Detective: Open your eyes, I am handcuffed in the interrogation room

Chapter 371 The rest of the original author’s life

The peripheral search continued, and the cordon was raised. Forensic doctors and technical investigators quickly arrived, along with Geng Jianqing.

While he was sleeping, he learned that another person had died. He instantly lost all sleepiness, put on his clothes and went to the scene of the incident.

Looking at the tragic death of Qu Chuan in front of him, Geng Jianqing's face was as gloomy as water.

At first, it was just a backlog of cases in Imperial City, but later it involved Ningcheng, and then a special homicide task force was established in Yangcheng. After a large-scale investigation, two more cases were found in Jincheng.

Five lives.

Now, there is one more.

It's been a long time since I've encountered such a vicious murder case. The suspect took action immediately after the victim left the city bureau. It can be said that he killed in front of the task force. The level of rampage is shocking.

"Bring that lawyer back and jail him if he doesn't cooperate!" Geng Jianqing said coldly.

Lawyers like to withhold legal documents when dealing with the police. Now that Qu Chuan is dead, he must be investigated as an indirect participant.

Fang Shuyu roughly checked it, then turned around and said, "It's the same murder weapon."

None of them were surprised by this result. After walking a little further, they each lit their cigarettes.

Chen Yi was checking the map on his mobile phone and said at this time: "The support from this direction is the slowest to come because it is far away and there are relatively few surveillance cameras. It is easy to avoid. He made all preparations in advance. Before the encirclement was closed, he rode The car left this place."

Driving is definitely out of the question and any passing vehicles will be stopped.

Walking is too slow and you can't go very far.

Cycling is the best option.

As long as every step is calculated and taken by surprise, you can kill people under the nose of the task force.

The task force did not expect that Qu Chuan would be in danger. They thought that the murderers were all young women. Even if Chen Yi reacted before and raised the possibility, it was already too late.

A suspect who is smart, has strong anti-reconnaissance capabilities, doesn't play by the rules, and hides in the dark is extremely difficult to deal with.

Geng Jianqing also knew that the task force made no obvious decision-making mistakes. Although he was angry, he did not scold him.

Qin He asked for punishment: "Director Geng, it was my fault. Qu Chuan should not have been allowed to leave the city bureau. I am willing to bear the consequences."

Geng Jianqing smoked a cigarette: "Don't say it's useless. The murderer changed the time and target of the crime. The reason is that he knew about the establishment of the task force. He is in a hurry now and cannot wait for four years. He wants to complete the Seven Emotions in the shortest possible time. series, he will kill the seventh person at any time.”

"Captains, the case is urgent. Should we consider a city-wide martial law manhunt? What do you think?"

No one spoke. Qu Chuan's death not only disrupted the rhythm of the investigation, but also disrupted their thinking.

Geng Jianqing glanced around and fixed his gaze on Chen Yi: "Chen Yi, tell me."

When Qu Chuan died, when the painting "Desire" appeared, Chen Yi already understood the murderer's complete motive and psychology. Faced with Geng Jianqing's inquiry, he said: "I guess there will never be another murder." The seventh victim.”

Qin He and Xie Yunzhi looked over, and Qin He asked, "How?"

Chen Yi: "What Director Geng just said is right. The murderer changed the time interval between committing crimes. The main reason must be the pressure from the task force. He didn't know when he would be caught or when Qu Chuan would confess him. So take action in advance.”

"However, I don't think the target of the crime has changed. The person he wanted to kill was Qu Chuan. Even if the task force was not established, even if he had been safe, Qu Chuan would still die."

"This time it was the person who painted first and then killed. Perhaps he had announced Qu Chuan's death eight years ago. He knew Qu Chuan very well and could create [Desire] at any time. The point is not [Desire], but [Desire]. evil】."

"Smooth change in creation is the biggest problem, especially when facing the ending. The most perfect result would be to have the death of the original author Qu Chuan and the appearance of the last painting "Desire" happen at the same time. But he did not do this, but created first Got [desire].”

Hearing this, Geng Jianqing interrupted: "He created [Desire] first, isn't he worried that Qu Chuan will sell him out? This is a time bomb."

Chen Yi: "I was really worried that Qu Chuan would sell him out if he took action in advance, but even if he didn't take action in advance, Qu Chuan would be the next person to die."

Geng Jianqing frowned: "Why?"

Chen Yi: "Because he is an artistic lunatic, we have to try to understand him. Changing the order of creation is a fatal flaw for him. I don't think he will let his works have flaws for the sake of safety."

"This is a man who is so confident that he is so confident that when it comes to the perfection of his work, he will not do that."

"It doesn't matter if the painting is done in advance, but changing the order is not. He can accept the work coming out in advance, but he certainly cannot accept the order of the work being reversed."

Geng Jianqing: "What you mean is that the next work is originally [Desire], but it's just brought forward."

Chen Yi nodded: "Yes."

Geng Jianqing: "What's the reason? Why is the last painting [Evil]?"

Chen Yi: "Let's analyze this matter carefully. Generally speaking, there is no reason to change the order of the seven emotions. If it is changed, it always feels weird and imperfect, unless there is a very special reason."

"Assuming that [Evil] is the last painting in the Seven Emotions series, can we think that after completing [Evil], the murderer will no longer have the ability to paint anymore and can only put it at the end."

Can not afford to?

Xie Yunzhi didn't understand. Qin He vaguely grasped the key point, but Geng Jianqing immediately understood: "It turns out that what you want to say is disgust. The murderer doesn't like painting at all, so he put [evil] at the end as disgust." When he is released to the peak, he can perfectly display the [evil], but the sequelae after finishing the painting is that he can no longer pick up the pen."

After listening to Geng Jianqing's words, Xie Yunzhi stared, is it so mysterious?

Chen Yi: "Yes, this is the only way to explain why an art madman can easily change the order of creation. The most shining point of the Seven Stars series of oil paintings is not the seventh, but the sixth. Who would have thought that the genius author of the Seven Emotions series would be A man who hates drawing.”

"The strong drama will elevate the Seven Emotions series to another level and reach its peak. When given new elements, its artistic content and collection value will increase several times."

The three fell silent.

A series of oil paintings created by consuming six human lives, and the author himself is a person who hates painting. It ends with "Evil", making Qi Emotion the author's swan song...

Once word spreads, someone will definitely spend a lot of money to buy it, and it can even reach the height of being famous forever.


This is a total lunatic.

But I have to admit that he is indeed a genius. Without a super high IQ, he would not have been able to come close to completing the work within eight years. He would have been caught long ago.

If Chen Yi's judgment is true, then the murderer can finish the [evil] at any time.

Maybe, at this moment, he is already looking for a suitable spot, ready to wreak havoc on the canvas with his brush and scraper.

Fully releasing their disgust, the three of them seemed to be able to imagine the murderer's state when he was painting, and they were even more curious about the final product.

After reacting, the three of them were a little frightened. The murderer's painting actually aroused their sense of anticipation.

"I very much hope that Chen Zhi's judgment is correct, at least no more people will have to die." Xie Yunzhi was now very afraid of the murderer. He had not seen anyone who dared to dance in front of the criminal police for a long, long time.

Today, with the rapid development of science and technology, the risk of crime is very high. It can be said that it is almost impossible to escape from the police investigation. However, the murderer in this case actually killed in front of the task force and left calmly. It is quite extraordinary.

Geng Jianqing was thinking about Chen Yi's words. If the murderer hated drawing, then the criminal profile of this person would become clearer.

"There is only one possibility for someone who hates painting but has practiced it to a professional level." He looked at Chen Yi.

Chen Yi said: "I was forced."

Geng Jianqing nodded: "According to your inference, the murderer has a morbid obsession with painting, but this obsession is not his original intention. It is a kind of... obsessive-compulsive disorder, forcing himself to like it."

What is obsessive-compulsive disorder?

To put it simply, knowing that your behavior is meaningless and knowing that you don’t like the current behavior at all, but being unable to control it, is obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The murderer seemed to love oil painting and practiced it to a professional level, but in fact it was a manifestation of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Then, his family environment is easy to analyze.

Chen Yi: "It is very likely that it is a single-parent family. The father or mother knows oil painting. For some reason, the murderer was forced to learn painting from a young age, hoping to train him to become a master of oil painting. Unfortunately, the murderer did not like painting at all, and even hated it. This is different from Cai Wenwen. exactly the opposite."

Cai Wenwen liked painting and was opposed to it, but based on Chen Yi's inference, the murderer didn't like oil painting but was forced to do so by his family.

Many things are just like this.

If it could be changed, everyone would really be happy.

Geng Jianqing followed Chen Yi's train of thought and said, "Then the murderer's father or mother is most likely a well-known figure in the industry, or..."

Chen Yi: "Maybe he really loves oil painting and longs for fame, and longs for his works to be recognized by more people, but he has never been able to do so. He can only force his dreams on his children."

Geng Jianqing: "This child hates painting, but he has never been able to escape the oppression of his elders. Over time, in order to cater to the pathological obsessive-compulsive disorder, he forced himself to like it. The murderous behavior reflects his twisted psychology and the shadow of his childhood."

Chen Yi: "You can first search for well-known oil painters across the country. You may be able to gain some results. The focus is on those in Jincheng."

Geng Jianqing nodded, and Qin He interrupted: "If this is the case, the murderer will not commit suicide after finishing the [evil] painting, right? After all, a painting represents a life."

Geng Jianqing: "We can't rule out this possibility. A madman can do anything. Chen Yi, is there any other direction?"

He now has a high degree of trust in Chen Yi, higher than Qin He.

Qin He didn't feel uncomfortable at all. The waves behind the Yangtze River pushed the waves ahead.

Chen Yi was silent for a while and said, "I want to study all the files again."

Geng Jianqing: "Well, we can't be anxious now. Ding Qingyang may not gain anything."

The team soon began to spread out, and the search turned into a pursuit. The suspect had probably left the encirclement. It depends on luck whether he could catch up.

Chen Yi knew that there would be no results. He had already looked at the surrounding maps in detail. If it were him, he would have multiple ways to avoid the police pursuit if he was prepared in advance, unless the police force was sufficient to fully cover it in a short time.

No unless, no if, the murderer is gone.

"It's such a shame to be so smart."

Chen Yi felt that the murderer had a very high IQ. If he did not commit crimes, he could succeed in anything he did.

Psychological trauma is difficult to heal, but it will not turn into a serial murderer. The other party may choose to kill and paint because he has received some kind of stimulation.

The scope of the pursuit continued to expand, and the hope of catching the person became increasingly slim. After the autopsy and on-site investigation, several people returned to the city bureau.

Qu Chuan's lawyer has been taken and sent directly to the interrogation room, and even handcuffs were used. It seems that he did not cooperate when summoned.

Qin He opened the door and walked in.

Seeing Qin He, the lawyer's simmering anger burst out immediately and asked: "I need a reasonable explanation! You brought me here for no reason, you..."


Qin He slammed the table and said angrily: "Quchuan escaped the police's sight in your car and has been killed now. How dare you say it was for no reason! I think you, the lawyer, don't want to do it anymore!"

The lawyer was stunned, and the words he had prepared to respond were stuck in his throat.


Damn it!

"Why did you give the car to Quchuan? Tell me quickly!"

Ten minutes later, Qin He left the interrogation room. The lawyer had nothing to do with the case. He borrowed the car for profit, and Qu Chuan still had a little money.

The night passed.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Qu Chuan's Weibo posted a new update, which was a short essay plus a picture.

The general meaning of the short composition is:

I am not the original author of the Seven Emotions series, I just publish it on my behalf. Now I have left this world and merged into [Desire]. I am [Desire], and [Desire] is me. Please look forward to the finished creation of [Evil] .

Oh, by the way, the original author is called Yu Sheng. Please remember him. He is a genius. The Seven Emotions series is both his debut and final work.

If you want to see the original painting of [Desire], please go to Yangcheng City Bureau.

Thank you all so much for your support over the past eight years. Farewell.

The accompanying painting below is exactly the photo of [Desire].

As soon as the Weibo post was released, it shocked the entire industry. Before 9:30, the Yangcheng City Bureau was surrounded by reporters and fans.

The task force had already made preparations after seeing Weibo. While trying to locate the IP address of the poster, they called in the special police for support.

At the city bureau gate, heavily armed special police officers lined up to prevent anyone from entering.

"Sorry, please step back, we are not accepting any interviews!!"

Similar words have been said many times, but to no avail.

Reporters and fans raised questions: The public has the right to know. What did Qu Chuan mean when he said goodbye? Is he dead or alive? Where is [Desire] now? Who will he be in the rest of his life? I hope the Yangcheng City Bureau can give an explanation.

"The rest of your life?"

In the task force office, Chen Yi was reading the files carefully and carefully. At this moment, he had seen the Imperial City case repeatedly and was not affected by the emergency.

It is not surprising that the suspect used Qu Chuan's Weibo to make the announcement. The creator attaches great importance to copyright, and it is impossible for him to let Qu Chuan always bear the name of the original author.

Now that Qu Chuan is dead, it is time for the work to return to its original owner.

It is impossible to find Yu Sheng through the IP address. If he was so stupid, he would not have been able to escape justice for eight years, let alone kill Qu Chuan under the eyes of the task force.

However, no matter how smart a person is, there will be flaws. Chen Yi is looking for details that cannot be covered by counter-reconnaissance.

There will definitely be.

Must be found.

And it must be before the work is completed.

Once the person claiming to be the rest of his life chooses to disappear, even if his identity is locked in the future, trying to find him or her is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

The number of fugitives across the country is increasing every year. Even those with average IQs can be labeled as wanted criminals and are active outside the law, let alone extremely smart murderers.

"By telling the public that the painting is in the city bureau, is this preventing us from investigating the case?" The speaker was Xie Yunzhi.

Qin He was under great pressure and lit three cigarettes in ten minutes. He looked at Chen Yi, who was studying the file carefully, and said, "It just means that he is buying time and is concentrating on completing the last painting. The good news is He should still be in Yangcheng."

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