Demon Lord

Chapter 108: Advanced Career Open (Next ...

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Chapter 108 Start of Advanced Career (2)

Encountering such unlucky things as "selling teammates" made Roddy upset, but in the end he did not risk him losing his life. Whenever he encountered it, he felt depressed, but after all, he still had to go down—he always It is with this mentality, so when returning to his room after drinking, Roddy has almost completely got rid of the negative emotional effects.

Men, especially this kind of home goods with low emotional quotient and not too much emotional experience, it is difficult to "justify" emotional problems for more than one night. The first thing that Rody did when he returned to the house with a "pragmatic" concept was to open the experience bar and prepare to upgrade directly.

Looking at the ring on his hand, Roddy remembered the rumors about the "advanced class" quest item at the beginning, and finally decided to take it off-because if there was such a one in 10,000 chance, it really triggered The task usually results in the "binding" effect of the equipment, which means that even if the equipment is taken off to others, it will no longer have the original effect.

If it can really transfer to the "Guard of Light", this kind of profession is not suitable for himself at all-Roddy would not want to be a role like a melee nurse.

He checked from side to side and confirmed that the doors and windows were closed tightly. He glanced at the equipment bar. There was only the white necklace with stealth skills besides the other ring. He raised his hand and thought about taking off the necklace, But then I felt like I was nervous. IMBA career is just a conjecture of myself. The ring is unreliable and I have to say something else. Why do I feel like I won the lottery at any time?

He laughed aloud. He drove away the messy imagination, raised his hand in the air, and said, "Upgrade."


There was a sound of shattering glass in my ear.

Roddy looked for a moment, raised his hand and looked around, and for a while he didn't know what happened, and said to himself: "What's going on?"

The pain in the shoulder disappeared, the wound healed, and the bruise on the chest improved immediately. This was normal. After all, he never thought that he would shine a golden light or change shape, but the "crisp" sound appeared. Very abnormal.


Raised her hand to touch her chest, but found that the necklace seemed to be gone-when this consciousness came to mind, a strange feeling had suddenly invaded his entire body!

The feeling of numbness spreads through every inch of the skin and bones of the body, and then it is the cold of the bone ...

It felt like sinking into the ice. Roddy took a few steps, lost control, and fell directly on the bed. He wanted to reach out and drag the wooden board next to him to stand up, only to find that even his mouth became open at this time. It was extremely difficult ... the scene in front of me started to become slightly blurred, just like the sudden high myopia, "buzzing" tinnitus appeared in the ear, the body lost touch, and the old smell from the hotel between the noses disappeared.

丧失 The "five senses" are lost.

In the consciousness, there are a mess of scenes flashing in front of me, forests, rocks, deserts, running giant creatures.

There were all kinds of roars in his mind, and the sound of whistling came, with an unprecedented terrible momentum.

The colors, the elements, the manic, the fluttering speech, the elf language, the explosive information came to mind.

As if after 10,000 years, when Roddy thought he was going to be lost in this dizzy illusion, the world seemed to be restored again in an instant-vision suddenly recovered when the darkness was about to disappear, and the buzzing in his ears disappeared , The numbness of the body faded away suddenly.

"嗬 ..."

Luo Di opened his mouth fiercely, breathing like a drowning rescued man, and the feeling of dying was so heart-breaking that he didn't understand what had happened so far.

Suddenly she sat up, Roddy panted, and cold sweat slid down his forehead. He shook his fist, glanced around, and then gradually frowned.

The scene in front of me seems to have changed a little.

Raised his hand, and Roddy stared at the palm of his hand. It seemed indistinguishable at a glance, but when he stared for a moment, he found that he could clearly see the sweat pores on the palm print!

When I raised my head and looked forward, the cobwebs in the corner of the room and the spiders that were forming webs were barely visible, and even the fingernail-sized spider had a few eyes in total!

This. What is going on?

The sounds that can be heard in the ears are also different, and the inexplicable conversation can be heard faintly. Roddy holds his breath slightly and realizes that what he hears is the sound of the "pagans" deliberately lowering next door— —

"Master Gallup's plan is almost finalized ..."

"... Rubens has a large team, but they must not be able to fully reflect the raid on the square."

"They have a lot of Templars ..."

"When retreating, there are three routes to choose from, and one is ready for half a year. It's right next to the Xicheng Gate."

The intermittent voice was very clear in Roddy's ears. Roddy was very sure that he couldn't hear such a voice before. He shook his hands, and a strange force flowed in his body. He had an absurd feeling. -I feel like Peter Parker in Spider-Man.

"Upgrade, not bitten by mutant spiders."

Roddy was completely dreadful. He frowned and turned his eyes back to the "character attribute column", but then completely stayed in place-"advanced professional talent column", "combat attitude column", "basic professional talent column", Several large boxes such as "Skill Rune Mosaic" and "Advanced Skill Bar" are flashing prompts.

"No ... yes ... let's ..."

I reached out and touched my chest again, and Roddy couldn't help but whisper to himself, "What the **** ... what happened?"

September 9.

The day after Roddy's departure from the abbey, the martial law was finally lifted here, and the believers were able to enter the church for worship. As usual, the nuns and monks left the church after praying in the morning, and several priests were here. To dispel believers, occasionally cast one or two divine spells to pay for the treatment of civilians who have suffered physical illness.

The news that the bishop is about to arrive at the monastery has been spread, so recently the believers will donate more than ever, and the end of "martial law" is also to reduce this loss-bishop Benjamin is confident that nothing major will happen during this time, naturally Enjoy it.

However, if there is anything that makes him uncomfortable, I am afraid to count the indifferent attitude that Sally suddenly changed today. Apparently, his means of deliberately letting Murphy misunderstand her yesterday have been noticed ... but Benjamin didn't care about it at all.

"You are still young. After a few years, you will know that I am doing it for you."

Sighing in his heart, he also knows that young children have always been rebellious for so many years. It is her job to put a cold face on him, not to mention what she should do, not to mention the letter sent by Bishop Rubens this morning He had been told about the "Viper Cross" heathen's imminent attack, so in the next few days he would be busy deploying guards, and would not care to talk to Sally about anything else.

According to the plan, after the incident ends, she can be promoted to the regional archbishop, and Sally will officially become a "priest"-Oh, I really hope that when Rubens arrives at the monastery in a few days, she will perform better ...

Bishop Benjamin shook his head, thinking about how to write a reply.

Although holding the idea of ​​"coming people" did not take Rody seriously, in fact, what Benjamin did did really make Sally angry ...

Her original cultivation had changed her in this day and time. Some of her companions were a little shocked—the cold expression and the silent and tight fists that were not close to each other. Kris and others asked in concern, Kesha Li just shook her head and said it was okay, then frowned and walked away.

It was not until noon that her tight face was slightly relaxed, because Sally finally took over again with Martin-and at this time Martin did not know what happened yesterday, and was still reporting on the collection. information.

"Francis gathered all his men, it seems to be preparing for a big move, I am about to check."

What else did he want to say, but found that Sally raised her hand and interrupted: "Don't worry about them, the two mercenary teams I was looking for are now fully activated, their salary is doubled, and at the same time they are looking for another team , Wait for the 20th to deal with him directly in the city square, without hesitation. "

"Yes ... yes, miss."

Martin was startled by Sally with a scary expression, and stutteredly promised that he had never seen the Duke's daughter in his current state, and the cold, unemotional words were scary to hear.

"Also, find Booker, the bard they said before, and give him the letter." Sally's eyes lowered, she took out a letter and stuffed it with Martin ~ ~ Seems to hold back some emotions, took a deep breath, and continued: "This is a token, just give it to him, nothing else-nothing else."

"Yes, miss."

好 "Well, be careful not to be tracked. There is not much time left."

Sally sent away Martin, and a lonely figure stood in front of the gate of the monastery. The breeze of September passed, the hem of the robe shook slightly, and the girl with red eyes lifted her head to look at the blue sky and blinked. Blinking his eyes, suppressing some emotions, the slender white fingers stretched out, fisted several times and then released.

She never thought that she would stay up all night because of her internal guilt and remorse—from childhood to age, she had never regretted doing something so much, and when she thought that she might lose contact with that guy or even Without meeting her, the unprecedented panic made her feel difficult to breathe.

However, instead of giving up or sinking completely, she immediately chose a remedy. No matter what kind of behavior is useful or not, Sally has to do it ... No matter how Roddy decides, she hopes to explain to Roddy face to face, even if the other party decides to leave, she doesn't want to let the other party misunderstand her.

He stared at the corner in the distance for the last time. Unexpectedly, he didn't see the figure in his heart. Sally sighed and turned back to the church. But after taking a few steps, her feet stopped again.

Wu Xiu's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, she showed some doubtful expression, turned her head and looked again, as if she had seen the shadow of an acquaintance whom she hadn't seen for a long time, but after looking for a long time, she confirmed that she should be dazzled.

Sighing in disappointment, Sally went deep into the church:

"How does it look like Uncle Titus."


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