Chapter 35 First Day at Hogwarts

“Like this, if you can answer the question about the door knocker, the door to the lounge will open. Of course, if you can’t answer, you don’t need to be shy. In fact, it’s a very common situation, there are often several Or more than a dozen Ravenclaw students were locked up outside the lounge to discuss the door knocker. By the way, for nearly a thousand years, no one except the students of Ravenclaw College has been able to pass this Daomen.”

After entering the lounge, the prefect introduced the dean of Ravenclaw College—Professor Felius Flitwick, the ghost of Ravenclaw College—Ms. Gray, and Ravenclaw. The relationship between the College of Labor and the other three colleges and so on. After that, it was declared disbanded.

Sure enough, Bell shares the same dormitory with the other four little wizards.

On the whole, Hogwarts’ life conditions are still very good, after all, magic is really convenient.

In addition to the five beds in the spacious bedroom, there are also a few cabinets, tables, chairs and other furniture, but there is still a lot of empty space in the room, which does not seem crowded at all.

Listening to a few little wizards in the dormitory talking excitedly about the sorting style tonight, talking about Harry Potter, Bell did not intend to join in. After casually coping with a few sentences, he went to the bathroom to take a shower, and then Bell lay quietly on the bed alone.

‘Finally, I can be alone. ’

Bell let out a sigh of relief.

The thoughts in Bell’s mind are very confused, including what happened in the train today, memories of being with Shanna, and all kinds of magic knowledge. He was too lazy to sort out his own thoughts, just let his thoughts continue to diverge, lying in a daze, wondering when he fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Bell woke up at 6 o’clock in the morning as usual. After getting up and washing briefly, he quietly left the dormitory.

Ravenclaw’s common room is located on the tower on the west side of the castle. The main color of the lounge is sky blue and bronze, giving people a sense of freedom and relaxation. Around the lounge, there are also some bookshelves filled with books, symbolizing Ravenclaw’s thirst for knowledge and greed.

Looking out from the window of the lounge, you can see the Black Lake, the forbidden forest, and the high mountains in the distance. The scenery is very beautiful.

However, people with different moods will have completely different experiences for the same scenery. In the eyes of Bell at this moment, the deserted grassland, the dark lake and the forbidden forest, and the misty distant mountains, everything seemed so lonely and deserted.

Bell did not train in the morning for the first time in many years. He was just standing alone in front of the window in the lounge, looking into the distance quietly, his pupils diverging, thinking about nothing, thinking about nothing.

I don’t know if it was an hour or two. Gradually, the other little wizards started to get up, and the lounge began to become more popular.

Bell was awakened by the sounds of other people. After recovering, he walked out of the lounge and went to the auditorium for breakfast.

Breakfast is also very rich, but Bell is not used to breakfast such as bread and milk. He always thinks that sweet food is not a regular meal, but only a dessert. So he just picked some grilled sausage and ate some, and ended breakfast before most people came to eat.

This year’s freshmen are not very lucky. They need to start classes immediately on the first day after coming to Hogwarts, and there is not much time left for them to get acquainted with the new life.

After reading the own course schedule, Bell found that Hogwarts still has very relaxed requirements for freshmen. On average, he only needs 4 hours of classes a day, and the rest of the time can be arranged freely. By the way, many of the courses at Ravenclaw Academy are taken together with Gryffindor Academy, including Polymorphology, Spells, Defense against the Dark Arts and History of Magic.

Today’s first class is Professor McGonagall’s Transfiguration class. Although it is still early, Bell, who has nothing to do, decides to sit in the Transfiguration class now.

On the way to the classroom, Bell was observing everything in the castle, such as the paintings on the walls, the armor and stone statues that walked back and forth, the constantly changing stairs, etc., while also thinking about…life.

Bell felt that he couldn’t go on like this anymore, and decadence would not solve any problems. Rather than continue to be lost like this, it’s better to put everything aside and ran home to find Little Sister.

Of course, he wouldn’t do that. This is something that has been decided a long time ago. So he must cheer up, study magic and work hard to become stronger. The short parting now is just to meet better later!

Bell took a few deep breaths and patted his face vigorously.

‘It’s decided, from now on, cheer up and not be decadent! ’

After Bale straightened his waist and tried to make himself look more energetic, he strode forward without thinking about the mess.

Since there is more than an hour before class, there is no one in the metamorphosis class. Bell found a corner and sat down, took out a copy of “Ultimate Transfiguration”, and read it seriously.

Before he knew it, Bell raised his head and found that the classroom was full. The own roommates were sitting in pairs chatting together, and Hermione was sitting in the front position, previewing the knowledge that I didn’t know how many times it was. A gray tabby cat was lying on the desk, quietly looking at the little wizards in the classroom.

Bell vaguely remembered their transfiguration class professor—Professor McGonagall, who was a brindle cat F*ck Gus.

Staring at the tabby cat carefully for a while, Bell didn’t notice any signs of casting spells at all. As expected of Ah f*ck Gus, there are still merits.

Soon the class bell rang, and Harry Potter and his good friend Ron Weasley rushed into the classroom together after the bell rang.

“Fortunately, Professor McGonagall hasn’t come yet, or we will be miserable. That old woman looks like a very strict type.” Ron said to Harry panting.

As long as they are not found, it is not late, so the two of them are not late! Nothing wrong.

However, before the voice was over, the gray tabby cat on the table transformed into Professor McGonagall.


Ron, who said bad things about the professor behind his back and was exposed face to face, was not well.

‘Do you use magic like this? Is there any privacy in the magical world? ’

However, Professor McGonagall obviously didn’t think there was any problem with own behavior. She first glanced around the classroom, especially when she stayed for a few more seconds on the little wizards who had just spoken badly about her, and looked at the little wizards’ faces. She was pale and her lips trembled. Afterwards, Professor McGonagall finally turned his gaze back to Harry and Ron who were stiff in place.

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