Destroying the World Starts From Marvel

Chapter 328: Acting secretly

Destroying the world from Meiman Chapter 328, Chapter 328: Acting in Secrets-567 English Just as Magneto was preparing to give these Asgardes who became chaotic under the steel meteorite a more crazy magnetic disaster, A yellow laser beam rushed into the capability enhancement device from the outside and tore a large hole in its shell. ???? Outside the hole, Thor, who was surrounded by yellow energy rays and holding a Rocky scepter, was exposed. Prince Asgard finally returned at this critical time.

With a wave of Magneto, countless metal fragments swept toward Thor like torrential rain pear needles, but this kind of physical attack could only pass through the vain Thor's body in vain and could not cause any harm to him. And Thor immediately hit Magneto with a laser, trying to kill the enemy who had appeared in his hallucinations again.

Things are just as Thor’s previous illusions have shown. Magneto, who manipulates metal, has almost nothing to do with the nihilistic. No matter how much metal is manipulated to defend him, Thor can’t avoid Thor rushing to his side and fighting in close hands. , An alien war-god who has experienced many battles has no suspense about a frail old man.

Just when Thor raised his scepter to take Magneto down, a voice came from the psychic gem to stop him. Although Thor doesn't know why, but now he can't defy the voice's order.

The scepter, which was approaching Magneto’s throat, stopped abruptly, and then moved away with difficulty. At this time, under the control of the Soul Gem, Thor deviated further and further from his original intention at the beginning, but lost too much. He has not had enough determination to contend with the force that manipulates him.

The Magneto, who understood that he might be in danger if he continued to stay, took the opportunity to leave from Thor, controlling the metal on his body and flying towards the sky. Although Thor actually let him go, in the eyes of those Asgardian soldiers under the control of Magneto's magnetism, it was undoubtedly their prince who bravely repelled this terrible enemy.

The soldiers cheered and welcomed the return of their heroes. These soldiers didn't know what kind of suffering Thor experienced, or why he gained such a powerful force. The only thing they know is that Thor is the prince of Asgard, the hero who has saved them countless times.

Odin and Heimdall also rushed to the battlefield, commanding the troops to seize the city that has never been attacked. Despite the huge casualties that were unimaginable, the Asgardians finally got a foothold on the earth.

After the entire cosmic fleet crashed due to Ultron, these soldiers had no other way to return to Asgard except to completely take the entire earth and get the Cube of the Universe to send them home. At the beginning, I thought it was an extremely easy task, but I really don't know how it turned into this difficult situation today. It can only be said that there are too many powerful enemies on the earth that they expected, and it is too terrifying.

Fortunately, the Asgardians have not lost their hope. Their **** king, Odin, the lord of the fairy palace, still showed his undiminished strength in the past, and even more so with the Ether Gem, this artifact will make Ultra difficult. The entangling opponent was resolved. For soldiers who don't understand the cost of using ether gems, as long as Odin is still alive, they are still invincible.

So Chen Lu is coming to Odin now.

On the streets of Boston captured by Asgard, two Asgard soldiers were talking quietly to each other about today’s battle. They were all dressed in elite guards and had the right to enter the army headquarters to perform guard duties. Just because of this outfit, it brought them the bad luck of premature death.

Suddenly, two tentacles rushed out of a dark alley, wrapped the two soldiers' throats and blocked their shouts, and then pulled them into the alley with a violent pull. After a **** round of slaughter, Loki and Chen Lu, posing as the two Asgardian soldiers, walked out as if everything had been born.

"Well, are you satisfied with my camouflage skills?" Rocky asked Chen Lu with a wicked smile. They were able to disguise themselves as Asgardian soldiers so perfectly thanks to his dark magic, and Unlike his militant brother Thor, Loki prefers to use this trick to play with the enemy.

"It's perfect." Chen Lu said with a false compliment. In fact, he had already used the black light virus's ability to completely absorb the soldier's body, and he could complete the disguise by himself at any time through the black light virus's deforming ability. But he didn't tell Loki this ability, even if Loki was on his side for the time being, Chen Lu was cautiously trying not to reveal even a little secret of himself.

Chen Lugan is quite sure that Loki is thinking about how to let himself and Odin die together, but he is not in a hurry to expose Now what he has to do is to slowly inquire about the detailed plan of this treacherous guy, okay Make a mistake in one step of the plan to make yourself the biggest beneficiary.

At this time, surrounded by the triumphant bells, the cheers of the soldiers, and the flying petals, Thor returned to the Asgardian army in a heroic posture. He first regained the Rocky scepter inlaid with spiritual gems, and later repelled Magneto in an emergency to reverse the situation on the battlefield in Boston, which undoubtedly made a great contribution. At this time, even if Odin wanted to blame Thor for his unauthorized actions, he would not get the support of the soldiers.

Chen Lu knew that Thor, who was controlled by the Soul Gem, would be the key to this plan, but this did not seem to be very safe. He asked Loki: "Are you sure your brother is enough to deal with Odin? Me? I have seen Odin’s protective power against the space fleet. I’m afraid Thor can’t handle that level.”

"Believe me, I know my father better than anyone, including my stupid brother." Rocky said dismissively. He pointed to the scepter in Thor's hand and explained proudly, "I have spent several years. It takes time to study **** Odin. Of course, he is not without weakness. The need to adjust the divine power in the body through sleep is the action taken to cover up this shortcoming. I believe I have a way to kill him."

Seeing Loki's self-confident appearance, Chen Lu felt more worried. After all, in the original movie, this poor evil **** almost did not complete any bad things perfectly. Every time it is said that a well-planned action ended up With a tragedy ending, how can Chen Lu feel relieved?

The plan to assassinate Odin is very important to the situation of the war. Chen Lu does not intend to hand over such a critical action to Loki to handle it. This is why he will appear here with Loki. 8

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