Demon Sage

Chapter 427

“Walk…turn right…sit down.”

Victor stood by and gave orders, and the neatly dressed male corpse stepped out of the cupboard, Turn right to the opposite side of Donald, stop automatically when your feet touch the chair, and sit down on the chair.

The movement is not very smooth, but it is not rigid either.

Donald’s eyes have always been on this male corpse. He has seen many undying creatures, and he once killed some in the small town of Red Cliff with his own hands.

The actions of those undead are obviously faster and more offensive than the corpse in front of them, but it is a disorderly act of killing driven purely by the desire to destroy living beings , and the so-called “corpse” created by Victor is more of a sense of obedience to orders.

What surprised Donald the most was that he couldn’t feel the negative energy in these corpses, or even other energy responses.

The difference between the two is probably the gap between wild beast and mechanical puppet.

“The relationship between the soul and the human body, in my opinion, is the relationship between command and action, in simple terms… the soul issues commands, and the body executes, so , just like boiling water in our normal, you can use wood to ignite, you can also use a gas stove to start a fire, the key is to generate heat, as long as the water can be boiled, there are various methods.”

Arranged the plug-ins in the metal drawer on the table, and then said,

“I can find other ways to mobilize the body of the dead, and naturally I can make them a tool, you guys. It can be regarded as a mechanical doll that needs to be wound up before it can move, the spirit element… This is the name of virtual soul energy, because I am not really using soul energy, so I continue to use this name. Misunderstood, just like this lady did.”

Victor is still talking about his research, even though the topic has strayed from his earlier talk of helping Donald kill Pope Salazar, but the latter doesn’t mind listening to this special technology now.

“With funding from Serveit Talos, I have still had a major breakthrough in technology in the past two years. Take this corpse, which I named Friday, as an example. The medulla oblongata in the brain is filled with a spiritual element injector powered by a carbon-zinc battery, and it becomes a usable corpse, and the ‘clockwork’ that controls it is these plug-ins.”

Speaking of this, Victor made a gesture of invitation to the two Donalds, motioning them to go over. Donald did not refuse and stood up beside the corpse.

The back of the corpse’s head does show signs of being craniotomized. About the position where the back of the head connects with the neck, there is a cassette jack similar to the one Donald had seen in his previous life.

“Although I can’t completely restore the corpse’s consciousness of action, I can already use these plug-ins to let the corpse perform certain tasks. You can think of them as sending and receiving an order. As long as these plug-ins are plugged in, it will perform some kind of work, such as the packaging work currently on the assembly line of some Renus factories, they can already do the simpler part of it, and I believe that after deeper technical research and development, This state will continue to improve.”

For scientists like them, the pursuit of technological advancement has become as much an instinct engraved in their bones as eating and drinking, and when they talk about these things, Then there is some eloquent meaning.

Donald found out at this time that this Victor Kenstein was a talker.

Stephanie extended the hand and poked Donald’s waist, and glanced out the window, meaning very clearly that Anthony and the others were still waiting outside, and they didn’t come up for academic discussions.

“Mr. Victor, you have been telling me about the pros and cons of this technology from just now until now. I do not deny that your idea has great potential. I also admire your ability to complete it. This seemingly impossible technology research and development is a great thing for today’s technological revolution, but for me…”

Noting Stephanie’s Reminder, Donald intentionally wants to speed things up again.

“Wait, you say that my technology has great potential and is a great thing?”

Victor’s emotions suddenly became a little excited, which made Donald on the opposite side a little bit nervous. Not sure why.

“Of course, isn’t this obvious? If your technology is successfully developed, I think the productivity of those factories can be increased several times, and some of the more dangerous and arduous work of the people is also available. Alternative human hands, such technology can’t be called great, what other technologies are worthy of being described as great?”

In fact, Donald has regarded Victor’s technology as a robot similar to his previous life. The technology is exactly the same as the mechanical puppet technology seen in Demingham before, the corpse that tirelessly repeats a certain job, how similar to the machinery and equipment on the assembly line.

It’s just that the latter’s manufacturing process and raw material acquisition are simpler and cheaper, unlike those mechanical puppets in Demingham, which cost hundreds of pounds to build. This is entirely possible. pervasive technology.

“Don’t you think I’m desecrating the corpse and destroying the existing order of life by doing this?”

Victor is not a person who is easily influenced by the outside world, but even if That’s the case, he is involuntarily pessimistic about his own prospects for the development and promotion of this technology after experiencing a wave of opposition from almost the whole society.

“Don’t those assembly lines in the factory also destroy the business model of the original handicraft workshop? Mr. Victor, as you said, this is an epoch-making technology, since In this case, it will inevitably challenge the old order, and on the other hand… If it can’t go beyond the status quo and achieve leapfrog development, why does this technology distinguish two eras?”

This is what Donald said in his heart. Although there is still some confusion about the corpse technology, he does not have any prejudice against this technology.

“didn’t expect to find enlightened and visionary people like you today…. Your Excellency, maybe you don’t know, so far in my research and development of this technology, only two Personally I’ve heard similar words, one is you, the other is…”

“Servit Talos, right?”

No need Too much thinking, since Victor has worked under Serveit Talos for so long, the latter naturally supports his scientific research theories.

“Yes, at the time I thought I had found a bosom friend, someone who was willing to support my research, so even if the outside world had a bad reputation for the Talos family, I still happily joined the Talos family. The laboratory.”

“It turns out that he is not?”

In order to prevent Victor from continuing to diverge his thinking, Donald helped him come to a conclusion.

“He is really interested in corpse technology, but not for the industrial revolution, but for the control of living people!”


Donald subconsciously makes a questioning nasal sound.

After talking about the corpse technology for so long, it turns out that this technology can still be used on living people?

“I know what Your Excellency is wondering, even I was completely unaware of this situation at first, and it was only about three months ago that I found out that Serveit Talos had found someone else to steal me. The research data and the use of corpse technology on the living, trying to rely on this method to completely control some people and turn them into puppets and tools of the Talos family, and I naturally impossible to support this behavior…. that’s what it looks like now.”

Victor pointed to his shoulders that couldn’t move freely, and continued with some helplessness,

” Fortunately, because there are many differences between the living and the dead, and my technology research and development was not mature at the time, so I could not let Serveit Talos achieve his purpose.”

“So How are you going to help me kill Pop Salazar?”

After hearing so much information, Donald felt compelled to remind Victor to bring the conversation back on track.

“Since everyone can’t do anything to Pop Salazar because this is Renas of the Talos family, then my solution is very simple, making this our home.”


While speaking, there was a crisp beeping sound in the fireplace next to it, it should be a piece of wood burning to the branch position, Donald’s attention was distracted for a moment, came back to his senses but heard Victor like this some words.

After a brief silence, Donald looked towards Victor, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said solemnly: “Servit Talos carried the experiment you did, have you perfected it?”

Donald is used to analyzing some discourse, and Victor has previously said that his technology development was not mature at the time.

At the time here, there is no doubt that when Serveit Talos was carrying him to conduct experiments on living people, according to the tone of his words, he was immature at the time, but he is mature now?

“Yes, although I strongly reject this kind of behavior, but in order to be able to prevent him from using my research results to carry out some evil deeds, this is the best way I can think of… . After these three months of calculations, although I have not conducted experiments on living people, I am confident that I can use this technology to successfully control Serveit Talos and let him accept our control, then the situation of Renas will naturally become It’s good for us.”

Victor paused before he said this,

“Of course, there are some selfishness in this, I want to continue my research, Thoroughly promote my experimental results in Renas… Now I am a wanted criminal, if I don’t make some changes, I will die miserably, after all, life saving benefactors like yours are not very common. “

“hahaha~ I see, as long as you can control Serveit Talos, you can rely on his power to help us take down Pop Salazar and continue your experiments, while You want to cooperate with us now, but you are also interested in our strength, and you want us to help you complete this step, right?”

Donald laughed, and Victor’s face also showed a little bit. Happy, thinking that the persuasion was successful, whoever thought about the next moment Donald completely restrained his smile,

“It’s a good idea, but I refuse!”

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