Because of preconceived reasons, Li Huowang had always thought that the Ao Nestorian believers belonged to the religion of Baxu.

But he only realized now that this is not the case, he guessed it wrong, it was outrageously wrong.

After deliberating for a few breaths, Li Huowang, who couldn't understand what the first three said, spoke again.

"Why do you think you can steal the power of the Baxter? Don't you really feel how strong it is? You are not even an ant in front of it!"

Even though Li Huowang couldn't recall what it looked like now, he could still understand how powerful Baxu was, which was definitely not something that few mortals could do.

With three hands in his eyes, he looked at Li Huowang in front of him with determination, "Why not? My life is up to me, but God can do it, and so can we!"

In Li Huowang's mind, he thought of the statue of the **** whose body was wrapped in flames in the Temple of the Cross, "The statue was once a mortal?"

Ignoring what Li Huowang thought, Shou San was still talking to himself.

"What the bald donkeys often say, Buddha is a person from the past, and a person is a future Buddha, no matter what else, I agree with this point, it is the current Baxu, but this does not mean that it will be the future Baxu! "

After Li Huowang digested the unexpected news, he took a deep breath and said, "Okay, the matter between you and Baxue has nothing to do with me, let's get back to business, do you really have a solution? Get rid of Danyangzi?"

Three hands nodded. "How is it? How is it? As long as you ascend the steps again, we will take care of your half-immortal master."

Hearing this, Li Huowang recalled the moment when he used "Da Qian Lu" to summon Ba Hu, and then his face twisted slightly. It was an extremely painful experience.

The double pain of body and mind is not so easy to endure. Whenever he thinks of that experience, Li Huowang will feel like he wants to commit suicide.

After calming down for a while, Li Huowang said slowly, "I think so too, but it's easier said than done, and I can't do it now."

It is very difficult to summon a babe, especially the resonance of extreme pain in both body and mind. This is a very rare emotion, and it is not something that can be found by finding it.

"Haha." Shou San smiled and said very enthusiastically: "It's okay, for the sake of Master Meditation, we can help you in this matter."

Looking at the other party's charred smile, Li Huowang froze all over, this fluttering sentence means a lot.

Looking at the person in front of him who had only met once, after pondering for a long time, Li Huowang said hesitantly, "Senior Hand San, I won't mention this matter for now, I can ask first, what method do you plan to use? To solve Danyangzi?"

"I also have your sect's "Da Qian Lu". As far as I know, let alone expel the demigods, there is nothing to help others in this."

To be honest, Li Huowang didn't trust Ao Nestorianism, especially after Jingxin specially reminded him before.

"Hehe, young man, you are taking it for granted. Of course, things like "Da Qian Lu" should be used with other things. If you want to get as close as possible to the sea of ​​suffering, you must try as much as possible. For example, you are now In this way, we naturally tried it.”

"The so-called long-term illness becomes a doctor, when it comes to treating people, in this world, others may not necessarily be better than us."

Li Huowang has almost all conditioned reflexes on sick words. "Sick? I'm not sick, and this isn't a disease. Part of Danyangzi is in my stomach now, and part of it is really immortal."

Hand San watched Li Huowang continue to explain with a playful look in his eyes.

"This is sickness. These Taoists all want to become immortals and want to go crazy. They have all become madmen."

These words came out of the mouths of those who tried to steal the power of Bahu, but they were not convincing at all.

In the face of this person's remarks, although Li Huowang still had doubts in his heart, he did not say it.

He didn't want to argue, he came here to ask these people to get rid of Danyangzi, not to ask them to argue the scriptures.

As long as the method works, they can call Danyangzi a dog.

"Have there been a lot of situations like mine in the past? Are you treating others?" Li Huowang asked again vigilantly.

"This is natural. All branches of the Five Dou Rice Sect pay attention to killing three poisons, poisoning: Peng Chu, poisoning: Peng Wei, poisoning: Peng Qiao."

"The so-called person who seeks immortality first, eliminates the three poisons first, is calm and has no desires, is calm and clear in nature, and accumulates all kinds of goodness, and becomes immortal."

After shaking his head, he turned his attention to Li Huowang again.

"Of course, I don't believe this **** anymore. Over the years, I have seen a lot of evil spirits such as Banxian and Bingjiexian, but I haven't seen any Daluo Zhenxian."

The charred, blood-red flesh turned his fingers up and pointed towards Li Huowang's head.

"You Niubi Taoist priests all want to become immortals and want to go crazy. You don't care about the people you practice. You only care about superficial skills, and you don't know what the essence of power is."

Faced with these remarks, Li Huowang didn't say anything, and spoke directly to Shou San again.

He patted the torture device on his hem with his hand.

"Senior, I can come by myself if I suffer from extreme physical pain. How can you help me with inner pain?"

Seeing the other party say this, a hint of joy flashed in Shousan's eyes. Since this young man said this, it is equivalent to agreeing.

As he lifted his chin lightly, the congregation in gray robes walked towards a tunnel in the hole.

After a while, he brought back a haggard-looking girl and walked back.

This girl, like the rest of the Nestorian congregation, wore a wide robe and a high hat, the only difference was that the hat on her head did not cover her eyes.

"Women? Does this have anything to do with the extreme pain in your heart?"

But obviously, the young girl was even more surprised than Li Huowang, and kept staring at Li Huowang.

With a big push, the girl with pigtails was immediately pushed in front of Li Huowang.

The other party hurriedly lowered his head, pinched the corners of his clothes tightly with both hands, and his body trembled involuntarily.

Li Huowang looked at Hand San through the girl's thin shoulders, "Senior, what does this mean?"

"You want this girl, the two of you will get well as soon as possible, and then let her conceive your child."

"Wait until she's pregnant and your son is about to take shape, then you break open her belly, dig out your son's, and then—"

"No! Don't go on!" Li Huowang with a trembling voice interrupted the other party's words.

Just listening to him, Li Huowang could already feel the constant swelling and pain in his temples.

After talking to the other party calmly for so long, I almost forgot what the other party was.

He already understands how the other party can make his body and mind reach the extreme pain, these people from Nestorianism are not much better than Dan Yangzi!

However, in the face of Li Huowang's restraint, Shou San obviously had the wrong idea.

"Really? Do you also think this is a little weak? But it doesn't matter. First of all, you have already been seen by Baxu, and I have some elixir here, old man, which can help you reach a higher level!"

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