This is embarrassing.

He thought about this question, thought about it seriously, and asked Fang Shuyu, and finally made a decision that he thought was right. However, he did not expect that he would face Fang Songping's soul torture just after returning to Yangcheng.

Without reasoning, it must have been Fang Yanjun who called the other party. Judging from Fang Songping's reaction, the content of the call was probably not very beneficial to him.

Why not go see Shuyu’s grandfather?

How to answer this.

Too busy? To be busy, I have been drinking and chatting with Qin Fei and others in Imperial City these two days.

"I was wrong..." Chen Yi apologized first, and then told the truth: "Shu Yu's grandfather's status is a bit high. He didn't let me go. I can't take the initiative to go there. What if there is some trouble?"

"Actually, I've been thinking about going to see Mr. Fang for the past two days. I'm so confused that I can't sleep well every night. I even asked Shuyu specifically about this matter, and she said it's fine and didn't give me any advice."

"If you don't believe it, you can ask Shuyu. I also have chat records here."

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone and motioned to Fang Songping.

Fang Songping didn't look at it or pick it up. At this time, his expression softened slightly: "Oh, that's it, okay, I understand, it's okay."

Chen Yi: Huh?

So easy? Scared me.

Fang Songping turned the page very quickly. After hearing the explanation, he stopped talking about this topic and said, "I already know what's going on with Jiao Cheng's case. You did a good job and didn't let me down, but... the interview For such a dangerous desperado, you went alone to investigate the case, which is completely a personal hero, and I must severely criticize you."

"If the bullet had accidentally penetrated your head, would you still be standing here now? What will Shuyu do then?"

Chen Yi: "Fangting..."

Fang Songping interrupted: "There are no outsiders, so there is no need to call it that."

Chen Yi changed his words: "Uncle Fang, this is the fastest way to catch them all."

Fang Songping knocked on the table and said angrily: "I've never been a criminal police officer or something. Although this is the fastest way, it is the most dangerous way. Obviously you can investigate more safely and step by step. With your ability Sooner or later, the ability will be able to find out, and you have to take the wrong path and take risks, right?"

"Come on, tell me whether time or safety is more important."

Chen Yi was slightly silent and said: "Uncle Fang, I secretly sneaked back to Jiaocheng to investigate the Qi family behind the Huisheng Group, not only to save time, but also for safety, but... for the safety of more people."

Fang Songping was stunned for a moment.

Chen Yi continued: "If the investigation team immediately returns to Jiaocheng to confront the Qi family, then the well-prepared Qi Weihai will become a very dangerous person. He will definitely dare to touch even the investigation team leader of the city bureau. If you touch other people, you can do anything if you get crazy."

"By then, I'm afraid there will be inevitable casualties."

"So, since there is the fastest and safest way, and the only drawback is my personal safety, why not do it?"

"My personal safety is exchanged for everyone being intact. This transaction is still worth it."

"Also, I am very confident that I will not die in Jiaocheng. Even if I am not 100% sure, I am more than 95% sure."

Fang Songping looked at Chen Yi with a serious expression and was speechless for a long time.

Speaking behind closed doors, Chen Yi was not trying to gild his face, it was obvious that this was what he thought.

If it were an unrelated subordinate, he would think that he was a very good criminal policeman with an extremely high level of ideological awareness and was definitely worthy of reuse.

However, with the label of son-in-law, there has been a slight change in mentality.

It is human nature, there is no absolutely selfless person in the world.

In addition, Chen Yi's last words also convinced him that he would not do this if he was not sure. Chen Yi was not a fool and would not die in vain.

After considering many aspects, he decided to secretly investigate the Qi family and go deep alone.

Facing the silent Fang Songping, Chen Yi said with a smile: "Uncle Fang, I have my own concerns and everything is under control, so you don't have to be afraid. Please don't tell Shu Yu about this."

Concern leads to chaos, Fang Shuyu will not listen to these big principles.

Fang Songping nodded and said, "Don't worry, I won't tell Shu Yu. If I do it again in the future... forget it, just pretend I never said anything."

He suddenly felt that he was relying on his old age.

Chen Yi should not be looked at with the eyes of elders and old policemen, but should be treated as an equal.

Thinking about it from his perspective, if it was him who went to Jiaocheng this time, it would be really difficult to do better than Chen Yi. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Chen Yi's ability is completely better than that of himself when he was young. When it comes to investigating cases, even including Now.

To be honest, if he were not his future father-in-law and provincial minister, he would not be qualified to preach to Chen Yi.

This is a talented player that hard work and experience cannot achieve.

"That's good." Chen Yidao.

Fang Songping asked: "Have you heard about the promotion?"

Chen Yi: "I heard it. Captain Wei told me just now in the conference room."

Fang Songping: "Well, the results will be available within a week. At that time, you will take over Zhou Yebin's position and become the captain of the Yangcheng City Bureau's Criminal Investigation Detachment. The responsibilities are heavy. Are you feeling pressured?"

Chen Yi shook his head: "Not at all."

Fang Songping smiled: "I really didn't have any doubts when these words came out of your mouth. Okay, very good. Go talk to the old captain when you have nothing to do. Although Zhou Yebin is not as good as you in investigating cases, but Experience in other areas is still valuable and you need to learn more.”

Chen Yi nodded: "I know Uncle Fang, of course."

Fang Songping waved his hand: "Let's go to the conference room. Although you are leading the investigation of the Jiaocheng case, other people also contributed a lot."

The two came to the conference room, and one after another, more members of the provincial department also rushed over. Today is an important plenary meeting.

The main content of the meeting was about the case that Chen Yi and the others went to Jiaocheng to investigate. It was not only a report, but also an accumulation of experience and a commendation.

Knowing that Chen Yi was about to be promoted to the captain of the criminal investigation detachment, everyone expressed congratulations. Chen Yi's appearance in the Imperial City this time also represented Dongzhou's appearance in the Imperial City. His face would be bright when he met friends from other places in the future.

In less than three years, Chen Yi has broken a record from joining the company to becoming the leader of the detachment.

Ability is the most important, and of course luck also exists.

After repeatedly solving major cases, several deputy captains sacrificed their lives and retired from illness. Zhou Yebin quickly went to the branch again. In addition, his contribution to the Jiaocheng case this time made Di Cheng value him.

The right time, right place and right people are indispensable.

I have to say that once a person gets along, his journey is really smooth, step by step, and it is hard to envy him.

"I hope Chen Zhi will continue to work hard in the future. On behalf of the Criminal Investigation Corps, I would like to congratulate you." Wei Jianfeng said.

As the words fell, applause broke out in the conference room.

Chen Yi stood up and expressed his gratitude with a raised hand.

Everyone knows that for such a young Chen Yi, this is just a new starting point.

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