Demon Sage

Chapter 422

Minator’s Destruction Power, Donald only saw it in a dream when he just arrived in Demingham. At that time, the owner of the power of pain used a secret technique to facilitate the meeting of the three, and tried to secretly perceive the two of them. status and location.

As for why the owner of the Power of Pain did it, it was because the owner of Destruction Power broke it first, and Donald’s strength at that time was simply not perceptible, and it was only through him that he reacted And quickly cut off the connection, it can only be the owner of the pain force secretly using the means.

After that, in order to guard against the two impossible enemies that suddenly appeared, Donald constantly relied on various ways to improve his strength, but he never waited for what he imagined. The attack, which once made him feel that he was taking refuge in the Azuth sect again, and entering the Anomaly Bureau was just useless.

This is indeed the case. At that time, the two backers I found in my weak situation were not useful in the end. The moment Donald took over the task and left Demingham, they became Past tense.

Now in Renas, the power of one of them is sensed in such a sudden way, which is something that Donald has never thought of.

And Donald’s nervousness was not unexpectedly infected with others, Anthony and Stephanie quickly entered a state of high alert, for them, Donald’s enemy is naturally their enemy.

“It shouldn’t be the owner of Destruction Power who appeared in the vicinity, otherwise the induction wouldn’t be so weak… Maybe it’s an object with his power.”

After Donald’s careful perception, he confirmed that the owner of Destruction Power should not be in the vicinity, otherwise the demon power in his body would not be so calm.

“This may be an opportunity to take the initiative, Stephanie, take Julia to the hotel over there to settle down first, Anthony, Lilo, you two follow me.”

From Donald’s point of view, if he encounters the owner of Destruction Power, a fight is almost inevitable, and the opponent’s strength has already broken through to the Awakening Level, so it’s not a good idea to take Julia by his side.

“I’m driving, be careful.”

Stephanie doesn’t have any objections, although she wants to help, at this time Donald needs someone to stay and protect Julia, compared to Anthony and Lilo, she has to admit that if it is a head-on conflict, her strength is not as good as them,

“Destruction Power appears in the southeast, let’s go from this side.”

Donald and Lilo jumped off the carriage, Anthony also turned over and dismounted, and when Stephanie left, the three chose to walk to the target location.

On the way, Donald brows tightly frowns. While noticing the surrounding situation, he also wondered whether he should tell others the reason for the incident, and finally decided to tell Anthony some of the facts.

“I’m in Ryan Empire, so far there are two enemies who do not have any possible mediation. It can be said that as long as we meet, it will be a decisive battle, because the three of us each have an abyss demon Source Power .. ….you can treat me as a demon contractor.”

The feeling of speaking out the secret that he had hidden for a long time was not as comfortable as Donald imagined, and he was also quietly observing Anthony and Lilo’s reaction, the former immediately showed a surprised expression, which was mixed with a hint of clear comprehension, while the latter did not respond at all, after all, she had already experienced the power of demon activation.

“And the demon who gave us the power died some time ago, I mean complete demise, so these three powers have become a masterless existence, and the three of us will each get a share. “

Speaking of this, Donald’s mood is a bit weird. Minator can be said to have almost killed him several times. He finally defeated the abyss demon with the will to die.

However, Donald also has to admit that if it weren’t for Minator, he might have become a fool in the silver moon sect’s potion, or died at the hands of the demon contractor.

“Want to be the only one?”

In Anthony’s words.

“I said that I don’t want the power of the two of them at all, do you believe it?

He looked at the street scene in front of him unconsciously, and then turned to Anthony the next second. helplessly said.

He really doesn’t want the power of those two!

Whether it’s Destruction Power or the power of pain, Donald doesn’t have much desire for them, there is Tome The existence of Domination, he can naturally grab the power of other demons by killing the demon contractor.

It’s just that the other two’s pursuit of the demon power possessed by Donald forces him to fight back.

“It’s so involuntarily sometimes. “

What else can Anthony say? He can only hold the dagger at his waist and support Donald with practical actions.

“I found it, the street ahead, follow me.” “

The Destruction Power in the perception became more and more clear, Donald rushed forward with the other two and came to the door of a house.

“It’s inside, I’m going to knock Door. ”

If the owner of Destruction Power can get information on him before he finds out about his arrival, it will undoubtedly increase the odds of winning, and Donald is not ready to waste this opportunity.

dong dong dong ~

Curved his fingers and knocked on the door.

Donald waited at the door, looking at the pattern outlined by the brass wire on the door and the spotless on both sides of the door The wall lamp, and the sight glanced at the flowerpot placed outside the window. It is almost the beginning of spring, and several flower bones are budding.

“Who are you looking for? “

There was a sound of footsteps behind the door, and then someone asked.

“We are just passing travelers. When we were walking outside, we saw a flower on the window sill of your house.” The flowers in the pots are of my favorite kind. I would like to ask where I can buy the same kind of flowers in Reinas, or would you like to give them up and sell them to me? “

With the observation just now, Donald quickly thought of a suitable reason.

“Sorry, I’m not going to sell flowers, and I don’t know where they came from.” Yes, please leave. “

The door has not been opened, Donald can’t help frowning, looking at the exterior decoration of this house, it should be a decent person, talking to people with the door closed, not even showing his face. What?

“Is that so…then we’ll leave. ”

Donald turned around and took a step to the right, avoiding the cat’s eye on the door, using Spirit Vision to penetrate the wall, and immediately informed Anthony with spirit strength.

Anthony immediately Taking a step forward, before waiting for any response from the people behind the door, Donald immediately used spirit strength to forcibly unlock the door, and Anthony took the opportunity to open the door and rushed in.

“What are you doing? , trespassing privately, this is illegal! ”

There were surprise and angry scoldings from behind the door. Donald entered the door and saw a youngster wearing a beret, a brown jacket, trousers and leather shoes of the same color.


“Breaking into private houses? I think you are the one who broke into the house, this is the wealthy area of Renas, and you look at your clothes, it is clear that you are not the owner of this house, and the blood on your trousers legs, the bulging waist Something… burglary to kill? ”

Donald had seen through Spirit Vision a man standing behind the door with a firearm in his hand. When he entered the door and saw what this guy looked like, he immediately confirmed his guess.

“You all go out, or else…”

youngster subconsciously wanted to draw a gun when he saw that he was exposed, but Anthony had already grabbed his gun one step ahead of him. Wrist.

“Upstairs, follow me. ”

Sensing the location again, Donald confirmed that the source of Destruction Aura was upstairs, and took Lilo upstairs directly, while Anthony slashed youngster on the back of the neck with a knife and carried him on his shoulders

At the door of a room, Donald stopped. In Spirit Vision, he saw 5 people in the room.

Two people sitting beside the bed On the chair, their movements were twisted, and they should have been bound by someone. Two people were standing on both sides of the door, with firearms in their hands, and one person was lying on the bed, as if injured.

” Inside. …..”

“Donald, there are people approaching, many people! “

Lilo interrupted Donald, and Anthony immediately put the youngster aside and ran to the back of the window on the second-floor corridor facing the street outside.

“Black Goat Badge, Tower The Ross family team, fully armed, headed straight here. ”

The brief message made Donald frown even deeper.

It was only after two minutes that The door that Donald had knocked on was knocked again.

This time the knock on the door was more violent.

“Come on! ”

The voice dragged a little longer, and the people inside walked a little slowly. The team that dragged it outside the door began to smash the door, and the door slowly opened, but the person standing at the entrance was a man dressed in A decent middle-aged gentleman.

If someone stood behind him, they would find that something invisible was pushing against the middle of his back.

” Witnesses say that several suspicious people have been wandering around your house, have you noticed? “

The captain’s gaze of the group of soldiers was simply not on the man, and kept looking inside the house.

“No, I’ve been reading the newspaper in the living room, and my wife is in the room.” The kitchen was making lunch, and no suspicious people were seen. “

The middle-aged gentleman’s expression was a little stiff, but his tone was quite calm when he answered.

“What? Step aside! ”

Captain came after receiving a clear report. At this time, he lost his patience and pushed the middle-aged gentleman away. The soldiers behind him filed in and began to search the house.

“What are you doing, I am a law-abiding citizen, even if you are the guards of the Talos family, you have no right to break into my home so arrogantly! “

“Now it is suspected that you have colluded with a felon wanted by the Talos family. Is this reason enough? ”

Ignoring the threat of the middle age person at all, the Captains each minding their own business walked inside and stopped in front of the living room, where a cup of tea and a serving of tea were placed on the low table in front of the sofa. Newspaper.

Going further, to the kitchen again, a woman was looking at him in a panic, and beside her stood a delicate-looking girl, but her expression looked a little stiff, her hands Holding a glass of drink, he kept sucking, his eyes turned to the kitchen, and there were only half shredded potato cubes on the cutting board.

Captain looked towards the middle-aged gentleman next to him.

Is this person not lying to himself?

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