Demon Sage

Chapter 297

In a room somewhere in Demingham, five people of similar stature are standing two meters apart in the center of the room.

All men are wearing the same style of brown plaid vest, brown fake collar shirt and black jacket with fleece inside.

There is a wooden chair behind each of them, and a low table with a golden ashtray.

In front of them, someone sat in the shadows, with only a pair of slender legs crossed.

“Let’s start.”

In the darkness behind her, five women stepped out holding notes and came to the five men’s sides.


The woman on the far left picked up the note and gave an order.

The man turned around, put his right hand on the belt buckle of the trousers at the waist about two inches on the right side, shook it gently for about 2 seconds, and then raised his hand to squeeze the tie at the neck.


The evaluation in the shadows caused cold sweat to slide down the man’s face in an instant.

The pen held in the woman’s hand suddenly disappeared, and the next second it appeared on the man’s temple.

He fell to his knees without saying a word.

The head hits the floor, the crashing sound is the sound of death.

The wound was blocked with a pen, and there was no trace of blood.

The woman took a step forward, grabbed his back collar, and dragged him directly into the darkness beside him.

The remaining 4 men did not change their expressions.

“Yes, death is not the reason you are afraid, because he will not be afraid, even if his wife dies in front of him, his eyes will not blink… Go on! “

She was very satisfied with the reactions of these people.


It was the second person’s turn, the same instruction, the man turned around, and the action was exactly the same as the previous man, but more natural and calm, to the bench In front of him, he turned slightly and sat down, with a straight back and a solemn expression.


He apparently did well with the first order, so he had the second order.

Turns around and picks up the pipe on the table, which is filled with shredded tobacco from South Faso.

“This cut tobacco is wrong, it should be a product from northwest Granshire.”

He found the problem and was smug about his discovery, which was a The trap, he successfully avoided.


A drop of blood fell on the low table, and another person fell to the floor.

“His cut tobacco must be made of tobacco leaves produced in the northwest of Granshire. If something goes wrong, it will let him flies into a rage, instead of telling others that it is wrong now, as casually as he is now, Stupid…go on!”

It’s a trap, yes, but this man’s answer is horribly wrong.


The body is dragged out, and the third woman continues to issue instructions.

dong dong dong ~

Someone knocked on the door.

“Lady Pain, Thunderstorm, please see me.”

The person who completed the mission returned.


Two and a half days, the ship’s whistle sounded at the landing place on Mirage Island.

The sky was a little gloomy, a few seagulls were flying in the cold wind, clucking, and the island explorers in groups of three or four came out of the woods.

Exploring the island is a process of gambling. There are people who are full of backpacks, chatting and laughing loudly, and naturally there are people with sad faces and bandages on their bodies.

There are more people who are neither happy nor sad, but their faces are obviously tired.

Donald and Lilo stepped on the gravel on the beach, got on the boat first, and then returned to the big boat.

After coming out of Secret Realm on the first night, Donald and Lilo acted exactly like other explorers for the rest of the time, just wandering around the island, throwing away The task materials were collected again, along with the practical battle skills to exercise their own skills.

Finger’s ability has also been touched by Donald these two days.

It can absorb various elemental energy to change its attributes like the slimes that exist in abundance on the island. After the transformation is completed, the strength control of elements is even more powerful than Donald expected.

In any form, you will immediately have the same low-level element immunity and instant elemental attack as yourself!

For example, Finger in the form of Fire Element, it becomes no longer afraid of flames, when Donald releases scorching rays towards it, it will directly absorb it halfway even before getting close, and then with more Strong formidable power is spit out again.

However, this ability also has shortcomings, that is, the problem of element restraint. The element change of Finger cannot be changed at any time, but requires a certain amount of time for element absorption and accumulation, so when Finger is in an element state When , he will have corresponding defects that are restrained by other elements.

For a simple example, the Finger that enters the Fire Element form will be restrained by the Water Element, and if it is converted into a Water Element, it will immediately produce a weakness that is restrained by the Thunder Element.

And the conversion between elements is quite stamina, at least for the current Finger.

Of course, in any case, today’s Finger can be regarded as a shedding body, exchanging bones.

Donald, who returned to the boat, ignored anyone, went straight to his room, put down his backpack, and rushed into the bathroom. Although he used cleansing techniques to clean up his body, he experienced three days and two nights in the wild. It still made him feel that something was wrong with him.

After a thorough shower, I came out and put on my clothes and fell on the bed, and slept in murky heavens dark earth.

When I woke up, it was already evening. Most of the exhaustion on my body was gone, replaced by the hunger in my stomach. I opened my eyes in a daze. Yellow light seeps in.

Finger, curled up in a ball, lay beside her, the other bed heard the sucking sound of a straw, and Lilo was leaning against the wall drinking lime juice.

“Let’s go, let’s go to dinner.”

Touched Finger’s back, the latter’s ears twitched, and immediately got up and jumped into Donald’s arms. The cat heads to the dining room on the ship.

“Potato beef, two grilled fish, a corn chowder and two croissants, thank you.”

The food on board is not orderable, but After they are done, they can use it as they like.

He took a plate and found a place to sit down, gorge oneself, he ate wild fruits and unseasoned barbecue on the island for the past two days. The bland taste made him miss him very much normal food.

“Donald, how’s this expedition, did you find what you need?”

It’s meal time, Mengsk saw Donald first as he walked in through the door , and directly leaned up with his own food.

“As far as the ending is concerned, I’m very satisfied, plentiful harvest!”

Thinking of the two full backpacks in my cabin, I felt that they were squatting on the table and eating roast Finger of the fish, the smile on Donald’s face couldn’t stop showing.

The harvest of this trip was undoubtedly unexpected. Just those mixed fruits made his trip worthwhile, not to mention the harvest of an elemental beast.

There is no reason to be dissatisfied.

“That’s good, I was worried about you having an accident on the island.”

Mengsk sliced the steak, relaxed said.

“Worry about me, what do you say? Lilo, don’t just drink drinks, this soup is also good.”

Separate half of the corn chowder on the plate and serve it in small bowls Putting it in front of Lilo, the latter took out the straw inserted in the lime juice and inserted it directly into the corn chowder.

“Don’t you know? On the first night of landing on the island, a giant slime suddenly appeared on the Changeling Island, sweeping back and forth with a group of changeling slimes, I heard The person who returned to the ship to recover said that at first some people thought it was a special beast and wanted to go up and try to hunt it, but it was directly smashed into pieces by more than a dozen explosive Fireballs, and I saw those firelights on the deck.”

This matter is the latest discussion on the ship. The heretics have never seen the giant slime that appeared that night before. Some people’s evaluation of its battle strength is at least the level of Awakening Level Peak. Sailors say it is the “big guy” among the illusion slimes.

“Oh, this thing, I saw it, I was far away, I thought it was on fire, and I went to a farther place to hide…”

Donald was wreaking havoc in his lair when King Slime was wreaking havoc on the Changeling Isle. Naturally, he did not know the details.

“Haha, then your luck is pretty good. If you meet that monster, you will lose its skin even if you don’t die.”

“How about your test task? ?”

He picked up a piece of potato and chewed it in his mouth, and Donald glanced at the other side of the cafeteria, where three people who looked familiar were sitting there.

If he remembered correctly, there were these three people in the group he saw in the Secret Realm at that time, and they didn’t stare for a long time, just glanced occasionally.

Powerful heretics are sensitive to prying eyes from the outside world.

“It’s not bad, to be honest, even though I’ve seen a lot of blueprints before, I’m still a little surprised by the strength displayed by those mechanical puppets. If the energy production forms a large-scale battle strength, the enemy of the empire will be stunned. I’m afraid we’re in trouble.”

He took a sip of the rum, and Mengsk seemed to be in a good mood.

“By the way, do you know the people over there? It’s the people at the table behind you. I saw them on the island holding an illusion slime. It looked weird.”

As if he accidentally discovered the people over there, Donald didn’t mention the Secret Realm thing, just said that he met him accidentally on the island.

The illusionary slime in the storage compartment was placed very close to the mechanical puppet. Although Mengsk didn’t know the exact contents of the wooden box, he also said that it was a detector. Understand, naturally someone mentioned this wooden box to him.

Donald thinks Mengsk might have some information, which is why he asks.

“Which… oh, they, I don’t know people, but I met them on Whale Island before boarding the ship, and their identities are somewhat special, like in the whaling team. The people…in short, they should be very strong, otherwise the mechanic will not be so respectful towards them.”

Mengsk’s answer made Donald secretly write down, not to say more, Continue to eat.

The ship is returning to Demingham.

The temperature at sea is much cooler than it was before.

Winter in Demingham, is it coming?

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