Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao

Chapter 333: Buddha Bone Temple

With the sound of creaking, the huge figure in the prison came out of the cell.

Li Huowang raised his head and looked at the monk in front of him. This emaciated monk had no sadness and no joy, and his body was unusually tall. Standing there, he was as tall as Peng Longteng, who was headless beside him.

The monk's hands were tied with wooden shackles, and his feet were also tied with chains, but he didn't care at all. He folded his hands and sat cross-legged on the ground, and he didn't want to untie his restraints at all.

"Okay~ everyone is ready, let's talk about it, what's going on this errand." Hearing this, everyone present became serious, and the guards around also left along the ladder.

The prime minister coughed lightly, and said slowly: "This time~ something happened to the Buddha's Bone Temple, and the news that came from there was the hand of Zanwangdao to make a fortune. doing what."

Get rich! Sitting and forgetting one of the three elements, Li Huowang immediately clenched his fists. No wonder even the photographer who stayed in Shangjing came. This time things were absolutely extraordinary.

"Wait a minute, when I do this, can I find a way to find out the North Wind's information from the fortune?"

Just when Li Huowang was thinking about the odds of winning this possibility, the picture-taking words continued.

"Since it's a fortune made by forgetting the way, we don't tell you that you all know the weight of this errand, so that's why I asked Zen Master Xinchi to help."

The other three all looked at the tall monk in unison. Facing their gaze, the monk said nothing.

"Master Xinchi practises closed-mouth meditation. Those tricks of making a fortune can't fool Master Xinchi, so after you arrive at the Buddha Bone Temple, you have to remember one thing, that is what Zen Master Xinchi said is absolutely true."

"The second thing is, as long as you enter the temple, no one can leave the eyes of other people. Even if you leave a cup of tea, you must be careful that the person who comes back will be tampered with."

"Also, the third one. I dealt with Fa Cai ten years ago. This woman is very difficult to deal with. Don't listen to what she says, and don't listen to it, but you can't help but listen."

"Oh? It won't work if you don't listen?" Tuoba Danqing was very cooperative, leaning back, his eyes widened in surprise.

"Well, sometimes, if you don't listen at all, you'll fall into her trap. The best thing is to trust this woman's words with three points of suspicion, and leave three points for yourself."

"Aiya, such a formidable traitor, ten years ago, Master Photographer was able to force her back. I'm beyond the reach of a few others."

"It's hard to deal with, isn't it? Hehe~ So the best way is to kill her when she doesn't open her mouth, Erjiu, among the few of us, you are the most agile, so when Master Xinzhi asks you to do it , you must do it."

"Follow your orders, Master Xiang, but didn't this mind-delusional Zen master keep his mouth shut? How would he tell me?" Li Huowang wanted to ask for a long time, this monk obviously couldn't speak, even if he wouldn't be deceived by making a fortune, it wouldn't help. .

As soon as Li Huowang finished speaking, a sound of Amitabha rang out in his mind. "The poor monk knows his heart, and the ear donor doesn't need to worry about it."

This voice reminded Li Huowang that the masters of Anci Nunnery and the others also possessed this ability, Aiwu Jiwu, and Li Huowang had a much better impression of this monk.

"Okay, let's talk about other trivial matters on the way."

Li Huowang stood up and followed the others towards the outside of the prison. Get into the four-carriage that has been prepared.

None of the people present asked what this so-called rich man looked like. Since she was sitting and forgetting the way, what she looked like completely depended on what she wanted to look like.

The post station in Daliang is obviously very perfect. After the photographer keeps showing the sign, there is a special car to transfer to every post station.

Such a speed is definitely not comparable to Li Huowang's walking on his feet. In just two days and one night, they have already arrived in Langzhong City, where the Buddha Bone Temple is located.

When night fell, Li Huowang lifted the curtain and just got off the carriage. Before he could relax his limbs, he saw a striking temple in the distance that was taller than the surrounding buildings.

"Remember what our family said before, let's go." The prime minister said, raising his feet and walking towards the temple in the distance.

As they approached the group of temples, everyone's expressions became solemn, and I didn't know when the golden abacus in the photographer's hand had begun to dial.

It was so late that the whole Buddha Bone Temple was not closed. Good men and women with incense in their hands kept coming in and out. It seemed that this Buddha Bone Temple was as prosperous as the original Zhengde Temple.

The moment he stepped on the threshold, Li Huowang's heart sank. Although he was surrounded by people and it was extremely lively, Li Huowang understood that this place had been polluted by Zanwangdao. Except for the three people beside them, any other Anyone can become an enemy at any time.

The others obviously understood this, and held their weapons in unison. The golden abacus in the photographer's hand was still constantly poking around, and the crisp beating sound made the surrounding noise a lot quieter.

The strange dress of the four of them obviously attracted the pointing of everyone around, but they all pretended not to see it.

"Come, come with me, and enter the front hall." Under the leadership of the photographer, the other three walked in.

There were no Bodhisattvas or Buddhas in the hall. They were placed in the middle of the hall. The one who accepted the worship of the pilgrims was actually a mummified corpse with dark red facial features and twisted features.

"Is this what Zanwangdao did? Let these people worship the mummified corpse as a Buddha?" Li Huowang, who clenched the purple spiked sword, couldn't help but ask.

"No or no, this is a bodhisattva in the flesh, and it is the living Buddha enshrined in the Buddha's Bone Temple." Monk Xinchi reminded just right.

Flesh Bodhisattva? Li Huowang looked at the terrifying corpse in front of him, and he suddenly understood why this temple was called the Buddha Bone Temple.

At this moment Xinzhi's voice suddenly became extremely stern, "Donor, hurry up! The pilgrim who bows down three steps from the left! Kill!"

"Qiang~!" Li Huowang's right arm slammed into force, wrapped in suffocating energy, he rushed in front of the man, raised his sword and chopped down heavily.

The blade that cuts iron like mud is cut on a person, as if it is as easy as slicing a thin piece of paper.

The scarlet blood wrapped his internal organs and sprayed out from the gap, and the man who was torn in two screamed in despair, before he stopped moving.

This terrifying scene instantly made the surrounding pilgrims scream and flee.

The monk Xinchi with the wooden flail walked over, knelt in front of the corpse and said something with his hands clasped together, his **** pinched the human head on the ground and looked at it carefully.

"How about Master? Did this person make a fortune? Or is he someone else?" Li Huowang also knelt down on one knee and looked at the fresh corpse carefully. He didn't think that fortune would be beheaded so easily by himself.

"Amitabha, sin and sin, the poor monk admits his mistake, Lord of the ear, let's go." Monk Xinchi threw his head in his hand, stood up, turned and left.

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