Demon Sage

Chapter 509

“There should be a businessman from Corta’s side in the near future, in order to build a factory in Reinas, this matter can be agreed, but you have to help me keep an eye on his factory… In addition Find a way to send some intelligence personnel to Corta, I want to know if something strange is really happening in that city.”

Talked to the businessman about Corta at the reception last night. The latter’s reaction made Donald a little concerned, and some clues that he discovered at the beginning were lingering in his mind after that. details.

“What are you investigating?”

Huxley, holding the wooden box, asked.

“This…I can’t provide a clear direction. It’s just a personal intuition for the time being. It seems that there are some special circumstances in the city of Corta.”

Despite a lot of ideas in my head, it’s a little difficult to really get Donald to come up with a clue for an investigation.

“Whether we should let them start with the craft and forging sect, after all, Corta is the preaching city of their sect, or we can send a few police officers from the Reinas police station to exchange and learn I went to Corta in my name and took the opportunity to investigate possible special events or phenomena.”

Huxley gave his advice.

“It’s a good idea, just do as you say, keep it secret, like this sword, don’t let outsiders know about it.”

A somewhat satisfied nodded, this is sitting The benefit of a Great Influence is that Donald no longer needs to do many things himself. He only needs to tell Huxley or the people in the Reinas City government what he thinks. Naturally, someone will deal with it and give it the fastest speed. his feedback.

“Understood…I’ll go to the smithy in Renas City to process this long sword.”

Sensing someone approaching behind him, Hux Li glanced back and found that Anthony and Stephanie were coming from the side. Knowing that they should also have something to do, he took the initiative to find a reason to ask to leave, and Donald naturally agreed.

“Servette, is there something wrong with us suddenly coming here?”

Stephanie received Donald’s communication when she was familiar with affairs in Renas City Hall , asked her to return to the manor, and met Anthony, who had just returned from the Anomaly Bureau, at the door, only to find out that the latter had also been called back by Donald.

“I have a plan, inspired by the long sword I bought last night, just because I only started thinking about this plan today, so I need you to help me perfect it, if If you succeed, you may be able to take advantage of the situation to solve the two problems that Renas is currently facing at one time, saving a lot of resources and time.”

Donald likes to discuss, especially when making such a far-reaching plan At the same time, despite the help of agile thinking, he still needs someone to give him advice, not because he is worried about the loopholes in the plan, but in this kind of discussion, Stephanie and Anthony can understand his plan more deeply. And after the plan starts, even if you encounter an unexpected situation, you can immediately remedy it without going back and asking him again.

And just when their discussion here just started, the two ladies of the Steve family had also taken the carriage from Marta City to the outside of Reinas City.

As an aristocrat from East Germany, the mother and daughter of Reinas City have naturally heard of the situation, and Scarlett even listened to the teachers in the school to discuss the development of Reinas City. .

They all have their own opinions, but they are very unified on one thing, and that is Reinas City is a hell of the poor!

So Scarlett has always had a bad impression of Reinas City. Later, I heard about the decree issued by Serveit Talos and his use of his identity to threaten the cooperation of those Steve Mining companies. My partner, I had a very poor first impression on this noble viscount.

She didn’t expect that she would wear such revealing clothes one day to ask for his asylum, and even prepare to make some necessary sacrifices for it.

She wanted to run away, but when her eyes fell on the mother who was also wearing a dress beside her, there was only one thought left in her mind: protect her!

“Run, young men, we still need to demolish the house on Ruilan Street!”

“The project is half completed, and it is more than expected It’s almost three days, so I decided, when the two houses are demolished today, I will invite you to drink, and I will give you a holiday tomorrow… haha ~ I have already received the government’s project funds, so I just Waiting for this day!”

“Santos, has your family decided to buy a shop…why didn’t you apply for a loan from Renas Bank, the interest was cut by another point today, I heard that it was approved by our mayor.”


The sound of one after another outside the carriage made the mother and daughter two who had their own thoughts. They were all a little puzzled, and one side opened the corner of the carriage curtain, wanting to see the situation.

Scarlett saw groups of men with various tools on their shoulders. She thought that Serveit Talos was instructing these people to do something excessive, but after observing for a long time, she was surprised to find that most of them had smiles on their faces.

They walked across the street, arguing and occasionally sparking bursts of hearty laughter.

Is this still the bottom people living in the “hell”-like slums in her imagination?

Mrs. Steve on the other side, Angie Steve, saw rows of new buildings that were either being demolished or had already been built in the neighborhood. Look, it’s unbelievable to her that there is undoubtedly urban construction throughout the poor neighborhoods.

Because the height and footprint of the new buildings were something she had never seen in the civilian area of Mata City.

What happened in Renas?

When the two of them retracted their eyes and looked at each other in blank dismay, they both saw the same question in each other’s eyes.

“Mr. Andrew, may I ask what happened to Renas recently, the whole city seems to…”

Because of the family’s difficult situation, the original The full-time carrier has long been dismissed, and now the carrier who brought them here is a person who travels between cities in East Germany, so An Qi wants to inquire about some news through him.

“I don’t know either, I heard from some people that Mr. Mayor was rescued by a mysterious person in an assassination, and after that he decided to transform the city of Renas… .You lift the curtains now, look forward to the right, and when we pass the next intersection, we will pass the city center, where a statue of the mysterious person is being built. It is said that the mayor specially built it to thank him, only However, the citizens of Renas seem to prefer to call him the black robe saint, and many people come here everyday all to pray, hoping that the current good days will continue.”

The driver While controlling the reins, he slowly slowed down and said to the mother and daughter in the car.

The statue was, of course, Donald’s deliberate act.

Reinas is a non-belief area, and it is not allowed to build established Sect halls and spread beliefs. This is the regulation of the Ryan Empire, and no one can violate it, so from an official point of view, save Mayor Reinas and He can only be changed by a mysterious person and not by a god.

But that doesn’t stop Donald from erecting a statue for his “life saving benefactor”, just to express his gratitude so that a stone statue is erected in the city center, no one can pick a problem, right? ?

As for the beliefs of the people and their spontaneous prayers…it is said that the people are spontaneous, they want to worship a certain “person” and the government can’t control it!

carriage finally passed the street that the coachman said, and both mother and daughter saw the tall stone statue that was specially funded by the government and specially hired to supervise the creation of Master, the most skilled craftsman of Corta. Standing in the very center of Central Avenue, the original flower bed has long been flattened.

Scarlett’s eyes stayed on the stone statue.

It was a man in a black robe, the robe mopped the floor, and even covered part of the statue’s base.

He held a book with a generous style and intricate patterns engraved on its surface.

No matter from which angle, he lowered his head slightly, and his face was hidden in the hood, as if he was reading the contents of a book or thinking.

The light at noon fell on him from in the sky, and it happened that there were many women and children around the statue praying and placing some flowers around the statue.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. At this moment, Scarlett only thinks that the statue…

mysterious and great.

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