Demon Lord

Chapter 31: warm

It seemed that Roddy thought seriously about Sally's question, shrugged, and whispered, "I think ... the disappearance of the scout captain of Nolan Village should have nothing to do with the return of the Duke's daughter."

This is a very disappointing but realistic answer. Sally's original expectations suddenly dimmed—she didn't know what she was expecting, but she was surrounded by cold and distracted emotions. The rush came, and she was a little confused.

When she raised her head, she found that Roddy had already taken a step and started moving forward. She took a breath, bit her lip, and followed.

"Three waves of fixed monsters, a patrol, and then the first boss."

Silently thinking about the Raiders process of the copy of "Sterro Creek", Roddy led Sally into the scope of this copy-unexpectedly, Roddy saw the prompt floating out of his eyes:

"Will you enter the copy of 'Sterro Creek'?"


Rorty looked at the familiar fonts and prompts before him, and felt a little strange in his heart-but then quickly adjusted. Sally, raising her eyebrows, wondering why he stopped behind, raised her eyebrows and wondered. Although she was curious about Roddy's strange language, she felt a little depressed because of a few questions and answers, but she didn't show it. Face.

Roddy ignored her. After entering the copy, he has immediately entered the "professional high-end player" status ...

Everything is so familiar in front of him, even without moonlight lighting, he can think of these familiar scenes and the walking position of those monsters with his eyes closed, so Rody begins to stride forward without a word, counting his steps until the first At twenty-three steps, I suddenly stopped.

The quiet language forest is mysterious and dangerous in Sally's eyes, but in Rody's mind is nothing more than a map with countless detailed annotations. There are four copies in this forest, of which "Sterlo Creek" is the first copy of the story faced by novice human players. The minimum required level is level 3, the highest level is 10, and the remaining three copies are one level higher than the other. High, the highest is located in the middle of the forest. It is a high-level copy of the "Athaka Temple Ruins", which requires a level of at least level 30. This means that all participants must have been transferred and have considerable combat experience. .

"Climb up and wait for me here."

Roddy pointed to the "bug" tree that the players had discovered through countless death exploration experiences, and said to Sally.

This is the position that was given to those wastewood occupations with no attack power and no healing ability in the past. Here, they will not participate in or be dragged into the battle. It is the best choice for those who run tasks and experience-and confirm Sally After sitting firmly on the tree, Roddy started the vines and started making simple traps. After everything was busy, he disappeared into Sally's field of vision with the angle bow.

发生 What happened in the next few hours, for Sally, may be something she will never forget.

Rock wall giant spider, poisonous iguana, flower tail cheetah, steelback giant ape.

These guys who appeared in the previous books and were classified as dangerous creatures lay on the ground one by one with Roddy's incredible methods-Rody seemed to be sprinting through the forest from beginning to end, as if The wind and clouds wiped out all the blocking creatures along the way.

Hold a person, a knife, a bow, and a trap made with all the resources on hand. When Roddy kills all kinds of monsters and beasts, he is as familiar as he is when he bends in his back garden.

When he asked Sally to jump off from the seventh tree she arranged to hide, the expression of the duke's daughter had become a little stiff because of constant stimulation.

Constantly amazed, amazed, amazed, and finally turned numb ... In these hours, Sally found that her concepts of "beast" and "forest" had been completely reversed by Roddy.

I felt weird. He was a fierce beast, but he became straw in the field in front of Roddy, and sometimes he was harvested in a helpless way ...

Until dawn, the two have traveled nearly ten kilometers in the dark forest, and for the entire copy, this is already more than 80% complete.

"The road used to be more dangerous during the day, so you didn't have a rest all night, that ... now it's safe here, take a good night's sleep, and keep on driving at night."

Rodi, who had a good harvest, was exhausted, but because he had to hurry, he didn't get too much loot along the way--a whole piece of soft leopard skin, some meat that could be used for cooking, and most of them chose throw away. He simply packed his things, washed his face at will at the stream, and pointed to the soft and comfortable "floor" of the animal skin to signal Sally to go to sleep.

What Sally wanted to say, but she saw that the red-eyed guy fell directly into the haystack and fell into a dreamland almost instantaneously.

At ten in the morning, the atmosphere in the forest seemed quiet and abnormal. The sound of the stream flowing in the ears echoed around. There were various bird calls. The sunlight was flowing through the gaps in the leaves, and the warm feeling gradually flowed. In my heart.

She looked at the sleeping man not far away, but didn't feel any ... embarrassing.

After all, the text in the book is very different from the reality. Even after reading a lot of books, Sally understands that the blood glow in the vicious danger, the roar of the beast, the outdated light of the machete ... these are not words at all. It can be simply described that when everything came true, everything in front of her eyes turned into the most shocking experience in her life.

After the crisis, when the man who was fighting in the vortex lay down tiredly, Sally's heart was filled with various inexplicable complex emotions. Especially when I saw the weeds under the other person, and the leopard skin under him seemed to feel ... the corners of his eyes were a bit sour.

After all, in this world, the position of "woman" is always slightly lower than that of man. Even in the higher-level aristocratic class, there is also a vulnerable group with no right of inheritance. Respect for women always seems to exist only in the "Cavalier System" that few people are willing to read.

Roddy's unintentional respect for Sally is actually just the basic qualities of a modern normal male. He seemed to be insensitive to women, was a sloppy skirt, and touched the feet of other people. It was a bit silly to say, but at this time, the overlap of all these images made Sally feel that he was just a complicated contradiction. hybrid.

"What a weird guy ..."

Sally looked at Roddy, who had fallen asleep, whispered to herself.

Alas. .

Maybe it was because Roddy was too tired, or maybe it was because Sally quietly covered the leopard skin on him, and when he opened his eyes, it was almost dusk. The sky was dark blue, floating clouds drifted slowly in the field of vision, and occasionally there were bats dangling, and the sound of Sosso seemed to herald a dangerous night again.

的 The forest in mid-April is still a bit cool, the breeze between the trees is blowing, and the sound of insects singing is mixed. Suddenly, Roddy thought that he was standing in the copy of the game again, and he couldn't help glancing to the side where the status bar was originally. He was waiting for his teammate to report his status. He also wanted to call the task bar to see himself today. What else hasn't been achieved ...

The collision of flint stones interrupted his slightly confused memory.

When I turned my head, it was the Sally wearing a dirty sarong. She was holding the flint in her hands awkwardly, and she seemed to want to light a fire, but apparently didn't find the tinder, just rubbing two pieces in vain. stone.

Staring at the girl who was dim in the dim light, Roddy seemed to suddenly see the figure in the red dress, always smirking at him.

Now she ... is she sitting in the remote village and complaining about the profound classics in front of her by the window?

His body moved, and when he reached out, he touched the leopard skin on his body, and Roddy raised his eyebrows, and there was a little warmth in his heart. He got up and stretched out his hand, took the flint from some blushed Sally, and looked for the tinder, but they felt that the distance between them was closer.

Putting the velvet away, he smashed the gravel and said, "The first time I used it, I accidentally smashed my fingers ~ ~ My friend laughed for almost a whole week, Later, when I used vermiculite, I felt a sense of fear. It took more than half a year to get rid of those shadows. "

"I never thought you would have this kind of time."

Mars burst into flames, and the bonfire gradually started to burn. Sally was sitting beside her knees, her ground was dirty, her clothes were dirty, and the field without the shelter of the house was very cold. But looking at the bonfire that was gradually burning, she felt so kind. When the guys chat, they are not cold.

Occasionally, he reached out and turned over the firewood, and his nose was filled with the scent of bacon after grilling. After sitting for a long time like this, she realized that the originally dark environment around it didn't seem to be as scary as it was at the beginning.

Sally took the piece of meat that Rodie handed over, and lowered her eyes softly and said, "Speaking ... unlike you, when I do something, no one dares to laugh at me. My father does not Tell me how to do it right. He is like a bystander. My brother will only pretend to help me enthusiastically so that I can go further on astray. "

Roddy shrugged without hesitation, it seemed indifferent, but in fact he was thinking about what kind of character this character did not appear in the game.

其实 "In fact, these messy things are not worth mentioning, Captain Roddy, I especially want to know ... What is your true identity? Was it a noble or a knight? Or a famous adventurer?"

After a brief silence, Roddy just turned the bonfire, shook his head, and did not answer.

"Oh ... I don't guess, in fact, I just envy, those free people ..."

Sally lowered her head slightly, staring at the jumping fire.

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