Demon Sage

Chapter 414

In the middle of the winter night in Corta, the cold air coming out of the bones makes it impossible to live without the heating oil, which is heated by me or me. In addition, there have always been some rumors about the population in the city recently. Disappearances with some terrifying content.

In order to ensure safety, most restaurants are not involved in some special events, so they only open until about 9 o’clock and close their doors, and there are not many restaurants that remain open until late at night.

Relying on the rough pictures of the robbers and some restrictions drawn by Donald’s reconnaissance eye, the police station in Corta sent out a large number of plainclothes police officers to investigate. There is a result.

“Because my son owes a lot of gambling debts, in order to help him repay his debts, the restaurant’s business hours will remain open until about 11 pm in the past month, and people who work overtime will come to me to eat.. ….”

The Boss of Lawrence Restaurant is an old man with gray hair and a thin body. At this time, he is holding several portraits in his hand, but his eyes are a little shrinking to look at the few people in front of him. ,

“I know this person. He came to me to buy food several times… It started about a week ago, and each time he waited until all the customers in the store were there. I left, he only came when I was about to close the door, and he would buy several copies each time, speaking of which he did have a strange smell, but most of the guests who came to my place were workers from the surrounding factories, and they actually smelled, so I didn’t care.”

They were all on the second floor of the restaurant, and Lawrence’s wife watched on the first floor, and the police in Corta had all been evacuated, in order to avoid Draw the attention of robbers who may be in the vicinity.

“If he appeared in front of you now, would you recognize him?”

Luther Captain asked.

“Of course, because he is a very special guest, I am very impressed with him… Mr. Sheriff, I will assist you in handling the case. I wonder if I can get some bonus money?”

Lawrence thought that these people were police officers just like the ones who came to the door just now, and he wanted to get paid by reporting criminals.

For these petty citizens, they don’t care who they report, or what he does, as long as they can benefit, everything is easy to say.

“If we can catch the prisoner, we’ll give you 1 pound, which is the prepaid part.”

Donald threw a shilling at Lawrence’s In hand, if Lawrence can help them wholeheartedly with money, he doesn’t mind paying some price.

It’s just near noon now, and there are still nearly 12 hours before midnight. Since there are no other clues, in order not to beat the grass to scare the snake, they are impossible to conduct a city-wide search while waiting for the rabbit. Therefore, All we can do now is wait.

After the afternoon, it was getting dark.

In order to capture the target as quickly as possible when it arrives, the entire group is waiting on the second floor of the restaurant.

Donald stood at the window, his eyes unconsciously turning back and forth with the sparse pedestrians on the street outside. This angle reminded him of his actions in the hotel two days ago. After his daily meditation, To pass the time, he often moved a chair and sat at the window.

It doesn’t mean how much Donald likes this behavior, just guessing their current state of mind by observing the expressions on the faces of pedestrians passing by outside the window can help him pass the time.

Of course, the long-term observation also made Donald inevitably have some doubts about the current state of the citizens of Corta.

Deprecated and depressed moods are generally seen on the faces of pedestrians he has seen, but in the eyes of people in other areas, this city is a city that is booming in terms of economy and living standards…

…Such a situation is clearly unreasonable.

Turn around, leaning against the window frame, the cold wind blowing from the gap in the window blew past his ears, and his eyes fell on Captain Luther in the room. The books obtained by the craftsmen have large sections of handwritten text, which should be the notes made by the craftsmen while reading the books.

From noon to now, he only did this thing, but the expression on his face changed from the disgust and disgust when he first opened these books to solemn and thoughtful.

He might know why the people of Corta are so down, Donald thought.

But as a foreigner, he has no position to ask about this. As Jacqueline said before, it is a matter of craftsmanship and forging, and outsiders can’t control it.

“Donald, look over there!”

Stephanie, who was also bored by Donald’s side, seemed to have seen something, and said, pulling on Donald’s sleeve. .

“What’s the matter?”

Withdrawing his gaze, he turned to the direction Stephanie pointed. At the interface over there, a truck was driving towards this side. Come on…not one of those wagons with containers attached to the front, but a flatbed cart pulled by a car with lots of ropes fastened to something that Donald looked familiar.

Sculpture of a mermaid holding a water bottle…

“Mermaid Pool?”

This is the only thing Donald has felt since he came to the city Beautiful things have now become a pile of gravel waste, no longer elegant and refined.

Jacqueline, who was wiping the long sword in her hand beside her, heard the name of the Mermaid Pool and immediately got up and came over. When she noticed the broken mermaid statue, she frowned even more. Dame, who has always shown a gentle and humble image, looked back at Luther in disbelief, and for the first time appeared in a restless and imposing manner.

“Captain Luther! What are you trying to do? That fountain is one of the symbols of Corta’s city of art! You actually demolished it?”

Although she believes in the god of morning light, Jacqueline actually spent a considerable period of her childhood in Corta. The mermaid statue, as a landmark building in Corta Central Park, is also her childhood memory. One of the bright spots in the show, and because of this, when she said she wanted to find a place to meet at the train station, she would subconsciously say this place.

“What if it’s dismantled? Practical is what really matters. Art is nothing but pompous and superficial things. Craftsmanship and forging are now pursued to be truly beneficial to the people.

what corta needs is a thriving industry, not something that looks beautiful but is actually worthless, not only this statue, even Central Park will be flattened in the next period of time , converted into a steel mill of the Freud consortium.”

As for Captain Luther before today, he was absolutely righteous when he said this, and he didn’t back down at all, but he read the book in the book. After those thoughts, some of the ideas in my heart were shaken a little, and the imposing manner when speaking was much weaker out of thin air.

Does he make sense?

In Donald’s view, Luther’s remarks are undoubtedly a bit absurd. He once came from the era when the culture flourished. He was snort disdainfully towards this idea, but it is undeniable that this idea is in today’s era. But it is very marketable.

Just as we look back at some events in history, such as “how bold people are, how prolific the land is”, “a sow races an elephant, eats one head for a year” and so on. Things that are so absurd and unreasonable have become a common phenomenon in a specific social environment.

Nowadays, the industrialization of the Ryan Empire is developing from the coast to the inland, and Corta has become the first “people” to eat crabs because of its rich iron ore support.

Even though its industrialization process has just started, and everything is still being explored, it is undeniable that they have indeed tasted the sweetness.

At this time, as the craft and forging sector that controls the religious idea of the city, some problems will inevitably arise from this wave of industrialization.

When large factories replace manual workshops, and assembly-line production methods replace the meticulous manufacturing of craftsmen… Some concepts in the teachings of the craft and forging sect must be changed in line with the times .

It may be a saying to adapt to change with the same, but it also means that a mature religion wants to develop and must make changes in accordance with the times!

There is no doubt about that!

The problem is that the actual effect of this change is often less than ideal…

“You are destroying those works of art, which is equivalent to destroying Cole. The spiritual world of the people in the city, how can a sect be so harsh? Haven’t you found that the people’s current mental state has gone wrong? Not only have you not restrained, but you have even intensified to destroy these precious spiritual wealth. Promoting the so-called industrialization is really unimaginable.”

Jacqueline, who was still holding no other sect’s personal affairs, suddenly broke out because of the destruction of the mermaid fountain. These words actually weighed in her heart. It’s been a long time, and now I’ve said it all at once.

“hmph! You love the spiritual world of the people, protect those works of art… And then, where does Delchimo’s standard of living rank among the cities in the county, Don’t you, the Chief Knight of the morning light sector, know that most people use kerosene lamps for lighting, chopping firewood for heating, and walking and horse-drawn carts when they go out. How many people have lost their jobs because of new products made by factories in other cities? The products produced by our Corta completely occupy the market, and the people in the Delchimo workshop are only equipped to go back to the farm to raise cattle and sheep, and people are going to starve to death. At that time, you would talk to them about art!”

As an apostle, he naturally cannot hear outsiders questioning his beliefs. Luther, almost subconsciously, wanted to maintain his own sect, so he got up and retorted directly.

Is Luther absurd?

What he said was the truth, even Jacqueline couldn’t deny it!

“Hey, wait for this to be over, when the time comes, it’s none of my business even if you fight to the death, but at least for now, I don’t want to see you fight yourselves before you catch the enemy. , if you cause irreparable losses because of your quarrel, don’t blame me for turning my face when the time comes!”

Seeing the escalation of the quarrel between these two people, Donald rubbed his eyebrows, raised his head again, and added Lilo and Anthony, the imposing manner of the three of them broke out violently, directly pressing everyone in the room back.

Donald is not here to hear these two people argue about ideas!

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