Demon Sage

Chapter 285

Whale oil lights, rain and snow jacket, emergency food, phantom slime’s visible spray, distress flare…

Stephanie sat on the edge of the bed, Sorting things into categories, which was originally Donald’s job, but now he’s working on a mechanical device he just got from Mengsk. It looks like a row of iron pipes connected together. There are 10 in total. Roots, each about two fingers wide in diameter.

This is a storage for inscription scrolls, which Zhujue specially asked Mengsk to do the day before yesterday. It doesn’t have any special functions, but it can be tied to the back waist to facilitate the classification and access of scrolls.

You don’t have to take it out of your pocket every time, and you also score a point for the role of the scroll.

In the past, there were only a few inscription scrolls that naturally didn’t matter.

It’s just that with the improvement of Donald’s spirit strength and the level of inscription production, Level 2 inscription is no longer a big problem for Donald.

During this period of practice, the seven Level 2 inscriptions Donald on the inscription notes have been tried and successful, but some practiced earlier, such as the wolfhound scroll, was more handy, and practiced later. The warning inscriptions, for example, are a bit rusty.

Donald prepared a lot of scrolls for this trip to the sea, the wolfhound inscription is a must, and the other scrolls apart from this have two or three each, just the moonlight ink. Two vials were used.

Put these scrolls one after another in the steel tube, note their location, and have them ready to use at any time. There are also a few blank scrolls in the backpack, just in case.

“Stephanie, help me put some cat food in it, the flares are not needed, I don’t need them, I’m a wizard, if you want to signal, just have a Fireball with you.”


Looking back at what Stephanie was holding, the flares were superfluous to Donald.

“Okay, it’s all packed in, but there are a lot of things. Carrying it on your back may affect your movement. How is your physical strength?”

Stephanie patted a little bloated ‘s backpack, asked worriedly.

“A lot? Not much.”

Grabbing the empty backpack behind the chair, he opened it to Finger on the table, who jumped in a little and turned around. The lap left his head out, and Donald put it on his back.

“You carry that, then this backpack…”

Stephanie looked at Donald with a relaxed expression, pointed to the backpack on the bed, and saw Lilo lifted the backpack with one hand and put it behind her back.

With her strength, ten more backpacks of this level will not have any problems.

“Are you going to take Lilo with you? She…”

Stephanie wanted to say that this is a high-level undead, in case it gets out of control, when the time comes It’s not just Donald who is in danger, the whole ship is likely to suffer.

Only Lilo was standing in front of her.

“Don’t worry, there will be no problem.”

In Donald’s opinion, Lilo is the battle strength of his trump card. There is no suitable summon in Bone Spirit Plate at the moment. After the demise of Sonic Toad and Dragon-headed Mole, they have not been able to obtain new servant souls. Having Lilo by their side can make up for this defect.

After finishing things, Mengsk was waiting downstairs for a long time, Donald would follow him on the ship, and when he arrived on the phantom island, Mengsk would test the mechanical puppet with the mechanic team.

Downstairs, Mengsk was beside the car at the entrance. His car was a little different from the other cars on the interface. There were many steel bars on the outside, and there was a square one on the roof. Mechanical iron box, you can see some obvious pattern gaps, like something that can be disassembled.

“Are you going to bring this girl? We’re not going out to the phantom island, it’s dangerous…is it appropriate?”

Seeing Donald following him Lilo, Mengsk was a little surprised, but he had never heard of going to sea as a tourist.

In his eyes, this girl doesn’t look like someone who can beat her.

“Lilo has her own skills, so I have a reason to bring her. What I’m worried about now is whether the Anomaly Bureau will stop her from getting on the boat.”

Donald There was no detailed explanation, and he didn’t need to explain it to Mengsk.

“This should be no problem, there is a rest cabin assigned to each person on the ship, as long as you don’t disturb others and complete the task indicators given by the Anomaly Bureau, but you have to bring a person with you, you may Received a heavy task list.”

Anomaly Bureau is not so kind enough to prepare a ship for investigators to go to sea every once in a while.

As a payment for the provision of the ship, each person participating in the application will get a statement of the materials they need to pay for the collection.

These to-do lists are given out on an ad hoc basis, mostly random, but some people with special circumstances will undoubtedly receive special treatment.

“I think it’s worth it.”

Looking at Lilo next to her, it doesn’t matter if she can take her to the island.

“Mengsk, are there any rules for getting on the boat later? I only went out to sea once during my time in Demingham, and it was still a small boat.”

On Sit firmly in the car and keep the backpack beside him. It is the first time for Donald to take the boat prepared by the Anomaly Bureau. Some precautions must be asked in advance.

“Notes…I haven’t paid much attention to it…Oh, one thing, it’s best not to conflict with the apostles of the nobles, it will be very troublesome. “

“The aristocratic alien team, isn’t this Anomaly Bureau’s ship?”

“No, you misunderstood, Anomaly Bureau doesn’t have so much idle funds to buy a ship.” A ship that supports ocean voyages, and I actually don’t think they would have done that even if they had the money.”

The Anomaly Bureau has always been limited to the Demingham boroughs and outskirts In some areas, they were a guard force rather than a sea expedition.

Going to sea was not initially considered by the Anomaly Bureau, and their tasks were not in line with this.

A few years ago, if the investigators of the Anomaly Bureau wanted to go overseas, they had to ask for a leave of absence from the Anomaly Bureau in advance, complete the handover of the work, and then go out with the fleet outside.

The subsequent change stemmed from a trend that formed among the heretics at that time, that is, the sea-going activities based on the number of investigators of the Anomaly Bureau.

For example, fleet, who is going to some high-intensity islands, began to announce the number of investigators on board in order to recruit people as soon as possible.

Because in the eyes of outsiders, the strength of the heretics who can pass the Anomaly Bureau assessment is naturally guaranteed.

This kind of situation is probably similar to our current dungeon activities, where there are often how many levels in the group, the boss of a certain profession, such a team can often be very fast. Gathering people together, on the premise that the other teams are not full, can instead have more room to select people.

Going to sea is a matter of life and death, wealth, and wealth. Naturally, there is no such thing as an average. Everyone pursues a top team. As long as you can go in, the rewards will definitely be higher than those of weak teams, which is equivalent to hugging your thighs. Behavior.

Such a trend inevitably leads to a situation where some fleets pay high prices to hire investigators to join them in order to have a good team. They don’t mention the commission, they can make more money when they go to overseas islands.

As a result, the trend of going to sea was prevalent in the Anomaly Bureau at that time, so that many heretics did not focus on maintaining the stability and security of Demingham at all. Casually perfunctory.

In order to avoid this state, Anomaly Bureau began to try to communicate with the government while improving its own welfare, and participate in their plans to go to sea, instead of letting the people under them follow the fleet outside to “fuck around”, Might as well make money for yourself.

Because Anomaly Bureau doesn’t often go out to sea, after all, there are always cases at hand, so in the end, we simply act together with the nobles, and we all board the ship together, and we are busy with each other when we arrive at the place.

“The reason why you should be careful about those noble teams is because the quality of the personnel in them is uneven. Those nobles only care about their own interests. You should also understand who they are recruiting. Talk to them. They don’t dare to kill investigators in front of other people in the Anomaly Bureau after landing on the island, but they can definitely do things like making trouble for you. If you are alone, it will be even more dangerous. Conversely, you It’s not very good to kill them, because these people are the subordinates of the nobles. If you don’t deal with them well, they will go back and complain to their boss, and then you will inevitably be attacked by a noble. Disgusting… Although our work is not comparable to them, you always have some ordinary person friends, and those guys don’t pay much attention to revenge.”

Mengsk seems to be in this regard. There are also some experiences, the disgusted expression on the speaking of which can’t be covered.

“Understood, thanks for reminding.”

Take Mengsk’s words to heart, Donald is unlikely to cooperate with other people in order to get the mixed fruit, so it’s better not to mess with him on these people.

However, it doesn’t matter to him if he really wants to mess with him. As of now, he really doesn’t have any of the ordinary person friends Mengsk mentioned.

In a hurry, don’t blame him for being vicious and merciless…

All the way to the eastern port of Tallinn district, just after getting off the bus, Donald saw that A large steel ship, although it is not as good as the Dawning that I saw in Wangque District before, it is also a ship with a rather imposing manner.

Climb down the stairs that hang down the side of the boat, and there are people waiting for authentication.

“Anomaly Bureau, Donald Grant…with someone?”

The crew looked at Lilo, who was holding lemon juice behind Donald, and then at her With the huge backpack behind him, his eyes were a little weird when he came back.


“This is your room number.”

Hand over a numbered key.

“Donald, you have to report to the Chief-In-Charge of our operation this time to get your task list.”

The crew is naturally not qualified to assign them to these people For tasks, every time Anomaly Bureau goes to sea, a person will be specially designated as Chief-In-Charge to deal with some affairs, including distribution tasks.

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