The swirling speed of the surrounding time vortex is getting faster and faster, but the "uncontrolled situation" has begun to emerge again.

This time, it was the left arm.

Next time, it's two legs!

The more time resumes, the body of this person seems to be in different time streams, unable to merge with other places. Every cell is repelling each other, every muscle can't find any connection points, it's loose and messy!

Now, it's time to make up your mind.

Bread nodded, she knew what she should do now and what she must do. As a result, her left hand was immediately raised, and the blade of the wind waved with her fingers, and the left arm and two thighs of this material were immediately separated from his body. At the moment of cutting off, Bread immediately felt the pressure in her hands relieved, and her confident and beautiful smile reappeared on her face, and she began to suppress and debug the material again.

In the dark room, only the silver-white light revolved outside the orphanage, and the Knights of the Hidden Currents were rushing at full speed under the blizzard." The whole world turned into a white darkness and Tony’s eyes were dull. , Looking at the body of his son who had been taken apart...

Look at the pieces of meat, internal organs..."...

And beside his face, the half of the face that seemed to be sleeping peacefully, this man is crazy, isn't it?

Or "Does he still have something called "consciousness"?

With only one body left, he just tilted his head like this, quietly looking at the brother's skeleton next to him.

There was no pain or sorrow on his face.

Just watching silently like this, watching as the limbs separated, with the blood overflowing from the corners of my mouth...

He, just like this, stared blankly.

On his body, Bread is working hard.

This beautiful girl, the kind-hearted huāji girl with a naive and pure face, is now doing her best to save this man's life.

Sweat fell on her forehead, and her pink lips could not hide her clenched silver teeth.

Her body was stained with blood, and her hands were red as if they were painted with paint.

These Qianqiansu hands pressed Tony's chest tightly, exposing all his efforts and doing his best...!

……………… "…………………………………………

The blizzard outside continued to blow.

At this moment, the snow well seemed to have turned into hail, crackling on the window.

The voice was crisp, but extremely monotonous.

In the midst of the sound that seemed to be stimulating people to fall asleep, the magic circle in the room also began to slowly, slowly, stabilized...,

The silver-white space-time vortex began to rotate steadily.

But the girl standing in the center of this swirling ran, but now she looked indifferent, and slowly stood up.

She lowered her head and looked at the material lying on the floor, her delicate face was filled with feelings that were colder than that of ice.

Under her feet, this thing " still alive.

However, his muscles melted like chocolate in his mouth.

The ground was full of fat in his body. The skin on his stomach has also been unable to maintain its original shape, melting. The intestines and other internal organs are melted and glued together, which looks like a pile of broken plasticine.

The bones on his chest were also crisp, and after the skin melted, the bones were also deformed like wax. The heart inside was beating slowly, along with the two lungs that had withered together and were about to turn into liquid. As a life, it was still maintaining the last breath.

The skin on the man's face was already deep, revealing the bones inside.

Those two eyeballs were already covered by the melted skin, but those eyes were also turned into a paste now, and a little fell out of the eye sockets. It's just that compared with just now, this head is still looking at the small face of the small material next to it. "It feels really disgusting.


Bread let out a sigh, and patted his skirt very femininely. Her blood-stained hands gently pulled up her long pink hair and flung it back. She looked at this thing with "life" again, and couldn't help shook her head. After that, he stopped looking at him and walked out of the room.

Well, I thought it would be easy to reverse time. Now it seems that this is also a problem.

As he walked, the bread was thinking. In a short while, she left the orphanage and walked in the blizzard very leisurely, while holding her chin, constantly thinking about things that could not be understood by ordinary people.

According to this incident, bread drew a law. That is recording time, which is much easier than recovering time.

To record, just record all the time of an object in one mind. But if time is restored, if all parts of the body cannot fully achieve time consistency, such mutually exclusive phenomena will occur.

This is a very serious phenomenon, and it is also a phenomenon that must be resolved.

It seems that what I think is feasible is actually far more difficult than I can imagine. This is something that must be kept in mind.

But well...

In the hail, Bread opened the snow barrier, raised his head, and looked at the sky. A smile on his **** face couldn't help but exude.

This is a confident smile.

Failure is the mother of success, isn't it?

Although in Ba Ba's outlook on life, failure means death. However, it wasn't babble, but the life of those materials. Even if it fails, Baba will not suffer any loss, will it?

The girl believes that "as long as she works hard and works hard, there will always be a moment of success.

As long as you try a few more times by yourself, take some more live "materials" to practice a few times.

If it doesn’t work several times, then a dozen times. If it doesn’t work, then dozens or even hundreds of times.

As long as you keep experimenting and continue to master the mystery of time, and master the very headache formulas in your mind, then one day, sooner or later, there will be a day!

(Baba, wait for the bread. Wait for a while. Baba must stick to it, and wait until the bread is completely tested successfully! Wait until that moment is Baba, it’s time to return to the bread again nm)

Under the hail, the beautiful girl walked slowly with her hands on her back and disappeared into the wind and snow.

Even the footprints in the ground" were in the orphanage covered by the white world a moment later, and the Hermit Knights had arrived.

Rao is that some of them have experienced countless battlefields, but after these girls who are generally less than eighteen years old, after looking at the scene in the room, "still a lot of people ran out and vomited.

I looked at the fat and blood on the floor distractedly.” I also looked at the child who was taken apart as parts.

In the end, his gaze was also on the fugitive who had melted bones, and only the heart was still slightly fluctuating, who was still "alive".

"Head, this..."

Jian Ji was covering her mouth, she couldn't even imagine what she saw before her eyes.

Deviatedly raised her finger and stopped her questioning. Afterwards, the group leader slowly walked over to the messed meat on the ground, knelt down on one knee.

The rotten meat has no response...

He just continued to look at the bones beside him with his melted eyes.

His mouth had already melted and turned crooked. Let alone talking, judging from the degree of melting, whether it can make a sound becomes a question.

Looking at the man deviatedly, after a long time, she slowly closed her eyes. The hands, also folded together, seem to be praying...

Elvish language) Rest in peace. Your soul will be happy forever by the goddess."

After chanting, he stretched out his hand and gently pressed the beating heart. The flame at the tip of the finger shook slightly, and the heart also stopped slowly, and the undulating lungs were not moving. Finally, stepped into the eternal sleep...

"Head, what happened to this?"

Jian Ji squeezed the sword in her hand, as if she could no longer understand what was happening in front of her.

In response, Deviation shook his head. She opened her palm, and the flames of the Six Paths blazed in her palm. She will stand in the middle of the room, waving the flames in her hands wantonly. After the curtains, tables and other things were completely burned, the head of the regiment gave the order to retreat. The crowd of Yinliu slowly left this orphanage that had been abandoned for a long time.

Amidst the hail, a girl with a sharp weapon stood aside, looking at the orphanage burning in the flames.

The scarlet hot burn was like a symbol of tenderness at this moment, softly enveloping all the darkness in it.

Cover the sorrow and sin completely in your own raging flames.... Let’s go. "

"Ah, head, where are you going?"

"Receive the team."

"Receive the team? But what should we do in this situation? It's not easy for us to write on the report?"

"......, one by one, one by one, one by one, kill me, Tony. Write like this."

"Huh? But..."

"This, the fact."

The deviant utterance is still so simple and rigid. But after turning around, she slowly picked up the mask and put it on her face. As for under that mask, what is this girl thinking?

I'm afraid, only she knows it.


The white mist, mixed with the crackling hail outside, spread.

Elf language) Holy Night Festival... is coming soon."

The wind and snow did not mean anything to stop.

This year's Holy Eve Festival, it looks like it will be a complete "White Holy Eve Festival".

The air was filled with the smell of coldness, and the wind and snow outside had all turned into hail. It seemed that the world was determined to let this city spend a festival without any joy or festival.

The robber and murderer have already broken the law.

With the removal of the wanted warrant, the residents in Fengchuansha were also relieved, curled up in their small room, grilling on the stove and eating pancakes. Count the days with your fingers, and see how much time the warmth of spring will come.

However, apart from this hail, the entire city does not seem to be in much danger.

The disappearance of livestock and small animals began a few months ago, and gradually disappeared. This is indeed a good thing for civilians, isn't it?

But there is one thing that ordinary civilians don't know. That is the cage used by Fengchusha to detain those prisoners on death row, but it is not very safe.

Every two or three days, almost a death row prisoner disappears suddenly. Even under the strictest guards, this situation still remains unchanged.

All the soldiers were talking in low voices. Even the death row prisoners kept whistling and conspiring with each other.

Although everyone has their eyes wide open, hoping to prevent such a disappearance from happening again, one person will disappear again after two or three days, as if they were scheduled. No exception.

what on earth is it?

Nobody knows.

Is it a jailbreak? Or is there a mysterious power in the world, what is it secretly playing with?

But maybe the soldiers really have reason to worry. Because in that cell, the number of executed prisoners has begun to decrease. Then wait until all the executed prisoners inside disappear...

Who will disappear next?

In Northeast Park, the calm lake silently accepts the hail raging. But no matter how cold it is, it still remains in a liquid state for hundreds of years without any change.

At this moment, a person appeared beside the lake.

A young girl in a white dress.

That white body, coupled with her long pink hair, and her beautiful face, at first glance, seems to make people think that she is a real angel descending the earth!

A smile appeared on the girl's face.

The long white gauze skirt floated away with the wind and snow.

However, the ice crystal umbrella above her head blocked most of the hail, preventing these things from infringing upon their most noble master.

The beautiful girl stared at the lake that was not frozen at all.

Slowly, she took a step slowly and stepped on the surface of the water...

In an instant, the lake under my feet began to freeze. The surface of the lake, which should never freeze, had to yield under the footsteps.

The girl walked slowly on the frozen water, but, as if she had reacted to this kind of "violation" of her, the originally calm lake began to undulate at this moment!

She stopped, did not move, just watched quietly.

In the wind and snow formed by the hail, the liquid in the lake began to churn, and finally, gradually became suspended!

They began to mix, and in the liquid, a pair of majestic and inviolable water-blue pupils began to appear. With the opening of those liquids, a pair of wings also unfolded!

The dragon of water.

This dragon, which has been dormant in the wind and sand for an entire epoch, now shows its prototype because of the visit of a young girl!

The wind whizzed.

The hail slapped on the dragon's body, piercing the ribs from its liquid body, and finally merged to become a part of its body. This giant dragon stared at the girl in front of him who dared to invade her sacred realm, stared at her and respected her!


Also wary of her.

The girl raised her hand, her beauty was enough to dazzle the world.

In the air, the hail and liquid that should have obeyed the orders of the dragon of water changed their alignment at this moment.

The water vapor rising into the air combined into a row of words.

And looking at this row of words made the vigilance in the eyes of this giant water dragon deeper and stronger.

"Baba once said that you sealed the time dragon. Where did you seal him?

Tell me, now, immediately. 》

There was still a smile in the girl's eyes.

She was holding the parasol made of ice, smiling and listening to the crackling hail from the top of the umbrella

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