Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1227: wake

In the city of Hollier, Talia, who was lying at the table, suddenly opened her eyes.

She has been writing theoretical papers all night lately. Last night she managed to revise the first draft, but because she was so tired for many days, she finished writing the last stroke and fell asleep on the table in the early morning.

But the awakening at this time was not because she had enough sleep, but because of a strange premonition-she looked around with a little doubt, and murmured: "What does this mean ..."

Seems to be afraid of forgetting, Talia picked up the pen on the table, and drew a few strokes on the blank draft paper next to it, and then stared at it for a few seconds: she didn't know what she drew What, just feel like this is the image of the thing in the dream.

But this was just an insignificant dream. Talia turned her eyes and realized that she had a sore neck and back after sleeping on her stomach for one night.

Standing up and rubbing for a long time, she thought about going to wash, but footsteps were heard outside the door. Talia tilted her head with a toothbrush and raised her eyebrows. "Silvia? Is there anything wrong?"

Silvia's gown, which would never change, looked a little worried. Because she had just been notified by Master Edith, she was told that Talia had "anomaly"-usually it meant that the "demon attack" had intensified.

Under layers of protection and various measures, Talia has been extremely stable in recent times. When she suddenly appears in a situation, it often means that the demon forces will take further action.

Silvia really didn't want the "war" to intensify. She was worried that she thought Talia would have a serious reaction, but when she saw the other person holding a toothbrush, she suddenly held her back: "You ... physically feel Are you okay? "

"Okay, I stayed up late last night for too long. I was sleeping on the table, and now my neck hurts a lot."

Talia rinsed her mouth, tied her hair, and walked out of the bathroom. "Why do you suddenly ask this?"

"Just now the magic tower has a warning, it seems to be related to the devil's fluctuations, so I came to ask if you have any reaction-but it looks like you ... normal?"

Sylvia is also a little confused, and Edith would not lie to her, but Talia's appearance is indeed not much different than in the past.

"A fluctuation? Was it monitored by the French Array? I didn't notice it, but ..."

Talia said suddenly stunned. She remembered the reason why she had just woke up, and said without reservation: "I just woke up suddenly, it feels strange-I can't remember the content of the dream, so Vaguely it seems like a guy I know is coming to me, but I don't like that guy too much ... "

Her descriptions were vague, but Silvia didn't dare to take it lightly and asked nervously: "What guy? Your friend before you came to Hollier?"

Talia settled and then said, "I really do n’t remember any other friends except Neffi. Even Master Ethan is not right-ah, yes, I just thought the dream was strange, so I drew a picture. Figure. "

Silvia hurried forward a few steps, looking at the content of the painting, hesitantly: "This is ... the tree?"

"I don't know why I saw this thing. The red one looks strange and kind of disgusting."

"What does this have to do with your friend?"

"I don't know, it's the guy in my head who thinks to come to me, but I see this, and I can't remember other details."

Talia had washed her face, and looked at Silvia's serious face, and gradually realized that she was wrong: "Is this ... a little troublesome?"

"I don't know if it's counted, but it must be reported ... wait for a change of clothes, I'll take you there."

"Okay, I'll pack it now."

Talia has such a consciousness. After all, she has been treated by the magic tower for several months, and she is comfortable here, her spell level and mental strength have been greatly improved-she attributed all the credit to her Tolerance and support, so decisions from the top are heartfelt support.

Silvia came outside and waited for her, not forgetting: "Yes, how's your paper done?"

"The draft has just been revised. I wonder if ..."

"This is an opportunity for them to take a look first--with the help of dragon lords, it's more reliable than themselves, right?"

"Ah ... you're right, I'll get the paper together!"

Talia put on her robe, combed her scattered hair again, and picked up a piece of manuscript entitled "On the Feasibility of Controlling Low-Order Demons by Mental Fluctuations" and followed Silvia's footsteps. Go above the magic tower.

And while sitting in the meeting room, Roddy was reading the report of the war that had just arrived from outside the city of Flens. When he saw the familiar word "Sauron", he was a little hesitant for a moment ...

Once upon a time, the orc's "King of Axes" chief warlord Sauron was as powerful as the God of War in the player's mind. In several battles, the defensive front of the Karen Kingdom was rendered useless-but now the other Not only was he rushed to the other side of the old forest in the mountains, but even today the demon struck, he was directly captured by a team of 300 people.

This is definitely not because the other party is too weak, but because ... the times have changed.

The scene of the face-to-face battle with Sauron is vivid in the past, but now no matter the level or the resources under control between the two sides, there is a difference between clouds and mud. On the occasion of fate, Roddy had to lament the change he brought to "history" .

But he did not dare to despise Sauron's ability. Looking at the brief report, Roddy frowned and asked, "What is happening in the city of Florence? I did not see the analysis of David Report ... Sauron is the chief warrior, How could he suddenly leave with the team? The number of encounters was 1,500 to 1,600? The city that he had just taken off was handed out? "

"Prime Minister ... The information in Flens is provided by the 'Information Bureau' ~ ~ but no news has been updated until now ..."

Roddy raised his eyebrows. "Speak straight when there is a problem."

"The staff was just guessing whether something happened in the city of Florence, which led to the haste evacuated-but it is difficult to confirm at this time because there is no further information."

"Keep checking and telling Soderlor that there is no need to change the plan for the Fortress of Luz. I don't want to keep an orc's nest there to continue developing."

"Yes, Lord Prime Minister."

Roddy exhaled, wondering if he would go to the research department next, and suddenly realized that the "taskbar" was flashing.

Over a period of time, his "taskbar" reminder has never stopped. Because of the huge territory under his control, the taskbar in the taskbar is often piled up to one or two hundred, and Roddy often has no time to take a closer look. Basic Just glance at it and confirm that it's like "Destroy the Demon" and then close it.


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