Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 367 Bi Xuelan’s source of fear, the fifth work is released

In order to investigate Bi Xuelan in depth, Xie Yunzhi chose to return to Ningcheng in person and try to find more clues based on the files.

It is impossible to make zero omissions in the investigation of a case. Even if the case has been solved, it will inevitably leave unknown mysteries. Xie Yunzhi is an experienced criminal policeman and knows what to do.

He immediately launched a targeted investigation and ordered his men to collect information about the art exhibition hall two years ago.

Bi Xuelan has been there, and this is currently her most direct connection with this case. Before leaving, he communicated with Chen Yi, who suggested that he focus on the exhibition hall, especially the paintings in the exhibition hall.

It was not easy to find out what happened two years ago. The police spent a day and a half, making inquiries and interviews, and finally collected all the paintings in the exhibition hall that year, including not only famous paintings, but also local paintings. Award-winning works of young people.

The exhibition hall has rich themes, including cultivating and exploring the artistic talents of young people, so Bi Xuelan brought Zhou Yumeng to participate.

In the Ningcheng City Bureau meeting room, all the paintings were displayed flat on the big screen. The pages turned in ten seconds. Xie Yunzhi and the members of the task force watched carefully.

They used the elimination method to remove optimistic works and brightly colored works, leaving mainly dark-style, insect and animal paintings that can arouse fear in people's hearts.

There are only a dozen or so left.

Among them are lifelike snakes, beasts with exquisite details, strange huts in the dark, rough deep seas, and suffocating empty secret rooms...

Xie Yunzhi glanced at it and didn't feel anything special.

However, although she looked normal, Bi Xuelan may not be normal. The person who knew her best was her husband. Xie Yunzhi decided to meet Zhou Yuhe again.

Zhou Yuhe, Bi Xuelan's husband.

Several people left the city bureau and rushed to Zhou Yuhe's home. It was just before dinner and the whole family was there.

For Zhou Yuhe, it had been a long time since the police came to ask about Bi Xuelan, which undoubtedly aroused sad memories for him.

At home, Zhou Yuhe asked his wife and children to go back to the room first and prepare to have a private chat with Xie Yunzhi.

At the beginning of the case, Zhou Yuhe was actually Xie Yunzhi's key investigation target.

Among homicides worldwide, 34% of female murders are committed by husbands or boyfriends. This is true data that cannot be changed. Therefore, when Bi Xuelan suddenly died, Xie Yunzhi's first suspect was Zhou Yuhe.

However, Zhou Yuhe had no motive or time to commit the crime, and the Ningcheng police quickly ruled him out as a suspect.

Later, Zhou Yuhe quickly married his current wife, almost seamlessly. After learning about it, Xie Yunzhi once again suspected Zhou Yuhe and launched a second investigation on him.

The second investigation covered a wide area, taking into account hired murders, exchange killings, cooperative killings, etc., and finally found that Zhou Yuhe did not have any problems, so he was completely ruled out as a suspect and no longer concerned.

For this reason, Zhou Yuhe has always had a grudge against the Ningcheng Criminal Investigation Detachment, especially since the murderer has not been caught in two years, which makes him very dissatisfied.

Facing Xie Yunzhi again, Zhou Yuhe's attitude was not very good, and his expression was serious and dull.

After being a policeman for so many years, Xie Yunzhi has long been accustomed to it. Naturally, he will not argue with Zhou Yu. He goes straight to the point: "Mr. Zhou, we have set up a task force for this case, led by the captain of the Imperial City Criminal Investigation Team, with criminal investigation experts as consultants. I hope you can Cooperate with our investigation and inquiry and strive to catch the murderer of your ex-wife as soon as possible."

Zhou Yuhe gave up hope, and the Imperial City experts did not arouse his interest: "Captain Xie, if you have any questions, just ask. As long as I know, I will tell you, but I said everything I should have said two years ago, and I can still Did you find out anything new?”

Xie Yunzhi: "I have to try it."

Zhou Yuhe: "Okay."

Xie Yunzhi: "My question is very simple. Is there anything Bi Xuelan is afraid of?"

"What are you afraid of?" Zhou Yuehe was confused, "Does this have something to do with the case?"

Xie Yunzhi: "Mr. Zhou just needs to answer the question. We will decide whether it is relevant or not."

Zhou Yuhe thought for a moment and said, "I'm afraid of a lot, the dark, snakes, spiders..."

He said a lot in a series, which is not new. Many ordinary people, especially women, will be afraid.

Xie Yunzhi took out a dozen printed paintings and placed them in front of Zhou Yuhe: "Mr. Zhou, take a closer look. Is it possible that these paintings have an emotional impact on Bi Xuelan? Fear."

Although Zhou Yuhe was dissatisfied with the criminal investigation detachment, after all, they were investigating the case of his deceased wife, so he was still cooperative.

After studying it carefully, Zhou Yuhe fixed his gaze, pointed at two of the paintings and said: "This one, and this one, if Xuelan sees it, she will be very uncomfortable, and if she looks at it for a long time, she may feel dizzy. , flustered."

Xie Yunzhi lowered his head, it was the deep sea and the secret room.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

Zhou Yuhe: "Xuelan has deep sea phobia and claustrophobia. After many years of marriage, she has always resisted taking the elevator unless there are other neighbors in the elevator. When she goes out to buy clothes, she never goes into the fully enclosed fitting room. "

Xie Yunzhi's eyes narrowed: "Is it serious?"

Zhou Yuhe: "It's more serious than ordinary people, but it doesn't affect normal life."

Xie Yunzhi felt the sound of an explosion in his mind. It was that his mind was completely opened and clues were interconnected.

Bi Xuelan died in a room in the warehouse. The room was almost completely closed with only a small door. If the small door was closed and Bi Xuelan was tied up in a confined space, claustrophobia would definitely break out.

If you show her something "interesting", such as the endless sea and boundless waves, Bi Xuelan's fear will rise to its peak.

It was in this state that the murderer launched a so-called emotional robbery on Bi Xuelan and killed her at the crime scene while she was awake.

"Really or not...Chen Yi, you are better than a half-immortal."

It can be determined that the murderer's motive is definitely related to Qiqing, but whether it is related to the Qiqing series of oil paintings needs to wait for Chen Yi's investigation results.

Nearly two days have passed now, and Chen Yi has not received any major news, so he probably won't gain much for the time being.

No matter what, Ning Cheng's mission has been completed. The process is very simple, and targeted investigation can easily find it. No one would have thought about this for no reason two years ago.

It's built on human lives.

Xie Yunzhi took people away from Zhou Yuhe's home.

"What kind of mentality does the murderer have? He is really a lunatic. Let's go back to Yangcheng!"

Before receiving the call, Chen Yi was at the scene of Cai Wenwen's death. This was already the third time he was conducting repeated site inspections.

It was very quiet in Quchuan, and he spent most of his time in the hotel. Qin Fei's investigation of his interpersonal relationships and bank records found no suspicious findings.

Even when he was idle, he did not abandon the scene of the crime.

The Lockard exchange principle has a profound scientific foundation. Chen Yi hopes to find physical material exchange and tries to find clues from a microscopic perspective.

There are three principles of material exchange: trace exchange, material exchange, and impression material exchange. Suspects have strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities. It is difficult to break through traces and impressions. The advantage of the police lies in modern criminal science and technology. Chen Yi does not believe it. The murderer left nothing behind.

This time, Lu Yongqiang brought sophisticated survey instruments and conducted a more detailed search of the bedroom with limited space. He could see all the materials invisible to the naked eye.

"Hello? Thank you." Chen Yi left the room and answered the phone.

Xie Yunzhi: "Chen Zhi, we found the source of the fear, which is painting. In the exhibition hall Bi Xuelan went to, she had severe deep-sea phobia and claustrophobia. There happened to be two related works in the exhibition hall. I am going back. on the way.”

Chen Yi: "Have you told Captain Qin?"

Xie Yunzhi: "We have already been notified. There should be a meeting tonight. I heard from Team Qin that Ding Qingyang is coming soon and will bring the investigation results."

Chen Yi: "Okay, I'll go back right away."

After hanging up the phone, he informed Lu Yongqiang and asked him to continue investigating the scene. If he found anything, he would immediately return to the bureau for testing and report any findings immediately.

Eleven pm.

Yangcheng City Bureau.

The task force gathered together and added new member Ding Qingyang, but Geng Jianqing did not come.

Xie Yunzhi re-reported the gains from Ningcheng and confirmed the existence of Bi Xuelan's source of fear, and that the source of fear came from oil paintings.

This discovery undoubtedly greatly increased the accuracy of Chen Yi's inference. The murderer's motive was most likely emotional robbery.

This person is pervasive and does not care whether the victim is a painter or knows how to paint. As long as the conditions are met and the target is confirmed, he will immediately formulate a crime plan and put it into action within a short period of time.

"What a madman!" Xie Yunzhi repeated these words, gritting his teeth at the mentally ill murderer.

Everyone was silent, and their eyes turned to Ding Qingyang, who said, "I checked Fang Dandan carefully. If it depends on Qiqing... it makes sense. She is a very optimistic girl. Friends around her said that she rarely has When you are in a bad mood, you can quickly let go of a breakup and start a new happy life.”

"That art exhibition was indeed a coincidence. Fang Dandan and her friends happened to pass by. She felt very novel and stayed there for a long time. Every time she saw a painting she liked, she would be accompanied by a sweet laugh. The laughter is contagious."

"I visited some of the strangers, and they were deeply impressed by Fang Dandan. Listening to her laughter, they seemed to feel a lot happier."

"Isn't this the emotion of joy?"

The reports of the two captains basically confirmed the existence of emotional robbery, and the atmosphere in the room was somewhat depressing.

Chen Yi was half leaning on the chair, his left arm was hanging there, and he was spinning the cigarette case with his right hand.


He threw the cigarette case on the table, the sound very abrupt in the quiet room.

"You bitch, the world is full of wonders." Chen Yi cursed.

Everyone agreed with Chen Yi's words. Such an outrageous motive was really rare and could not be seen in a century.

"Captain Chen, is it really not Qu Chuan?" Ding Qingyang asked. No matter how he looked at this moment, Qu Chuan was very suspicious.

Chen Yi shook his head: "It's not him, but it must be related to him, or to his paintings. The investigation of interpersonal relationships has not yielded any results yet."

Ding Qingyang was helpless: "That's going to be difficult."

The room became quiet again, and the pressure was on Qin He. Now that the case has been investigated, it can be said that it has reached a deadlock, and it is necessary to clarify the next direction of the investigation.

"Qu Chuan..." Qin He read his name silently, "He is not the murderer, so why did the murderer do this? We consider that the murderer kills for creation, and the two-year interval between crimes is his creative cycle, but Qu Chuan has no conditions for committing crimes. Is there any Maybe... the Seven Emotions series oil paintings were not painted by him?"

Chen Yi looked at Qin He and thought that it was necessary to suspect that the original author was not Qu Chuan.

The two looked at each other, and Qin He said, "Chen Zhi thinks so too?"

Chen Yi nodded: "I have thought about it, but there are currently no clues to support it."

Others opened their minds. If the original author was not Qu Chuan, then the current dead end of inference would come back to life.

"Ghostwriting?" Ding Qingyang said.

Qin He: "It's possible, Chen Yi, when you went to meet Qu Chuan, did you ask him about the creation of the Seven Emotions series of oil paintings?"

Chen Yi: "Of course, I asked carefully, and he answered very well. It seems that he is indeed a master with artistic attainments, and it doesn't look like a fake. But I don't understand oil painting, so the evaluation is not reference for the time being."

Qin He was silent for a moment, then turned around: "In this case, we will start the investigation from Jincheng."

Ding Qingyang: "I don't have a problem. He can clean up anyone he has interacted with in the past."

At this point in the meeting, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Come in." Chen Yi said, this is his territory.

The door opened and Lu Yongqiang walked in. He handed a test report to Chen Yi: "Team Chen, fellow captains, new things were found at the crime scene. Although the suspect had cleaned it, it was not particularly clean. The test report It turned out to be styrene and meth, on the floor, almost directly opposite the death scene."

Chen Yi took the report: "This is what I've been waiting for."

Qin He: "What?"

Chen Yi: "I have paid special attention to the main components of oil paints before. It seems that when Cai Wenwen died, the murderer was creating oil paintings in real time, or completing the first draft. He was a painter."

"Male, 1.82 meters tall, 120 pounds, professional painter, strong anti-reconnaissance ability, with morbid obsessive-compulsive disorder, which may be related to his childhood experience. The murder weapon used is a specially sharpened oil painting scraper. The killing method is very If you are skilled, you can kill with one blow, which is extremely dangerous."

"The suspect's image is very clear."

After the words fell, Xie Yunzhi immediately said: "I suggest summoning Qu Chuan."

Ding Qingyang: "I agree, there is definitely something wrong with him."

Qin He glanced at the time and saw that it was very late, but there was no distinction between investigating the case sooner or later.

"Chen Zhi, call and bring this person over."


Chen Yi took out his cell phone and was about to dial a number when a call suddenly came in. It was a subordinate in the team responsible for monitoring Qu Chuan.

He suddenly had an ominous premonition. Something would happen to Quchuan, right?

"Hello? Say."

Investigator: "Team Chen, there's something going on. The hotel was suddenly surrounded by fans and reporters. I asked about it, and they said it was Qu Chuan's new work that came out tonight and shocked the art world. This is the fifth painting."

Chen Yi was slightly stunned.

As long as nothing happens.

"Okay, I understand. We'll be there in a minute to find out Qu Chuan's movements. Don't let him leave the hotel."


Putting down his cell phone, Chen Yi said: "Qu Chuan's fifth work has come out, and the hotel is very lively."

Hearing this, several people looked at each other, what a coincidence?

Qin He quickly made a decision: "Let's go there in person and set off immediately."

The captains of the Sancheng detachment and the chief captain of the Imperial City were also involved in summoning Quchuan, which was considered a different kind of "honor" for him.

The police car drove out of the city bureau. On the way, the four captains took out their mobile phones and searched for news about Quchuan.

Oil paintings are relatively niche, but they can already be seen on hot searches. Qu Chuan posted a photo of the fifth work in the Seven Emotions series on Weibo, and the name is [Love].

Chen Yi clicked on the oil painting to enlarge it.

In the center of the painting is a gorgeous sea of ​​colors, red as passionate as fire, blue as calm as water, yellow as bright as light... They are intertwined together, as if dancing silently, playing a quiet movement.

These colors are well handled, sometimes rich and sometimes light, with both a passionate and unrestrained side and a deep and restrained side.

All around, fragments of different shapes were intertwined, winding like a mountain path, extending to the end.

The whole painting is full of movement and vitality, the colors are beating, the lines are carnival, and it is extremely enthusiastic.

Chen Yi felt a strong emotional impact, as if he was reminded of the things he once loved, the dreams he pursued, and those passionate days bursting into memory.

The edge of the picture gradually dims, rising to depth, unknowns and questions, as if asking the viewer: What is true love? Is it a momentary impulse or an eternal persistence?

Even outsiders can’t help but marvel at this painting. It uniquely integrates fiery emotions, endless imagination, chasing dreams, and profound philosophy. It is a step up from the previous four paintings.

No wonder the response was so huge, the hotel was surrounded.

Chen Yi stared at his phone for a long time. For some reason, he vaguely saw the shadow of Cai Wenwen in the painting. Maybe it was a subjective illusion or the author's intention.

If it is really related to the murder, then this person is a madman and a genius.

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