Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao

Chapter 140: Great God

The other party's words were beyond the expectations of the two of them. Their own wife has become like that, and they don't want to be cured?

Bai Lingmiao, who was holding the drum, thought for a while, and persuaded with a bit of hesitation: "This old master, if he is really involved in evil, he still needs to be cured. The taste of evil is very uncomfortable, and his life is at stake. It doesn't matter if I don't get paid."

Hearing this, Zhao Qin frowned suddenly, and smashed the saucer in his hand on the table beside him. "Chengxing, see off the guest."

Wang Chengxing, who was waiting on the side, took a big step to stand between his master and the two women, and said with a three-pointed smile on his face: "It is not safe for the girl to walk at night, so I will personally send the two home. Right. Where do you two live?"

Seeing that the other party blocked the words so much, Chun Xiaoman sighed lightly, no longer forced, and took Bai Lingmiao's hand and walked outside the house.

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"Ahhh~~!" A miserable woman's cry shocked everyone present, and Zhao Qin's face was covered with gloom.

Hearing the pain in this voice, Bai Lingmiao couldn't bear it, she turned around and looked at Zhao Qin who was still sitting there.

"Master Zhao, let me try it. I promise, even if it can't be cured, it won't hurt a little bit. The Xian family is not that unreasonable."

Chun Xiaoman, who was beside him, nodded and began to help. "Since other methods have been tried, how can we try our method? What if it is cured?"

Saying this, she seemed to remember something, and her face suddenly became very sad. "Or do you not consider her family at all?"

"Touch~!" The lacquered table was instantly torn apart by Zhao Qin's fist.

With round eyes, he stood up like an irritated lion, and a powerful aura rushed towards him instantly.

"The old man has never done anything with the female class, but if you make rude words later, don't blame the old man for being rude!"

"Hee hee..." A chuckle came from outside the dark room, instantly disrupting the atmosphere in the room.

"Who is it! Form a formation!" He snorted with Zhao Qin's voice. Human head drive on both side doors.

Dozens of men in short dresses surrounded them with various weapons in their hands.

With the shield in front and the gun in the back, there is a very tacit understanding.

Under everyone's eyes, a blood-red embroidered shoe stretched out from the darkness and stepped under the candlelight.

Behind the shoes, followed by a bride with a big red hijab.

This bizarre scene made everyone's face change, and it was obvious that something was wrong.

Since they are darts and travel for many years, the escorts will inevitably encounter some evil things, but they also have their own ways of dealing with them.

"Pull the ink bucket! Lead the black dog!"

With the sound of thorns, the cotton thread soaked with black ink quickly formed a large net, blocking the road ahead.

Several whining black dogs were also carried to the crowd to wait.

"Wait, wait, you have misunderstood." An anxious Bai Lingmiao said as he walked through the ink net and pulled Ershen into the house.

As Bai Lingmiao approached, the guards stepped back with their weapons in hand.

"She' sister, she's not malicious." Bai Lingmiao explained hard. But the effect is not good.

At this moment, a **** with a beard hanging from his mouth leaned into Zhao Qin's ear and whispered something.

"Master... Jumping God..."

Hearing the words of his apprentice, Zhao Qin's expression began to change.

Bai Lingmiao felt the tense atmosphere around her and sighed helplessly. "Miss Xiaoman, why don't we go back."

She is really afraid of doing bad things with good intentions. Bai Lingmiao is not afraid of hurting herself when they fight. She is afraid that if Senior Brother Li gets involved again, it will cause great trouble.

Brother Li has had enough troubles, and she doesn't want to cause him more trouble because of her own affairs.

In such a scene now, Xiaoman can't take care of his own little things. After walking out of the ink net, he is ready to take Bai Lingmiao to leave the escort.

"Two girls! Please stay!" Zhao Qin stepped forward as if he had completely changed his mind.

"I also ask the two of you to help me with my wife's affairs. As long as I can make my wife feel better, I can mention any conditions!"

"This..." The two of them looked at each other and were surprised, why the other party had such a big contrast between the front and the back.

"In that case—" Bai Lingmiao just spoke when Xiaoman suddenly stepped forward. "We need to go back and talk to my fellow apprentices."

The different reactions of the other party made Xiaoman feel that it is better to go to the lock.

After two incense sticks, when the two people who were accompanied by all the brothers and sisters were invited to the **** station again, the treatment was obviously different from just now.

The entire **** room was brightly lit, and all the **** apprentices stood there straight and greeted the two of them.

Zhao Qin took them along the corridor and walked into the house. As he led the way, he turned sideways and said, "Girl, you're right, there are things you really need to try, how would you know if you haven't tried it."

The nervous Bai Lingmiao smiled and nodded.

Part of the tension is naturally the overreaction of the guards, and the other is because of exorcism, which is the first time she has done it.

And the other party has this attitude. If he can't cure himself, wouldn't it be embarrassing.

The security bureau is not big. A separate small room on the left side of the previous martial arts field was where Zhao Qin's wife was imprisoned.

The sound of "creak" sounded, the door opened, and there was a low cry from the dark room.

A guard next to him stretched out the lantern in his hand, and the scene inside was instantly presented in front of everyone.

The house is not big, the ground and walls are covered with thick hay, it looks fairly clean, and it must be cleaned frequently.

A ragged, dirty and gray-haired old woman with thick rusty iron chains on her feet wandered around the house crying while ignoring everyone's attention.

"Jiannei has been like this since 30 years ago. I'm really helpless." When Zhao Qin said this, there was a trace of pain on his face.

"Don't worry, Master Zhao, I will do my best."

Some nervous Bai Lingmiao glanced at the woman with the red hijab behind her, took a deep breath and walked away beside her.

Grab the opponent's red hijab with his hand and gently lift it.

Those who were curious about what looked like under the red hijab were disappointed that there was actually a red hijab embroidered with mandarin ducks under the red hijab.

Bai Lingmiao pursed her lips and took a deep breath. After covering her head with the red hijab in her hand, she handed the drum in her hand to the other party's hand.

Xiaoman on the side fended off the other characters around him with the sword in his hand. "Spread it all out."

Feeling that the atmosphere was different, everyone in the **** station held their breath and did not dare to breathe.

The black nails tapped lightly on the drum surface. A sharp and even harsh female voice came from under the red hijab. "Please ~ God ~ le~~"Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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