Demon Sage

Chapter 276

A maid, why mind control?

Donald leaned back in his chair and pondered the question.

He looked at Anthony tormenting Gerard Parker next to him. Although this man was a dwarf, his bones were quite hard. His finger bones were smashed one by one without saying a word.

He also knew in his heart that when he said the words at this time, it was courting death. As long as he gritted his teeth, the three people in front of him would not dare to kill him.

“Where is the cultivation room, only I know, you… why do you think Wesley Tate values me so much? Only I know the secret of the farm, and only I know the method. , and I never leave Tate Manor, he doesn’t worry about my whistleblowing, because telling this secret means that I will definitely die, but I am a person who is extremely afraid of death!”

Twisted His face was full of teeth, and there were no more teeth left in his mouth. Gerald Parker still grinned. He believed that he could withstand it. I will do my best to save him.

Gerald Parker is fighting for a glimmer of survival!

“Then let’s try, you don’t want to die, right? Say it earlier, just right now, there is a great opportunity for you, I will give you eternal life!”

Donald in He communicated with Lilo in his mind, the latter threw the woman in his hand and turned to Gerald, two dark blue soul fires lit up in his eyes.

The death aura of the high-level undead wrapped Gerald Parker on the ground in an instant.

What does it feel like to be surrounded by negative energy?

The human body is invaded by negative energy, and it doesn’t hurt, but you can feel your life being stripped from the body like a thread, every inch of flesh and blood, skeleton will gradually lose consciousness, as if The moment of death was slowed down countless times, and the last breath was choked in the throat, unable to spit or swallow…

There is a great terror between life and death!

“I’ll let you experience what it’s like to die first, and then I’ll let this one transform you into an undying creature, oh, maybe you don’t know, she’s a high-level undead, an undying creature transformed by her hands It’s not ordinary, you might become a very strong undead warrior, do you know what that means? As long as she doesn’t die, you won’t die, you will exist forever, of course, since it falls into my hands, you The soul may not be so comfortable…Lilo, do it.”

Making a person into an undying creature is definitely one of the most terrifying punishments in this world, When Lilo controlled the negative energy and began to wrap around Gerald Parker’s soul, his body began to tremble violently.

The jaws are loose and rattling.

“No, no, no! You can’t do this…you can’t do this!”

leaning against the leaking mouth, the trembling body could still shout This sentence is really difficult for Gerald Parker.

“It’s not up to you to decide whether I can or not.”

Donald pointed at him, and Lilo next to him stretched out his hand to Gerald Parker, Some of the ash-gray mist was released from her hands to enter Gerard Parker’s brain through his nose, eyes, mouth…even the pores on his face.

The first thing Gerard Parker felt on the ground was a drowsy mind, then he found himself losing control of his body, and then he felt the flesh on his cheeks and nose. Shrinking, an energy that made him panic was re-occupying his body.

There seems to be a haze in front of my eyes, and the scene suddenly turned from a hazy color to gray and white, and it is still constantly weakening.

Visual deprivation.

The smell of rust brought by the blood in the mouth gradually faded, and finally became very dull.

Taste deprivation.

The smell of the aromatherapy in the room that could be smelled in the nostrils suddenly disappeared.

Smell deprivation.

“I only give you one chance to tell everything you know, I consider letting you go and let you die like this, otherwise this feeling will follow you forever… ”

An ethereal voice resounded from my mind, as if with infinite temptation.

At the moment when the voice sounded, the lost feeling returned to his body.

Before he was happy, the feeling of loss was reappeared.

The most painful thing is not to lose, but less than 1 second after it is lost, it starts to lose again, and you can’t recover even a single penny after exhausting everything.

“I said…I said!”

Gerard Parker broke down, tears and snot filling his face.

Gerald Parker was afraid of death, so he was not afraid of pain.

In the end, he gave up his resistance in the face of “eternal life”.

“Take us to the training room you mentioned.”


Struggling on the ground, a psychological defense line How sturdy, how difficult it would be to restore it after it collapsed, he had lost all willpower to resist.

“Thanks to you.”

Anthony patted Donald’s shoulder, the gratitude in his eyes is self-evident.

“It’s all wading in the muddy water, I don’t want to be planted here, I have to do something, you carry Gerald Parker, I carry this woman… What is this? “

The previous mental backlash stunned Gerald Parker’s maid, but Donald wasn’t sure when she would wake up behind her, so he was about to take her, but when he was about to carry her, he There seemed to be some strange marks on the back of her neck.

Naturally, there is no shyness towards the enemy, Donald ripped off her velvet robe without saying a word, and what she was wearing was just a thin silk robe.

“What’s wrong?”

Anthony certainly didn’t think Donald was going to do something weird here.

“Look at this.”

Pinching the collar and pulling it down, a hooded skull… no, it should be a veiled skull with burning eyes With two scarlet flames.

Just staring at it for a few seconds, Donald felt a tingling sensation in the back of his head, gritted his teeth and pulled away the entire robe, exposing the woman’s back.


Donald and Anthony both subconsciously gasped.

Not because of the woman’s body……but the weird tattoo on her back.

Donald just saw only part of it. The real complete tattoo is a skeleton sitting cross-legged in a robe very similar to the sacrificial robes in the church. There are a few strange necklaces hanging from the top, and that’s all, it’s just a little more eerie.

A pair of arms are intertwined on the crossed legs of this skeleton, embracing a swaddling baby…

Not a skeleton, but a real baby !

Combined with the whole image, this skeleton looks like a mother holding its own child…

The skeleton means death or destruction.

Baby means life or new birth.

Two diametrically opposed things come together in this tattoo, Donald looked towards Anthony and found he was looking at himself too.

The emotions in their eyes are the same.

have one’s hair stand on end!

“Whether you are believing or not, I don’t believe this guy is an ordinary maid anyway…Gerald Parker, what is this woman’s identity?”

Pick up the robe from the floor and wrap it around her, Donald doesn’t really want to see this tattoo anyway.

“Saintess would…she was a Saintess person.”

Gerard Parker’s answer immediately reminded Donald of the time he was selling finches. What I heard in the store about the Saintess Club.

“Why do you know her?”

“Saintess will promise to help me become…normal…”

The dwarf figure is the pain of Gerald Parker’s life, in order to become an ordinary person, let him do anything!

“What about the conditions?”

“I join them…The secrets of the farm are the lifeblood of Wesley Tate…”


Donald understood what Gerard Parker meant, the secret he had told before seemed to be false, and he had shared it with the Saintess, who helped him become a The conditions of a normal person to control this secret.

Holding this secret, to a certain extent, is also holding Wesley Tate’s biggest handle.

A top wealthy family in Demingham, and the backbone of the business alliance, can do too much…

“Donald, how to deal with her ?”

Anthony’s question was abrupt and realistic.

This woman has seen their faces, and it stands to reason that she must not stay alive, but now she has another identity on her body, killing her is equivalent to provoking an unknown Saintess society!

“It doesn’t make any sense to let her go, what we are doing now is itself sabotaging the plan of the Saintess Society, not killing her is equivalent to asking her to report us, Lilo, kill with undead She.”

The decision was made without hesitation, and Donald’s eyes flashed fiercely.

Although her face still maintains the effect of the Appearance Changing Technique, it is hard to guarantee that this woman has an impression of her body shape.

She must die!

The reason for choosing to kill her with undead spirit is to mislead those who discover her body later, and try to distance herself from herself as much as possible.

“Let’s go, we have to settle the matter as soon as possible.”

Anthony has no objection to Donald’s choice, if it were him, he would also kill without the slightest hesitation a witness to silence them.

Liluo didn’t hesitate for a second. She took a step forward and pointed her finger at the person on the chair. In an instant, a mummified corpse took shape.

Wrap the corpse in a velvet robe and put it into the quilt on the bed. If someone comes to the door, it may be delayed for a while.

With Anthony carrying Gerard Parker, the entire group left the house and headed to the depths of Tate Manor according to the location pointed out by Gerald Parker.

Be careful along the way. After ten minutes, you finally arrived at the door of a building.

The building is pure white, small and delicate, and the exterior architectural style has a strong religious atmosphere.

“The shrine…Wesley Tate, crazy…I should have thought, this bastard can even do that kind of thing, of course. I don’t care about my ancestors!”

The shrine hall is a place specially built by nobles or rich people to allow their ancestors to have a resting place to store their ancestors’ The corpse is easy to worship at any time.

Wesley Tate chose this as his farm…

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