Demon Sage

Chapter 454

The flames rose among the ruins. Donald stood on a stone on the side of the street. Wherever he pointed his finger, the next second, a scorching ray ignited the withered grass.

Anthony and the others followed behind him, watching the surroundings.

When the weeds were almost burned, an azure array was outlined in front of Donald, and there was a strong wind swept away, blowing away all the embers of the weeds after the flames confined to a certain area were burned out. , revealing things on the ground in the square.

About 5 meters in diameter, the complicated lines and the shimmering faint light after the injection of external energy, coupled with the semi-circular depression in the center of the array, should be a place to store items. But there is no indication of what was ever stored.

“Why does the ceremony array appear in such a place?”

The previous line of defense, coupled with the array that is now engraved on the small square outside the government office building, how come? It looks weird.

“Can you know what it does?”

Anthony’s idea is that as long as he knows the function of this ceremony array, he can use it as a clue to continue his research.

“I’m afraid not. This array has existed for too long, and some traces have been blurred. It is unrealistic to analyze its function from the lines inside the array. My knowledge in this area has not yet reached this level. And I don’t know the activation conditions of this ceremony array, otherwise even if it is a broken array, maybe it can be activated through a small range of repairs to see the effect.”

Jump off the stone Go to the center of the array, look left and right at the layout of the array, and glance around from time to time.

In any case, since the array appears here, there is a natural reason.

Since the effect of the array is unknown, it may be assumed that it is an offensive or defensive array.

Combined with the peripheral defense line and battle traces, this probability is very big in Donald’s view.

There used to be a fierce battle here, which required the use of guns and wizards, and maybe there were aliens to join the fight.

The enemy is the residents of this town?

This is impossible.

Donald himself is a wizard, and he has a say in the lethality of the wizard. If he only faces an ordinary person, even if the other party is fully armed, his spell can still cause large-scale killings with no difficulty. , not to mention some unarmed residents.

On the other hand, the people who once stationed here should be guarding against other things…

“Is it just to expel the disease by burning the corpse?”

Although he had already made a big circle in his mind, in reality, it was only a dozen or so seconds in the past. The question suddenly raised by Donald made Anthony a little unresponsive for a while.

But Anthony, being Anthony, quickly realized the implications of Donald’s question.

“You’re saying that what happened here is not as simple as an epidemic… Indeed, if you look at it from the perspective of burning corpses, it is completely possible to carry out centralized burning. There is such a wide area around here. In wasteland, digging a big hole is not a problem, there is no need to burn down the whole town.”

Because the residents are sick, so the whole town is destroyed, no matter where it is placed, it makes no sense. .

“That’s right, that’s the paradox, why would they do it? Or…they have to do it.”

This is a building that can accommodate tens of thousands of people. Living in a town, the invisible assets in it can’t be summed up with a few gold pounds. Donald doesn’t believe that anyone would dare to destroy the entire town so rashly.

This is an action indicated by a superior.

“If they did this to cover up something, then I have reason to believe that there may still be some traces in the ruins. I suggest using a relatively stupid method, Anthony, me, Lilo, Each is responsible for one direction, Julia and Stephanie, you two are responsible for one direction, how about it?”

This time the grouping has changed from the previous one. Before the change, Donald would choose to let Julia follow Anthony, took Stephanie by himself, and Lilo walked alone, even if doing so would free up a direction and affect the efficiency of the action, but for the sake of safety, he would rather spend more time.

But after the previous Ghost Tide battle, Donald realized that Julia and Stefani, who had been under the protection of their three people, had actually reached the point where they could be on their own and take on part of the team’s tasks.

This is their first independent action, although they are still two people, but the meaning is different.

The two of them were obviously aware of this, and Ben’s tired face turned a lot rosy.

The feeling of being valued and needed is always satisfying and joyful.

“Since you have no opinion, here is my communicator, you each bring one, if you find anything, immediately use it to notify others.”

Distribute the communicator , Donald also gave the horse call to Julia, who now has a certain amount of spirit strength due to her innate talent.

They went to search in one direction, and there was no clear target location and no iconic objects.

Sounds like a hassle.

Donald didn’t expect to find it soon, and even he was a little worried that he might be busy all morning or even a whole day and would not gain anything.

It turns out he was wrong.

Julia’s abilities once again surprised Donald.

When it comes to finding things in these ruins, who can compare to the ghosts who have existed here for an unknown time?

Of course, these ghosts themselves don’t have much memory, even more how Julia’s subordinates devoured each other, it’s hard to tell who is who, not to mention those messy memories , otherwise Lilo has killed so many ghosts, she would have known everything.

But don’t forget, these ghosts are all capable of ignoring collisions.

Donald has to rely on Spirit Vision to find it. For Julia, she only needs to disperse these ghosts. If there is any special area, it can be found with no difficulty.

“That’s it?”

The entire group reunited less than two hours after they separated, Donald asked, looking at a wasteland of stones piled up.

“Yes, they say it’s empty below.”

Julia pointed to the ghost in the shadow of the stone wall nearby.

These ghosts are devoured and reinforced by Julia’s innate talent, so they can’t speak, but simple communication of ideas is fine.

“I can feel it, it’s here!”

Lilo’s perception confirms this.

“You step back, go farther, and I’ll blow it up.”

Donald didn’t want to waste time, and directly took out a few inscription scrolls from the space ring, Level 4 Inscription – Demolition.

Tear open the scroll, and print the inscriptions one after another on the piled-up positions of several stones in this gravel field.

“If this is where the Emerald County government deliberately buried it, would it be illegal for us to do this?”

Anthony asked, looking at Donald who was walking towards him.

“If you really break the law, you guys are accomplices.”

spirit strength activated the inscription, the explosion sounded along with the gravel in the sky, Donald turned his head, laughed and said with a smile.

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