Outside the scene, Chen Yi and Lu Guangjun stood relatively far away, exchanging information about the first case.

Taking the cigarette from Lu Guangjun, Chen Yi said, "Female? Please tell me carefully."

As he spoke, he raised his hand to light the cigarette.

Lu Guangjun recalled the case and told Chen Yi exactly how Li Yao was killed and the current investigation progress.

Although it uses relatively brief language, it is very detailed and no important points are overlooked.

Chen Yi did not interrupt and listened carefully. When Lu Guangjun finished speaking, he asked what he was interested in: "I wanted to commit suicide by jumping off a building a week ago. Isn't it a coincidence? Do you have any photos of the deceased now?"

Lu Guangjun: "Wait a moment."

He took out his mobile phone and clicked on the work group. After rummaging for a while, he showed Li Yao's photo to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi took a look and confirmed that it was the girl who had jumped from the building when he and Fang Shuyu were shopping. At that time, the fire department and the police arrived and she had been rescued.

"Chen Zhi, what coincidence did you just say?" Lu Guangjun asked.

Chen Yi explained: "When I was shopping a week ago, I happened to encounter the jumping incident."

Lu Guangjun was surprised: "What a coincidence?"

Chen Yi nodded: "It's quite a coincidence. I didn't expect that he would be killed in just a few days. However... from your investigation results, there seems to be no direct relationship between Li Yao's murder and Li Yao's suicide. "

Lu Guangjun agreed: "This is indeed the case at the moment. It doesn't matter. I was about to send someone to Li Yao's hometown to visit and investigate. Unexpectedly, another person died. Moreover, the two had the same characteristics of the crime, and it was basically certain that they were the same person. That’s why?”

Chen Yi hummed: "There is a high probability that there is no such coincidence. Since you are not seeking wealth, you have a grudge."

Lu Guangjun: "I also thought it was a vendetta, but after checking the interpersonal relationships, I found nothing. This is quite evil. Generally speaking, if someone has such a big hatred as murder, it is unlikely that no connection can be found."

"It shouldn't be... a random killing, right?"

Chen Yi did not make a hasty judgment. The fact that no interpersonal relationship was found does not mean that there really is no such thing: "First look for the intersection between two people, maybe we can make a breakthrough."

After the two chatted for a long time, Zhuo Yun completed his visit and returned to the cordon.

"Captain Chen." He came to the two of them.

Chen Yi: "Say."

Zhuo Yun pointed not far away and said: "The deceased ate at the second barbecue stall. There was only one person and drank about six bottles of beer. Since there is only one restroom, customers often have to queue up, so many customers are used to coming here. He went to the toilet right away, and the deceased probably died while going to the toilet."

Hearing this, Chen Yi looked around again and made sure there was no surveillance, only at the restaurant.

"Drinking alone...won't you be falling out of love too?"

The thought flashed across my mind. There were currently no clues. I would first wait for the results of the forensic and trace examination, and then determine the identity of the deceased and proceed step by step.

"Chen Zhi, is our branch team still involved in this case?" Lu Guangjun asked.

Chen Yi: "Do you have any other cases?"

Lu Guangjun: "There are a few small cases, so the problem is not big."

Chen Yi: "Then according to the original plan, we will go to Li Yao's hometown to visit and investigate, and keep in touch. We can't let go of any possibility. Also, the detailed file of Li Yao's case will be sent to the city bureau tonight, so hurry up."

Lu Guangjun nodded: "Okay Chen Zhi, let me go back and make arrangements first?"

Chen Yi: "Yeah."

The Criminal Investigation Brigade left, and only the Criminal Investigation Detachment was left at the scene.

When the remaining traces were almost extracted, Chen Yi and Zhuo Yun walked over.

"Captain Chen, isn't Vice Captain He here?" Zhuo Yun saw no sign of Shi Xin.

Chen Yi: "There is no need for so many people. Let him have a good rest first. In case it is a complicated case and a shift needs to be changed."

With that said, he came to the body, where the forensic doctor was still working.

Without waiting for Chen Yi to ask, Fang Shuyu, who was wearing a mask, looked at the body and said: "It was just two to three hours after death. An unknown red rash is clearly visible on the skin, and there are small pinholes on the side and back of the neck. Other than that, there is no other sign at the moment." Scars.”

"There is a lot of abnormal saliva secretion, like poisoning. For specific details, it needs to be returned to the city bureau for toxicological testing."

Lu Guangjun just said that the first deceased, Li Yao, was poisoned.

In this case, the possibility of the same murderer is further confirmed.

"Is your cell phone here?" Chen Yi asked.

Fang Shuyu: "Here, I only have a mobile phone and no other items on my body."

Unless necessary, few people now carry ID cards with them. A mobile phone is enough.

Chen Yi: "Get ready to close the team and go back to confirm your identity. Brother Yun, you lead the team to search far away, looking for suspicious items, especially syringes."

There is a possibility of killing people and throwing them away. Although Li Yao was not found at the scene of his murder, it does not mean that it will not happen this time.

Zhuo Yun: "Yes."

Chen Yi looked at Jiang Xiaoxin again: "Sister Jiang, do some monitoring and investigation, pay attention to the people who wrap themselves up very tightly."

Jiang Xiaoxin: "Understood."

The forensic doctor and trace examiner returned to the city bureau, and Chen Yi also left. The scene was just left to Zhuo Yun's command.

Another night to stay up.

Because the soil on site was soft and there were a lot of customers going to the toilet, there were a lot of messy footprints left, which needed to be screened one by one.

Chen Yi provided Lu Yongqiang with a height of 1.78 meters for screening.

As long as the footprints are locked and the small probability events are put aside, the gender and weight can be determined.

While waiting, Chen Yi sat in the case handling hall and looked through the Li Yao case files sent by the branch, gaining a clearer understanding of the entire process.


"All acquaintances have been ruled out as suspects."

"Don't ask for money."

"Don't ask for sex."

After a long time, Chen Yi closed the file and said to himself: "Old Lu has a bit of a crow's mouth. If this was a random killing, it would be difficult to handle. However... the preliminary elimination of suspicion does not mean that the suspicion has been completely eliminated."

At this time, Lu Yongqiang left the technical department and came to the case handling hall to report the footprint screening results to Chen Yi.

"I found it. There are indeed footprints that match the height of 1.78 meters. The weight is about 70 kilograms. He is most likely to be male."

"No fingerprints were found on the pendant. It's as clean as new."

Chen Yi took the report and the tracks of the footprints were marked.

"Male? A very standard weight."

Choosing to kill with poison, he thought about the possibility of a female murderer and did not dare to have a direct conflict with the victim because his physical condition did not allow it.

Lu Yongqiang nodded: "Yes, it is relatively standard, and the body fat rate should be excellent."

Chen Yi memorized this information and used it as one of the basis for criminal profiling.

Either you have been engaged in physical work for a long time, or you have a fitness habit.

He chose a syringe to kill him, and also added sedative drugs. He was very thoughtful, like an intellectual, not like a rough worker.

Probability-wise, tend to have fitness habits.

"Chen Yi, come here." Fang Shuyu's voice came from the forensic department.

Chen Yi stood up: "Brother Qiang, please go back and rest first. The identity of the deceased will be revealed later."

Lu Yongqiang: "Okay."

Arriving at the forensic room, Fang Shuyu informed about the results of the toxicology test and the possible source of the poison, and determined that there were no other injuries on the deceased's body except for the pinhole left by the syringe on the neck.

There are sedative drug residues in the blood.

Combined with the footprints, it can be determined that the murderer attacked from behind, instantly rendering the victim unconscious.

"Plant alkaloids? Which kind of plant alkaloids?" Chen Yi asked.

Fang Shuyu shook his head: "I don't know yet, the concentration is very high."

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