Demon Lord

Chapter 201: Race against death

The following text:

201 Chapter 201

When the heavy epee and the screaming chain hammer fall, time slows down here.

In a desperate situation, Roddy didn't have room to dodge, so he didn't step back, but instead stepped forward immediately, rushing forward with the weapon!

At the same time, he turned on the "tortoise protection" skill.

数 A few days ago, Roddy also used the skills of "Sakura the Snake King", but at that time he never felt any physical discomfort. But at the moment when the "tortoise shell protection" was activated, Roddy felt that his head was agitated fiercely. The severe headache made his eyes dark, and he almost screamed out in pain--

剧 This pain is similar to the feeling when you just “tamed” a snapping turtle. It appears instantly, and dissipates very quickly. In its place, it is an inexplicable force that spreads throughout the body ...

The next moment, his epee was chopped on the blocked short sword that Rody raised, and the "Boom" slammed the sword's body directly, smashing heavily onto Rody's left shoulder!

And the huge chain hammer on the left also struck, and Roddy could not hide but could raise his left arm ...

His arm is completely like a bean sprout compared to a metal hammer--Akasha was running, even covering his mouth, and it seemed that he had seen Roddy smashed into meat.

However, after two muffled sounds, Akasha found that Roddy was still standing there, but she did not step back!

The epee smashed on Rody's shoulder, and a "click" burst from Lao Gao, and after the chain hammer hit Rody's arm, it turned back with a "click" ...

Roddy's shoulders and arms were splattered with blood, but the wound was only "skin trauma", and his bones were not broken!

Not only that, Roddy took the opportunity to move forward, turned to the side of the body, and twisted directly, and immediately used the "reflex" skill ...


A moment of strength was added to the interruption sword of Roddy's hand, and the stubborn 傀儡 was immediately struck by two-thirds of his throat!

But Roddy stared a moment ... he knew very well that as long as the opponent's head could not fall, it would never stop attacking.

傀儡 Another 傀儡 chain hammer struck again, and the “tortoise shell protection” for 3 seconds was still maintained. Roddy gritted his teeth and gave up dodging, but still chose to hit hard!


The chain hammer was invalid again, as if it was not the flesh that was hit, but steel.

But Roddy's face is not good-looking. Seeing that the three-second time limit is about to end, he is ready to "sprint" and "jump" to avoid running away. But the sudden sound of horseshoes and a loud scream from his ear made him feel refreshed ...

Sodroll is here.

After the scout team killed the two puppet guards, Soderlor immediately picked up his weapon and rode on the warhorse to follow. When he saw Roddy in trouble, Soderlor went straight into the street with a single shot, just in time for Luo. Dee makes a siege!

Roddy didn't shout anything, just glanced at Sodroll, who was running fast, interrupted his sword and slammed his hand, and forced a retreat, and then started "Teng Leap", which escaped the third of the chain hammer. Attacks.

At the time of two stiff body stiffenings, Soderlor rushed forward with a long sword, and the neck that had been broken was immediately "clicked", and the metal skull was dying to death. The spirit breath directly flew out!

There was only one moment of choking, and he chose to continue attacking Roddy. But at this time because of Roddy's delay, Akasha had already run wisely, so he had no worries, and immediately started the "sprint" retreat.

For a while, the only remaining cricket could only choose to chase-Roddy ran towards Sodroll, who turned the horse's head, and when he saw the other party started again, he twisted and threw the broken sword out!

傀儡 Instinct blocked, and his movements were exposed. Soderlor immediately seized the opportunity, his body suddenly flashed a faint light, and he chopped off the opponent's head in a loud drink!

Obviously this month he did not follow Wellington training in vain, and a slash combined with "combatant spirit" directly ended the battle.

At the same time, the rumbling horseshoes of the streets next door sounded at the same time. The six iron crickets that were not yet available were drowned by the "steel torrent" on the spot. There is no time to resist ... In the face of elite cavalry, this battle has no suspense.

Suddenly, when Soderlor was catching up with the scouts, there was only a pile of scrap iron with arms and legs left on the street.

Roddy is naturally not idle at all, he bandages bandaged to his arm while shouting Akasha, while at the same time he took her to the edge of the battlefield to treat the wounded.

The six crickets are not weak. Their tenacious resistance still caused three scouts to crash the horse on the spot. The consequences of such a crash are very serious. It is normal to die with bad luck, but fortunately the three None of the scouts died directly-under the immediate "low-level recovery" of Akasha, they all saved their lives.

"Low-level recovery" is a (continuous healing) type of spell with very low consumption, so Akasha can recover her mana slightly. Her role is really huge, and Roddy secretly feels lucky to have brought her here all the way. The right choice ...

Suddenly seeing the results of the scouts dying and utterly annihilating, Roddy finally exhaled deeply and immediately slumped on the ground ...

The gargoyle whose wings had been blown up by him was still struggling. Wellington took the sword and walked over. He raised his fist and smashed the gargoyle to the ground. Then he stepped on the opponent's back and used the rolls. Blade's sword "smashed" the opponent's head.

Wellington was silent all the time, but this action was clearly venting his anger.

The chaos in Parr finally came to an end, and the lively town was just quiet. Most of the residents did n’t know what was happening. They just heard the sound of bumps and bursts. They wanted to see it. But he was scared to open the door because of the sound of horseshoes when scouts charged.

Roddy sat on the ground panting heavily, although he recovered full blood through the upgrade, but the subsequent battle with the two puppets really made him suffer. Fortunately, Akasha also released him after recovering some mana. "Primary recovery", otherwise this pain is really a bit overwhelming.

Sodroll did not come immediately, he led a team of scouts to patrol the town, and continued to search for possible enemies.

Wellington tossed the long-edged sword Shoudang, holding a roll of linen bandage in his hand, and silently bandaging his right-handed tiger mouth—the bodies of the eight iron golems were too hard. The "Ghost Riders" were a little overwhelmed.

"The gargoyle's blatant attack, the undead should be considered torn."

Wellington sat next to Roddy, arranging his wounds and dirt, and fastened the bandage. His tone seemed as flat as ever: "What do you think?"

"This is not Magda's style, but it is made by the necromancer." Roddy frowned, staring unconsciously at the iron golems that had become scrap iron in front of him, "The letter said Ansadin Only come in February. If he arrives in Kig ahead of time, it must be Magda's revenge, but-iron golem ... Ansadine ... "

Suddenly he murmured, and suddenly remembered a near-forgotten message in his mind—from the first time he saw the word "Ansadin", he felt familiar, only then did he realize that the other was not There is no fame, but his fame has left that famous "nickname" ...

Lu'an local tyrant.

"Ansadin" is a Western style name, but Chinese players like to nickname it in their own way. And Ansaddin is called "an tyrant", completely because every necromancer fights, he will pull a whole "luxury" team to appear!

The puppets summoned with broken copper and iron, and the puppets summoned with "magic weapons" are naturally huge. Ansadin's puppets, without exception, are summoned with various precious materials, in other words, "burned money傀儡 ”——So Ansadin was given the nickname of“ An Tuhao ”and has been known since his debut in 594. He has participated in many battles with amazing results and even welcomed the undead and human beings. The battle.

But because of this, people almost forgot his real name.

"It turned out to be him ..."

Roddy's brows grow deeper and deeper—Ansadin is the "hawk" of the undead, and has always been at odds with those "" elders, but he is not Magda, which means that something must have happened. problem…

"If Magda regains his strength, he will definitely come here to avenge himself in the first place."

Roddy said this sentence, this is his most confident judgment.

Wellington didn't say anything. Obviously, the "Wither" left a deep impression on him. It was definitely not a bad stubble, and no one wanted to meet him again.

Roddy closed his eyes, rubbing his cheeks hard, thinking hard for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "I don't see Magda now, but I have encountered Ansadin's puppet. I'm afraid we only have two choices next: either Geda hasn't recovered its strength and rushed forward to fight for it; or ... it can only be prepared here and wait for the other party to come. "

Sighing, Roddy's mind was a little bit bottomed out-he just completed the transfer job, the advanced level is only level 2, and the basic level is level 11.

How about the enemy?

傀儡 Can kill a squadron infantry An Anhao with the help of 傀儡, and the withering Magda who does not know when to restore combat effectiveness!

Our chance is only in front of me. If I ca n’t catch it ~ ~ In the face of revenge by these two people, Roddy is not dead enough.

的 The conflict between him and the undead can't be eliminated at this step, and there is no room for buffering.

"Angmar gives you power to command me, then I will listen to you."

Wellington exhaled slowly, but then whispered: "But you certainly won't wait here."

Roddy smiled bitterly, and Wellington's words were naturally in his mind. He never liked being passive-just like he would take the initiative to attack when facing Gargoyle. All Rody could do was to rush forward and end everything before Magda restored his strength!

"Six hours off and set off at midnight."

Without saying too much nonsense, Roddy resisted the pain and stood up, facing Luge and Carter on standby: "Armed fully, target Kig Town, you must arrive before sunrise tomorrow!"


The two captains answered loudly and neatly. After saluting, the scout team turned their horses and left. The performance is always silent.

"Do you have a plan?"

Wellington knows Roddy's fighting style and knows that this guy never fights unprepared. But this time Roddie did not give a positive answer, only reached out and wiped the blood on his arm, lowered his eyes, and said lightly:

"Now you are racing against death ... too late to plan."

(To be continued)


Tomorrow will be updated earlier. I'm really sorry recently, too many things. If the book review area wants a dragon, please give me a western name ... otherwise I ca n’t really add it to the text.

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