Demonic School Grass: Demon is a Girl

Chapter 59: The deity's red luan moved?

Another gangster beat his head and cursed:

"Don't call the police?! Do you want to be accused of being a murderer?!"

The person who was beaten responded stupidly, took out a somewhat broken and backward mobile phone and naively dialed 110.


They were arrogantly invited into the police station by the police uncle as a gangster.


Qiang Mo rubbed the hands that she had just beaten with her hands, her mood fluctuated too easily.

Raising her eyes indifferently, she did not expect that her generation of Demon Venerables would also wander on the streets.

Qiang Mo pursed his lips, inexplicably not wanting to go back to face those irritating things.

Looking up at the sky, the stars are shining.

It is rare to have such a view in such a bustling city.

Immediately interested, he stopped, and his left hand silently counted his fortune.

There is such a saying in the Xuanshu world that you can't figure out one's own secrets.

It means that even the most powerful masters of mystic arts can't calculate their own destiny.

But in Qiang Mo this is bullshit.

If you can't figure it out, it's a matter of your own strength. What God's will cannot do, it's all bullshit.

This thing has been an experiment based on her own calculations since she came into contact with mystic arts, and she has never suffered any so-called divine condemnation.

In fact, there is not a Demon Venerable who dares to attack Qiang Mo, the head of the Three Realms.

Unless they want to quit their job and hang up.

Ruyu's slender fingertips paused, wait... she must have miscalculated.

After calming down, I re-looked at the stars in the sky, added the zodiac, the ugly Yinmao, and carefully repeated the arrangement and inference.

Finally, Qiang Mo put down his left hand, his face turning black.

Grandma's, who can tell her why her red star is moving? !

Qiang Mo's face is a little scary at the moment. She even considered her marriage a long time ago, and the result is...

Lonely star.

Her life is not hard, and she can't sit firmly in such a high-ranking position as Demon Venerable.

But when she just measured again... her Hongluan star reacted?

Although it is one-way.

But that doesn't mean unrequited love...

Qiang Mo's face was a little unpredictable, the only thing she could tell was that she wanted to kill.

Yuanxi had told her that among the three worlds, the only irreversible thing was fate.

You have to remember that those who change their lives against the sky are all novels, and those who can truly turn things upside down have already dissipated in the Three Realms during the prehistoric period.

Even Hongluan's fate, who reacted unilaterally, was an unavoidable hurdle in her life.

Comply with it, it is joy.

If he resisted, it would be a catastrophe for Qiang Mo.

Sickly raised his arm, Qiang Mo shook the broken hair in front of his forehead angrily.

She is a Demon Venerable of the Three Realms, and she hasn't pretended to be enough in the Demon Realm. She was inexplicably brought here by a little bitch, and then she was inexplicably entangled by a young master.

Now tell her that she has met the destined person.

His uncle, she would like to know who is so obsessed with liking a man?

Her current identity to the outside world is male.

There was a rare trace of grievance in Qiang Mo's eyes, which made people want to rub their hair.

The deity is wrong, can the deity be changed? ?

Ask God to take back that man with positive dedication!

Qiang Mo, who continued to walk, walked away on the road in a very decadent manner with a heart that was about to collapse.

The deity's Ye Su, the deity's Yuanxi, the deity's Ye...

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