Destiny Online: Halo Paladin

Chapter 90: That's how the Paladin is

  After pushing the dark abyss of normal difficulty, everyone first went to hand in the dungeon task. After taking two blue outfits, Bei Tang Meng began to lead everyone to open up wasteland in difficult difficulty.

   This time it is still possible to catch BOSS and treasure chests, but the treasure chests are not as rich as the last reward, only a blue outfit and a dozen gold coins.

   And the difficulty of the difficult dungeon has risen sharply. Everyone is in the Twilight Lord: Basel. After killing it twice, Bei Tangmeng did not continue to waste time. Instead, let everyone go directly to rest and sleep, and continue the next day.

In the three days after   , everyone was basically soaked in the dungeon. Once the difficult CD was completed, it would open up wasteland, and if it could not be played, it would be normal.

   After four days of playing Yeyu, he also got a few plate armor suits, namely shoulder guards, hand guards, and leg guards. The properties of the suits are also quite good.

  The Call of the Abyss (3/5)

   Set (2): +100 HP limit

   suit (3): +4% attack speed

   Set (4): +5 physical strength, +5 strength

   Set (5): +7 physical strength, +7 strength

   After another mission was destroyed at the feet of the difficult difficulty of Akumaer, Bei Tangmeng also gave up the thought of continuing to open up wasteland. After all, the continuous high-intensity battle has exhausted everyone physically and mentally, and continuing to fight is a waste of time.

   After Beitangmeng announced that this wasteland reclamation would end here, Yeyu was also relieved, and it was exhausting after four consecutive days of brushing.

   Then all members of the wasteland reclamation team came to the pub to have a dinner, and the Northern Tangmeng invited guests...

   Yeyu opened his attribute panel to check it while eating spicy crayfish.

  Name: Yeyu

   Level: 25 (60059/65000)

  Occupation: Paladin-Protection Knight

   HP: 3580/3580

   Mana: 600/600

   Power: 176

  Agility: 60

   Physical strength: 308

   Intelligence: 55

   Spirit: 69


   Halo Master lv4 (1070/2000)

professional skills:

  Vitality Aura lv5, Firm Aura lv5, Meditation Aura lv4, Courage Aura lv2, Swiftness Aura lv4, Faith Aura lv2, Thorn Aura lv4, Fire Purification Aura lv3, Frost Purification Aura lv1, Lightning Purification Aura lv1, Devout Aura lv2

Divine Strike lv4, Judgment lv4, Holy Light Blink lv4, Justice Shield Strike lv4, Dedication lv3, Avenger Shield lv3, Blessing of Power lv3, Wisdom Blessing lv3, Holy Flame Blade lv3, Hammer of Sanction, Redemption, Retribution, Holy Shield Magic, Holy Healing, Holy Blessing, Vengeance Origin, Holy Bulwark, Provocation

   The aura of firmness is also level 5, but the enhancement book has not been seen elsewhere yet, and it seems that it will only take a while to get it.

  Emmm, the spicy crayfish tastes really good, next time I go to sea to get more, make it for yourself, not sell it at a stall...

   "Leaf, don't eat it, come over and play chess."

"I'm coming."


   After eating, drinking, and having fun, the team officially announced its disbandment.

Ye Yu is also ready to see if the notebook-filled "Nat Pagle's Complete Guide to Fishing Skills" can trigger any missions. After all, judging from the name, this thing is related to fishing, he still feels very much. Interested.

   First, Ye Yu went to the website forum to search for the name Nat Pagle, and found that someone had seen this NPC in Dustwallow Marsh.

   Dustwallow Marsh is located in Kalimdor, another continent opposite the eastern kingdom continent where Night Whisper is located. The eastern kingdom is mainly composed of humans and dwarves, while Kalimdor is mainly composed of elves and orcs.

To go to Dustwallow Marsh is more troublesome, Yeyu carefully searched for the route. He had to first reach Ironforge, the main city of the dwarves, and then ran from Ironforge to the port of Nayhir in the wetlands. There is arrival dust in Nayhir Port. Boat in the mud swamp.

After determining the route, Yeyu came to Stormwind City, the main city of the human race. There are so many people in the main city. Even if Stormwind City is big enough, it will be a bit crowded. There are various entertainment facilities here. It can be said to be a one-stop shop for eating, drinking and having fun, and you can even change your hairstyle and do nails, etc. People who like shopping and entertainment are mainly concentrated here.

  The relationship between the human race and the dwarves is still very strong, so that there is a special dwarf area in the main city, and the destination of Yeyu is also here. He came here mainly to take the subway.

   You’re right, that’s the subway. There is a special underground passage in the dwarf district that can go directly to Ironforge. Players can take the subway to Ironforge.

When Yeyu came to the subway entrance of the dwarf district, he found that there were quite a lot of people here, mostly humans and dwarves, and a few orcs and elves. After passing through the primitive and rugged mechanical style passage, he officially came to the mine tunnel subway station. There are two subways here, and there are waiting seats on each side, but now they are full of people.

The time that Yeyu came was just coincidentally. At this time, there was a subway just coming. Before he was happy, he saw that the players had a lot of ways to squeeze the subway. Faye just flashed in, and the druids and thieves were more. It rushed up directly with an acceleration, and the priest floated directly on top of his head with an excessive levitating technique...

   Ye Yu was dumbfounded. Of course, he didn’t squeeze up the subway this time. After all, he was a step slower...

It wasn’t until the second subway came Yeyu that it barely squeezed in. The subway in the game can’t be the same as the subway in reality. The game uses a pulley-type movement method, that is, a steel column is fixed on the pulley to divide into four. A small column suspends a square platform to move.

Most of the subway scenery is the same as reality with dark metal walls, but there is a section of the road that is very interesting. This section of the road is built on the bottom of the sea, with transparent glass on both Players can enjoy it for free. A wave of underwater scenery, I feel that the game company is still very careful in some details, and I like it.

After arriving at Ironforge, Yeyu went around at random, and felt that the main city of dwarves is very distinctive. The whole city is made of stone and metal, and the TM is a capped type. In the center of the castle is a large forge, many dwarves and players. They are all forging there, but what makes Yeyu feel very disturbed is that there is magma and molten iron on both sides, and only the road is in the middle. If someone falls accidentally, wouldn't it be evaporated on the spot?

Ye Yu didn’t wander, and after leaving Ironforge, he headed towards the wetlands. Outside were snow-capped mountains. No wonder dwarves like to drink so much. Spirits should be a must for living in this kind of weather, just like in reality. The fighting nation is the same, but I don’t know if the bears here are as dignified as reality...

All the way down the road from Dun Morogh to Loch Modan, it was necessary to make a big circle to reach the wetland smoothly, but the night language was different. He came to Loch Modan by a cliff near the wetland and jumped. .


   When he was about to reach the ground, Yeyu unhurriedly activated the Paladin's signature skill, invincible.

   There was a loud bang, the ground was smashed into a big hole, Buwangyu stood up and patted the dust on his body. Not only that, but also obtained the achievement of "falling and falling?"

   Paladin is like that...

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