Demon Sage

Chapter 290

The escape of the Osway Viper has become a topic of conversation among the people on the ship. They discussed their performance in battle, how so-and-so was outstanding, and what kind of rare methods so-and-so used, etc. .

They have their own opinions, and some have quarrels with each other. They insist on arguing about how many times they cut the Osway Viper, how much role they played in the battle, and so on.

There are also a few smart people who are already lying on the deck holding some glass or metal test tubes and starting to contain the flesh and blood of the Osway Sea Viper.

The Osway Sea Viper loses, provided it loses against more than 50 Outcasts.

Without this ship, there’s no question that this Osway Viper could swallow everyone in the ocean.

It is very difficult to deal with, which is acknowledged in the hearts of everyone on board.

For this level of animal flesh and blood, the materials used for some potions or recipes are all high grade. The last water impact is equivalent to washing the deck, and most of the flesh and blood falls off. The sea, but there are still some corners left.

The whole deck then became a treasure hunt again.

Donald did not participate, but returned to his cabin early to meditate and restore his spirit strength in the previous battle.

Donald, who spent most of his time in deep meditation, except when he came out for lunch, woke up to the sound of the siren at 3pm.

The Phantom Island is here!

Everyone gathered on the deck with their own things. Donald stared at the island in the distance that looked dark green. Perhaps there were only some common people who could survive on such an island. Green tree species, if replaced by other trees, it is estimated that the changes of the consecutive seasons will not have enough time to grow leaves.

At this time, the island still relies on small boats, more than 50 people and a dozen boats.

After landing, all teams immediately chose to stay away from other teams. Such a large island should have enough space for exploration. No one wants to meet other teams in the jungle, which means competition , a fight might break out.

Two other teams from the Anomaly Bureau came to ask Donald if he wanted to join them before leaving.

Although they had clearly refused on the ship before, they still believed that Donald did not agree to take care of other people’s face at that time.

How come there are people who want to explore the phantom island alone?

Donald told them he was one.

Once again politely declined their invitation and walked into the jungle.

It wasn’t until he actually entered the phantom island that Donald began to realize why Mengsk had previously said what the elemental disorder environment meant.

It is now the late autumn world, outside the island. The sea breeze on the Osway Sea can make people subconsciously wrap their coats tightly, but it has not been more than 10 minutes since stepping into the jungle of this island, Donald has a thin layer of sweat on his face, not because of weakness , but because of temperature.

At the moment, the island is in a sunny day. Even so, the temperature should not be higher than 20 degrees in other places. After all, the season is here, but Donald can guarantee that the ambient temperature he is in is at least 30 degrees. Degree up!

“Lilo, please help me pay attention to the plants and animals that look like the ones above. I have to find a way.”

Wipe the sweat off your face, Donald Taking the task list given to him by Anomaly Bureau, he has already memorized the above things in his mind.

Waiting for Lilo to take the order, Donald’s hands immediately formed a seal, an array of ice blue appeared in front of him, and the secondary ice ball floated beside him.


Donald, who felt the temperature returned to normal and let out a sigh of relief, was in the mood to look at the surrounding environment.

If he hadn’t looked at the calendar when he came before, he would have even doubted whether he had come to the tropical forest in the midsummer season.

The air was extremely dry, and the wind in the forest not only did not bring coolness, but added a bit of heat.

In just a few minutes, he felt that his throat and lips began to lack water. Finger beside him had called out several times, but Lilo, who had been holding a straw beside him, didn’t respond. She can feel the temperature, but as long as it doesn’t damage her body, no matter how high or low the temperature is, it means nothing to her.

Stepping over a fallen tree in the woodland, he picked up a yellow leaf from the trunk and placed it in the palm of his hand. It turned into crumbs with just a light grip. Donald pursed his lips, The spirit strength flows, rolls over the hands, lets the crumbs fall from the hands, and ignites in midair.

Just now he tried to use the spirit strength to gather Fire Elements to ignite the broken leaves. The spirit strength consumed is at least half less than in Demingham, which means that the Fire Elements in this forest are now at least half as strong. Twice as rich as Demingham.

“Donald, moving grass.”

Lilo pointed to a tree on the left with the task list in one hand.

“The grass that moves…will Rehmannia grass move?”

Donald looked in the direction Lilo was pointing and found that it was one of the items on the task list. Planting plants, but Lilo said that the moving grass made him directly pull out his gun and shoot at the yellow grass.

In Spirit Vision, that’s a creature!

As expected, Donald’s bullet didn’t hit the rehmannia grass and hit the ground next to it, but it still turned the plant into a mass of orange red liquid or a gel-like existence Suddenly fell down.

Without any biological structure, this is an orange red semi-circle, lying down…standing…it may be more suitable to exist on the forest floor.


The next second, a small Fireball shot straight towards Donald.


The formidable power of this Fireball is average. Donald doesn’t even need to cast a shield, just a simple command. Among them and wash away.

This is the advantage of this type of energy ball, which directly generates large groups of energy with the same attribute and can perform instant attacks.

The intensity is not high, but it is more than enough to deal with these low-level changeling slimes.

The Fireball was swept away, and the orange red phantom slime wanted to escape, but Donald had already prepared, and a bolt of lightning fell out of nowhere, directly smashing the liquid.

Phantasmal Slime Core, which is also one of the things that the Anomaly Bureau asked for.

What’s interesting is that when Donald stepped forward to pick up the crystal nucleus, he found that there was a pile of colorless liquid scattered on the grass, and it didn’t look like orange red at all.

“Interesting…Lilo, there’s a pair of leather gloves in the grid next to the backpack, hand them to me.”


Not everything in the jungle can be picked up directly, Donald consulted Boglo Campbell before departure, and went to a special store to buy some small props.

This pair of white leather gloves is one of them. He pinched the body of a small group of phantom slimes. Donald used his spirit strength to control the surrounding Fire Elements to slowly inject them. Sure enough, The original colorless body still had a thin layer of orange red.

“Phantom Slime, not only refers to the transformation of the shape, but also the transformation of the element shape… The difference in element concentration can produce different types of attacks, if This alien beast is powerful enough, it’s incredible.”

Throwing away the body of the changer slime in his hand, Donald understood why the changer slime was a specialty of this island.

Take out the Bone Spirit Plate in his arms, put it back after thinking for a while, and turned the siphon bone ring to the ground.

Donald originally wanted to enslave the soul of a disillusioned slime. This is a spell cannon of the whole system, but he just thought that the one he killed by himself was a little weak, and the starting point was too low. , even if it can be strengthened with demon activation, it will waste a lot of energy out of thin air. It is better to find some more powerful illusion slimes.

“Lilo, let’s go to the highest place!”

Donald never forgot what he was looking for, the mixed fruit.

The report from the Anomaly Bureau showed that someone had found the Hybrid Fruit Tree on the phantom island, but it did not say where the Hyacinth Fruit Tree was. Donald had to find it himself. In addition to wandering around and trying one’s luck, all he can think of is to climb up and look far, so he also put two high-powered telescopes in his backpack.

Where is the highest point on Mirage Island? Naturally, the stone mountain in the Central Region.

Donald looked at a small part of the gray stone mountain exposed in the gap between the trees. At first, he walked towards the stone mountain while completing the requirements on the task list. Later, he found that the distance between the two sides did not seem to shorten much.

The role of the horse-calling whistle is fully reflected here.

The rest of the team was still wandering the outlying woodland at this time, Donald was already riding a dirt puppet horse that he could control at will and was completely oblivious to what strange things it might step on or Stumbled over by rocks and the like, at worst resummon one is.

Of course, Donald also slowed down gradually after going deeper into the woodland, in order not to miss some of the larger changeling slimes and the growing number of plants.

Time is passing, and around 5 o’clock in the evening, the sunny weather no longer exists, Donald can feel the Fire Element in the air is rapidly retreating, and the Water Element is taking the upper hand.

The wind in the woodlands suddenly began to cool, the clouds in the sky gradually thickened, and the weather over Phantom Island changed dramatically in just a few minutes.

“It’s finally here, Lilo, change your clothes.”

Looking at the stone mountain ahead, Donald dismounted and took Lilo to a nearby tree to change into a rain and snow cape .

crash-bang ~

As soon as I took out the two mechanical masks, the rain poured down.

“Follow my footsteps, this rainy day is just in time!”

Donald was still thinking about how to climb the stone mountain on the road before. This stone mountain looks very steep.

Cancel the horse-calling whistle, go under the stone mountain, and look at the stone wall that is close to ninety degrees. Others don’t know how much energy it takes to get up, but for Donald, it is also a The water skateboard thing.

The power of the demon is activated, and this heavy rain is the best help!

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