Demon Sage

Chapter 557

The venue of the mechanical innovation review meeting is usually set up in a hall near the city hall of Ense, but recently, due to the upcoming mechanical exposition, the original venue can no longer accommodate the mechanic who came to participate in the review. Open Machinery Fair infield.

The reason is simple.

The Machinery Expo seems to be a grand event for the whole people, but the ones who can really get involved are naturally mechanic. Starting about a week ago, young mechanic with certain abilities from all over the Ryan Empire have been coming one after another. Continue to gather here.

On the one hand, of course, I want to see how far the Peak mechanical technology has developed in this era, and I look forward to getting inspiration from it and perfecting my mechanical concept.

On the other hand, quite a few of these young mechanic also want to use this official stage to make a name for themselves. Eighty percent of the famous mechanic, and the Machinery Association made it clear that the exhibition items have not been completely determined, and any valuable works may be included in the list before the official start of the exhibition.

This is undoubtedly an opportunity specially reserved by the Machinery Association for newcomers from all over the country to show themselves. Once their works or ideas are valued and recognized by the Machinery Association, it will be of great benefit to their future development. matter.

Because of this, the innovation review meeting during this period will invite some high-ranking nobles like Donald to go to the “station”. Can you understand it is one thing, at least it highlights the Machinery Association attention to this.

“Do you know Roy Jackson?”

On the way to the Machinery Expo venue, Donald suddenly asked aloud while playing with the steam engine model he had bought in the station store.

“The genius inventor?”

Like most women, Pamela doesn’t have much interest in machinery, except for the name Roy Jackson. is heard.

Mechanic from Demingham, the developer of new airship technology, the innovation of mechanical puppet technology, the innovation of whale oil technology… The most amazing thing is that Roy Jackson has only 29 years old, this age may already be an old master in other industries, but in the field of machinery, with so many achievements at this age, he is undoubtedly a rare genius!

“Yes, that’s him, you just said that you would let me participate in this jury meeting, and I thought of this person… Huxley is also doing some industrial revolution in Renas recently, you Say if I get this person over, can I speed up the progress?”

Renas’ reforms could not be concealed from the Talos family, there is no doubt about this, Donald used this matter as a cover to inquire at this time. Roy Jackson doesn’t seem so strange either.

“Sewitt Young Master, as far as I know, Mr. Jackson is currently one of the honorary members of the Unther City Mechanical Association. He is also a participant in many research projects of the Empire, and the host is probably the I can’t go back with you.”

For Donald’s sudden question, Pamela reluctantly filtered out the arrogance in his words and explained patiently.

“You’re not him, how do you know if he’s willing or not, when the time comes if I meet him, I have to go up and say hello to him… This bauble is quite interesting .”

Leaning back on the seat and fiddling with the engine model, Donald deliberately emphasized his interest in him, because you wouldn’t let me find it, and I had to try it.

As for why he was suddenly interested in Roy Jackson, the reason was naturally the information from Sharis.

After meeting with the other Chosen Ones last night and exchanging certain messages, Sharis immediately found an opportunity to express to them that she was in Enther according to the plan agreed with Donald before. There is a trusted follower in the city government, who is also the one who rescued her in the Rock Castle before, and maybe he can be used for further investigation.

Yes, Donald from the very beginning never thought to hide his relationship with Sharis.

It should be known that Xia Ruisi is facing the chosen people at this time. In the face of these powerhouses with different abilities, she wants to forcibly conceal this connection, and the probability of being discovered is very high.

After all, Donald needs internal information from the Chosen One, and Xia Ruisi also needs to know the government’s movements. Neither of them are agents, nor do they know Morse code. .

Instead of covering it up, it’s better to tell the truth. As long as Donald’s true identity is hidden in the name of protecting his followers, naturally no one will suspect the Viscount Serveit of the Talos family. .

This choice turned out to be quite correct.

Although Mrs. Hong and the others were surprised, they did not stop Sharis from spreading the information.

Their original plan was to enter Unse City government in some way or find a suitable person in it as their internal response in the government, but it was limited by identity and financial constraints , it is difficult to implement, and now there are ready-made candidates in front of them, and no one will refuse.

The government of Ryan Empire will ship some special exhibits to Unther City in the near future. This is the information that Gui Lun has spent a lot of time acquiring, and after this period of investigation, they may take over this area. Some of the exhibits or the people who will be related to them are narrowed down to only a few people.

Charles informed Donald of the list that night, hoping that he would use her identity to investigate.

However, Donald soon found out that almost all the people among them were high-level executives of Unser city government and high-level imperial government officials who appeared in Unser because of the mechanical exposition.

Donald can’t say he can’t see these people. In his capacity, he can also enter with no difficulty in the highest-level reception in Ense City. The problem is that the result of his forcible entry now must be the same One of them, Meiweisi, restricted her personal freedom and sent people to look after her throughout the process.

Even if it’s sneaky, because the predecessor’s reputation in Imperial Capital is quite “loud”, he always has to show his identity when meeting people. If he wants to contact the people on the list, he must have enough reasons, otherwise it will only invite suspicion.

Therefore, Donald is not ready to rush to meet government officials until his image is changed or he finds a suitable opportunity, he is ready to start with people who are more accessible.

In contrast, Roy Jackson has become Donald’s primary target. The former is one of the important official mechanic of the Machinery Expo, and will appear in the exposition venue in the near future. Ordinary It may be difficult for person to see him. After all, the venue is not yet fully open, and only people with certificates can enter and exit, but compared to the reception where Meiweisi was, there is still some room for manipulation.

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