Demon Sage

Chapter 241

“Donald, the Bone Spirit Plate is back to you.”

On the way, Stephanie was about to return the Bone Spirit Plate, and the latter took it and siphoned the energy just absorbed in the bone ring. All injected into Sonic Toad and Dragon Head Mole.

They took a lot of damage from the last battle at Searle Lake, and this time finally collected some energy.

After replenishing it, it was handed back.

“Take it, the events of this time are not over yet, I guess there will be another battle. As long as the Bone Spirit Plate is within a certain range around me, I can use it directly, so let it go. It’s the same with me… Here we go, a rich man is a rich man, isn’t this the best mansion in Hongya Town?”

Mr. Dale’s mansion is not difficult to find. The area of the town is not large, and this kind of villa is basically recognizable at a glance.

Of course, it is limited to the boundary of Hongya Town.

Stephanie looked at the lights in the house, and could faintly hear crying.

Go straight up and knock on the door.

“Hello, we are Demingham government investigators. This is the certificate. Due to the special events in the town, I have some questions to ask you for confirmation.”

Anomaly Bureau Their IDs were distributed before they left for the mission. Donald glanced at the waiter who opened the door, and without waiting for him to report, he stepped into the door.

On the table in the hall, Mr. Dale’s headless body was placed on the table.

Not just him, but a female corpse.

A group of men and women surrounded the body, probably relatives at home.

“Who are you? We don’t welcome outsiders in our house now!”

A youngster saw strangers coming in and immediately kicked them out.

“I’m a Demingham government investigator. I’m sorry to bother you at this time, but for the safety of Redcliffe, please give my impoliteness. I have a few questions to ask for proof.”

Donald identifies himself again and shows his ID.

“I said that outsiders are not welcome, please go out, now, immediately!”

The youngster, who was ignored, turned red, and exhibited one’s feelings in one’s speech.

“So I also said, forget my impoliteness.”

With a wave of his hand, the youngster retreated under the control of Donald spirit strength and stumbled to the ground.

The otherwise noisy crowd in the vicinity fell silent.

“I have reason to suspect that Mr. Dale has something to do with the disappearance of a young girl two years ago. He was originally the object of my inquiry, but he died, so I decided to ask you guys, don’t worry, just Just a simple question.”

Donald cleared his throat and stated his intentions directly.

“This is ridiculous. The case two years ago, I came to ask today, or when the master just died, this kind of behavior is shameful, I want to call the police!”

There are still people who express dissatisfaction with Donald’s actions. Indeed, when the male owner of the house just died, he came to the door, and was suspected of something provocative.

“Sorry, the sheriff is busy… can we speed things up? Stephanie.”

Donald didn’t bother to talk to these people, and called Acoustic Stephanie, her innate talent always works wonders at times like this.

“Can you tell me who killed your father?”

Lifting up his long hair and smiling, the youngster sitting on the ground forgot who he was. , the ordinary person simply cannot resist her innate talent!

“I didn’t see it, but Steward said it was a tall man in a gray robe.”

The murderer confirmed that it was the one who was lying on the floor of the police station.

“Ba Jin, how can you answer their questions.”

The woman next to her was surprised that the youngster was so submissive to these two rude men.

“Ma’am, don’t speak until I ask you, okay?”

Donald raised his hand, and the Invisible Servant pressed her directly onto the chair, then covered her mouth , did not hurt anyone,

“When the girl disappeared two years ago, Mr. Dale and Mr. Sheriff did a bad thing, you know?”

Faced with this question, youngster looked dazed.

Donald’s gaze was not on the youngster, but swept across the audience immediately after Stephanie asked the question, and then locked on an old steward with gray hair.

This is not a single question.

“This gentleman, may I ask what your identity is…”

Donald walked up to him and asked.

“I’m Mr. Dale’s personal steward.”

“It looks like you know the answer to that question, right? My friends and I are very busy, for the sake of red Ya town, we’ve been running around for half the night, now…it’s 1 am, I want to go back and rest for a while, what do you think?”

Donald took out his pocket watch and looked at it. Well, he does need some time to regain his spirit strength.

“Sorry, I don’t know.”

steward never thought to betray his master.

Such an answer is clearly not what Donald wants.

“Stephanie, can you do it?”

Donald sometimes thinks that Stephanie’s innate talent is actually pretty good, although it’s hard to play in battle. It is very useful, but it is quite practical when investigating a case. Her charm is more convenient than any cruel means of extorting a confession.

“No problem.”

Several successful charms made Stephanie gradually gain self-confidence. She stood up in front of the youngster, stepping on ordinary leather boots and slender legs. Stagger forward.

Arrived in front of Steward, bent down lightly, and winked charmingly.

Will Steward have more self-control than Pence?

The answer is no.

“Two years ago, the master once pursued a girl, and his method was a bit extreme… Later, I saw the master and the sheriff often discussing something together.”

“Who is that girl, her background, name, what happened.”

Donald asks, Stephanie repeats.

The faces of the people next to him changed.

“Lilo Turner, the daughter of a widow who lives alone in the town, I was once commissioned by the master to take someone to secretly take her photo…apart from this, I don’t know.. ….then the girl disappeared, said to be attacked by monsters outside of town.”

steward’s face struggled as he avoided the question but could not escape Stephanie control.

“Lilo Turner…Donald, the empty coffin in the cemetery, the name on the tombstone, Lilo Turner!”

“Got it , does anyone of you know this mask.”

Donald took out the mask that had been peeled off the rich man’s head.

“That’s the grandfather’s mask!”

A girl gave the answer, her father hurriedly covered her mouth and took her into his arms inside.

“So many adults, it’s not as honest as a little girl in the end, hey, Stephanie, let’s go.”

coldly snorted, Donald put away his mask and left the house .

The death of Lilo Turner has nothing to do with the sheriff and the rich!

Someone saw suspicious figures wearing masks during the girl’s disappearance. Could the sheriff and the rich be the murderers of the girl’s disappearance?

According to the deputy sheriff’s statement, neither the body nor the murderer of the victim of the girl’s disappearance was found, and it was finally characterized as an undying creature attack.

steward said at the time that Lilo Turner was judged to be attacked by monsters, and the monsters he mentioned were most likely the undying creatures that the police brought to scapegoat.

Since there is a coffin and there are signs of being moved, it proves that Lilo Turner’s body should be the only one recovered by the deputy sheriff.

Then the question is, why was her body recovered and the negative energy array engraved on the cover of the coffin?

Returning to the police station, Boglow and Pence seem to be back sooner than they are.

“The sheriff and his wife were all killed. The sheriff and his wife had no children, and no clues were found in their home. We couldn’t find any useful information, so we returned early.”

Boglo sipped his coffee and said.

Donald shared the information he had with them.

“I think what Susannah said was right, it was the case that the two of them committed, one of them had power and the other had money, and they united to commit crimes against young girls, and then pushed all their crimes to undying creatures. , now you deserve revenge.”

After Pence heard this, he slapped the table with his palm, almost shaking some of the documents and debris next to him, and Stephanie reached out to support it. It took a while to stabilize.

“These two people are damn…”

The fingers of the coffee cup tightened, and Boglo’s emotions were also a bit wrong.

This caught Donald’s attention. Such an obvious emotional outburst is not Borglo’s style.

The news of the heavy casualties in the town did not make him frown!

“It’s still the same question, if it’s revenge, killing is, why slaughter small town residents, collect soul energy, and now add corpses… Only after the deputy sheriff returns We have Captain’s investigation results.”

Donald rubbed Finger’s stomach, closed his eyes, and said softly, not knowing whether he was telling the three people next to him or telling himself.

The third wave came back with Horn and Susannah. They asked all the police officers involved in the case that year, and asked them to speak unreservedly on the order of the deputy sheriff.

It’s 3 am now.

Donald told them what he had found, while taking Susannah’s note and flipping through the notes above.

“There is something strange about this case, first of all, the time of disappearance, the first girl disappeared on March 2, followed by April 5, April 8, April 15, 4 On March 20th, followed by the recovery of the missing body, only the first one was found. The time was on March 28th. It was not an accidental discovery, but a townsman saw the girl’s mother holding her and walking home. Finally, a police officer said that he had seen a demon cage in the residence of the girl’s family…I think the girl’s mother is not the ordinary person!”

While taking the transcript, Horne · Shelley kept thinking and quickly found a few key points, he once again showed his ability as a Captain.

“The first girl, Lilo Turner, according to the current information, is likely to be the sheriff and the rich man, but the next four victims, whether they are missing The time and the recovery results of the corpse are all different from the first one. If the truth of the matter is that the sheriff and the tycoon obtained pleasure from the first victim, and after a short pause, they continued to commit crimes frantically, then their methods Could there be two different results in a short period of time?”

Donald closed the note, already knowing the answer.

There are more than two murderers!

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