Demon Lord

Chapter 42: Mine Fright (1)

Sally didn't investigate Roddy's silence, but followed him silently, looking at the sky that was gradually darkening: "Now ... where are we going?"

"The Endel Mine, after going through the tunnel, headed straight to Hollier City. We can't stop tonight, otherwise we will arrive one step later according to your brother's speed." Rodilla opened the package on his back and took out a piece with him. The bread bought in Kig Town was handed to Sally after he unplugged the water bladder stopper and slobbered, pointing to the distant Chongshan Road: "To be there tonight, bypassing the sight of the guards in the mining area, crossing the tunnel in the early morning, probably We will be in Holywell tomorrow afternoon. "

"Tomorrow afternoon?"

Sally knows how far the distance from Kighel to Hollier City is. If it ’s according to Francis's fast horse, it is estimated that it will take three days to return around this mountain, but according to Roddy, if he can really tomorrow He arrived in the city in the afternoon, so when Francis returned there, he was even two days earlier than him!

"The tunnel inside the mine can help us cross the mountain, and I know some ways to get through the mountain as soon as possible."

Roddy bit his mouthful of bread by himself, still not looking at Sally, and bowed his head, "Don't ask me why I know these things. If we want to live, we need to speed up."


Sally followed his steps obediently. For a few days in a row, her adaptability can be said to have made Roddy look a bit eye-catching. Maybe it is because Sally is not weak. She has never been unable to move because of lack of strength all the way down, and this It also reminds Roddy of a question that was almost forgotten before-how does Sally resist the scorpion toxin? Is it because of her thick blood or high resistance?

This attribute of "noble descendants" cannot bring any resistance improvement. Only late high-end PVE or PVP players will specially prepare equipment with "natural resistance" to deal with special situations. Now Sally has no attributes. The attached clothes made it impossible for her to resist toxins.

However, for this, Roddy understood that Sally herself had no idea, so she didn't ask much. They cut off two tree branches and cut them into wooden sticks. The two stepped and accelerated towards the mining area in the Endel Mountains.

Because of the previous lesson, Roddy who chose this path is not as indifferent as when she first entered the forest of quiet words.

In the copy of "Sterro Creek", the battle that should have been foolproof should have made him die because of the "scaling" of the Scorpion King. This lesson Roddy will not turn around and forget. Similarly, looking at the Endel mine, he was ready to deal with all accidents.

This road is logically foolproof. In the eyes of players, in addition to mining the Endel mine, there is also a well-known BOSS living in it-the name of the indigenous people in the "crack", this guy is a lot of myths "Kemera" in the story.

However, the "Kemela" set in the game is not a powerful monster in the mythology, such as a lion, snake, and sheep, but is used to refer to a "hybrid creature." In the Endel mine, there is a tunnel that miners will never go through. This tunnel runs through the side of the mountain, but has been stopped because of the inexplicable disappearance of miners after a period of operation. The culprit is a powerful one. Kemela Beast.

罗 In Roddy's impression, the Chemela Beast here is not a copy of the boss, but belongs to the "field refresh" category. The opponent's level is 20, which belongs to Roddy's completely unforgiving existence. It used to be the indispensable place for the Grand Guild to take turns. Because the drop of the Chemera Beast is one level higher than the same level of the copy, the temptation of this scarce resource is always overcrowded.

Roddy had no way to get such a high-level wild boss in the wild. He came here because the tunnel was enough for him to cross the mountains at high speed to reach the city of Hollier, and a cave passing halfway was It is the living area of ​​the Kemala, but it takes five minutes to leave the track to find it-in this sense, on this journey, Roddy will not deal with the Kemala.

The Endel mine at night is not peaceful. It is not only the main iron ore production area in the Karen Kingdom, but also a huge quarry. The slaves are here to transport minerals for the kingdom around the clock, but apart from a meal You can't get anything outside.

Here are criminals, homeless beggars, or good people thrown in by nobles for various reasons. Rodi, who has done the quest for the mine, naturally understands the darkness, but now he has no control over it. Only silently took Sally out of the sight of the sentry tower and stopped in a low bush.

After midnight, the two men walked non-stop for five hours and finally reached the entrance of this mining area with an altitude of more than one kilometer. Instead of rushing in, Rordy took a break with Sally and ate something to strengthen his energy .

In the dark, the two silently chewed the unpalatable bread, because they both knew that time was pressing, so there was no such kind of relaxed and joking atmosphere as before. The quarry not far away still heard the jingling sounds, and occasionally there was a whip-like sound on the whip, but most of the time, the sound seemed dull and monotonous.

Suddenly Roddy asked suddenly, "Did your father let you come here?"

没有 "No, my father never mentioned the mine, I just read it in the historical documents of the Everest Territory."

Sally rubbed her sore calves and ankles gently, and her black hair hangs down. After Yi Rong, she really seems to have some manliness. She didn't complain for a while and didn't drag Roddy's speed at all. At this time, the voice seemed a little tired, but there was some caution in it.

"If I were your father, I wouldn't let you come here to see," Roddy felt almost rested, arched his horn bow, as if thinking of something, as if to himself: "a territory Outstanding person, leader, protector of the people, this is the definition of nobility ... am I right?

Sally frowned at Roddy, suddenly feeling a little strange in his tone, but nodded.

"People here ... should be antonyms of 'aristocracy'. They are the oppressed, the liberated, the lowest pariah. The highest level of a territory is your world, and here is another world."

Roddy's words are very bland, he thinks of the decaying aristocratic lords in the later generations ... remembers the "vampires" of the kingdom who only care for the benefits and disregard the people's suffering after being torn apart. Such aristocrats have almost occupied the ruling class of the entire kingdom. They are like a group of maggots, and they are devastated by the devastation of the country's original solid foundation.

Squeezing interests, ruthless.

Every lord has such a side, Sally actually understands this, but this system has been deeply rooted in people's hearts for a hundred years, and she has never felt that this system is unreasonable. However, Roddy's words also touched her slightly ... Does the class of noble lords really do their duty? Taken on what they should take and responsibility?

This is a contract society. The lords are responsible for protecting their people and sheltering their lives. In return, the lords pay taxes and serve in military service. But it can be said that when the exploitation is serious, Sally knows ... Many people actually don't live as well as a dog.

"I have a lot of nonsense." Roddy noticed that he was a bit sick, thinking that the girl next to him might be an important person to turn the situation around. He calmed down and pointed to the cave road that was already visible in the distance: " It's easy to get in. Once you see the supervisor, you hide. You bring the necklace with you. Use it in a critical situation. There is a minute of sneak time. "

Sally took the necklace silently, but her mind was still echoing the words that Roddy had just said. For a girl who has been receiving the education of her father's traditional nobility from an early age, she has never heard such remarks, saying that values ​​are subject to The shock is not enough, but the inner shock will still be there. Because these words are spoken by Roddy.

Now Roddy has become a very special existence for Sally-as for how special she may be, she may not even be clear.

Roddy didn't make nonsense, carrying a lot of equipment and carrying Sally broke into a mine with very poor vigilance, skillfully bypassed supervisors and miners, and entered the mine in the mountain.

All the way seemed very smooth, Sally did not use the stealth of the necklace, and Roddy did not shoot the guard with a bow and arrow because he was afraid of being found. After approaching the dim and dimly lit mine tunnel, the two people could still hear the echoes of numerous mine picks and stones colliding at first, but as Roddy flashed left and right in these constantly appearing forks, he went into the mine half After hours, those bangs finally faded away.

The taste in the air was a little weird, and it was a bit humid and cold, Sally thought that she was not timid ~ ~ But at this time, she kept up with Roddy's footsteps, and even unconsciously neutralized him. The distance ... is closer than before.

Rody lit a torch and walked in the spacious and empty tunnel. After confirming that there is no difference between the characteristics and the memory, he drove into a minecart full of spider webs and dust, waving at Sally. Waving.

"Let's take this?"

In the dim light, Sally can see that Roddy is in front of a railcar used to transport ore-there are two rails under the car, it seems that miners use this railcar to improve mining and transportation Efficiency, just now. Roddy is ready to use it as a means of transportation.

"Come with me."

Roddy jumped into the car without saying a word, after confirming that this thing has the brake system as in memory, he put all the things he carried with him, and then stretched out Sari and sat up.

"How does it move?"

It was the first time Sally was sitting on something like this, but she still wanted to say something, but she saw Roddy jump out of the car, then ran to the back and pushed forward—Sally's eyes turned to the front of the car ... Dark The track in which I don't know where to extend suddenly gave her an unpredictable hunch ...


没 After she finished speaking, she was interrupted by the sudden sound of metal friction. Roddy propelled the wooden mine cart by the force of her arms, and then started to run slowly into the darkness against it.

的 The squeaking noise when the metal wheels rubbed against the rails began to echo in the tunnel. He silently counted his steps, and then leaped suddenly when he rushed out of the twentieth step, jumping onto the minecart.

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