Demon Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 607: Reconnected history

Ben's words were long thought by everyone. As a cutting-edge mage in Karen, they suddenly found that a strange corner on the map suddenly emerged a force that everyone could not add up to. The sense of crisis always made People are not very comfortable. But what is at hand is the fact that there is no way to escape now, but to find a way to deal with it.

"Pall Leadership provided the supply, but the result of my inquiry was ... they currently only provide the first batch of spar, and if they want to continue to supply it later, they must sign a contract with Elson City."

It was clear that Crohn had more information, and his words frowned a number of wizards. "Elson? Where is it supposed to wipe out the tens of thousands of orcs?"

"You say contract? What contract?"

"I don't know exactly. They provided the address of Elson City and let me discuss it myself."

Several wizards looked at each other, and Capri said, "Your Majesty is now ready to fight against Everta. Do they still have the mood to discuss selling to us?"

"You think too much, do you think this battle can be fought? If Milnor really emptied his family and organized this war, how many people would you think would die of famine in winter?"

Talking Strange was unanimously approved by other Magisters, and Crohn raised the newspaper in his hand: "It seems that you have noticed the newspaper called" The Karen Times ", but I do n’t know the second issue today Did you see it ... I just got it on the street before I came here. "

This sentence immediately stopped other Magisters from discussing: "Come on!"

"Everta is about to change farming methods. It is said that food production capacity can be more than doubled."

Crohn read according to the title and subtitle of the front page. The first sentence made the Magisters yell and scream, "craps", "brave bragging", "stupid only believes" and so on, but waited for a few seconds The group of guys asked collectively: "No ... is it true?"

"It is said that the city of Elson has passed the comparative test, and it is true and effective." Crohn continued to say, regardless of their surprise, "Artificial rainfall is about to be promoted in all towns of Everta, alleviate the lack of water conservancy, and strive to improve food. Yield. Hmm ... what's the life of the newly-appointed bishop of 'Rose Cross', 'Why is the Viper Cross a cult?' ... We don't need to look at such things. Oh, the focus is on the 'charged spar'. Only the sales method of Magic Crystal Exchange is accepted, please contact your local Parle office for long-term cooperation. "

The newspaper had a lot of information. After listening to all the Magisters, they were silently thinking. After a few seconds, Strange whispered: "Magic crystal exchange? Do not accept orders for gold coins ... what does this mean?"

"You forgot what I was talking about? We can't recharge, it doesn't mean Elson can't."

After this sentence, the Magisters knew that they had to contact Elsen City to dream of the magician's life for the unknown craving. Now there is a road of Kangzhuang in front of them. Who would be because of the illusory war of Count Milnor? Abandon the path of seeking truth?

Even if I knew it was a pit dug intentionally by Everta, but in the face of the temptation of "powered spar", it would definitely jump with a pinch!

"Yes, why isn't this newspaper in your hand a parchment?"

When preparing for the meeting, Stranger suddenly asked such a question, and silenced all the Magisters who were about to leave.


"So ... when Ducal came to Elson City, you were finally kicked out?"

Roddy looked at the high elf in front of him with a weeping smile, feeling that the timeline that history had been disconnected at some moment was reconnected in an alternative way.

He clearly remembered that the notes left by the hunter hunter Dukar recorded the words that he could not meet Khadgar when he came to Elsen City, and only said in words that he was not welcome in the high elven community. Unexpectedly, Ducal stayed in Elsen City for less than three days, and was driven away by Silvia on the grounds that "the city does not accept dangerous elements."

"This order was given by instructor Khadgar, so I just went to preach. Maybe the instructor has his own intentions, this kind of thing ... Generally, the city defense team will do it."

Sylvia's words were a little hesitant, because she realized that the humans in front of her must be related to Dukar, and the other party was the owner of the city.

Um, that's not right, I'm already dead.

With a confused look, she glanced at Misha rolling on the floor from time to time, and Roddy waved his hand, leaving Misha to stay in another room, which only calmed Silvia's expression.

"Ducal is very unpopular with you?"

"Because there are many rumors ... Um, for example, he and the devil are traitors hidden in the high elves. Some people say he even raised the devil himself like you, so I just ..."

Roddy nodded and understood that it was not normal for him to run around with demons in the war of demonic invasion. He was grateful for Silvia's cooperation. The other party did not make unnecessary struggles or pretended to be arrogant. Such a dialogue did solve many historical doubts.

"I wonder ... when was the last time you saw Master Khadgar?"

"Three days ago, eh, I mean ..." Sylvia sighed in vain: "Anyway, I was still sorting out Khadgar's lab before I lost consciousness, but he seems to have found something and has been waiting for these days Didn't come down on the top of the tower ~ ~ I remember he finally said to me 'All demons will be defeated' ... "

Roddy frowned, and then said, "Thank you for your answer, Master Silvia. I may have many questions from you in the future, but today I will only ask one more question."

He waved at Akasha, pointing at the ring that made Silvia completely "wake up": "Are you impressed?"

"this is…"

Can be Khadgar's laboratory assistant, although the level is not high, but knowledgeable and solid basic knowledge is certain. Sylvia glanced at the moire and confirmed: "This is a very up-and-coming school. If you remember correctly, it was created by a guy named Padonon. He doesn't respect arcane art and says he wants to control life and death. Rules, but were soon exiled like Solomon. "

Roddy and Akasha looked at each other, but did not expect that the name of the demigod mage could still be heard at this time.

"Why do you have his ring in your hands? If the arbitration agency knows the amount, well, it seems that there is no arbitration office now."

Silvia's expression sighed suddenly.

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