Chapter 150: Ranger Glimpse (End)

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Chapter 150 Ranger Glimpse (End)

Magda's instinct didn't feel good. He tried to raise his hands and was trying to break the imprisonment, but saw that the three men in the distance had no intention to attack himself, but Rubens suddenly lifted up the right that had cracks. Staff, shooting a ring into the air ...

What does it mean?

Sign? Be warned? Or give up?

Countless speculations emerged from Magda's mind, but the next moment, he clearly heard the sound of mechanical structure coming from a distance-when looking at the sound, his gray pupil narrowed suddenly!

怎么 How could he not think that a plane crossbow on the west wall was perfectly aligned at his position!

This is one of the "most powerful" backhands planned by Roddy and Rubens at first: if the enemy is really strong, use a crossbow to carry out a cluster attack directly!

Originally there were 8 crossbows on the west wall, all of them were facing the wall, but at the request of Roddy, they all moved to the inner side of the wall a few days ago and passed the test firing Four strike points are booked-

In Roddy's vision, once this plan is enabled, soldiers on the city wall can adjust the crossbow landing point at any time according to the bishop's divine aura command. After a short training, they have shortened the adjustment time to about 20 seconds- Because they had drilled dozens of times, the soldiers had already pointed the crossbow below the bell tower the first time the signal was sent by Rubens at this time!

The crossbow originally used for long-range killing on the city wall was extremely powerful. The width of the crossbow arm was more than three meters. The diameter of the crossbow was as thick as the wrist. The power has been greatly increased-even if people in this era do not understand the "Momentum Theorem", they also understand the "strong bow with heavy arrows" law, so at this time the volley of the eight crossbows has already exceeded the power Countless times of individual defense limit!

Even the most powerful heavy armor knight, at this time hitting this crossbow is a string of gourds.

玛 When Magda was realized by Rubens, it was too late to break away from the "holy confinement" ...

"嗖 嗖 嗖 ——"

The crossbow made a dark shadow in the air, with a dull and depressing impact sound, it flew over a space of nearly 100 meters in an instant, and "crackled" it smashed the stone wall below the entire bell tower!

Magda was drowned by the **** and dust splashed after the crossbow hit the stones. Even Roddy, who was lying on the ground early to hide, couldn't see whether the powerful ranger had been shot!

只要 "As long as there is one! Just one hit!"

At this moment, Rody's heart was completely suspended in the air, and he stared at the smoke and dust without blinking, not even paying attention to the half of his body hanging on the edge of the fourth-floor roof at this time.

But when the smoke was gone, Roddy yelled--

"Damn, not dead yet?"

There was a faint movement-Roddy frowned, and immediately noticed that Magda's blood in the "Personal Information Bar" was almost bottomed. He clenched the dagger in his hand and got up just thinking about shouting into the distance. Wellington came to help, but immediately found out what was happening ... not as pessimistic as he thought.

Magda is indeed alive-although the crossbow fired nearly 100 meters away is calibrated, and it still shoots 8 crossbows, but a target like Magda is too small, and there are only 8 huge crossbows. The branch hit him.

Fortunately ... Although Magda is strong, there is no room to resist this level of attack: his entire left shoulder was shot, and the huge metal head of the crossbow directly connected his shoulder blade with flesh and blood. Smashed, even took his left arm and hit it directly!

At this moment, the middle section of the bell tower had been blown out by a large group of crossbows, and Magda hung half dead in this cave. The movement of reaching out to climb was slower because of " "Live" for too long, and his body didn't even have much blood flowing out at this time, but the appearance of losing half of his body was really awful ...

Roddy confirmed that the other party had no force to fight back. He immediately raised the ring in his hand and took a picture of the other party. "While you are ill, you are killed" is an absolute life rule-he is about to rush over to Magda Unloading eight pieces, but how ever thought that this guy even supported his body with one hand and stood up steadily ...

The flesh under the holy light began to be burned, and the black smoke rising from "squeak" made Magda's skin fester. The [Wither] slowly raised his eyes, first narrowing his eyes with the scorching light of the holy light, then glanced around and his body as if nothing happened ...

An unspeakable fierceness slowly revealed in the festering cheeks, but Magda did not roar and chose desperately, but glanced over Rubens, Wellington and Titus in the distance, as if Keep in mind that their faces are similar, then take a sudden step and jump straight from the big cave of the bell tower!

"Fuck, I want to run ..."

Roddy wanted to chase after stepping. As a result, when he saw the height difference of more than ten meters below him, he immediately remembered that he had lost the [Morocchi ’s Blessing] effect. His blood, agility, and physical fitness were completely incomparable with what he had just before. Giving up the idea of ​​chasing Magda in a leap, and jumping towards the low building next to it, then a few vertical jumps fell to the ground, and the eyes of Magda darted to run outside the city, Take a walk and catch up!

He doesn't want to keep such a vengeful guy alive, he can't hesitate to kill him!

That's what he thought, but Roddy could only watch as Magda leapt to the second floor of another house at an astonishing speed, and disappeared in a few jumps-Roddy, who was chasing after him, was not at this time. There is not enough skills for him to chase, and the low-level "Teng Leap" skills can not make him follow Magda to jump to the balcony on the roadside. In desperation, he can only shout loudly towards the same Wellington Knight who chased after him: "He Go out of town! Send someone to the wall! Stop him! "

的 The knight rushing across the roof in the distance didn't respond, and didn't know he didn't hear the sentence.

And only then did Roddy feel that his body was shaking like never before. At first he thought it was a side effect of [Morocco's Blessing], but as soon as he stopped, he was stunned and almost straight down Ground.

I reached out and supported the wall next to the street, and Roddy exhaustedly found a place to lean on the ground, breathing like a fish out of the water.

"Fuck, how could it be Magda ... this has become too much ..."

His mind was messed up, because no similar thing happened in the history of memory at all-according to the original trajectory, the old duke is now estimated to have "deathed" at the duke's house, and Sally died long ago in the grassland. At this time, Hollier City was firmly under the control of Francis' "Duke", and the undead Alpha might still be hiding in the Duke's Mansion, and continued to lay the groundwork for the conspiracy of the Tasman Kingdom ...

But now, his arrival has completely disrupted all this. Whether it's the orc kingdom of the eye-catching devil, or the undead who slowly explored the bleeding tooth after a few years, it was overturned by Roddy's deployment in the territory of Everta-all this sounds like it seems There is something to be proud of, but at this time after a full-scale battle with Magda, he suddenly realized a fact ...

I want to save this country, I'm still far behind!

The scout squad drawn from exhaustion is far from stopping the crazy attacks of these guys in the future ...

The pressure in my heart seemed to increase several times in an instant, which made Rhodier, who was unable to breathe, feel more suffocated-the hot feeling in the chest was delayed for a long time before passing over, but Rhodie opened his eyes, but felt that all around seemed to change It was getting dark, and the scene in front of me began to slowly rotate, like a blurred illusion ...

It was early morning, and the pedestrians walking on the street looked at the soldier sitting beside the wall and covered with blood with strange eyes. Several people also made a whimsical expression.

Luo Di felt that his arms seemed to be very heavy, and his body could not help sliding down to one side. He looked down and found that his hands were covered with blood.

Chest seems like ... hurt?

Realizing that there is a wound on his body ~ ~ Because of the delayed pain of adrenaline, he suddenly became clear. What he wanted to open his mouth to say, but couldn't control his body anymore, and fell down diagonally. On the ground.

Opening his mouth, Roddy wanted to summon the "character properties panel", but suddenly it was completely dark, and the words came to his mouth and became a low-groaned moan.

I want to upgrade to blood ...

Roddy thought so, but eventually passed out because of excessive blood loss.


September 27, Duke's House, Holywell City.

"Master, the team sent out to search still didn't reply."

"Continue searching! Send a notice to let all the aristocrats in the Everta territory cheer me up!"

"Master, the Lord Bishop announced the delayed departure of the convoy. He said he would arrive at noon."

"Go get ready for lunch, this old thing is kind of conscience ..."

The conversation sounded in the parlour of the Ducal Mansion. The busy servants shuttled and reported information. The two guardian knights had been healed with the help of divine magic. At this time, they were on the side of the duke with sword and armour. They were cautious and vigilant. A possible attack.

A lot of parchment was placed in front of the Duke of Angoma, and sitting opposite him were three backbones of Roddy's men: Soderol, Ruger and Carter.

"Under special circumstances, the ceremony of awarding honors could not be carried out with great fanfare. It was also my old fellow who was useless and let the bone stick run away ..." Angmar faced the three scouts, and sincerely ordered them They were all uncomfortable. "But rest assured, there should be nothing less for you! Baron, territory, in addition to a group of funds, equipment and servants."

(To be continued)

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