Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 569: Very rewarding

Rody walking in the forest, at this time, finally opened the [information bar] that had been brushed countless pieces.

The dense battle records were not available for the time being, Rodi first opened the [taskbar] with a flash of gold, and saw the words [Judgment of the Bone Throne (Completion)] as expected.

This task that lasted two years has consumed a lot of energy of Roddy. Almost every step has danced a face-to-face dance with the **** of death. Now when it is finally completed, Roddy even feels as if he has passed away.

From the small scouts at the border to the present, the situation of Tasman, the Karen Kingdom, and the Orc tribes has been changed abruptly. It is only him who knows how much bitterness and bitterness he has experienced.

He couldn't wait to open the interface, and immediately was blinded by the rewards of that row of tasks.

"You succeeded in making Augustine disappear from this world, and the Throne of Bones can no longer threaten you ... the pattern of the Tasman Kingdom will change for you!

At the same time, you have completely destroyed Augustin's plan to open the portal of the demon plane, successfully protecting the world from the evil! (Additional rewards)"

This task description obviously made Roddy a bit surprised. He originally thought that he had used the Dragon power to defeat Augustine. It was a little speculative, but the task reward gave a perfect level of judgment. Actually, it should be the same. I can use all the resources available to me. Achieving the goal is itself another manifestation of ability.

The word "Extra Reward" that appeared below unexpectedly made Roddy unexpected. He previously felt that "Devil's Gate" would be judged as a task and rewarded separately, but he did not expect it to be incorporated into the entire epic. The last step of the mission ... and this obviously will directly upgrade Rody's mission rewards in all directions.

Scrolling down, Roddy found that [Quest Reward] marked an entire page ...

"Experience" rewarded 14.67 million, "Basic Talent Points" 5 points, "Advanced Professional Talent Points" 3 points, "Rune Reinforcement" opportunities 3 times, and "Skill Enhancement" opportunities 3 times.

Based on the original perfect evaluation, half of the reward was given, and there are more epic skill rewards that have not been prompted before.

[Spirit Spell]


Benefit: All your physical attacks deal 50% damage to undead creatures, and have a chance to ignore armor.

[Cut Magic]


Benefit: All your physical attacks deal 50% damage to demons and have a chance to ignore armor

These two skills do not seem to deserve the "epic skills", but in fact its horror is in the word "passive", that is to say, now Roddy has the ability to control the undead and demons all the time Overwhelming advantage!

Appearing below is the equipment reward. Roddy takes a closer look. There are six epic gears including long sword, short sword, long bow, belt, necklace and ring.

Rodi glanced at their attributes, and found that the weapon's item level was about 40, but did not indicate the use level, which means that he can use it directly; the same is true for belts, necklaces and rings, these three additional The scary basic attributes are high, and at the same time they have the attached powerful skills and have a "set" effect.

The belt is equipped with a "high-order prism shield", which can absorb 8500 points of damage after each charge, and has a 40% chance to deflect and reduce Qicheng damage, and a 10% chance to rebound damage.

The Necklace is equipped with the "Mighty Holy Healing" skill, which can restore 70% of the maximum health of the wearer within 10 seconds after each charge.

The ring is also equipped with the passive ability "Crusader", which has a passive effect. Each attack adds 10-150 Holy damage.

When equipped, gain passive ability "Holy Blessing" and increase all attributes by 15%.

If they are thrown into the auction house for auction according to the market in Roddy's memory, it is definitely the best equipment that has been robbed of their heads. The starting price is more than 10,000 gold coins. This is because the additional skills of most magical items are actually insignificant. Cases such as the warrior's exclusive tower shield with "wisdom blessings" abound, and there are usually only one standard for such epic equipment without wasting any attributes Only the main members of the Rai team can have.

Roddy glanced at the acquisition method, and found that it was similar to last time, just to dig out a marked relic. It was in a cave east of the Karen Kingdom.

Seeing this place, he remembered the battle of Everta. And closing this task bar, Roddy was surprised to find that [Territory Quest] appeared in the words [defend foreign invasion (completed)].

"Congratulations, the forces threatening Elsen have been cleaned up!"

Quest reward: Unauthorized building construction permission unlocked

Roddy breathed a deep breath, which meant that the orcs had been wiped out, and presumably Sally no longer had to face the threat of wolf cavalry attacks.

Camilla is doing a good job. Houdini does not know if he has seen the scene of the floating tower attack? Probably be scared ...

Thinking of this, Roddy closed the [taskbar], and then opened the [skillbar], which also flashed prompts. He was a little weird about this reminder. After all, he had never learned any new skills, but after a closer look, his face became weird.

[Devil Affinity]

Consumes 450 mana

For 10 minutes

Cooling time: 1 day

Skill effect: Greatly reduces the hostility and vigilance of the demon to you, and allows you to have a demon atmosphere for the duration of the skill.

Such a skill is a bit inexplicable, and Roddy thought about it, and soon realized that this might be a moment before the coma caused by the violent fluctuations of the "Devil's Gate" at the last moment. He did feel that his mind seemed to have a little more what.

Click on the other options bar ~ ~ Undead Slayer's title has risen directly to the top 10 level because of killing 100,000 undead. "," Finding Weaknesses: Undead "and" Virus Resistance "skills have been upgraded. In addition, there is only one new skill:

[Dead Sacrifice]

Consume 1500 mana

Cooling time: 30 minutes

Effect: The soul of the undead creature is broken, condensed, and re-condensed into a spar that can be set to increase the strength of the undead slayer.

"It can be set with spar ... it can be done this way."

The first thing Roddy thought of was to sacrifice the soul fragments left by the original Augustine orc incarnation. It is estimated that he can make a more powerful spar ...

"There is a situation!"

While thinking about it, Melinthella next to Roddy suddenly raised her hand and suddenly cast a fireball forward!

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