Demon Sage

Chapter 555

According to the information in the book, Sharis and Barlow wandered around in Unther City, and finally found No. 23 Senkin Street.

Ordinary duplex building.

The two flower-shaped wall lamps in front of the door are lit with the warm light of rice yellow.

The lights in the room on the second floor are on, and even with the curtains drawn, the silhouette can still be vaguely seen.

Barlow got off the front of the car and opened the door.

Xia Ruisi carried her skirt and walked to the door. Instead of knocking on the door in a hurry, she raised her hand and pressed it on the door panel. After a few seconds, she retracted her palm, and took two steps back and stood still. , turned around and looked towards Barlow who was behind and nodded, the latter bowed to greet him and immediately drove the carriage away.

He is not qualified to participate in the meeting here, and it is rude to even wait outside.

A short while later there were footsteps behind the door.

The brass door handle rotates.

The dark golden eyes suddenly lit up in the shadow behind the door, and a burly man whose figure was almost the same as the whole door stood there, looking down at the outside. Sharis who became red.

“Follow me.”

The deep voice is like the roar of a male lion when it is resting.

Ignoring Xia Ruisi’s reaction after he finished speaking, he turned around and stepped on the stairs not far from the entrance. Perhaps because of the age, every time he fell, the stairs creaked, and he followed. Xia Ruisi, who was behind, glanced at the reinforced iron frame at the bottom of the stairs, and barely followed the other’s footsteps.

Climb up to the second floor, walk a few meters in the corridor, the front then is the living room.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows outside the living room is an open-air balcony. There are several pots of green plants in the corners. A tall man is leaning on the balcony fence. He was wearing a small silver kettle, and the glistening water on the spout in the living room light meant that he seemed to have just watered the green plants on the balcony.

By the fireplace on the left side of the living room, a girl wearing a floral beret knelt on the sofa with her arms on the back of the sofa, looking at Sharis with interest, the low table behind her There is a chessboard, and the pieces on it are not the usual black and white, but red and black.

On the other side of the chessboard, sitting on the single sofa, the dignified lady just put down a red horse head chess piece with a star-shaped pupil, which represents Knight.

“Welcome, we’ve been looking forward to it for a long time.”

It was the lady who spoke, lifted the blanket over her legs, got up and walked towards Sharis, as if She had expected her appearance, and then said,

“You can call me Hong, of course, because of her appearance, Mrs. Hong is also a good title in front of outsiders.”


The people in this living room may be of different ages, but there is no age distinction between the existences they represent, so the middle-aged lady always used the honorific name for Sharis when she introduced it. .

The red lady is obviously also the leader or temporary leader of the group in the living room. When she opened her mouth to welcome, the atmosphere in the living room suddenly became much brighter.

“Hello, my name is Yin, I learned from Mrs. Hong.”

The little girl smiled, and silver’s long hair gleamed in the firelight of the fireplace.

“Guilun, it’s an honor to meet you, beautiful lady.”

The young man on the balcony waved his hand by his side and gave a gentleman’s salute.


The brawny man beside him finished speaking and walked to the fireplace and sat directly beside the little girl.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you all. It’s really an honor for Xia Ruisi to meet you in the current situation.”

Lifting up the skirt, her feet staggered slightly. Squatting down, Xia Ruisi made a self-introduction.

The young man on the balcony put down the kettle, walked slowly into the living room, and sat down on the sofa. With a “please” gesture, Xia Ruisi walked over quickly after nodded.

Five people took their seats around the fireplace, and the beeping sound of burning wood could be heard clearly.

“Charles, I remember you said before you came that there was another traveler?”

Although the two sides had never met before, they had never met before, but when they came to Enther Before, those people who were in similar situations had all communicated through a special method, otherwise it would have been impossible for Xia Ruisi to find this place so quickly.

“Yes, I have a friend who was waiting for me at the Rock Castle, but when I went to the Rock Castle, an accident happened.”

Recalling the situation at that time, Xia Rui Si facial expression grave, and then paused to say,

“When I arrived at the rock castle, the demon had already killed her, took her power, and tried to kill me too!”

“Demon killed your friend?”

After listening to Xia Ruisi’s speech, the other four had disgusted expressions on their faces, Madam Hong frowned and asked.

“The demon contractor to be exact. In fact, the reason why I arrived so late was because in East Germany, I was also hunted by the demon contractor…I have A fellow traveler, a heretic from the Awakening Level, he was a believer I recruited when I was in East Germany, relying on him I can kill each other, avoid the traps of the rock castle and discover some secrets about the demon.”

Charles’ account of Donald’s identity was something that the two of them had already discussed.

Donald’s identity is very special. He is not a god-chosen person. Xia Ruisi may accept the identity of a demigod successor, but this does not mean that these people can accept it, but this identity cannot be concealed. Because he is an unbeliever, it is impossible to get a response from any god.

Instead of forcibly disguising, it is better to abandon the two identities of the Chosen One and the half-body successor at first, and participate in another more acceptable identity.

The believer is undoubtedly a good choice.

“The ‘death’ and power-taking of the friend you just mentioned…”

Gui Lun was still immersed in the first words that Sharis said. A message, like thinking of something, suddenly asked.

“That’s right, deprivation of divinity!”

Hands formed a dharma seal in front of him, and immediately stretched forward, a fist sized pure white surrounded by mysterious incantations The light ball appeared in Sharis’ palm.

“As far as I know, the demon contractor should be impossible…because of the seal?”

Aware of what Xia Ruisi was holding, Gui Lun subconsciously He wanted to say something, and halfway through, he turned to other things.

What he wants to say is that in the past, after the death of the chosen person, the divinity would dissipate directly and return to the source, that is, the hands of the gods, just like after the demon contractor dies, The demon powers they possess also return to the abyss instead of staying in place.

That is, the special Rare Item of Tome of Domination can forcibly intercept it.

As for the so-called “seal”, it naturally refers to the imperial government’s blockade of the starry sky.

Because of the existence of the seal, the gods are forced to choose devout believers in order to unlock the seal, and regard them as their agents to step into the mortal world. However, it is precisely because of the existence of the seal that once the chosen person dies, It is becoming difficult for divinity to immediately return to the source of the gods, and it can be preserved by some special means.

That’s all.

The real key lies in the fact that some of the gods are in a weak position, such as the god of singing, her sect simply is not officially recognized, and the number of believers is naturally pitiful.

Unlike the justice sector, the believers of several millions, and the special judge department, the pagans who believe in the singing god are only double digits.

And the Chosen One is not something that can be cultivated by cultivation.

First of all, you must be extremely devout believers, and this first condition must exclude nearly 90% of the people.

Secondly, she has to be a heretic, otherwise an ordinary person, even if her faith is firm, is impossible to bear the power bestowed by the gods. After all, the gods choose believers to be their agents because they want her to investigate the seal and give her Her strength must not be less, otherwise she may fall if she is not careful.

The Chosen of the Singing God is a prime example.

It is important to know that there are very few chosen ones that weak gods can cultivate.

Once dead, it undoubtedly means that if a suitable agent cannot be found in a short period of time, then the gods will become spectators.

Stay out of the way?


In this struggle, doing nothing is equivalent to being slaughtered by others!

“It’s not just us right now. As far as I know, the abyss also noticed the seal in the starry sky. They did the same thing as us. They chose the evil human beings to sign a contract and tried to make a contract when chaos came. At this time, to achieve some ulterior purpose, the demon also has its own sect…”

Speaking of this, the rest of the people in the living room can naturally think of Xia Ruisi really want to express.

Once the power of the gods is captured by the demon, and the abyss is extremely difficult to lead to the world, but there is no seal like in the starry sky, it is always easier than the gods.

At that time, it will be hard to say who is the existence that dominates this world!

Not to mention the maker of the seal, Ryan Empire, since they dared to block the starry sky, how could they not have foreseen the current situation.

What are they planning?

“The horn has been blown.”

Mrs. Red said solemnly,

“I can see the war coming!”

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