Dharma Ring: Selling dung beetles at the border

Chapter 351 This time, Lani’s death!

Not long after Wuming walked in the darkness, there was no way.

To be precise, the tunnel was blocked. It seemed that Two Fingers also knew that digging a tunnel would only lead to being followed, so he kept piling the rubble behind him.

Although the direction of the tunnel can be determined based on the state of the stones, it is still a lot of trouble. Wuming dug for a while and then gave up.

Considering how crazy I am, if I dig like this while piling sand and gravel to the back, I'm afraid I won't be able to see the light of day for a long time.

No, I can't bear not seeing the sun! Wuming turned back firmly.

Returning to the cave, Wuming saw Lani lying on her husband's back with a ring on her fingertips.

Do you want to take it back to the factory for maintenance? Wuming asked.

Where are the two fingers? Lani asked Wuming.

I didn't see it, I don't know where it went. Wuming said.

Tsk... Lani pouted, Go back first, wait until I can move, and then think of a solution.

After getting off the Moonlight Altar, he didn't have to go through so many trivial matters. Adura directly carried the three of them to the Kaliya Walled City.

Seeing that her daughter had returned safely, Lenara finally let go of her worries.

Lani's overhaul began immediately. Lenara and a group of magicians who participated in the development of the doll went into battle, and soon found the place where Lani's body was malfunctioning.

Lani's head was removed and she was held by her husband. She couldn't move and could only watch her body being removed.

However, having been paralyzed for two months, Lani is not bad at this and accepts it well.

Lenara glanced at Tufu twice, but when she saw that Tufu's fingers were empty, she turned back with some disappointment and concentrated on examining Lani's body.

Several parts collapsed around the doll's neck, blocking Lani's ability to control her body.

Who is in charge of this place? Lenara's face was not very good. You must know that this malfunction almost killed her daughter.

The magicians looked at each other, and no one dared to stand up and answer. Under Lenara's investigation and questioning, Serian was responsible for the investigation.

Se Lian was not there, but Wuming was watching from the side. Lenara heard that Serian was responsible, and looked at Wuming: I need an explanation.

What a coincidence, you gave us instant messaging technology before, can't we use it now? Wuming smiled and took out a disc and activated the projection magic, Don't worry, your daughter's life was also saved by Se Lian. Maybe. Just a misunderstanding.

Serian's figure appeared in the projection. She looked at Wuming and Lenara: Is something wrong?

Wuming explained to Se Lian:

You are responsible for the spine, and it is up to you to explain this to Queen Lenora.

After listening to Wuming's explanation, Se Lian fell into deep thought.

That place shouldn't be so fragile. Se Lian said, Is it really damaged by nature?

No, it was damaged by external forces. Wuming said, I suspect it was bumped during the battle.

Se Lian smiled: You should have checked it out. If there is something fishy, ​​you won't come to me. The damaged areas are done perfectly.

Wuming said: Do you suspect that someone deliberately damaged it?

Although I am in charge of the doll, I am not the only one who handles it. It is also possible for it to be tampered with. Se Lian said, There is one person who understands the structure of the doll better than any of us.

Selvis? Lani felt a chill coming from her body.

Se Lian said: Just look at the records and you will know.

Record? Everyone present was a little confused, What record?

Ser Lian smiled proudly: I installed a Ser Rui on her spine. It is not only used to help her out in times of crisis. Most of her body movements can be recorded and reproduced by Ser Rui. In this way, any failure can be traced back.”

Wuming said: But you can't go back to what happened before the installation, right? You're pretending to be late, aren't you?

The installation was relatively late, but if there was any manipulation, it wouldn't have been done at the beginning. Se Lian said, I have participated in the manufacturing of dolls, and the dolls will have undergone several inspections before leaving the factory. , if there was a problem with the structure, it would have been discovered long ago.”

Se Lian showed a magic circle:

Use this to unlock the seal and check the records. Serui has a certain intelligence, and she will automatically filter out the appropriate fragments.

A magic circle lit up on Lani's back, and then a virtual image was projected like projection magic.

You can clearly see Servais fiddling with Lani's body, burying a small detonation magic, and then disguising it as a normal device.

It seems that my suspicion has been cleared. I wish Selvis good luck. Se Lian waved his hand and cut off the communication.

Where's Selvis? Lenara's face was gloomy.

She also didn't expect that Servis would dare to covet Lani twice in a row. Where did he get the courage?

People did not dare to neglect and quickly sent people to catch him.

Soon the Kalia Knight Mugram replied:

already dead.

Did you kill him? Lenora asked.

Mugram shook his head: When he was found, he was already dead. The result of the professor's investigation was that he suffered a huge mental shock, which caused his puppet to lose control and killed him.

Psychic shock... We know of only one person who is proficient in mind control. Lani murmured, I'm afraid Selvis is colluding with Two Fingers.

Mugram said: There was news about him some time ago. Servis died only recently.

That means both fingers are still alive and well recently. Lani clicked her tongue and glanced at Wuming again, If it can recover sooner, it won't be able to escape.

Lani already knew from Lenara the time when Wuming accepted the commission. When she accepted the greetings from Iggy Blazer and others, she also learned that Wuming, a person who was not afraid of corruption at all, went to Iggy to cheat on the metal formula.

It took so long from accepting the commission to finding her, how much time was wasted by Wuming fishing, I can't even imagine.

Wuming immediately pretended to look at the scenery in the distance:

Hey, the projection screen is changing.

There's no point in changing the subject. Lani snorted, I'll settle this with you later.

It's really changing. Lenara also noticed that the image projected on Lani's back was still changing.

That was the scene where Lani was defeated by the two fingers, and the two fingers slowly dug a hole to escape.

Could there be any clues about the two fingers recorded? Lani was a little pleased, looking forward to the next scene.

The next scene showed a half-naked man.

Then came Lani’s voice:

Idiot, how many times have you died?

I can't count. Every time I die, the sky changes and I can't tell the difference. But it must be at least seven or eight times a day...

Aren't you afraid that the blessing will not resurrect you?

I promised to accompany you, it was agreed. Tuifu said, Senior said, we must be honest!

Lani was silent for a long time, then suddenly said:

Why are you holding my ring?

Senior just gave it to me.

That profiteer... Lani gritted her teeth.

Tuifu stepped forward, knelt on one knee, and put the dark moon ring on Lani.

Suddenly, the sound of boiling water came from Lani's mouth: You, you, you... what are you doing?

Give it back to you. Tuofu said, You seem to be in a hurry.


Tuifu shrank his head after being scolded:

What's wrong? Is this some kind of cursed ring? Senior seemed to have told me before that there is a ring that cannot be taken off after being put on...

This is a wedding ring. Lani answered calmly, half of the face of the spirit body had turned red, like an angry soul jellyfish.

Ah...I'm sorry, sorry. Tuofu apologized quickly, I didn't mean to offend you - should I take it off for you again?

This time, Tuofu carefully observed La Ni's expression, but for a long time, La Ni remained silent.

After a long while, Lani finally whispered:

I call you stupid because...this is for my partner to wear. You should wear it on your own hand...

Although his voice was small, he couldn't hide his shyness.

Tuefu didn't react for a moment, thinking carefully about the meaning of Lani's words. Lani could no longer hold on any longer and raised her head:

Forget it, you burned my ring anyway, so just keep this, you owe me.

Oh...oh. Tuifu realized it just now and his face turned a little red.

I can't move, carry me. Lani said.

Oh. Tuifu immediately picked up Lani on his back.

Lani clung to her husband's back, finally no longer having to stare at his face, and she calmed down a bit. She leaned against her husband's ear and whispered:

You gave me something, and I reciprocate. I'll give you the Dark Moon Sword. It's not because I don't want to give you anything else. The Hunting Finger Knife is left on Two Fingers, and you can't use my staff... …”

The entire image and sound are not very clear.

It wasn't because Se Rui's recording was blurry, but when Lenara and others were watching the video, Lani's head, held in her husband's hands, was screaming in an increasingly high pitched voice.

Lani's face heated up rapidly. At first, it was just the sound of boiling water, but then it quickly turned into a sharp scream like a human bat.

Ah, ahhh-ahhhhh!

But no matter how loud Lani made to cover it up, Lenara Wuming and others still concentrated on reading it without skipping a second. Lenara's eyes were shining and she completely ignored Lani's scream.

Also unable to control her body, Lani felt that lying in a dark, damp, dark and desperate cave for two months was far less painful than the pain she felt at this moment.

Quickly, give me the other half of the curse marks and kill my soul! Lani was desperate and could no longer bear the scene in front of her.

Unfortunately, the only one present who could carve death curse marks was Lani, and she couldn't control her body.

Lenara watched the projected image with relish, looking lovingly at Tuifu and Lani throughout the process, and completed the repair of Lani.

The moment Lani gained control of her body, she collapsed on the ground and covered her face:

I can't stay at the junction anymore. I'm going to the night sky. See you all again.

Lani covered her face and ran away, directly pulling out a rainbow light from her body, fully displaying the powerful performance of this body.

Tuifu looked at Lani walking away and stretched out his hand, but he was too late to stop her.

I'll go with her, said Tuifu, I agreed to accompany her.

There's no rush. ​​Lenara smiled, She just said that she can't leave peacefully until her fingers are dead. She will come back when she calms down.

Lenara smiled and pulled her husband to her:

Why don't you come and sit at home first and wait for her to come back.

Tuifu was a little frightened by Lenara's unprecedented expression, and subconsciously looked at the unknown senior.

Wuming seemed to be staying out of the situation, thinking about something.

He noticed that Taifu looked over, looked at Taifu and Lenara, and said:

Why did Two-Finger kill Servis recently?

In order to kill people and silence them without exposing them? Lenora said, Does it know that Lani has been rescued?

It died a few days ago, and the time doesn't match up. Wuming said, Unless it can do divination.

Wuming said: Two Fingers dug holes in the ground and ran away. It is not a professional burrower. It should have been wandering in the dark for a long time. Maybe... it just came out.

But how to find it? Lenora said.

We have cracked the two-finger mental control. Wuming said, That kind of control will be attenuated by distance and medium propagation. Among them, pyroxene crystals have a great impact on control. If there is someone around the controlled person, A lot of pyroxene weakens control.”

Unnamed judgment: Selves was in the backyard of the Walled City. There were pyroxene there, which would greatly reduce the influence of mental control. But he was still directly killed by Two Fingers. Maybe... Two Fingers were in the Walled City. Outcropping.”

I see, mind control will be affected by distance and medium... Lenara said, You are right. But there is something you don't know.

What? Wuming asked.

Lenara said: Selvis is at the academy.

Academy? Wuming was stunned.

Without explaining in detail, Lenara quickly walked towards a portal and returned to the academy.

Wuming followed up and went with Lenara.

Lenara returned to the academy, and ordered the professor who was constantly teleporting and patrolling to ask a few questions. After thinking for a while, she walked to the huge waterwheel inside the academy.

Below the waterwheel is an extremely deep valley bottom.

Lenara jumped down directly, curled up in mid-air, turned into a full moon, and slowly floated down below.

Wuming obediently took the waterwheel down and saw Lenara parked in a place.

Going forward to check, a deep pit appeared there.

I didn't encounter this trap last time. Wuming smiled, These two fingers actually went to my hometown across the way.

No one in the academy has seen him. It seems that he turned around and left again. Unfortunately, it was a few days late. Lenara said, Unknown businessman, can you catch up?

We can give it a try in a few days. Wuming immediately investigated the deep pit, digging away the gravel and soil behind him with his fingers.

Lenara said: Contact us if you find traces and ask Lani to come. She has the fate of killing both fingers.

No problem, I'm not willing to do anything. The nameless voice came from the tunnel and gradually faded away.

Because it was necessary to confirm the soil quality and sand and gravel condition of the tunnel 360 degrees to judge the direction of digging with two fingers, Wuming's advancement speed was not very fast. But Wuming believed that he must be faster than the two fingers that needed to dig through the rock formations.

But after searching for a few days, Wuming found that he had lost the trace of his two fingers again.

Drilling holes in rock formations is not as easy as hiding tracks on the flat ground for Coprophagous fans, which is basically impossible to do.

But Wuming discovered that after going deep into a certain level, the underground tunnels became tangled and complicated, like an enhanced version of the royal city's sewers. There was no light and no map. The road-crazy Wuming immediately got lost.

Eh? Why? Wuming didn't understand, Did that guy dig it into a cave? These two fingers must be so lucky. Is it possible that they can't find it without the fate of killing it...

In the intricate tunnel, his two fingers were wriggling hard.

If its trembling fingers could be interpreted, it would appear that it also felt very lucky. While he was working hard to dig a hole to escape, suddenly there was a ready-made tunnel for him to run around and escape directly.

The tunnel suddenly started to tremble, and my fingers felt the tremor, and also trembled with a suspicious frequency.

The tremors suddenly became louder and the earth began to shake.

Before the two fingers could squirm and escape, a giant creature dug through the tunnel and swallowed the two fingers whole in one mouthful, along with the rock, soil and pyroxene beside it.


Serui, who was controlling the giant bronze snake, was a little confused. She had full control of the bronze snake's body and was keenly aware that the giant snake had swallowed a hard whole body, and it was rolling and circling in the belly of the snake together with the sharp pyroxene.

It seems that we have found another piece of pyroxene of good quality, with good hardness and volume. Serui judged, and then continued to explore the bottom layer happily, greedily swallowing all the pyroxene he could find.

Just like its prototype, the god-killing serpent.

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