Demon Lord

Chapter 85: Bard Story

"You did something wrong, I won't let you inherit ..."

Although the words that the Duke of Angmar had not finished were interrupted, Francis apparently would not hold the fluke to think that this was a joke of his father. Now the facts are in front ... Father's body is getting closer to the edge of death, and as long as Sally is alive, she may not have the right to inherit all the wealth of the territory!

"How to do how to do…"

He grabbed the meticulous hair that he had taken care of, because the sweat from the anxiety almost soaked his forehead hair, and the horror and anxiety in his heart made him pace back and forth in front of the fireplace. under.

The young Francis did not have the deep city mansion that middle-aged people would have. Although he was able to hold his breath in front of most things, he was completely confused when it came to the succession of the title he was most concerned about.

He and Sally are the direct descendants of the Roussillon family. Although the uncles and aunts in the line are messy, they can really inherit the title, except that he can only be Sally.

I had anticipated many situations, and even imagined that my father would finally tell him that he could inherit this great territory. But now, the words that his father suddenly said seemed like a hammer, shattering all his good visions and letting him No retreat.

"Do you really want to tear your face with the Rose Cross?"

Francis couldn't help but think of the final plan that he was most reluctant to think about, but after weighing countless times, he found that he had no choice-either to kill Sally or to wait for his eyes to watch the power fall.

Growing up with Sally from an early age, he naturally understands the sister's ability. If you give her all the resources and manpower of the territory, I'm afraid I won't even have the chance to assassinate the other party!

His eyes moved slowly, and finally he saw the information about Sally collected on the table and his hands, and clenched his fist slightly.

After closing his eyes and thinking for a moment, he already had a prototype of the next plan in his heart, and walked out of the door. The face that was still awkward and distorted had restored the calm of the past, and he ordered to the doormaid: I want to go to Moria Manor for a few days and get ready for the carriage. I'll set off tomorrow, yes, let Willy come over. "

After receiving the order, the maid left, and after a while, Willie bowed to the young earl's house—when the door was closed, his expression of a smile on his face disappeared instantly, and the cold command sounded low and Without any feelings:

"Go find someone, get started in the shortest time and kill Sally."

He uttered a pause.

"I will stay at Moria Manor during this time, and have nothing to do with everything that happened in Hollier City. Understand?"

Willie tightened his lips and whispered, "Yes, master!"

一日 September 1.

No matter how the plots of the conspirators are woven into the web, for most people in Hollier City, life is still just life. There was never much connection between the things the nobles considered.

At the end of summer and early autumn, the hustle and bustle of the city almost reached the peak of the year.

The day of grain harvest has just passed. The lords have started their new round of taxation. If the farmers have a surplus after paying the taxes, they will choose to sell some food in exchange for some necessities of life.

The croaks of the businessmen are one after another on the square. From early morning to dusk and sunset, the troupe sets up a stage on the square. The jumping fire and the exclamation of the audience always sound. The taverns around had a slight smell of ale, and the bard took the Vielle in his hand and sang the popular ballad with the cheerful accompaniment.

Beggars lie on the corner of a slum, waving from time to time to drive away the flies hovering beside them, instead of worrying about the bad weather like winter, or where the next meal is, there are occasionally rich people to distribute food. They They rushed up, grabbed a few pieces of stale brown bread, and felt relieved to lie back.

For a city with a permanent population of 20,000 and a floating population of about 25,000, the daily scene is probably dominated by this atmosphere.

The streets are not neat, and the smell of feces occasionally drifts when the carriage passes. Most of the civilians' clothing is mainly dark gray, and there is a little blandness in the noise. Every time I look out the window, Sally's There was probably such a feeling in my heart.

In the past few months, the young duke's daughter had fully adapted to her life in the monastery. The monotony is a bit monotonous, but in fact, the life in the Duke's Mansion was not much better, so she was more at home with a relaxed attitude.

The prayer is over. After the busy day is over, she writes something unknown in her room. At this moment, the parchment in her hand is writing the tasks arranged for the subordinates outside the monastery these days. ——So far, she has barely set up an intelligence network outside the monastery, extending her tentacles to several major towns in the territory. The furthest point is the place marked at the beginning of this letter—

Nolan Village.

"Missing ... with two teams scouting into the prairie ... is it really trouble to find orcs?"

The same news was completely a joke in Francis' ears, but Sally did not show any contempt, but read it solemnly and repeatedly several times, and finally confirmed some possibility in her heart.

The puppet girl's mind is always a bit complicated. She was worried about Roddy's accident and thought about the worst possibility ... For example, because of some accidents, Roddy eventually died in the prairie that couldn't see the edge—

Alas, don't think so.

Every time she came up with pictures that she didn't dare to imagine, but could not restrain her from appearing, she always felt that her heart was beating fast for no reason, and then she would look at the other person in her mind with an absolutely calm angle s position…

什么 Who is he from you? Is it worth worrying about this?

He's a bastard, he just wants to use you!

Hit him ...

Fingers squeezed the parchment paper slightly, and breathed a sigh of relief.

I haven't seen each other for more than four months. It seems that Roddy's face has become blurred, but in contrast, the wonderful "intersection" between the other party and himself is more profound. When facing the Scorpion King, the other party treats himself Throwing it out, facing Francis, he told himself to use the necklace to sneak, mine tunnel to push himself to the other end of the ruins ... all kinds of pictures flashed, there were gratitude, shame, guilt, and loss.

I remembered the last time I met him, took over the soft armor he made, and looked away from his back, Sally squeezed her lips slightly, but felt that she didn't seem to know exactly where the other person was in her heart.

He slowly exhaled, and Sally got up, straightened her robe, and the afternoon sun dripped out of the window, her long blonde hair was lightly bundled, and she was seeing the light.

或许 "Maybe ... he has forgotten me."

Pouting always complains like this, but the sentence in my mind is the opposite. Contradictory feelings continued, and Sally stepped out of the bedroom and walked towards the church in front of the monastery-usually at this time the nun would answer some doctrine questions for the believers in the front hall, and at sunset, she would complete the task for the day.

There are many believers saluting this "priest priest" along the way. Sally responds with a smile and occasionally talks to some familiar believers and says hello. As a noblewoman, she is familiar with handling interpersonal relationships. Most of the people in the entire monastery are friendly to her. Even if a few are slightly cold, she is afraid to show any disrespect because of her identity and status.

"Sally, Booker went to the tavern a few days ago to overhear the story of the bard, it sounds very interesting!"

A brown-haired girl followed Sally's footsteps, and the relationship seemed very familiar. She was a friend who walked closer in the monastery.

Of course, this is because the girl named Kris is the daughter of a Viscount. The same aristocratic blood makes it easier for them to “bend together” by nature. Naturally, Kris does not have other civilians Too much interest, and the "feminine" friendship with Sally is more obvious.

"Booker always likes to run around, and Master Bishop will surely blame him once he knows it," Sally smiled. "What is the story that excites you so much? What knights and dragons fight?"

"No, no, you can't think of it." Kris's head wobbled like a rattle. "The childish stories of knights and princesses should be told to children who haven't heard the call, hey ... Booker heard, yes A story about orcs! "

The showy Chris looked around and seemed to want to see if more people were attracted to her words. Not surprisingly, three or four young guys stopped with a curious expression and slowly came together.

After all, many of the believers are only twenty years old. It is not realistic for them to hold a large part of the whole day to study. Therefore, the atmosphere of monks and nuns in the monastery is similar to the rest time at this time. Relaxed and not as serious as imagined.

"The ferocious orc! My father used to scare me when I mentioned it, and I have never heard of a story about them. Booker has heard a very novel version this time, he said-Uh ... Sha Li? "

Kriss paused, because she suddenly realized that Sally's expression didn't seem right.

恩 "Well? Orcs, yes, orcs, ah ... this story should be very attractive. I was wondering where these orcs' stories come from?"

Sally smiled, but there were not many smiles. The fingers under the tunic clenched slightly, and her steps slowed a little.

Kris only said that when she had an illusion just now, she continued: "Booker said a lot, he was so excited, he said the battle at the border that the bard was talking about. , And the story of the wolf cavalry ... seems to be the war of the Emperor Kang En against the orcs. "

Sally's eyes narrowed slightly, her heart was a little bit frustrated and lost, she nodded perfunctoryly, and said, "What then?"

"But unlike those stories in the past, this time the bard also told a story about scouts-hey, to be honest, I didn't know what they were doing until Booker and I said the word scouts. What? ~ scold ... scout? "

"Yeah, that's the soldier who carried out reconnaissance missions, obtained intelligence, and dedicated his country when necessary. Before, I always heard about how heroic a knight was, but then I realized that many things are covered by their cheeks. What ’s the credit, and the ones who really make a contribution are actually scouting such "little people" a lot. "

The two walked side by side, and Kris started telling the story that she had just heard, while Sally listened silently, looking forward, for a moment, it seemed that she heard something that touched her heart. I feel a bit sore from my nose.

"... killing ten wolf cavalry by one person and killing the orcs who committed the bad deeds, it sounds really exciting, doesn't it?"

Kriss excitedly made a "slash" action, and turned her head, only to find Sally rubbing her eyes.


With some panic, she turned her eyes to the side, Sally blinked hard, drove away the inexplicable mist, waved her hand to show that it was all right-and when Chris said that the scouts rushed into the orcs to avenge the dead villagers At the time of the Kingdom's story, Sally finally stopped, with a little apology, and tried to control the smooth voice, "Kris ... I suddenly remembered something. Maybe I can't go to the church this afternoon. Lord Benjamin said sorry. "

After speaking, even though Kris didn't agree, she turned and ran back to her room. She saw the parchment paper countless times before and was tightly squeezed into a ball.

"Asshole ... finally remembered to come to me!"

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